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12-29-09, 11:58
...and how do you deal with increased load? Our house is a 4/3 that usually houses me, the woman, the boy, and the dog. I think we'd be just fine with a 3/2 but we have what we have.

The woman's mother, sister, and sister's boyfriend are here. Mother has been here since Thanksgiving an the sister and boyfriend have been here since Sat before Xmas.

I'm going nucking futs with these people. Under normal load I can go a week and only generate one large can of trash. We had over 3x that in a week with them here. Can't take a shower because there is no point when someone isn't either cooking, running the dishwasher, or doing laundry, and on the rare occasions that I think there's a break, someone else jumps in!

I don't know how you guys with large broods handle this shit. I know some of you have upwards of 3+ kids and I would completely lose my shit in that environment.

All I'm trying to do now is get a shower and get dressed so I can get to the range. **** it, it's the range, I think I'll skip the showwer!

Erik 1
12-29-09, 12:09
Sometimes Daddy just needs some alone time. That's what the garage and the basement are for!

12-29-09, 12:12
As long as they ALL leave when the holidays is over, you're good to go :)

I can work around the other inconvenience such as shower, etc. but the extra bodies and the noise associated with it is what I can't handle.

When I was married (no kids and no pets) whenever there are relatives (in laws) visiting I just couldn't handle to amount of traffic flow and the constant yakking. I guess I don't handle large crowds too well, I grew up in a house of 4.

12-29-09, 12:13
Sometimes Daddy just needs some alone time. That's what the garage and the basement are for!

That's why they have strip clubs :).

12-29-09, 12:16

12-29-09, 12:38
What really bothers me is the uncanny ability for them to start talking at the exact moment the person on TV is delivering the important point in a news story or movie.

That's why they have strip clubs .

That's why whiskey comes in liter bottles.


12-29-09, 12:48
My house is 4BR/2BA. Wife, twin boys 3.5YO, and 3 dogs. It gets hectic with just us between the boys and dogs. The separated bedroom is my office which I go to relax.

I would go nuts with more than 1-2 extra people more than a few days. We will probably never host a large family contingent here. Just not our style, and frankly dont have the room for it.

This year we also skipped doing anything with my sister. Dont know anyone else there, and just dont like the people on my BIL's side. Nice people just don't care to be around them, and dont feel we fit in. My wife and I are the type to keep to ourselves, and these people try to top last years gifts every time. Last year they got my niece and nephew a present that was probably 10x5x8. Gift wrapped and all. I dont want to buy any of them presents, and dont want anything from them anyways.

Alex V
12-29-09, 12:50
Damn dude... thats harsh!

Here its just my GF, me and my GF's 6lb Tea-Cut Pomeranian LOL

I'd head out to the range, strip club or bar if I were you... You may just go nuts

12-29-09, 12:53
I have a 12 year old brother, 11 year old neighbor boy, 10 year old step daughter, 9 year old step son, and my 13 month mini marine all in a 2 bed 2 bath apartment. Its freaking scary man. Reminds me of my days as a CO.

12-29-09, 13:01
Every other year, we make it a point to tell everyone we're going somewhere for Christmas, then we just stay home and be alone.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind it a bit if inlaws come over, as long as they leave their retarded dog at the kennel. You can cuss out a person, but that dumb dog will continue to shit all over the house regardless of what you say to it. My folks never come over, we pissed my mom off long ago by pointing out that Christmas shouldn't be about presents, but about togetherness. She didn't agree. Win-win for me, we don't buy presents, and they don't come over and congest my home. I'll happily go to their place for dinner and retreat to our house for some quiet time.

12-29-09, 13:10
I don't know how you guys with large broods handle this shit. I know some of you have upwards of 3+ kids and I would completely lose my shit in that environment!

I'm friggin lucky when it comes to in-laws...my wife supports me and I just deal with the ones who are sane. I can barely handle the nutty blood relatives. We have a modest 3/2 with 2 kids, 2 labs, 2 turtles and 2 damn cats that adopted us. We have outgrown it but it's home and keeps the moochers away. I shut down the plumbing after #2 and am kinda jealous of my buddies who deal with their large quiver full of kiddos so well. Very happy with my boy and girl.

Once I get passed the 2-3 days of holiday duties, i luv this time of year. Jumping back and forth from the ranch to home & get lots of hunting in. The mfg industry simply shuts down for 3 weeks and I got a pass.

Your situation would make me go goofy...i feel for ya amigo.

12-29-09, 13:13
We have a 3BR 2BA house we rent. Me, the wife, a 7yr boy and 2yr girl (well, 6.9 and 1.9 until Jan). The girl stays in a crib in our room still. Usually she sleeps the night but once in a while wakes up in the middle of the night crying for mama. That is somewhat annoying.

Luckily my folks live 10 miles from here so all the holiday stuff is at their house. We go there for dinner or whatever. My sis and BIL and their 4 kids come down from WY for a few days at a time but the BIL does not really like being away from home that long so they don't usually stay long (he likes coming down, just for short times). My other sis and her husband and 3 kids live about 45-60 minutes away and they usually come up for just the day or sometimes stay overnight. So while my folks' house gets packed, it is usually only for the day or a couple of days with some of us just for the dinner, or whatever. My brother and his wife and kid are in Arizona and have not been here for like 4 years.

It is nice as we don't get visitors at our house, though our house is loud and noisy with our 2 kids. Unfortunately I am too busy (eguns.com and wife works 3x a week 12 hour shifts) to get to spend as much time with my kids as I would like. While the wife works I am watching them but doing the household stuff and not playing. I also don't get the alone time I would like to have to load ammo, go out shooting, etc.

12-29-09, 13:35
What has truly been a pain in the ass this year is that this was the last two weeks I could take my vacation days or lose them, so I've been home all day with this nonsense. Was hoping to get work done on articles, my website, the house, etc. but instead it's seen as "rude" if I disappear into the office.

I used up all the mojito mix and now I'm on to the cosmo mix.

12-29-09, 13:37
To me it sounds like an Executive Order or two needs to be issued ;-)

Stick around for the most important activities, otherwise go to the office or range etc.

12-29-09, 13:47
I'm to the "ignore the people in the house I don't like" phase which, had I started off that way, would have increased my enjoyment 10 fold. I've reached the point that if the woman is unhappy with the situation then that's her problem as it's her family. Whatever snit that puts her in she'll get over eventually.

I'm doing my own thing for the duration, and the rest of them can go jump in the canal out back for all I care. :eek:

range today, match tonight, and who knows what tomorrow will bring! and with no place to go, I don't give a damn if I stink until Friday! :D

12-29-09, 14:19
What has truly been a pain in the ass this year is that this was the last two weeks I could take my vacation days or lose them, so I've been home all day with this nonsense. Was hoping to get work done on articles, my website, the house, etc. but instead it's seen as "rude" if I disappear into the office.

I used up all the mojito mix and now I'm on to the cosmo mix.

I hear you I had in our house 4/3.5 give or take due to the floor plan, the wife and our 2 kids, the sister in law, spouse and three kids and the other sister in law, spouse and three kids. The other 35 were supposed to be over for dinner tonight........ three of the kids are four, then a eight and a nine year old

The good news is the well only went dry once, to bad it was for about four hours.

Deal with it? I picked up a just because FS2000 today ;-)

12-29-09, 14:26
We have a 4/2.5. It is me, my wife and her sister who moved in to save money while she gets her educational doctorate. We have a GSD mix and a cat, and she brought a Corgi and a monster cat who is very affectionate. The third BR is for their office and 4th is exercise/guest room with no door and air bed. I get the downstairs shop (~35'x~15') for woodworking and hideaway. It actually suits me fine with the SIL here. SIL pays rent, cooks, and hangs with my wife on the weekend when they go shopping which lets me do whatever I want. We get along very well also. We are very low key laid back.

This Christmas I didn't want to make the drive to Tampa so I let my parents know they were more then welcome to come up. They hung back and had a low key holiday. My in laws come with their damn dog who like to start fights she can't win with our dogs. Luckily they are home bodies and when they come literally the stay about 24 hours and are on the road again. They don't talk much and we usually just sit around flipping through the channels not knowing what anyone wants to watch. The FIL will always bring me a box of .45 he reloads and I send him back with empty brass. I haven't paid for .45 in 10 years and have hundreds of rounds to spare. Just have to but some powder and primers every once in a while. Now I just have to talk him into reloading 5.56 then all my ammo costs will be greatly reduced. My MIL pays me to do fix it up things at their house when I go since the FIL is useless in that category. Whe she is at our house she can't still and has to be cleaning something of doing whatever. It is an interesting dynamic.

12-29-09, 16:53
I don't know how you guys with large broods handle this shit. I know some of you have upwards of 3+ kids and I would completely lose my shit in that environment.
Drugs, quality drugs LOL

For my household its:
Me (AKA the rock, AKA the normal one, AKA he who should be sainted)
My lovely bride (AKA the Warden, AKA She who must be obeyed, AKA my hawt momma)
My eldest daughter (16, formerly the Resse Witherspoon clone, now retitled as the PITA)
My youngest daughter (11, AKA the attorney, AKA the wanna be rander)
My son (AKA Jokey Smurf, AKA Dr. Evil Jr, AKA the reincarnated Alvin York)
My insecure, co-dependent, watch (but not guard) dog the 110 lb Great Dane / Labrador Retriever combo that thinks he is a tea cup Yorkie.

With all of this we are constantly running to scouts (Venture, Cub, Boy, and Girl), Sports (Football and Soccer), and Academics (meeting with teachers, school plays). The only nights that we may have free are Friday and Saturday. That is of course is if we are not camping with the scouts (at least twice a month). Oh and did I mention the broken shower in the house that requires all of us to share the two remaining ones (with a 16 year old in the house it is indeed a major issue).

Now add to it the neighborhood kids that are constantly streaming in and out of the house (there were 4 earlier) and the friends that drop by all the time. This of course does not include the load at Holidays / Birthdays (5 birthdays, plus wedding anniversary). Figure an additional 15 people will be here at a minimum. Though that number may diminish a bit since we have recently declared nearly everyone on my wife's side of the family to be persona non grata (yes that sound you may have heard did sound a lot like an orgasm from me).

I do have a 2,800 SF 4/3 with a split plan and the house is made for entertaining. That is a blessing and a curse since it designates our house as the default gathering place, but still....

To say that this house is the epitome of chaos would be an understatement. There are days when I wished it was just me and my wife in some cabin in the mountains, but honestly, its all worth it because the kids are getting to do things because their parents are willing to sacrifice where many others aren't. Besides I will be 46 when Jokey Smurf gets a boot in his ass and is told he has three choices 1) Get a job, 2) Go to College, 3) Join the military. At that point we are selling the house, getting an RV and a small condo, and traveling across the US.

What has truly been a pain in the ass this year is that this was the last two weeks I could take my vacation days or lose them, so I've been home all day with this nonsense. Was hoping to get work done on articles, my website, the house, etc. but instead it's seen as "rude" if I disappear into the office.
Since I own my own business and work from home I used to get that reaction until I level set everyone. They were informed that just because they are on vacation does not mean that I am. I have no problem hosting them, but If they want to be able to return here again, instead of seeing us in a cardboard box, that they better cut me some slack and adjust their expectations. They will get my attention as host as soon as I take care of business. In the mean time they will have to make do with my wife and fend for themselves when it comes to the kids.

I used up all the mojito mix and now I'm on to the cosmo mix.
If you start having drinks with frilly little umbrellas in it I am coming down there and throwing you into rehab ;)

12-29-09, 17:21
Mother has been here since Thanksgiving


12-29-09, 19:12
850sq ft farmhouse bungalow built in the 1930's (or earlier) with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath

...2 little girls and an Aussie, plus the wife and a cat

...then add me into the mix as an afterthought

Company? Nah, we don't roll like that!

I feel for you, rob.

12-29-09, 19:31
and an Aussie

Are Australians not human?


12-29-09, 19:32
Are Australians not human?


Nope. Not this one, at any rate! (he's a dog, yo?)

12-29-09, 19:47
We have two adults (aged 55), 24-, 19-, 17- and 13-year-old daughters and 22-, 15, and 11-year-old sons. Home based business. Five BR/1 Bath old farm house.

It's like living on a submarine.:D

NO ONE who visits would dream of staying with us. ;)

12-29-09, 20:13
We have two adults (aged 55), 24-, 19-, 17- and 13-year-old daughters and 22-, 15, and 11-year-old sons. Home based business. Five BR/1 Bath old farm house.

It's like living on a submarine.:D

NO ONE who visits would dream of staying with us. ;)

:eek: Geez. The opening scene from Caddyshack comes to mind. . . .

Feel better now, Rob? At least your increased chaos is only temporary. Ha ha.

MSP "Sarge"
12-29-09, 23:27
5 bedrooms and 3 baths . Me the wife and 4 boys 8-11-17-21. Oh yea 1 cat and a lab. Luckily the house is big but it's full. Lots of football wrestling and ass kick'n in the living room, Drives the wife crazy.

12-30-09, 01:05
2 kids is all I can handle. Love em to death and I wouldn't trade either for any amount of money, but I wouldn't give .10 cents for two more just like em. ;)

I designed and built / building a rather large home in a single story configuration so that the master bedroom / bath is on the total opposite end of the home from the family room and the kids bedrooms. We also have 4 bathrooms so I don't have issues there either. The "man cave" is not finished yet, but if I really get irritated I retreat to the garage, which is what I designed the home around anyway. :D

12-30-09, 01:15
2 bedroom/ 1 bath, urban condo. Normally houses this happy couple of whom I am one & our two kids. + one cat . . . Submariner, it is like what you describe
NO ONE who visits would dream of staying with us. but on a smaller scale. . . think mini-sub (just as cramped & lacking privacy but with fewer people to talk to) can't fart without the whole house hearing, makes diner parties fun :rolleyes:

My father is cool, my mother is crazy . . . he is welcome to visit by himself and sleep on our couch. My mother is not welcome without my father & as a couple they have to go to a hotel. My wife's parents are co-dependant in the creepy, text book sense & consequently must get a hotel . . . though the mother-in-law would be welcome to our couch if she could get my father-in-law capable of keeping himself in coldcut sandwiches long enough for her to come alone. My father-in-law has the self care skills of my daughter (2 years 2 months) though he isn't "disabled" in any typical fashion. My wife gets along great with her father-in-law & he is the only one who has actually stayed with us.

For Christmas my folks came up the 22nd - 25th and hers came up the 24th - 27th . .. two days of overlap, but everybody was sleeping elsewhere. Many meals were here & yup, I am still catching up on dishes. Soon as I get the dishes caught up, I am off to the woods for some frozen solitude.

12-30-09, 07:58
We have two adults (aged 55), 24-, 19-, 17- and 13-year-old daughters and 22-, 15, and 11-year-old sons. Home based business. Five BR/1 Bath old farm house.

It's like living on a submarine.:D

NO ONE who visits would dream of staying with us. ;)

I know that at least part of that will not happen to me. I've told the woman that when the boy is 19 either he leaves or I do.

12-30-09, 08:02
Since I own my own business and work from home I used to get that reaction until I level set everyone. They were informed that just because they are on vacation does not mean that I am. I have no problem hosting them, but If they want to be able to return here again, instead of seeing us in a cardboard box, that they better cut me some slack and adjust their expectations. They will get my attention as host as soon as I take care of business. In the mean time they will have to make do with my wife and fend for themselves when it comes to the kids.

Ugh, don't get me started. The inlaws only cry about me ignoring them because it's one more thing to cry about, not because they want to spend time with me. But the woman sat down to pay bills the other day and the sister pouted and made a big scene about "you can pay bills any time, I'm only here for two weeks".

It is a miracle that the woman turned out OK. She's the youngest of four, and most times it feels like the other two siblings are here as well because they evidently can't wipe their own ass without calling the mother to talk about it. These siblings are both over 50, by the way.

I heard the mother ask the woman yesterday if she should plan on staying past the 1st. I don't care if she does or not, one of us is leaving on that day.

12-30-09, 09:49
It is a miracle that the woman turned out OK.

I hear ya.....i swear my wife was switched at birth when she was born...there's no friggin way she came from the same batch.

man, some you guys are saints.

12-30-09, 11:41
It is a miracle that the woman turned out OK.I hear ya.....i swear my wife was switched at birth when she was born...there's no friggin way she came from the same batch.
Add me to this list of having a SO / Spouse that comes from a ****ed up mess and wonders how she survived. For me I cant wait till they die, so I can piss on their graves. I just gotta figure out how to do it so I dont get caught.

12-30-09, 11:45
We're in a 3/2, 2 kids and 3 dogs. Wife's parents are divorced and remarried with new families,that adds 5 more kids, and my sister from out of town. Can be a bit of a cluster.
We don't host anyone, no spare beds, darn.
Best christmas was when we went out of town for the week
Mother since thanksgiving? Your a patient man Rob!

12-30-09, 11:50
Mother since thanksgiving? Your a patient man Rob!

One of my subcontractors gave me two bottles of Johnny Walker for Xmas. It's gone now. ;)

Erik 1
12-30-09, 15:42
Add me to this list of having a SO / Spouse that comes from a ****ed up mess and wonders how she survived. For me I cant wait till they die, so I can piss on their graves. I just gotta figure out how to do it so I dont get caught.

They must be tough if you're afraid they're gonna catch you. And I thought I had it bad!

12-30-09, 16:20
They must be tough if you're afraid they're gonna catch you. And I thought I had it bad!
LOL. Tough no. A bunch of back stabbing, pseudo lesbian incestuous coven of man haters, yes.

12-30-09, 16:32
LOL. Tough no. A bunch of back stabbing, pseudo lesbian incestuous coven of man haters, yes.

Sounds like fodder for a reality show.

12-30-09, 16:47
man, some you guys are saints.

Concur, I'm not that patient, either.

I've always been of the mindset that family gets cut less slack than strangers, because family, extended or otherwise, are supposed to know better. An uncle and a couple of cousins (all Mom's side, Dad's is cool) have been punched right between the lamps as a result, and they have the nerve to act surprised.

12-30-09, 17:35
Here's a funny twist.

They have this game where it's all about who can put themselves out the most to give something that only they want and nobody else wants, just to bitch and moan that they did all this work and nobody appreciated it. I'll give you some examples...

The mother likes to cook. She's ethnically German but was born in what was Yugoslavia... anyway she boils the shit out of things, uses no seasoning, hasn't cooked to make something that tastes good ever in her life and prefers guts to actual cuts of meat (you know, European). She will spend all day in the kitchen making a huge meal of chicken that's baked until it's leathery, beans that are boiled until they are grey, corn that is boiled until the kernels break, salad made from brown lettuce and two tomatoes, potatoes that are baked until they are crumbly, etc. Of course nobody wants to eat this dreck, nobody asked her to make any of it, nobody has EVER eaten this mess without complaining, and everybody coincidentally eats something else about an hour before suppertime so they can be "full".

Then the wailing starts. "I spent all day in the kitchen, making all this stuff, and now nobody wants to eat it?!" Guess what, dumbass, if you had bothered to ask we would have told you we didn't want to eat that crap to begin with, and if you paid the slightest bit of attention the last 753 times you made it, you'd have noticed that nobody ate it then, and we had this same conversation 752 of those times (not the first time, because we had to eat it once to discover it was disgusting and we don't want to eat it).

The sister does the same kind of crap. She'll go to eight hundred and ninety five tag sales up north (because they're "better" than the ones down here :rolleyes: ) looking for some obscure thing that the woman once commented on maybe kind of thinking was sort of interesting in the summer of 1983 while drunk, and the sister will pay hundreds of dollars for it, store it for months, schlep it all the way down here, and then spring it on the woman with a "ta da", only to burst into tears and pout for days when the woman says "what is that?" after the grand reveal. The upshot of all of which is that I have one more piece of garbage to stack in the garage. (I have started to refer to these trinkets as "kindling" because when they leave I'm piling it all in the driveway and setting it on fire).

Two more days. I need another bottle of Beam.

what sparked this post was that the boyfriend went to the grocery store to get some ingredient that the sister found out she needed halfway through cooking dinner (seems backwards to me, I usually go shopping BEFORE I cook, but what do I know). As he's on his way out the door the woman gives him the cover to a box of tea and says "can you get me a box of this while you're there. He returns, and evidently the grocery store around the corner was out. The sister brow-beats the guy until he agrees to go to ANOTHER grocery store across town to get the magic tea. He just returned, and now their arms are about to break off patting themselves on the back over the giant favor "they" did for her.

12-30-09, 17:52
I feel for you man... Too bad she does not cook real German food

Lots of pork in all forms, good gravies and "dumplings", etc...

12-30-09, 20:45
Two more days. I need another bottle of Beam.During my similar trying times I ever explode and tell them what I think or find a bottle of Jack to crawl into and stay in a drunken stupor till they leave.

12-30-09, 21:23
Feel your pain guys. Normal load out at the house is two adults, three teens (17, 15, 13 with the two youngest being girls). Have a lab and three cats. Three bedrooms, one bath and a water heater that only lasts for about 2.5 showers.
For Christmas this year we hosted the family, meaning we had 15+ for diner in our old house. I was smart and kicked the wife out of the kitchen. I did most of the cooking, my mother helped out when she showed up. By the time 10 pm rolled around, I was out cold on the sofa.
My kids are the center of my world but I'd be lying if I said I'm not looking forward to life in about five years when they are out in the world.

12-30-09, 22:34
You guys know why divorce is so expensive?

Because it's worth it. ;)

I threatened to give my 17-year-old daughter a gift-wrapped lump of coal this year. She put the brakes on the teen angst, and did much better.

The 18-year-old son made out like a bandit. Clothes, iTunes gift card, new OS for the new laptop, etc.

Funny, he's the one making A's in school, and saving his money for college.

12-30-09, 23:09
Damn you guys are making me want to jump off a cliff or stay inside and drink myself stupid! Very depressing to say the least. I hope things work out for you guys soon.

To think....my mother commented on why I haven't gotten married to "some nice little girl" yet????? HAAAAA...this is exactly why. Good lord some of this shit would drive me up the wall. There is no way I could sit there and let this happen. I'm one to speak my mind and I'll call a spade a spade even if it makes someone upset or cry.

You all have my sympathy for many bottles of fine liquor to drink until their departure! :D

12-31-09, 00:05
Well about 10 months ago when I lost a job, that night the wife Say's to me on the way to her fagot brother and their mothers home, that she and her daughter had decided that her daughter, her grand daughter (6 yr old grandpas girl), her fagot brother, her mother, and their fagot-ass little dog, were all going to live with us!!! Thats right, I was not even asked about it at all, just told this is how it is!! And that I could take all my "Worthless, meaningless, useless junk" out of my room downstairs that had all my reloading bench, sports collectibles, guns etc man cave, and move it all out and to where she didn't give a damn as long as it was out of the house so she could move our bedroom down there. So now we have her daughter and grand daughter living in our old master bed room with it's own bath that is now going to hell with no regard to even cleaning it at all, the mother in law in the other bedroom that used to be the granddaughters, (We were raising her because her daughter just could not get her shit together) upstairs, but the computer/office stayed in the 3rd bedroom up stairs. Mr Cunt lives down stairs in an extra room that is not a legal bedroom ( No exterior window) next to ours. He watches TV until 2-3 am and gets pissed when I ask Mr Cunt to turn it down and I get in trouble. We have 3 bedrooms up and 2 baths. Mother in law is 85 and the main bath smells like pissed in depends all the time, and cant send company in that one. We built a bath downstairs and Mr. Cunt uses it and showers with "Womans Oil Of Olay Body Wash" that leaves a REAL greasy film in the tub and collects dirt right now. I told the wife he could clean that damn shower himself I damn well won't do the Bitches shit! Mr Cunt had a stroke just before he moved in and he can't talk worth a shit, but he is so illiterate to begin with that it is really bad. His last "Boyfriend" was real dark and died of AIDS. I get in trouble every time I say "I don't give a damn what anyone Say's, as far as I'm concerned he is a carrier"! So we have a door between the laundry room where the bathroom is located and the "Family" room by his room, and when I come out of my bedroom and go to take a shower, I shut the door between the Family Room and the laundry room. One day he was sitting up stairs crying, and said I was "OFFENDING" him because I was shutting the door!!! It don't seem to ****ing matter if I don't want a FAGOT walking in on me. As you have probably guessed by now I have left several times for several weeks at a time. The last time I left, I told Mr Cunt, "Thanks for running me out of my own castle"! Yeah, I think I caused a big stink with that one too.
At one time we had her 2 sisters and her son there for a total of 9, plus Mr Cunts kids from a marriage. (5 more so 14 total) He also MOLESTED one of his daughters and got caught, so he did a little time, and while going to counseling all the other ****ed up sheople in his group told him his problem was he was GAY, so that was all he needed to here.

So if you want to trade, just let me know when and where. You guessed it my bags are always packed.

12-31-09, 09:44
Well about 10 months ago when I lost a job, that night the wife Say's to me on the way to her fagot brother and their mothers home, that she and her daughter had decided that her daughter, her grand daughter (6 yr old grandpas girl), her fagot brother, her mother, and their fagot-ass little dog, were all going to live with us!!! Thats right, I was not even asked about it at all, just told this is how it is!! And that I could take all my "Worthless, meaningless, useless junk" out of my room downstairs that had all my reloading bench, sports collectibles, guns etc man cave, and move it all out and to where she didn't give a damn as long as it was out of the house so she could move our bedroom down there. So now we have her daughter and grand daughter living in our old master bed room with it's own bath that is now going to hell with no regard to even cleaning it at all, the mother in law in the other bedroom that used to be the granddaughters, (We were raising her because her daughter just could not get her shit together) upstairs, but the computer/office stayed in the 3rd bedroom up stairs. Mr Cunt lives down stairs in an extra room that is not a legal bedroom ( No exterior window) next to ours. He watches TV until 2-3 am and gets pissed when I ask Mr Cunt to turn it down and I get in trouble. We have 3 bedrooms up and 2 baths. Mother in law is 85 and the main bath smells like pissed in depends all the time, and cant send company in that one. We built a bath downstairs and Mr. Cunt uses it and showers with "Womans Oil Of Olay Body Wash" that leaves a REAL greasy film in the tub and collects dirt right now. I told the wife he could clean that damn shower himself I damn well won't do the Bitches shit! Mr Cunt had a stroke just before he moved in and he can't talk worth a shit, but he is so illiterate to begin with that it is really bad. His last "Boyfriend" was real dark and died of AIDS. I get in trouble every time I say "I don't give a damn what anyone Say's, as far as I'm concerned he is a carrier"! So we have a door between the laundry room where the bathroom is located and the "Family" room by his room, and when I come out of my bedroom and go to take a shower, I shut the door between the Family Room and the laundry room. One day he was sitting up stairs crying, and said I was "OFFENDING" him because I was shutting the door!!! It don't seem to ****ing matter if I don't want a FAGOT walking in on me. As you have probably guessed by now I have left several times for several weeks at a time. The last time I left, I told Mr Cunt, "Thanks for running me out of my own castle"! Yeah, I think I caused a big stink with that one too.
At one time we had her 2 sisters and her son there for a total of 9, plus Mr Cunts kids from a marriage. (5 more so 14 total) He also MOLESTED one of his daughters and got caught, so he did a little time, and while going to counseling all the other ****ed up sheople in his group told him his problem was he was GAY, so that was all he needed to here.

So if you want to trade, just let me know when and where. You guessed it my bags are always packed.

Holy shit Id have not let that sentence end before saying "HELL NO!".

12-31-09, 10:53
me 2 dogs and a cat if he wants in

12-31-09, 10:55
Well about 10 months ago when I lost a job, that night the wife Say's to me on the way to her fagot brother and their mothers home, that she and her daughter had decided that her daughter, her grand daughter (6 yr old grandpas girl), her fagot brother, her mother, and their fagot-ass little dog, were all going to live with us!!! Thats right, I was not even asked about it at all, just told this is how it is!! And that I could take all my "Worthless, meaningless, useless junk" out of my room downstairs that had all my reloading bench, sports collectibles, guns etc man cave, and move it all out and to where she didn't give a damn as long as it was out of the house so she could move our bedroom down there. So now we have her daughter and grand daughter living in our old master bed room with it's own bath that is now going to hell with no regard to even cleaning it at all, the mother in law in the other bedroom that used to be the granddaughters, (We were raising her because her daughter just could not get her shit together) upstairs, but the computer/office stayed in the 3rd bedroom up stairs. Mr Cunt lives down stairs in an extra room that is not a legal bedroom ( No exterior window) next to ours. He watches TV until 2-3 am and gets pissed when I ask Mr Cunt to turn it down and I get in trouble. We have 3 bedrooms up and 2 baths. Mother in law is 85 and the main bath smells like pissed in depends all the time, and cant send company in that one. We built a bath downstairs and Mr. Cunt uses it and showers with "Womans Oil Of Olay Body Wash" that leaves a REAL greasy film in the tub and collects dirt right now. I told the wife he could clean that damn shower himself I damn well won't do the Bitches shit! Mr Cunt had a stroke just before he moved in and he can't talk worth a shit, but he is so illiterate to begin with that it is really bad. His last "Boyfriend" was real dark and died of AIDS. I get in trouble every time I say "I don't give a damn what anyone Say's, as far as I'm concerned he is a carrier"! So we have a door between the laundry room where the bathroom is located and the "Family" room by his room, and when I come out of my bedroom and go to take a shower, I shut the door between the Family Room and the laundry room. One day he was sitting up stairs crying, and said I was "OFFENDING" him because I was shutting the door!!! It don't seem to ****ing matter if I don't want a FAGOT walking in on me. As you have probably guessed by now I have left several times for several weeks at a time. The last time I left, I told Mr Cunt, "Thanks for running me out of my own castle"! Yeah, I think I caused a big stink with that one too.
At one time we had her 2 sisters and her son there for a total of 9, plus Mr Cunts kids from a marriage. (5 more so 14 total) He also MOLESTED one of his daughters and got caught, so he did a little time, and while going to counseling all the other ****ed up sheople in his group told him his problem was he was GAY, so that was all he needed to here.

So if you want to trade, just let me know when and where. You guessed it my bags are always packed.

your getting used does anyone work beside you

12-31-09, 11:28
Divorced and loving it. Just me, my women, and and focusing on making money to pay for the finer things in life I deprived myself of when I was married. No kids is a big plus as well.

01-01-10, 11:23
Thought they were supposed to leave today but found out just now that it's tomorrow now. Nothing worse than thinking you're going to be free only to find that you've got one more day. I had shit planned today.

Topping things off is that the woman is sick and the sister and the mother can't shut the **** up and leave her alone long enough to get well. Just constant harassment of "eat raw garlic" and "drink this chicken stock"... ugh.

The mother just sat down on the sofa and started harassing the woman again. The woman gets annoyed and says "I don't need anything!" to which the mother replies "do you want me to go upstairs and leave you alone?" It took every ounce of my strength not to scream at her "yes, if you can't sit there and shut the **** up then PLEASE for the love of God, go upstairs!"

Thought I was at least getting a three-day weekend at the end of my 16 days off, but now it turns out I'm just getting the same old weekend.

Next year all I want for Christmas is for the woman and the boy to go up north to visit the psychos and leave me here alone with the dog. Maybe they can come home on Christmas eve so we can have some time alone.

01-01-10, 12:00
your getting used does anyone work beside you

What's missing here?

Edit: Meant to add that it is now just my 6 year old son, our two spectacular little dogs, numerous hamsters, fish, etc...and myself. No one to give me a hard time for absolutely nothing on a routine basis anymore.

Simply priceless.

01-01-10, 12:30
We`raise 4 kids and multiple pets. Just train them early to love the outdoors! Swings, toys, sports, anything that will get them outdoors! Double lock on the inside of your bedroom and bathroom. Ear plugs for noisy nights. A loving wife.
They all grew up to be assets and fun to be with. They like to shoot, be OUTDOORS and be with family.

01-01-10, 12:40
Sorry guys...lovely wife who supports my hobbies...smart son I enjoy playing with...my in laws bought me a complete new reloading set-up for Christmas and we hosted no family this season (everything was at someone else's house and required no overnight stays).

Not rubbing it in...it's just that I just realized after reading this post that I had a GREAT 2-week vacation!

01-01-10, 13:04
Well about 10 months ago when I lost a job, that night the wife Say's to me on the way to her fagot brother and their mothers home, that she and her daughter had decided that her daughter, her grand daughter (6 yr old grandpas girl), her fagot brother, her mother, and their fagot-ass little dog, were all going to live with us!!! Thats right, I was not even asked about it at all, just told this is how it is!! And that I could take all my "Worthless, meaningless, useless junk" out of my room downstairs that had all my reloading bench, sports collectibles, guns etc man cave, and move it all out and to where she didn't give a damn as long as it was out of the house so she could move our bedroom down there. So now we have her daughter and grand daughter living in our old master bed room with it's own bath that is now going to hell with no regard to even cleaning it at all, the mother in law in the other bedroom that used to be the granddaughters, (We were raising her because her daughter just could not get her shit together) upstairs, but the computer/office stayed in the 3rd bedroom up stairs. Mr Cunt lives down stairs in an extra room that is not a legal bedroom ( No exterior window) next to ours. He watches TV until 2-3 am and gets pissed when I ask Mr Cunt to turn it down and I get in trouble. We have 3 bedrooms up and 2 baths. Mother in law is 85 and the main bath smells like pissed in depends all the time, and cant send company in that one. We built a bath downstairs and Mr. Cunt uses it and showers with "Womans Oil Of Olay Body Wash" that leaves a REAL greasy film in the tub and collects dirt right now. I told the wife he could clean that damn shower himself I damn well won't do the Bitches shit! Mr Cunt had a stroke just before he moved in and he can't talk worth a shit, but he is so illiterate to begin with that it is really bad. His last "Boyfriend" was real dark and died of AIDS. I get in trouble every time I say "I don't give a damn what anyone Say's, as far as I'm concerned he is a carrier"! So we have a door between the laundry room where the bathroom is located and the "Family" room by his room, and when I come out of my bedroom and go to take a shower, I shut the door between the Family Room and the laundry room. One day he was sitting up stairs crying, and said I was "OFFENDING" him because I was shutting the door!!! It don't seem to ****ing matter if I don't want a FAGOT walking in on me. As you have probably guessed by now I have left several times for several weeks at a time. The last time I left, I told Mr Cunt, "Thanks for running me out of my own castle"! Yeah, I think I caused a big stink with that one too.
At one time we had her 2 sisters and her son there for a total of 9, plus Mr Cunts kids from a marriage. (5 more so 14 total) He also MOLESTED one of his daughters and got caught, so he did a little time, and while going to counseling all the other ****ed up sheople in his group told him his problem was he was GAY, so that was all he needed to here.

So if you want to trade, just let me know when and where. You guessed it my bags are always packed.

I've been married 24 years and still love my wife............I would leave and never look back. Child molester living in my house, I investigate juvenile sex crimes for a living, not happening. Worthless oxygen thieves that take and don't give back, fail. My wife letting me know where I fall in the pecking order, huge fail.

01-02-10, 09:59
I've been married 24 years and still love my wife............I would leave and never look back. Child molester living in my house, I investigate juvenile sex crimes for a living, not happening. Worthless oxygen thieves that take and don't give back, fail. My wife letting me know where I fall in the pecking order, huge fail.

Sir, all I can say is, loving wife or not, I would have been out the door with all my shit before living in the goat**** you've been presented.

01-02-10, 10:36
Sir, all I can say is, loving wife or not, I would have been out the door with all my shit before living in the goat**** you've been presented.

I completely agree, although you appear to be speaking to the wrong person. Gramps is our unfortunate victim.

01-02-10, 12:00

I feel your pain. Enjoy the rest of your time off and remember how you feel next year when the request comes to do it again.

It's me and my wife and occaisionally one of the grand kids stay over for a few days max. During Hurrucane Ike I had 6 additional people over for several weeks since we had power and plenty of supplies. I don't think I have ever been so stressed.

01-03-10, 10:21
oops.. quoted the wrong post. Leave it to a journalist to misquote :rolleyes:

01-03-10, 10:31
What's missing here?

Edit: Meant to add that it is now just my 6 year old son, our two spectacular little dogs, numerous hamsters, fish, etc...and myself. No one to give me a hard time for absolutely nothing on a routine basis anymore.

Simply priceless.

punctuation? Sorry just a hunt and pecker.