View Full Version : How does he do it?

01-13-10, 18:58
I enjoy Bear Grylls attitude about surviving, but jeez, he eats some stuff that even I would nor eat. I've eaten Zebra and various snakes. Putting a Camel Spider in my mouth is just not gonna' happen

01-13-10, 19:10
I figure if I was that damn hungry I might just close my eyes and eat it. :D You should go to the Survivalistboard forum and see the debate about him vs Les stroud haha.

01-13-10, 19:15
There are times I think I would resort to cannibalism before I did some of the stuff he does.

01-13-10, 19:18
i'd rather rejoin my Lord in Heaven than squeeze elephant shit into my mouth.


the guys a ****in wack job.

01-13-10, 19:23
i'd rather rejoin my Lord in Heaven than squeeze elephant shit into my mouth.


the guys a ****in wack job.

Thank You. this was the answer I was looking for.

01-13-10, 19:23
Hahaha, isn't elephant dung a good tinder for fire starting?

01-13-10, 20:18
Starting a fire maybe, but not human consumption.

Carne Frio
01-13-10, 20:41
If you could determine how much he gets paid
then count the bites of "stuff" he eats, I would
bet that it his hundreds of dollars per bite...:D
A lot of people will do strange things for money.

01-13-10, 22:51
A lot of people will do strange things for money.

This is true. They're also willing to humiliate themselves on TV for money.

01-13-10, 23:42
he's pretty well schooled on an area before he goes into it, from what I understand...

for example, the elephant shit thing, I would bet money that wasn't

a) the first time he'd seen it done


b) the first time he'd done it...

the "purists" all love Stroud because he goes out by himself....which is fine, and good to see...Stroud doesn't take a lot of the risks Grylls does because he is on his own...

Grylls can take more risks (and therefore show us more cool stuff) presumably because he has a crew with him who, if need be, could get him help

but the idea that Grylls is just an actor is absurd....i don't know his whole story, but I know he's one of the youngest people to summit Everest, and he was a reservist in the SAS for 3 years...i don't know about all this survivorman vs bear stuff, but neither of those are accomplishments to sneeze at...

either way, I find his show entertaining, so i'll keep watching

(i could do without him giving himself an enema again, though :eek:)

01-13-10, 23:47

01-14-10, 00:04
termites, ants, and things of that nature...

i could never get used to grubs....the way the wriggled...and squished...i'd rather eat a tree full of termites than one grub (although the wings get stuck in your teeth like popcorn shells)

in my second life I taught special education...and we took a group of kids on a hike up a pretty steep mountain outside of Charlottesville, VA once...

one of the kids (a 5th grader) was extremely overweight, and struggled greatly...i must have walked that mountain 6 times walking back and forth from the main group to where one of my assistants was making slow progress with Terrence...

anyway, a little bit from the top he stopped on a big rock and refused to go any further...

i ended up sitting there with him trying to coax him the rest of the way...

one of the things he had been most looking forward to was the pizza at the end when we got back down...

i tried that as a ploy to get him to finish (you gotta go up before you go back down)...he said he didn't care, he'd just stay right there and find something else to eat

I said, "Like this?" and grabbed a termite, let it run across my teeth, than sucked it down...

I swear the kid sprinted the last distance to the top screaming "Mr Trio ate a bug! Mr Trio ate a bug!"

if only I'd known it would have been that simple i would have munched on termites the whole way up! :D

01-14-10, 00:54
we ate all kinds of ****ed up shit in military school. i was on our Ironman team, and our team mentor was a Ranger with SERE, LRRP, RSCL, etc quals up the ass... we'd bite the heads off live lizards (for hardcore points only) and skewer 'em into "zerd kabobs," tons and tons of ants, various desert rodents, grubs, lots of cicadas, roots, leaves...

never sqeezed elephant shit into our mouths, though.

01-14-10, 01:22
So what is the weirdest thing you have eaten?

For me, the jungle survival diet: Snails, fish eyes, larva, leaf cutter ants, those big ass green bugs, and a few others. Toss it back and try not to pay attention to the texture.

Probably duck tounge & donkey meat at a couple different restaurants in Beijing. And only God knows what while stationed in Korea.

01-14-10, 02:16
So what is the weirdest thing you have eaten?

Rocky Mountain Oysters.

I've lived a gloriously sheltered life when it comes to not having to eat weird stuff.

01-14-10, 02:36
i'd rather rejoin my Lord in Heaven than squeeze elephant shit into my mouth.


the guys a ****in wack job.

Holy Mother of God! This is going to take me a while to get out of my head. I think I will step up the lifesaver bottle on my list too . . .

01-14-10, 07:20
i'd rather rejoin my Lord in Heaven than squeeze elephant shit into my mouth.


the guys a ****in wack job.

Didn't somebody prove that he was in fact squeezing a sponge made to look like elephant dung and not an actual piece of elephant dung? I'm certainly not an expert on dung, but I don't recall ever encountering any type of dung you could squeeze like a sponge.

IIRC a lot of what they show has been criticized as fake.

01-14-10, 07:36
IIRC a lot of what they show has been criticized as fake.
Like this:

I enjoy the show and I'm sure the guy is a real badass but I don't buy all of it.

Alex V
01-14-10, 08:07
Bear is a lot more entertaining to watch then Les Stroud.

Les is a retard. He took his whole fmaily out of a normal suberman home, and displaced them into a cabin in the middle of nowhere in Canada. Took his kids from all their friends, all they afterschool activities and moved them into the woods! like 100 miles from the nearest town. What parent does that to his kids?

Anyway, Bear is the man, real or staged, its awesome to watch. Except when he gave him self an enima on a raft... even my girlfriend who finds him "hot" thought that was a little too much lol

01-14-10, 11:28

01-14-10, 12:42
he's pretty well schooled on an area before he goes into it, from what I understand...

for example, the elephant shit thing, I would bet money that wasn't

a) the first time he'd seen it done


b) the first time he'd done it...

the "purists" all love Stroud because he goes out by himself....which is fine, and good to see...Stroud doesn't take a lot of the risks Grylls does because he is on his own...

Grylls can take more risks (and therefore show us more cool stuff) presumably because he has a crew with him who, if need be, could get him help

but the idea that Grylls is just an actor is absurd....i don't know his whole story, but I know he's one of the youngest people to summit Everest, and he was a reservist in the SAS for 3 years...i don't know about all this survivorman vs bear stuff, but neither of those are accomplishments to sneeze at...

either way, I find his show entertaining, so i'll keep watching

(i could do without him giving himself an enema again, though :eek:)

most of the stuff he does is contrary to what people should do if lost, some of his stunts would just put people in more danger, he is fun to watch, the risks he takes would lead to injury for many people.

01-14-10, 14:35

01-14-10, 14:57
True indeed. Most of the stunts he pulls would get most folks killed.

01-14-10, 15:13
It doesn't matter how many "experts" you have on the set. When Bear swings from a rope over a 200ft gorge the experts mean nothing. When he scales a jungle vine 150ft above a river, the experts don't matter. Give the man his dues. He is the one taking the risks.

He also went through the French Foreign Legion's basic training course for another TV show.

Me personally, I have great respect for him and Les Stroud.

01-14-10, 15:21

01-14-10, 15:35
I think it is good that he exposes the public to such extremes concerning survival.

Most people do not realize that true hunger (not the " I haven't eaten anything all day, I'm starving") will cause people to resort to drastic measures to stay alive. But yeah, some of his stuff does seem over the top.

01-14-10, 17:59
I like the way they are marketing the show now. "Bear doesnt just show you how to stay alive, he shows you how to be alive..."
I believe that last part, that dude really lives. Fake or not, hes got some large nuts and I admire his willpower. It does seem like that hes doing things that are more shock entertainment that last season...if you consider bird dookie water enemas and rat brain dinners. Im surprised PETA isnt all over him like white on rice. Rock on Bear.