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12-28-09, 08:21

Guns, teachers, and self-defense
December 28, 2009

I AM a math teacher at Brockton High School, the site of a school shooting earlier this month.

Current school security procedures lock down school populations in the event of armed assault. Some advocate abandoning this practice as it holds everyone in place, allowing a shooter easily to find victims.

An alternative to lockdown is immediate exodus via announcement. Although this removes potential hostages and makes it nearly impossible for the shooter to acquire preselected targets, it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others.

Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful. A level barrel is fair to all fish.

Some propose overturning laws that made schools gun-free zones even for teachers who may be licensed to securely carry concealed firearms elsewhere. They argue that barring licensed-carry only ensures a defenseless, target-rich environment.

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.


12-28-09, 08:26
speechless I am.

12-28-09, 08:35
Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful. A level barrel is fair to all fish.

And this is why our country is ****ed.

12-28-09, 08:35
If that's his attitude he should be removed from his teaching position.

12-28-09, 08:36
I had to read that several times and I'm still wondering if it was written in a sarcastic manner.:confused:

Maybe I'm just having a problem believing someone can be so stupid...

Alex V
12-28-09, 08:44
I had to read that several times and I'm still wondering if it was written in a sarcastic manner.:confused:

Maybe I'm just having a problem believing someone can be so stupid...

Believe it... Many people are simply... that stupid.

There is little you can do to change it, short of having them be in a situation where their life is saved by the lawful use of a firearm. And even then, they will have compation for the assailant rather than themselves (the victim) because he/she did not know their father, grew up in a violent neigborhood and so on.

It is the freedoms given to use by men who picked up arms and put down their lives which gives these retards the ability to say shit like that and they have no respect for it what so ever.

12-28-09, 09:02
I had to read that several times and I'm still wondering if it was written in a sarcastic manner.:confused:

Maybe I'm just having a problem believing someone can be so stupid...

A guy from my Gun Club, who happens to be a retired CG Criminal Investigator, once told me that he told his daughters that they would be better off raped and/or assaulted than to have to face the aftermath if they were to shoot an assailant. :eek:

Of course, this guy is a Fudd in all respect. He primarily shoots Trap and argued with me that a shotgun can do everything an AR can. When i asked him if he owns any rounds that would penetrate soft body armor - he mumbled something and changed the subject. :rolleyes:

12-28-09, 09:25

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.


We cannot fix stupid. This sheep must not love his child.

I would kill everyone in the room before allowing someone to hurt my child. Did I commit a "gun chrime?" WHO THE F*CK CARES!!!

Sheep will alway be sheep because to be anything else would mean that they actually put thought into something.


12-28-09, 11:02
If that's his attitude he should be removed from his teaching position.

Parenting, too.

A guy from my Gun Club, who happens to be a retired CG Criminal Investigator, once told me that he told his daughters that they would be better off raped and/or assaulted than to have to face the aftermath if they were to shoot an assailant.

Revoke his parenting privileges, too.

12-28-09, 11:31
Parenting, too.

Revoke his parenting privileges, too.


If you are not going to protect your child with your life, then you shouldn't be allowed to have any kids.


12-28-09, 11:50
I can only assume that he'd also be comfortable sacrificing my child in a similar situation.

IMO, this poor cretin is not worthy of the title "man", and is also unworthy of the earning living he makes on our dime.

12-28-09, 11:51
Perhaps this is a Swiftian comment..?

12-28-09, 11:56

12-28-09, 11:58
But as a progressive, ...

this is the most telling line. he's a "progressive" first, parent second. he's a liberal first, teacher second. he's a "progressive," and as a progressive, ideals must be followed unto the death of us all.

he'd sooner kill his child than divert from his leftist political ideology.

12-28-09, 12:02
Spineless cowards, I would give my last breath to save someone who could not save their self. These are the same people who could careless about the sacrifices of others and would sit in a corner pissing on themselves in fear as opposed to standing up and fighting for what is right no matter the cost.


12-28-09, 12:02
Another reason my children are home schooled.

12-28-09, 12:02
IMO, this poor cretin is not worthy of the title "man",

True. Many animals exhibit altruism. Even TERMITES release a sticky secretion by fatally rupturing a gland near the skin in their neck. This defends against invading ants and benefits the fellow species.

So technically this guy is sub-termite.

I really hope this was a sarcastic piece.

12-28-09, 12:02
Please someone tell me this is a joke... Anyone? Please....

Yeah I was afraid of that. Word can not describe what I feel right now. Disgust, pity (for the kids not him), disbelieving.

How do people like this remember to breath!

12-28-09, 12:06

If you are not going to protect your child with your life, then you shouldn't be allowed to have any kids.


Allowed by whom?

Advocating bigger government here, Grant?:D

How do you propose to implement this?

Do we have conservative statists and liberal statists, just like The Supremes?

In other words, is tyranny okey dokey so long as you/your group are the tyrant?

Just say, "No!" to government school.

12-28-09, 12:19
An alternative to lockdown is immediate exodus via announcement. Although this removes potential hostages and makes it nearly impossible for the shooter to acquire preselected targets, it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others.

Funny...I thought progressives believed in natural selection.

12-28-09, 12:19
I truly hate the "Saw" movie franchise because the last thing the world needs is more ritualized sadism. However... it does provide a good allegory.

In my experience 'Progressives' can quickly find their base nature when pressed to do so. The Progressive desire to rule over their fellow man already indicates a low moral character. After all, these people worship the likes of Stalin, Mao, and Castro.

12-28-09, 12:24
Funny...I thought progressives believed in natural selection.

Men of science believe in natural selection.
Progressive believe in an alternate reality.

I have read that a couple times along with the comments. Seems this person has posted many such letters and they are all tongue in cheek. I hope that is the case. But lets face it, we know there really are people this messed up out there.

12-28-09, 12:26
I’m at a loss for words. He would rather that kids die fairly then “reward” them for being resourceful. This person is a ****ing idiot.

12-28-09, 13:31
Men of science believe in natural selection.
Progressive believe in an alternate reality.

I have read that a couple times along with the comments. Seems this person has posted many such letters and they are all tongue in cheek. I hope that is the case. But lets face it, we know there really are people this messed up out there.

I'm hoping so too.

When I first read the letter, it sounded exactly like something I'd write. But then again I have read similar stuff where the person was actually serious.

12-28-09, 13:35
The more I think about it, the more I think that it's likely the writer is poking a stick at Progressives. Just my .02.

12-28-09, 13:43
The more I think about it, the more I think that it's likely the writer is poking a stick at Progressives. Just my .02.

I tend to agree. The comment about being a progressive gives it away in my opinion

12-28-09, 13:43
Yet another reminder and validation of my decision to emigrate from the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts and move here to America.

30 cal slut
12-28-09, 14:02

I have a hunch the writer has tongue planted firmly in cheek.

There are more than quite a few gun owners in Quincy.



Guns, teachers, and self-defense
December 28, 2009

I AM a math teacher at Brockton High School, the site of a school shooting earlier this month.

Current school security procedures lock down school populations in the event of armed assault. Some advocate abandoning this practice as it holds everyone in place, allowing a shooter easily to find victims.

An alternative to lockdown is immediate exodus via announcement. Although this removes potential hostages and makes it nearly impossible for the shooter to acquire preselected targets, it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others.

Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful. A level barrel is fair to all fish.

Some propose overturning laws that made schools gun-free zones even for teachers who may be licensed to securely carry concealed firearms elsewhere. They argue that barring licensed-carry only ensures a defenseless, target-rich environment.

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.


12-28-09, 14:14
Agreed. I read that as satirical as well.

Wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't though...

12-28-09, 14:17

Guns, teachers, and self-defense
December 28, 2009

I AM a math teacher at Brockton High School, the site of a school shooting earlier this month.

Current school security procedures lock down school populations in the event of armed assault. Some advocate abandoning this practice as it holds everyone in place, allowing a shooter easily to find victims.

An alternative to lockdown is immediate exodus via announcement. Although this removes potential hostages and makes it nearly impossible for the shooter to acquire preselected targets, it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others.

Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful. A level barrel is fair to all fish.

Some propose overturning laws that made schools gun-free zones even for teachers who may be licensed to securely carry concealed firearms elsewhere. They argue that barring licensed-carry only ensures a defenseless, target-rich environment.

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.


Ok...I'm gonna say that's sarcasm. Use of the "fish in a barrel" idea gives it away.

12-28-09, 14:32
I took this statement:
But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.
To mean he'd like to withdraw his contribution to the gene pool, because being a responsible citizen is too much for him to bear.

12-28-09, 14:50
I think it may be sarcastic. I googled the guy and came up with this also:


Keep diversity at all costs?
Stars and Stripes
Letters to the Editor, Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Immediately after the shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, the Army’s top officer, Gen. George Casey, said, "As horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse."

The general is spot on.

There is no more precious national cause than the continued creation and veneration of diversity. Diversity trumps the safety and lives of our soldiers, ourselves and our children. The deaths of 13 brave men and women constitute a tragic loss, but we can take comfort in knowing that their lives were given in the name of protecting Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s right to remain a member in good standing of the American military.

It is entirely appropriate that the Army never acted upon suspicions raised by Hasan’s earlier, perhaps troubling to some, behavior. It is appropriate because — and we must continually restate this as almost a mantra until progressivism sets our collective heart in the right place — he is an American whose very presence completes our national identity. And although we deplore the acts of violence Hasan allegedly committed, we deeply cherish his contribution to America’s diversity.

Doug Van Gorder
Quincy, Mass

I find it realllllly hard to believe that this guy can actually expouse these things in public and still have teeth, if he thought they were true. This one is a bit more over the top. Not saying there aren't people out there like this, but this one is way over the top.

12-28-09, 15:13

12-28-09, 15:25
Ok, after that one, I'm convinced it's satire.

Gotta agree.

Brilliant, condescending and stinging satire. He should run a major news outlet.

12-28-09, 15:41
Ok...I'm gonna say that's sarcasm. Use of the "fish in a barrel" idea gives it away.

I'm still on the fence - the guy IS from eastern Mass. It's just far enough into the warped realm of reality in that neck of the woods to potentially be serious.

12-28-09, 16:08
I'm still on the fence - the guy IS from eastern Mass. It's just far enough into the warped realm of reality in that neck of the woods to potentially be serious.

If it is truly satire, then he got it past the editorial staff of the Boston Globe. Are they merely naive? Just plain stupid?

Or secret gun lovers?:eek:

12-28-09, 16:12
If it is truly satire, then he got it past the editorial staff of the Boston Globe. Are they merely naive? Just plain stupid?

or C, all of the above.

12-28-09, 16:24
or C, all of the above.

It's the Boston Globe, the whiny cousin of the New York Times. I'll go with "C" as well.

12-28-09, 16:27
So this is the Op-Ed equivalent of the frat kids getting one past Dear Abby into print?

12-28-09, 16:40
Clever sarcasm or clearly insane? 'You make the call'

12-28-09, 16:46
Betcha a buck the editoriail staff @ the Globe didn't see the sarcasm when they decided to publish the letter.

They saw anti-gun teacher.

12-28-09, 16:56
Edited out

12-28-09, 17:03
We cannot fix stupid. This sheep must not love his child.

I would kill everyone in the room before allowing someone to hurt my child. Did I commit a "gun chrime?" WHO THE F*CK CARES!!!

Sheep will alway be sheep because to be anything else would mean that they actually put thought into something.


or anybody else's child. I, too, think somebody slipped one past the goalie.

12-28-09, 18:10
This biggest ass here is the Boston Globe. They love this slop, true or not.

12-28-09, 19:37
I'm thinking this must be a set-up. Who(in their right mind) would sacrifice their child before advocating self-defense? I would be appalled but I smell a rat. If this is true, like Savage says: Liberalism is a mental disorder.

12-28-09, 19:53
Folks...either this this dude ain't joking and really believes this stuff... or he's doing a Rush Limbaugh style thing and 'using absurdity to illustrate the absurd'.

Read for yourself another letter of his.

Trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court signals America both strives for global approval and recognizes equality among all citizens of the world.

Should evidence from waterboarding be excluded at trial, some fear the accused may be found not guilty and freed to commit further attacks.

But threat of attack is much diminished now due to America’s increased global approval, approval that is a virtual security blanket President Obama has knitted from hope, change and powerful supplications before the world.

Should evidence from waterboarding not be excluded – admittedly setting a precedent permitting torture of citizens too – it will be worth the loss of our protections from such tactics in order to redistribute our rights to all humanity.

Better to spread rights, slightly thinned, than to hoard them even for our own children. Thankfully, our president values global equality, underscored each time he rightfully bows before world leaders in symbolic atonement for our disproportionate quality of life.



If he's mocking the libs... he's doing a very good job.

12-28-09, 20:00
I'm starting to like this guy now.

Keep diversity at all costs?
Stars and Stripes
Letters to the Editor, Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Immediately after the shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, the Army’s top officer, Gen. George Casey, said, "As horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse."

The general is spot on.

There is no more precious national cause than the continued creation and veneration of diversity. Diversity trumps the safety and lives of our soldiers, ourselves and our children. The deaths of 13 brave men and women constitute a tragic loss, but we can take comfort in knowing that their lives were given in the name of protecting Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan’s right to remain a member in good standing of the American military.

It is entirely appropriate that the Army never acted upon suspicions raised by Hasan’s earlier, perhaps troubling to some, behavior. It is appropriate because — and we must continually restate this as almost a mantra until progressivism sets our collective heart in the right place — he is an American whose very presence completes our national identity. And although we deplore the acts of violence Hasan allegedly committed, we deeply cherish his contribution to America’s diversity.

Doug Van Gorder

12-28-09, 20:09
^ baaaaaaaaahahaha

12-28-09, 20:35
Betcha a buck the editoriail staff @ the Globe didn't see the sarcasm when they decided to publish the letter.

They saw anti-gun teacher.

Yup. And they were so enthralled that they didn't bother to fact check the "I AM a math teacher at Brockton High School, the site of a school shooting earlier this month."

Alpha Sierra
12-28-09, 20:44
That same letter to the editor is being discussed in a New England shooter's forums and several members there have uncovered other letters to the editors of various papers by an author of the same name and claiming the same home town (Quincy, MA).

Those other letters carry a radically different line of thinking than the outrageous one that is the subject of this thread. Those other letters point to a much more conservative/libertarian/pro-LE point of view.

The consensus on that forum is that this guy is using extreme sarcasm and that he has elevated such to an art form.

Here's an example of what I am talking about

Focus should be on revising police policies

August 03, 2008

Regarding the Yarmouth police shooting, the public seems more concerned with debating whether the officer should be investigated for violating department policies than in deciding whether such policies are valid.

Police department policies forbid an officer to shoot if he has reasonable expectation of escape by backing away. If it be judged the Yarmouth officer could have backed away, policy holds he was wrong to shoot. And we're OK with that?

Police department policies forbid an officer to pursue a suspect who is driving to endanger. If it be judged the Yarmouth officer should have ended the pursuit, policy holds he was wrong there, too. And we're OK with that?

Our ire should not be based on the fact that an officer accomplished a positive good and is nevertheless being investigated; if he did violate policy, all we could say is, "Gee, I guess everything is OK then."

Everything is not OK. What should enrage the public is that we allow our local governments to hogtie our police officers with policies overly tolerant of criminal behavior. Rewrite police department policies to maximize protection for officers and the public, and let those who challenge law enforcement maximize their own protection by standing still and placing their hands over their heads.

Doug Van Gorder



12-28-09, 21:53
trolling in the open area where you have wide ranging views is one thing; trolling in an environment like M4 (with a topic like his) may give the OP a chance to show his sarcastic wit, but it lowers the impact, as he is already preaching to the choir. But his "approach" is consistent.



bottom line...i think the OP likes to stir the pot then gets his rush by watching the results. I've wasted enough time on this one. time to move along

EDIT: a big clarification here folks. I did not intend to lay blame for the type of the article that was written by "Doug Van Gorder", at Quietshootr's doorstep. He posted an interesting link. I didn't intend to have the label of Troll put on Quietshootr. My focus was on the persona of Doug Van Gorder and his writing style. No excuses on my part for not making that clearer at the onset. Sorry Quietshootr.

Cafe GW
12-29-09, 01:19
I can't believe you guys didn't see the satire in this the first time around. It's obvious that he's being sarcastic and satirizing the opposite viewpoint. It's not trolling just because you didn't get it ;)

12-29-09, 06:04
trolling in the open area where you have wide ranging views is one thing; trolling in an environment like M4 (with a topic like his) may give the OP a chance to show his sarcastic wit, but it lowers the impact, as he is already preaching to the choir. But his "approach" is consistent.



bottom line...i think the OP likes to stir the pot then gets his rush by watching the results. I've wasted enough time on this one. time to move along

Me? I didn't write the thing, I just found it. And perhaps I'm jaded, but I grew up in the northeast, and I know there are a LOT of people to whom that letter would sound perfectly reasonable.

That being said, in light of his other letters, it appears to be satire.

12-29-09, 06:17
edited. i didnt get this at first.

12-29-09, 06:31
The author is amazing, he has earned the king of the trolls title.

12-29-09, 09:49
Me? I didn't write the thing, I just found it. And perhaps I'm jaded, but I grew up in the northeast, and I know there are a LOT of people to whom that letter would sound perfectly reasonable.

That being said, in light of his other letters, it appears to be satire.

Quietshootr...............a huge appology to you. I wasn't intending you as the OP, but rather The "Doug Van Gorder" person. i wasn't clear in that and very sorry that it looked like i had focused it toward you, and hope you can forgive me on that. I appreciate that you took the time to post something that you feel is of interest, then I do something stupid and you get caught in the cross fire. Yep....the "Dunce" hat is mine for this week.:(

12-29-09, 10:40
Someone in that AO call him up.

12-30-09, 00:50
Current school security procedures lock down school populations in the event of armed assault. Some advocate abandoning this practice as it holds everyone in place, allowing a shooter easily to find victims.

An alternative to lockdown is immediate exodus via announcement. Although this removes potential hostages and makes it nearly impossible for the shooter to acquire preselected targets, it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others.

Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful. A level barrel is fair to all fish.

What can I say..this is so reprehensible that it can only be defined as mental illness..but really this is no surprise, the "progressive" mindset has always shown the tendency to produce corpses for the sake of protecting the revolutionary ideal of enforced equality, collectivism, and outcome..even if it is an outcome of mass death. It is from this mindset that "politically correct" carnage ranging from the Jonestown Massacre to Stalin's purges and Mao's cultural revolution comes from.

this is the most telling line. he's a "progressive" first, parent second. he's a liberal first, teacher second. he's a "progressive," and as a progressive, ideals must be followed unto the death of us all.

he'd sooner kill his child than divert from his leftist political ideology.

exactly, his emotional investment in his ideology is such that it has essentially become a pseudo religion, and therefore sacrosanct, therefore he'd rather sacrifice his life and that of his offspring than subvert his belief system...if it wasn't so disgusting, it would be sad:(

I'm telling you, God help this country..with "citizens" of this monster's ilk, I'm not sure this great Republic can ultimately survive.

12-30-09, 02:37
The minute that I read "A level barrel is fair to all fish", it was over. It was obviously satire at that point, as most "progressives" would not be so patently egalitarian (even though they may agree heartily with the sentiment).

Alpha Sierra
12-30-09, 08:28
Someone in that AO call him up.

I have asked for that very same thing to people I know in MA/NH. He should be a fun guy.