View Full Version : What's the difference between 10.5 and 10.3?

01-09-10, 16:04
Aside from 0.2", all you funny guys.

Been surfing around trying to get some background info, but am not finding anything specific. I assume it has something to do with variations in the mk18 configurations- compatibility between the different rails and suppressors...? be interesting to know.

01-09-10, 16:19
It's unlikely you will find the answer you seek. There are too many other variables that determine accuracy/reliability. Simply put, if there actually is a correct answer, that can be backed up by actual facts, and verified by a Phd. in Physics, Metallurgy, and the worlds absolute best Gunsmith, I'll mail you $20.00.

01-09-10, 18:02
NavSpecWar armorers at the Teams started putting together shorties from M4's and used a Colt barrel (10.3").
The Mk18's the SEALs and SWCC's recieve come from NSWC-Crane. LMT barrels are now used and they come in 10.5". They both use the bigger gas tubes due to the short length. The kit is mostly KAC and LMT.
The only thing that has to do with variations in the kit is who the supplier of the barrel was at the time, as far as I know.
As far as differences in variations regarding rails and suppresors, there are few. The only rails in the SOPMOD kit are the Knight's Armament RIS rails w/o M203/ DD RIS-II w/ the M203 and the Mk 18 only uses a Knight's suppresor.

Jay Cunningham
01-09-10, 18:38
If you really want your mind blown, go on S.A.W.'s website and check out their 10.0" custom builds - oh noes!!1

01-09-10, 18:40
NavSpecWar armorers at the Teams started putting together shorties from M4's and used a Colt barrel (10.3").
The Mk18's the SEALs and SWCC's recieve come from NSWC-Crane. LMT barrels are now used and they come in 10.5". They both use the bigger gas tubes due to the short length. The kit is mostly KAC and LMT.
The only thing that has to do with variations in the kit is who the supplier of the barrel was at the time, as far as I know.
As far as differences in variations regarding rails and suppresors, there are few. The only rails in the SOPMOD kit are the Knight's Armament RIS rails w/o M203/ DD RIS-II w/ the M203 and the Mk 18 only uses a Knight's suppresor.
Ok. So we have identified one variable. I think that bkboo is interested in performance variations. Or, at least I would hope he is.:confused: Perhaps he is only looking to justify his own brand preferances? Who knows? Like I said, there are too many variables and the question does not state: I want to be able to identify X brand from X brand. Does it? bkbooo, can you be more specific as to why you asked? are you having an issue with either of these lengths, or are you having a brand specific issue?
ETA: Sorry bkbooo, i'm not tryin' to call you out, but I would like to hear you answer your own question with your own oppinion, thus allowing us to better understand why you asked the question. After all, this is'nt Jeopardy, it's just a place for us all to come learn and feel like we are not in the company of strangers.
Or, to answer the question more plainly, there is no difference, as far as the placement of the Gas Block is concerned. Are we done?
The answer to the question is 42.

01-09-10, 18:51
The barrel is 10.3 simply because that is the shortest you can go without removing the bayonet lug. You?ll have to ask LMT why theirs are 10.5. It has nothing to do with the suppressor or rail.

01-09-10, 18:52
The barrel is 10.3 simply because that is the shortest you can go without removing the bayonet lug. You?ll have to ask LMT why theirs are 10.5. It has nothing to do with the suppressor or rail.

Well spoken.

01-09-10, 20:03
It's unlikely you will find the answer you seek. There are too many other variables that determine accuracy/reliability. Simply put, if there actually is a correct answer, that can be backed up by actual facts, and verified by a Phd. in Physics, Metallurgy, and the worlds absolute best Gunsmith, I'll mail you $20.00.

Ok. So we have identified one variable. I think that bkboo is interested in performance variations. Or, at least I would hope he is.:confused: Perhaps he is only looking to justify his own brand preferances? Who knows? Like I said, there are too many variables and the question does not state: I want to be able to identify X brand from X brand. Does it? bkbooo, can you be more specific as to why you asked? are you having an issue with either of these lengths, or are you having a brand specific issue?
ETA: Sorry bkbooo, i'm not tryin' to call you out, but I would like to hear you answer your own question with your own oppinion, thus allowing us to better understand why you asked the question. After all, this is'nt Jeopardy, it's just a place for us all to come learn and feel like we are not in the company of strangers.
Or, to answer the question more plainly, there is no difference, as far as the placement of the Gas Block is concerned. Are we done?
The answer to the question is 42.


01-09-10, 20:07
They both use the bigger gas tubes due to the short length.

bigger tubes? or do you mean ports? the ID of the standard M4 tube is still wider than the gas ports on even the mk18s- since gasses can only move as fast as the tightest bottleneck, why bother with a bigger tube? unless it's to increase dwell...?

01-09-10, 21:09
Is your "Avatar" really a picture of you? I'm not trying to be rude, I just wonder if you are asking a legitimate question. Trust me, I've learned alot from you, and your posts, I have nothing but respect for you. But I guess I have to put on the flame suit and be the assclown because I don't for the life of me understand why two-tenths of an inch matter so much to you. If you can quantify the results of your testing, than test away. But like I said, I wonder why you even asked. I bet that someone out there could make a 7.5 not only work, but shoot well too. Not me, but either way, what are you getting at?

01-09-10, 21:28
Is your "Avatar" really a picture of you? I'm not trying to be rude, I just wonder if you are asking a legitimate question. Trust me, I've learned alot from you, and your posts, I have nothing but respect for you. But I guess I have to put on the flame suit and be the assclown because I don't for the life of me understand why two-tenths of an inch matter so much to you. If you can quantify the results of your testing, than test away. But like I said, I wonder why you even asked. I bet that someone out there could make a 7.5 not only work, but shoot well too. Not me, but either way, what are you getting at?

i'm not making any point, and i'm not suggesting one is better than the other. i'm asking why there's two different lengths. we have 11.5s, we have 12.5s, we have 14.5s, 16.1s.. we even have 13.7s- they were all created for a specific reason. some degree of research had to go into the decision to produce each of these barrel lengths. the SBR lengths were each all designed with different people/missions/perceived limitations with the other barrel lengths in mind.

so my question is straight-forward, and purely academic. whats the story behind the production of two (three, apparently.. thanks TK) different 10" barrel sizes? i have a 10.625" barrel, myself... i'd be perfectly happy with a 10.5, a 10.3, i'd probably even be happy with a 10.0 so long as it ran like NWA. i'm just curious.

like i said in my original post, "be interesting to know." and i got my answer- apparently, it doesn't matter to the DoD and that's just how Colt and LMT like to make their barrels.

not sure how you managed to read so much into my OP.

01-09-10, 21:55
If you really want your mind blown, go on S.A.W.'s website and check out their 10.0" custom builds - oh noes!!1

01-09-10, 22:07

this is the only one up right now.. http://www.specializedarmament.com/products/6_LE6921_Operator_Suppressed-891-0.html

does colt MAKE a 10.0, or is this a SAW mod?

01-09-10, 22:57
i'm not making any point, and i'm not suggesting one is better than the other. i'm asking why there's two different lengths. we have 11.5s, we have 12.5s, we have 14.5s, 16.1s.. we even have 13.7s- they were all created for a specific reason. some degree of research had to go into the decision to produce each of these barrel lengths. the SBR lengths were each all designed with different people/missions/perceived limitations with the other barrel lengths in mind.

so my question is straight-forward, and purely academic. whats the story behind the production of two (three, apparently.. thanks TK) different 10" barrel sizes? i have a 10.625" barrel, myself... i'd be perfectly happy with a 10.5, a 10.3, i'd probably even be happy with a 10.0 so long as it ran like NWA. i'm just curious.

like i said in my original post, "be interesting to know." and i got my answer- apparently, it doesn't matter to the DoD and that's just how Colt and LMT like to make their barrels.

not sure how you managed to read so much into my OP.

has he sent you your $20 bill yet? :p

Thomas M-4
01-09-10, 23:14
Nice I see it has the super secret squirrel reliability package.

01-10-10, 01:40
Is your "Avatar" really a picture of you?

Unless he is posting from the grave after being found dead in the back of a Cadillac in 1953 with some empty beer cans and needles of vitamin B12 and morphine I doubt that's really him. ;)

01-10-10, 02:32
Unless he is posting from the grave after being found dead in the back of a Cadillac in 1953 with some empty beer cans and needles of vitamin B12 and morphine I doubt that's really him. ;)




01-10-10, 09:29
Funny thread.

Good EEI CBTech & spot on.

01-10-10, 12:07
has he sent you your $20 bill yet? :p

Ok, so the answer is that there is no difference? I simply assumed that being in technichal discussion, that there would be a discernable difference. I digress, bkb000 has his answer and my ranting has served no other purpose than to bump the thread.
bkb000, if you would like your $20.00, you've earned it, PM me and it will be mailed on the first of next month, as I live on a budget, and have not budgeted and extra $20.00, but, I can easily write it in to Februarys budget. I am a man of my word, and would not have wagered if I was not willing to Pony up. This thread was worth the $20.00, IMO, since I just purchased a 10.5", and found the premise to be quite intruiging.:)

01-10-10, 12:35
This thread was worth the $20.00

well just put it in the collection plate next time you're in church. ;)