View Full Version : islam: what the west needs to know

01-12-10, 14:01

I performed a search and was unable to find anything posted on this website regarding this documentary. I watched this video about Islam on netflix this morning and was completely astounded. I personally, did not know these things were true. Part of what makes me believe that this video is mostly truthful, is that it actually quotes the Noble Quran directly. If you believe that you know something about islam, watch this video. Feel free to post your opinions.

Mods: If I am, in anyway, out of line by creating this thread, then feel free to take whatever action necessary against me, but i believe information should be passed on.

01-12-10, 15:36
Sadly, what should be common knowledge, and ironically only well understood in Islamic countries, is considered a distortion of true Islam in the West.

Another eye opener for most people is this one.

Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West

01-12-10, 15:58
i was one of those with an optimistic view of islam. in the video it says that they are obligated by allah to bring siege and war to those non-believers, i.e. christians, jews, hindus, etc. it also says that as a non-believer or infidel, there are 3 options, become a believer or muslim, accept dhimmitude, or death. dhimmitude being a form of being a second-class citizen to muslims. which essentially mean enslavement. so its become a muslim, slavery or death. check out the second link at the bottom. this man, walid shoebat, is a former plo terrorist, who is now speaking out for israel.


01-12-10, 19:29
Walid Shoebat spoke at my church, it was very interesting.

They will stop at nothing until we, non-muslims, are converted or dead.

01-12-10, 19:38