View Full Version : Cut your slings down?

01-14-10, 23:54
I was trying to get my slings set up to perfection after getting the Magpul ASAPS installed. Couple of points and questions:

I really like my Blackhawk Single point sling without the quick detach b/c you dont have all those buckles. The quick detach is nice, but its a give and take. I prefer it over my Wilderness, even though the Wilderness is quite nice. I give the edge to the bungee Blackhawk-without QD.

On my Vickers 2 point slings, I found myself wanting to cut some extra sling off. Any of you guys take a knife to your sling so that spaghetti is not there? Ever cut it and regret it later for some less than obvious reasons?

Your thoughts appreciated.


01-15-10, 05:56
Depending on the location of the extra webbing, you can sew the loose flaps over and eliminate some, while not permanently modifying the sling. I had to do this on my VCAS, and have already decided to undo it and switch. Saved $65.

01-15-10, 08:39
I folded the excess over a few times and tied it down with electrician's tape. Works well for my needs, though I could probably just cut it and not regret it.

01-15-10, 09:55

01-18-10, 05:44
Take a putty knife with a pezo torch or gas stove heat red hot and push into loose ends of sling it will melt the ends so no fraying will happen.

01-18-10, 05:54
I have two that I cut and that I wished I hadn't later on. Now I try my best to find a way to secure the tails.

01-18-10, 11:23
Glad to hear, DO NOT CUT. After I figured out (being a dumbass) could unvelcro the tag end of the VTAC and reattach further down, its not too bad. Just in case there are other Folks with a VTAC, the tag end can be unattached (its velcro) and reattached. However, whatever you do, do not read the instruction manual- F@#k. :rolleyes:

01-18-10, 14:11
We cut them at work if its to short we grab another one

01-18-10, 21:23
I adjust the fasteners to leave as much material on the sling as possible with proper fit over light clothes, then cut the excess. Usually a few inches here, and a few there. I have never had to adjust a sling for clothes thick enough to wish I hadn't trimmed it.

01-21-10, 15:33
I cut my VCAS and melted the ends with a lighter. I made sure it was the proper length before I did though, and I left enough at the ends for about 2-3 inches of adjustment.

01-21-10, 20:30
I've cut both my BFG Vickers 2-point slings. The first one I cut a little too short but as I had installed it without the quick detach assembly I simply added the qd to the sling/rifle and was gtg. On the second one I already knew what length I wanted to run so I had no drama on the second. It didn't need much cut from it, used a lighter on the cut ends. Now I'm happy.

01-22-10, 19:28
I'm not happy till I get the thing finalized and cut it to proper lengths.
I have cut one too short, but switched it to the AK and it is perfect (it doesn't have to be as long if it doesn't attach to the receiver end plate).
For the SBR the proper sling setup is paramount, not so much for the varmint rifle (I use a Bushmaster M60 2 point sling).
Over the years I have accumulated a fair number of slings, and surprisingly they are all still in pretty good share.

01-23-10, 01:18
I changed one of my slings tonight from a front HK hook to a mash hook. I really like those mash hooks better. Any reason to hate them?

I have a Noveske Middy that still has the standard handguard. I plan on putting a Magpul MOE for Middys when they launch and that new slanted grip. Then I will switch to a QD swivel.

01-23-10, 11:35
I have ****ed up a sling by cutting it.....wont do it again

I am a dumbass :D

01-23-10, 11:58
I have cut several Vickers, I am on the slim side so there was just to much extra for my needs... I left 4-5" and cut and burned and was GTG...

01-23-10, 13:15
I cut down my Viking Tactics sling as it ridiculously had too much material for my weapon setup and my physique. With the VTAC, I removed the second slip fastener on the front as well as the rear. Everytime I would shoulder the weapon with the second fastener, it would bunch up and get in between my shoulder and buttstock.

My Vicker's AA sling arrived yesterday and adjusted it to fit, but won't trim until I have at least taken a few classes and run through a lot more training at the range. The second fastener on the rear of the BFG sling was removed just like hte VTAC.

01-24-10, 21:19
My Boonie Packer sling has a ton of extra length to it, but I'm not going to cut anything till I've used it for at least a year or so since it's my first sling of this type. I keep trying different adjustments with it, seems like I change it every range trip to get things just right, so for the time being I just keep the extra wrapped up with velcro strips. Fold the extra sling material over in a roll, then wrap it with velcro that you can get at wally world or bestbuy designed for wrapping around computer cords. Cheap and it works. Hell, I may never cut it down just in case, who knows.

Here you can see the wrapped up extra sling with velcro around it.


01-26-10, 12:05
I want to make sure mine is just right before I do anything with it.
To that end, I folded the tail over several times and secured it with a zip tie.


Guess I should use a black cable tie, huh? :D

01-27-10, 07:33
Gorilla Tape works like a charm!

03-03-10, 14:48
I messed up once and cut an HK green sling during summer. Then in winter...well you get the picture. Now I do this:



The white is waxed string w/melted ends and the other is of course 550 cord wrapped then ends melted.
