View Full Version : Far Left Forums.......

Evil Colt 6920
01-14-10, 06:06
Have any of you checked out any of the forums on these far left websites??? Its very disturbing to say the least. I just read 18 pages of a gun control thread on one site and these people are clueless. My jaw is on the floor and Im dizzy from shaking my head in disbelief. These kind of people drive me nuts!!!!!! Where does this kind of thinking originate??? Heres a link to some search results for threads that contain gun control topics on one of these web sites.

*****I have removed the url to prevent these wackos from stumbling on our site off a search engine*****

Im in the registration process on this site, takes 24-48 hours for some reason. I just want the opportunity to defend the truth. Ill stop their for now, Im pretty worked up over this.......what do yall think?

**Edited by Templar to break the hotlink.**

Evil Colt 6920
01-14-10, 06:17
There are a hand full of conservatives on these sites but they are far outnumbered and ridiculed for their support of the constitution. I feel like Im watching a friend get his ass kicked by 20 people with bats and chains and not jumping in to help. But like I said, I registered, waiting on acct approval.

01-14-10, 07:11
I've seen a few on very rare occasion.

Personally, there is enough in my life that pisses me off and gets my blood pressure up that is simply unavoidable; I'd prefer not to go out willingly looking for it. I do think you should know what the other side (read: progressive statists, not necessarily just Democrats) is up to, but I'd rather avoid jumping into a internet forum outnumbered 50:1 by uber-libtards.

01-14-10, 07:19
The members of barfcom used to delight in running little "raids" on democractic underground. I don't get the attraction, and don't see any point. You're not going to change their minds and are only going to frustrate yourself even more.

don't fight with a pig, you'll just get dirty and the pig likes it.

01-14-10, 07:41
Arguing on the internet accomplishes.............

.............nothing. That's right, not a damn thing.

01-14-10, 07:42
Arguing on the internet accomplishes.............

.............nothing. That's right, not a damn thing.

I disagree.


01-14-10, 07:44
Arguing on the internet accomplishes.............

.............nothing. That's right, not a damn thing.

Yes it does!:D Your wrong!:D:cool:

01-14-10, 07:54
Should we remove the live link to that forum? The last thing we want is to leave any breadcrumbs that might lead some of them back over here...

Alex V
01-14-10, 07:59
The members of barfcom used to delight in running little "raids" on democractic underground. I don't get the attraction, and don't see any point. You're not going to change their minds and are only going to frustrate yourself even more.

don't fight with a pig, you'll just get dirty and the pig likes it.

My buddies and I used to create accounts on the ricer websites like ClubSI [Honda Civic Forum] and the DSM [Mitsubishi Eclipse/Eagle Talon forum] and mess with them.

We did not bring our cars into the discussion, but there were multiple posts on how we raced our Civics [which we did not have] against Riding Lawnmowers and lost. Asking how we can make them faster, and seeing is Water-Cooled Muffler Bearings would do the trick. Telling them that a K&N Filter gave us 45HP as adverties and so on. It was fun, but we would get banned in about 3 days.

If you go on these websites simply to mess with them and get some fun out of it, then go ahead and enjoy. Get a good laugh in. But if you are going on to have a quality discourse, its not going to happen. You will get bashed with no facts to support their claims, and you will only end up arguing. And lets face it, as f*cked up as this sounds, arguing on the internet is like participating in the Special Olympics, even if you win, you're still a retard.

The far left will never change their minds, so might as well f*ck with em.

Alex V
01-14-10, 08:00
Should we remove the live link to that forum? The last thing we want is to leave any breadcrumbs that might lead some of them back over here...

Probobly... They are like Zombies... brainless, and if one finds his way over here, they ALL fallow the scent and pile in.

01-14-10, 08:01
Should we remove the live link to that forum? The last thing we want is to leave any breadcrumbs that might lead some of them back over here...

I broke the hotlink. If you really feel the burning desire to go do battle, you can cut and paste the url into your browser and close the spaces I put in there.

01-14-10, 08:49
Try democraticunderground.com for fun and entertainment.

The libtard is very thick there.

damn hard to leave the link cold when the forum software keeps wrapping it in url tags....

01-14-10, 09:12
They just have been force fed 'guns are bad' their entire lives until the day a gun would have actually helped them in a situation. Seems lots of anti-gun folks (especially women) suddenly see the use in one when a rape, murder, robbery, etc happens a little closer to home than they are used to.

Then there are the real moonbat types who just want to see guns go away because they have come to the belief that gun owners are dangerous (mainly to their agenda), and think private gun ownership is anti-progressive and outdated.

You can turn most folks to our side with a reasoned chat, and a couple trips to the range. I even got my Obama loving MIL to go shoot, and she is at least gun neutral now. My wife is now a solid conservative and gun owner after being raised by said MIL to believe welfare is good and guns are bad. Something or someone just has to turn the light bulb on, and things click for most. Only the staunchest of the far left would still be in the dark.

01-14-10, 09:18

01-14-10, 11:45
I used to post on the Huffington Post quite frequently a few years back. I will say this for the post: as long as you keep it reasonable you can argue to your hearts content. I tried to get on Salon.com, but as far as I can tell that is a sight where liberals go to touch each other and dissent is not welcome.

I quit because it is largely pointless. I would occasionally cross swords with someone who would make me think or vice versa, but the majority are more or less mindless drones who live in a cartoon of intolerant Christians and dangerous heavily armed rednecks. Quite a few are intelligent, but are so naive it almost defies belief.

ETA: Many are, ironically, very hateful about those with different beliefs. If this was the Great leap Forward they would be the ones clubbing their parents and teachers to death.

01-14-10, 11:47
I went to one of these sites once to a PRO-2A thread started by some progressives. They had come to the conclusion that if they were to trumpet their support for the whole Constitution they needed to support the 2A as well and wondered why the 2A was not a progressive rallying cry. It was interesting to read 20+ pages of libs arguing with libs about the 2A.

The thing that I found particularly funny was the claim that progressives live and breath the Constitution and are the only people out there truly supporting the Constitution and how many of them have little copies they carry around and read often.

01-14-10, 12:07
Probobly... They are like Zombies....

so many things to say... I shall practice restraint.

01-14-10, 13:53
... there is enough in my life that pisses me off and gets my blood pressure up that is simply unavoidable; I'd prefer not to go out willingly looking for it.

This is where I'm at. :)

Evil Colt 6920
01-14-10, 13:59
Im still waiting on my account to become activated on that nutty site. I know arguing on the net can seem pointless but I feel that if I can lead one person to reality, then Im doing something good for this country. And who knows, maybe that one person will inform another and so on. Im sure there are quite a few lefters out there that wouldnt be hard to wake up. Most people do nothing, avoiding conflict because yes, most far lefters prolly cant be saved. Thats part of the problem we have, doing nothing amounts to nothing. So I will be visiting those idiots with the intention of, in the very least, giving them a hard time for my amusement. :D

I also picked up a DVD last weekend at the gun show entitled The Obama Deception. On this DVD it clearly says "Not Copyrighted" and "Please reproduce & distribute this DVD" and I intend to do just that. If we all succeeded to open the eyes of just one nut job, this country would be a better place for everyone. ;)

01-14-10, 14:29
I know arguing on the net can seem pointless but I feel that if I can lead one person to reality, then Im doing something good for this country. And who knows, maybe that one person will inform another and so on.

Or you trolling their site pisses off a lot of people, and they will think you are not mature enough to own a computer much less a firearm. Im sure they will not welcome your trolling as much as it would not be welcomed here.

Evil Colt 6920
01-14-10, 14:57
Or you trolling their site pisses off a lot of people, and they will think you are not mature enough to own a computer much less a firearm. Im sure they will not welcome your trolling as much as it would not be welcomed here.

I thought trolling was posting off topic, irrelevant, non pertinent info on forums to piss people off by disrupting the normal "on topic" discussions with the sole intent to piss people off.

So im not sure what part of this thread made you think I was trolling. My intention is to inform these lefters with factual data. And if the truth pisses them off, not my problem.:D

And when I mentioned giving them a hard time, I was refering to posting actual facts, not posting BS garbage just to raise some pulses. So dont get it twisted!

01-14-10, 15:24
Posting in places like that will probably not do much and if you say anything sarcastic or persnickety, you will be labeled a troll.

If you want your opinion to even be slightly considered you need to be as calm as you can possibly be and take the high road if you know what I mean. If you go in there guns a blazin, the defense shields will immediately go up and you will never be taken seriously. I personally would never do it because like others said, I hear enough throughout the day that leaves me shaking my head and intentionally listening to liberals yack would be nauseating.

01-14-10, 16:08
I dabbled in arguments with such folk, and concluded similarly to the prospect of fighting a conflagration with a single handheld sprayer, alone.

01-14-10, 19:51
I won't even engage them. Don't even waste your time. It's not worth a brain aneurysm. They will not even consider an opposing point of view. You will get a more intelligent feedback, shouting into a toilet bowl.

01-14-10, 21:34
Im in the registration process on this site, takes 24-48 hours for some reason. I just want the opportunity to defend the truth. Ill stop their for now, Im pretty worked up over this.......what do yall think?

You are wasting your time.

First off DUh.com is not a free opinion forum. If you do not conform to their progressive / socialist agenda your account will be locked and your posts deleted. You have more freedom posting on the internet in China.

Second, you are trying to make a dog into a cat. These aren't people who simply aren't aware of the truth. These are people with a very specific agenda and your rights do not conform to that agenda.

01-14-10, 22:17
Arguing on the internet accomplishes.............

.............nothing. That's right, not a damn thing.

Does everything we do in life have to accomplish anything? :D

01-14-10, 22:20
Does everything we do in life have to accomplish anything? :D

no, if you can handle the frustration knowing that someone else is taking you seriously, why not argue, just remember that you aren't changing any minds.

Evil Colt 6920
01-14-10, 23:27
Ive always believed that if you dont stand for something, you can fall for anything. And a lot of these far lefters are who they are because no one had the balls to speak up and inform them otherwise. Most people, will just sit back and do nothing but complain. In my opinion, if you arent making any attempts to change something you dont like, then you dont have any grounds to complain about it. When I met my wife years ago, she was one of these wacko lefters. She didnt know any better, its how she was raised. After a few dates we had a conversation on politics and I opened her eyes to ideals she had never been exposed to before. Since weve been married, we both have engaged in a few friendly political debates with the nlaws. Its really not that difficult to "wake up" some* of these people. The key is knowledge, know what your talking about, be able to site facts that back up your ideals and also know the facts that disprove the person your debating with. I realize there are are extremists out there and I realize that the internet is not the best place for a political debate. But saying a person can not change their mind or point of view is just ignorant.

01-14-10, 23:38
Ive always believed that if you dont stand for something, you can fall for anything.

You've got to be your own man, not a puppy on a string.

I had to. :D

Evil Colt 6920
01-14-10, 23:54

01-14-10, 23:56
Ive always believed that if you dont stand for something, you can fall for anything. And a lot of these far lefters are who they are because no one had the balls to speak up and inform them otherwise. Most people, will just sit back and do nothing but complain. In my opinion, if you arent making any attempts to change something you dont like, then you dont have any grounds to complain about it. When I met my wife years ago, she was one of these wacko lefters. She didnt know any better, its how she was raised. After a few dates we had a conversation on politics and I opened her eyes to ideals she had never been exposed to before. Since weve been married, we both have engaged in a few friendly political debates with the nlaws. Its really not that difficult to "wake up" some* of these people. The key is knowledge, know what your talking about, be able to site facts that back up your ideals and also know the facts that disprove the person your debating with. I realize there are are extremists out there and I realize that the internet is not the best place for a political debate. But saying a person can not change their mind or point of view is just ignorant.

This is true. But just remember that you won't be arguing with people like your wife. These are people who are so rooted in their ideals, they deliberately sought after a haven where they can share their affinity for liberal doctrine that also reinforces their convictions.

Evil Colt 6920
01-15-10, 00:11
Well LMAO I was denied membership activation to that site. I wonder why.....maybe I should have picked a user name other than Colt LE6920 haha, im sure a quick google search by admin raised a flag, and this is supposed to be a site that welcomes debate, my ass. Anyways, Ill keep doin what I do by standing up for what I believe in, Ill just keep it off the internet for now. :D

01-15-10, 01:21
Well LMAO I was denied membership activation to that site. I wonder why.....maybe I should have picked a user name other than Colt LE6920 haha, im sure a quick google search by admin raised a flag, and this is supposed to be a site that welcomes debate, my ass. Anyways, Ill keep doin what I do by standing up for what I believe in, Ill just keep it off the internet for now. :D

There is nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe, but that and wasting your time are not always the same thing. You were not on a forum that welcomes debate, in fact their code of conduct specifically points that out and the fact that your account wasn't even activated because it indicated you are a firearms enthusiast is all the proof you need.

Honestly, they did you a favor. There are far more useful things you could do with your time like teach your dog Calculus.

Evil Colt 6920
01-15-10, 01:25
There is nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe, but that and wasting your time are not always the same thing. You were not on a forum that welcomes debate, in fact their code of conduct specifically points that out and the fact that your account wasn't even activated because it indicated you are a firearms enthusiast is all the proof you need.

Honestly, they did you a favor. There are far more useful things you could do with your time like teach your dog Calculus.

The site you mentioned in your previous post is not even the site in question......

01-15-10, 10:01
I dont view myself as dem or rep.. I think Chris Rock said it best, Im conservative on some issues.. liberal on others. It really depends on the issues.

That said I do love my firearms. I cannot see why someone would argue that you cannot have the ability to protect yourself, your family and your assets. As long as criminals have guns then the general public should have the right to them.

The only way I would give up my firearms is if every single person in the country had theirs confiscated too.

01-15-10, 10:13
The site you mentioned in your previous post is not even the site in question......

Oh gotcha.

01-16-10, 00:37
The members of barfcom used to delight in running little "raids" on democractic underground. I don't get the attraction, and don't see any point. You're not going to change their minds and are only going to frustrate yourself even more.

don't fight with a pig, you'll just get dirty and the pig likes it.

Most of the members of shart-com have the accumulated IQ of a dirty gym sock.