View Full Version : Media: TV Star Warned Over Waving Knife At Intruders (UK)

01-15-10, 16:08

TV Star Warned Over Waving Knife At Intruders
9:10am UK, Sunday January 10, 2010

Huw Borland, Sky News Online

Celebrity mum Myleene Klass is "aghast" after being warned by police for waving a knife at teenagers who entered her garden.

Celebrity mum Myleene is a TV presenter, a model and a musician

The TV star and Marks & Spencer model was in her kitchen, with her daughter upstairs, when she spotted people peering into her window just after midnight on Friday.

She grabbed a knife and banged the windows before they ran away.

Hertfordshire Police officers warned Klass she should not have used a knife to scare off the teens because carrying an "offensive weapon" - even in her own home - was illegal.

I totally respect British law - but surely everyone has the right to self defence in their own home if they are in danger?

Myleene Klass' statement to Sky News

Klass told Sky News in a statement: "My family are totally fine and I thank the police for being so re-assuring and comforting.

"However, I was left shocked and surprised to be told that a private individual in the privacy of their own home runs the risk of committing a criminal offence if, out of fear for their own safety and their loved ones, they grab something with which they could defend themselves if an intruder enters their home.

Klass scared off teens

"I totally respect British law - but surely everyone has the right to self-defence in their own home if they are in danger?"

Her spokesman Jonathan Shalit said the former Hearsay singer was "utterly terrified" and was stepping up security at the property near Potters Bar.

He told the Sunday Telegraph: "Myleene was aghast when she was told that the law did not allow her to defend herself at home.

"All she did was scream loudly and wave the knife to try and frighten them off."

Klass' fiance Graham Quinn was away on business at the time of the scare.

It came amid calls for greater rights for people to defend themselves against intruders on their property.

In December, Munir Hussain was jailed for attacking a man who tied up his family in their home. He and his brother used a cricket bat to beat one of the intruders.

01-15-10, 16:20
There is no affirmative right to self-defense in Great Britain. Ask Tony Martin.

Any place that wants a monarchy deserves this kind of stuff. My distinct apologies to anyone who lives in such locales. Not for my opinion, but for living where the government is NOT there to serve the people.

Oh. Yeah. That happens here, too.

01-15-10, 16:36
So if I go up and bitch slap a Buckingham Palace Guard, they are going to retreat and call the police? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

We should air drop in those one shot handguns we dropped to the french resistance in WWII so he good guys have a fighting chance over there.

01-15-10, 16:45
So if I go up and bitch slap a Buckingham Palace Guard, they are going to retreat and call the police? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

We should air drop in those one shot handguns we dropped to the french resistance in WWII so he good guys have a fighting chance over there.

The Liberator. They'd arrest us for littering.

01-15-10, 17:06
They are so beyond fu*ked over there. The stories just get worse and worse. Suppose toning down their scissors is the next logical step. Maybe a background check to get any over 4".

When are they going to outlaw unfathomable spinelessness and political correctness? Those are the true enemies within there today.

01-15-10, 18:18
Holy Crap!!!
She's HOT!!
She could wave my knife any day.

01-15-10, 18:42
Yeah, first its the guy getting arrested for turning in a gun to the police that he found, now this. Are there any voices over there loud enough for change or are they mostly silent?

01-15-10, 20:24
Holy Crap!!!
She's HOT!!
She could wave my knife any day.
I googled her name and was like WOW.

01-15-10, 23:01
I googled her name and was like WOW.

+1 :eek:

01-15-10, 23:33
There is no affirmative right to self-defense in Great Britain. Ask Tony Martin.

Any place that wants a monarchy deserves this kind of stuff. My distinct apologies to anyone who lives in such locales. Not for my opinion, but for living where the government is NOT there to serve the people.

Oh. Yeah. That happens here, too.

I disagree. Thier PM and parliment are the issue. Her Majesty is a class act, and would rule w/ more common sense and sesitivity to her subjects than the current crop of placating boobs.

01-15-10, 23:34
So if I go up and bitch slap a Buckingham Palace Guard, they are going to retreat and call the police? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

We should air drop in those one shot handguns we dropped to the french resistance in WWII so he good guys have a fighting chance over there.

IIRC, thier military can police thier citizenry. They have no posse commitatus.

01-16-10, 01:13

01-16-10, 01:22
We shall go on till it gets difficult, we shall run away in France, we shall give way on the seas and oceans, we shall cower without growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall give up our Island, no matter how small the cost may be, we shall run away like ninnies on the beaches, we shall go fetal on the landing grounds, we shall lay down in the fields and in the streets, we shall skip around in the hills; we shall never live in peace

These wankers ruled the world?

01-16-10, 01:32
I googled her name and was like WOW.


Seriously hot.

01-16-10, 03:01
Holy Crap!!!
She's HOT!!
She could wave my knife any day.


01-16-10, 04:27
guess I'll do it, you inconsiderate bastards.


01-16-10, 12:34
guess I'll do it, you inconsiderate bastards.



01-16-10, 12:38

01-16-10, 12:40
Yeah, she's kinda cute!:D

01-16-10, 12:55
I disagree. Thier PM and parliment are the issue. Her Majesty is a class act, and would rule w/ more common sense and sesitivity to her subjects than the current crop of placating boobs.

No doubt she's a class act. That's not my point. You want to live somewhere as someone's subject, knock yourself out. THAT's the point.

She may be a class act, and she might even be the best darn ruler in the universe. I don't want to be her subject, and certainly not a subject to her entire familial line. The fact she is a figurehead means little.

The EU is beyond messed up -- wanting their allegedly democratic process in a socialist framework while holding onto heirloom monarchies for tradition and pandering to jihadists.

Nothing surprises me about those tools. Although, I concur -- Queen Ellie seems like a great lady.

01-16-10, 13:37
I was particularly groovin' on this one-


01-16-10, 14:35
Sure beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!

01-16-10, 17:07
I wonder if she can bake.

01-17-10, 09:33
I disagree. Their PM and Parliament are the issue. Her Majesty is a class act, and would rule w/ more common sense and sensitivity to her subjects than the current crop of placating boobs.

Spoken like an Englishman. I like how you stated that. Citizens on this side of the pond don't like to use such eloquent language.

I guess I have to leave some of the facts out if I am in the U.K. and I have to threaten someone to protect myself. Laws like this one explain why we have had to go to Europe and help them unscrew themselves.

01-17-10, 09:48
I mean, I'd let her eat cookies in bed but, too skinny and sort of a butherface for my criteria.

I'm sure she has pointy knees too. :p

Seriously though, that is just out of control.

01-17-10, 11:55
She's quite foxy

but back to the Brits..hell they don't need to succumb to allowing something like Sharia law in their country to demonstrate that they've capitulated and have become essentially a suicidal society, the draconian human rights abuse of disallowing good people to defend their very lives really amounts to the same thing... it is an absolute scandal that English "authorities" are telling people that they cannot defend themselves, and in their own homes no less, and I repeat this constitutes a human rights violation in my opinion

God help England...

Did I mention that she's foxy?

01-17-10, 12:12
I totally respect British law - but surely everyone has the right to self defence in their own home if they are in danger?

I truly believe that this is the main problem with most of the Brittan's over there. They just don't know the law is against them until they are forced to defend their lives!!!

They are like most Americans here also.............'Sheeple'!!! As long as nothing goes wrong, most people here are content to live out their lives without knowing, or worse, knowing only what the 'Major' news outlets tell them in their 30 second interviews and their editorials.

Shame on us/them for becoming so complacent!!!!!!:mad:

01-17-10, 12:45
I wonder if she can bake.

I am not concerned. I already own an oven.

There is give and take in every relationship. It's all about cooperation, after all. ;)

01-17-10, 16:33
She got off light compared to their usual response there, but I sure he status as a star had NOTHING to do w/ it!:rolleyes:

Anyone else would have had a SWAT team respond!

01-17-10, 17:44