View Full Version : Interesting Netflix Finds

12-29-09, 12:50

12-29-09, 12:59
Boondock Saints........I'm there!!!!!

12-29-09, 13:14
'Battleship Potemkin'. Considered a Russian classic. It was mentioned in Tom Clancy's 'Red Storm Rising' way back, but it took me a long time to see it. My son had Netflix at the time so I had him rent it so I could see it.

My tastes are different from most...:p

12-29-09, 14:19
Alot of mine are documentaries... Here's some stuff we enjoy.


Heroes - streaming has current episodes.
John Caparulo - great comedian.
Baader Meinhof Complex
Forgiving Dr. Mengele
Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State


Chile, Obstinate Memory - Documentary
Weeds - Great series, plot & acting.
Primal Grill - Who doesn't like grillin?!?!
The Weather Underground - Documentary about the group
Michael & Me - Debunks Michael Moore's BS and very pro 2nd Amendment
Uprising - About the Warsaw Ghetto uprising
True Story of Charlie Wilson's War

12-29-09, 14:26
Just got a Samsung Blu-Ray that will stream Netflix from my instant cue. I will have to add the things everyone here has mentioned.

12-29-09, 14:28
I have about 20 different documentaries on my instant queue, they have some good ones.

ETA: !SHIT! my HSGI order just came in, I was going to list all the ones I had in my queue but maybe later!

12-29-09, 14:31
Just got a Samsung Blu-Ray that will stream Netflix from my instant cue. I will have to add the things everyone here has mentioned.

DD - Under the Watch Instantly tab there is a subsection titled HD, I recommend checking those out first. The HD stream quality we're getting is equal to or better than DVD on our 50" unit.

12-29-09, 14:35
Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (2008)...

Review here:


12-29-09, 14:36
'Battleship Potemkin'. Considered a Russian classic. It was mentioned in Tom Clancy's 'Red Storm Rising' way back, but it took me a long time to see it. My son had Netflix at the time so I had him rent it so I could see it.

My tastes are different from most...:p

Good movie. You'd probably also enjoy Ivan the Terrible 1 & 2 and Ninotchka (1939).

12-29-09, 14:46
DD - Under the Watch Instantly tab there is a subsection titled HD, I recommend checking those out first. The HD stream quality we're getting is equal to or better than DVD on our 50" unit.

Thanks for the tip!

Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (2008)...

Review here:


Ohh, this looks good!

Also I just found Miami Vice season 1-5 is available.

12-29-09, 15:25
+1 on streaming HD quality. If you have the bandwidth does seem better than dvd.

We really enjoyed Der Baader Meinhof Komplex, way too many good ones to go into here's a few though..

The Tunnel
As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me
The Lives of Others
Black Book
The Last Train

There's quite a few to stream similar we have yet to view. I'll be putting some these posted in the que too.

Netflix must be having some effect on the retailers. FYE at our local mall is going out of business. I imagine at some point most all video media will be streamed.

12-29-09, 20:09
I'm not sure if every player does it but the LG 390 is pretty slick in the fact that if you stop a streaming film, turn off the player and come back to it later it'll restart at the place you left off at.

12-30-09, 00:52
Saints and Soldiers - Netflix streaming. Just watched it and I highly recommend it if you like Band of Brothers and WWII flicks like it.

12-30-09, 01:44

12-30-09, 14:03

12-30-09, 15:06
Penn & Teller: Bullshit

Excellent series, though it is sure to ruffle some feathers on this forum.

12-30-09, 15:18
Excellent series, though it is sure to ruffle some feathers on this forum.


Sorry, couldn't help myself :D

12-30-09, 16:00
Saints and Soldiers - Netflix streaming. Just watched it and I highly recommend it if you like Band of Brothers and WWII flicks like it.

I have this on DVD. Thanks for reminding me as I have not yet actually watched the whole thing...

12-30-09, 17:55
Rise of the Footsoldier.


12-30-09, 18:15

Eastern Promises - Russian mafia movie
Defiance - WWII flick
Radical Islam's War Against the West - Documentary
American Drug War: The last white hope - Documentary
Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden? - Mockumentary


A Very British Gangster - Documentary on British mob

12-30-09, 20:35
Forgiving Dr. Mengele: Powerful. Watch it.

Everyone should watch this...

12-31-09, 08:39
Never get to watch to much tv...keep on just using the computer.

01-15-10, 02:38

01-15-10, 09:37
Ive been streaming the documentaries for a while now...

Crude Awakening
Food Inc
Super Size Me
End of Suburbia
Big Rig
The End of America
Escape from Suburbia
Blue Gold
Cocaine Cowboys
Man on Wire
King Corn
Speaking Freely

01-15-10, 09:48
Man on a Wire is worth the time.. We have 'Forgiving Dr. Mengele' qued, I'll have to run that one soon.

01-15-10, 11:08

After Innocence - Documentary on DNA prison releases
John Caparulo: Meet Cap - Stand up comedy (FUNNY!)
Kevin Nealon: Now hear me out - Stand up comedy

01-15-10, 11:13
I never saw "The Unit" on TV, so I just put 3 seasons in my list. It looks like it may be a interesting watch.

It appears to be about a Spec-Op style unit or group of men and the adventures (missions) that they are tasked with.

01-15-10, 13:08
Search for Akira Kurosawa movies.. Netflix is now streaming some of the greatest movies ever made, like Seven Samurai, Yojimbo, Sanjuro.

Also worth watching (if your a Star Wars buff) is Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress. This is the movie that inspired Mr. Lucas to dream up R2D2 and C3PO.

I'm gonna stream Blackhawk Down tonight, it's been a while since i watched that one. OH! -there was a very recent Criterion Collection list of movies added to the Netfilx Streaming service. I've been picking my way through some of those.

Ps- Wow.. i didn't realize this was my 1st post here. I've lurked forever.

01-15-10, 14:10
Just watched Yojimbo the other night. Great old movie.

01-15-10, 14:38

After Innocence - Documentary on DNA prison releases
John Caparulo: Meet Cap - Stand up comedy (FUNNY!)
Kevin Nealon: Now hear me out - Stand up comedy

You should checkout "Zach Galifinakis Live", it's awesome.

01-15-10, 14:46

01-15-10, 15:04
You should checkout "Zach Galifinakis Live", it's awesome.

Just added it. I like that Boondock Saints avatar ;)

01-15-10, 15:07
Here's a list of what will be streaming soon:


01-15-10, 15:22
Here's a list of what will be streaming soon:


Thank you for that link. That was very helpful. I hear good things about Big Fan and World's Greatest Dad. I'll be checking those out soon.

01-15-10, 16:30
Worlds Greatest Dad was pretty good.

01-15-10, 16:36
Here's a list of what will be streaming soon:


Thanks Greg.. good to know.. Illustrated Man soon, I have that on disk, a classic Bradbury. Martian Chronicles would be nice too.

A couple of movies I'd like to find..

kurt's slapstick

the adding machine - 1969..

Maybe TCM will run them someday..

01-17-10, 08:50
We just streamed Boondock Saints.. That was good for a few laughs..


01-17-10, 09:13
I really wish they would offer the Michael Mann movies (HEAT, Collateral, Miami Vice, etc) for streaming...

01-17-10, 11:59
I really wish they would offer the Michael Mann movies (HEAT, Collateral, Miami Vice, etc) for streaming...

To me, Michael Mann movies are DVD worthy. I don't have blu-ray, but Heat on a big screen with surround sound is tough to beat. Check out Manhunter directed by Mann. It's the first Hannibal Lecter movie and doesn't have Anthony Hopkins, but it owns. Enjoy.

01-17-10, 17:41

02-13-10, 15:44
The Devil Came on Horseback - DVD or streaming. Great documentary about Darfur from an ex-Marine who was there photographing & videoing the genocide & atrocities that happened.

02-13-10, 18:59
We just viewed 'Pierrepoint, The Last Hangman' It's dvd only right now. It's a dark, psychological drama. Interesting to see how he detached himself from the executions. It makes for a good bedtime story just about like Foxe's Book of Martyrs...:eek:


'The Wind That Shakes The Barley' looks like it might be a good film. We are planning to view that this weekend.


02-13-10, 19:17
I don't mean to hi-jack the thread, but would appreciate some basic information on "streaming netflix". I assume I need a hi-speed internet connection. It also sounds like I need a blu-ray player, but I'm not sure. I'm considering dumping cable and using my local "free" stations plus netflix. So.. what all do i need to stream netflix?

02-13-10, 19:22
I don't mean to hi-jack the thread, but would appreciate some basic information on "streaming netflix". I assume I need a hi-speed internet connection. It also sounds like I need a blu-ray player, but I'm not sure. I'm considering dumping cable and using my local "free" stations plus netflix. So.. what all do i need to stream netflix?

That's exactly what I do, no cable, free OTA TV and streaming. I use an LG-390 Blu-Ray player and there are a few others out there. You can also buy a Roku from the Netflix site that will allow you to stream. You do need a high speed connection.

Watching "Islam: What the west needs to know" on streaming now and would suggest it to anyone's interested in the subject.

02-13-10, 21:36
I don't mean to hi-jack the thread, but would appreciate some basic information on "streaming netflix". I assume I need a hi-speed internet connection. It also sounds like I need a blu-ray player, but I'm not sure. I'm considering dumping cable and using my local "free" stations plus netflix. So.. what all do i need to stream netflix?

I stream through my Xbox w/ Gold Membership/online.

02-13-10, 21:49
Has anyone seen the HBO series "Generation Kill" 3 disc seven episodes and well worth the watch. its about the iraq war with a Marine Platoon. Execelent

02-13-10, 22:38
Back when I had it, I watched tons of documentaries. Bloods and Crips, Cocain Cowboys (so good!) The Weather Underground, lots of other things.

02-13-10, 23:46
That's exactly what I do, no cable, free OTA TV and streaming. I use an LG-390 Blu-Ray player and there are a few others out there. You can also buy a Roku from the Netflix site that will allow you to stream. You do need a high speed connection.

Watching "Islam: What the west needs to know" on streaming now and would suggest it to anyone's interested in the subject.

I just looked at the Netflix site - is everything included (Starz play?) in the $8.99 monthly charge, or are there additional upgrades to consider?

andy t
02-14-10, 09:32
Black Book - an awesome WWII suspense thriller about the Dutch resistance.

Top Sniper season I and II - havent' seen that one yet.

Regarding streaming netflix:
I have my computer hooked up to my TV and stream netflix that way. In addition I also use Hulu and an HD antenna. This gives me plenty of stuff to watch without having to pay for cable.

02-14-10, 09:36

Great B movie about rednecks and aliens. Doesn't treat you like an idiot.

02-14-10, 10:26
+1 on Black Book, excellent film. I'll have to cue up Altered.. I believe starz is available for the $9/mth, imitation is 1 dvd at a time out. Broadband / ps3 here.

The lives of others, the reader, amen, the tunnel, as far as my feet will carry me, before the fall.. are others worth a view.

Update.. We streamed 'Altered'.. Thanks LB.. What a cool B sleeper.. For a low budget I was quite surprised, very well done. Kind of like a fast forward from 50s sci fi 'invasion of the saucermen' meets wrong turn.


03-03-10, 23:53
TROPA DE ELITE (Elite Squad)

Brazilian movie about the Brazilian Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE). Good movie. I recommend the subtitles as the English dubbing leaves out dialogue, you can select in the menu what language you want.

Old post I know but I'm bored

05-14-13, 23:27
Just watched Special Forces, a French made movie. It was better than most action movies ive seen lately.


05-15-13, 00:04
I love me documentaries. "National Geographic: Inside North Korea" was very interesting.

05-15-13, 01:12
Loved "Cabin in the Woods". :D

07-07-13, 21:40
Started the Copper series, like it.

The killing season 1 and 2 are on and are a bit slow but great writing. Season 3 is on amc now and it's very good

VIP3R 237
07-07-13, 21:54
Trinity and Beyond is a fascinating and visually stunning documentary about the US nuke program. I first watched it 10 or so years ago in my high school AP Physics class. I was browsing on my Xbox a couple months ago and found it and once again I was enthralled with it.

07-07-13, 22:13
ones I have not seen just going off description I have added
XIII (comando of some kind forgot his memory)
Ultimate Force (British Special Forces)
the State Within(political thriller)

I liked the British MI-5 series on streaming

and posted this some time ago but a must watch series is Strike Back !!!! and they have the DVDs on netflix

07-08-13, 01:24
Old thread, but a good one. Following everyone's suggestions with renewed interest as I recently canceled my DirectTV service (happy I did), and am relying on Netflix and Amazon Prime for any TV viewing I do.

BBC stuff on Netflix gets a lot of my viewing time. The IT Crowd is good, and of course Top Gear is a constant standby. Sherlock is outstanding. I like that Watson is just as much a main character as Holmes, and true to the original books he is a British Army Veteran who served in Afghanistan.

As far as documentaries, I agree, Trinity and Beyond is great. I am glad I saw it prior to my first visit to the NTS. Inside North Korea is eye-opening and somewhat shocking.

I hate to admit to being a Trekie, but the remastered Star Trek The Original Series is always fun to watch.

I would suggest Amazon Prime as well as Netflix. Not only for the free streaming (better selection than Netflix) but the free 2nd-day shipping on Amazon orders is really nice for the $79 a year.

07-08-13, 02:01
Has anyone seen the HBO series "Generation Kill" 3 disc seven episodes and well worth the watch. its about the iraq war with a Marine Platoon. Execelent

While not quite "Band of Brothers", I did find it enjoyable in a "The Boys in Company C" kind of way.

07-08-13, 02:16
waiting for generation kill to come to streaming :) watched one and looked good

we dont pay for cable we just do netflix and amazon prime and also I do a thing with Plex as my main media manager and old shows using sick beard so all the old classics :)
so have a HTPC setup and Roku 3 and apple TV to stream everything we need from movies to shows to music
money I save (cable is expensive) I tend to wait for movies and series to come out as they seem to be free within a year it seems ? and if I really want to see it paying $2.99 to rent a stream is fine with me

so amazon prime at $80 a year and netflix at $84 a year is about one or two months cable it seems

07-08-13, 03:06
waiting for generation kill to come to streaming :) watched one and looked good

we dont pay for cable we just do netflix and amazon prime and also I do a thing with Plex as my main media manager and old shows using sick beard so all the old classics :)
so have a HTPC setup and Roku 3 and apple TV to stream everything we need from movies to shows to music
money I save (cable is expensive) I tend to wait for movies and series to come out as they seem to be free within a year it seems ? and if I really want to see it paying $2.99 to rent a stream is fine with me

so amazon prime at $80 a year and netflix at $84 a year is about one or two months cable it seems

Same line of reasoning for me. I really think these streaming services are going to change the way we watch TV and movies. I mean, I was paying over $1000 a year for satellite vs ~$80 a year for Netflix or Amazon. :rolleyes:

07-08-13, 03:51
yeah wife and I were thinking we wonder when they are going to start charging more for streaming as cable companies get less and less people ?
then again more and more companies offering it more competition so maybe prices will stay down :)

one thing we like actually is waiting for series to come out and watch it all over a few days as we keep more into the story and enjoy it more

considering I remember watching the Vietnam war on our zenith rounded corner piece of furniture :) kids are growing up watching our flat screens or large projector even on the iPad which I like a lot now for news and stuff

for sure things are changing can only wonder in 10 years even what its going to be like

Same line of reasoning for me. I really think these streaming services are going to change the way we watch TV and movies. I mean, I was paying over $1000 a year for satellite vs ~$80 a year for Netflix or Amazon. :rolleyes: