View Full Version : I'm struggling here.....

Pathfinder Ops
01-16-10, 11:49
Some of you "older" guys can probably relate to the following:

I like to consider myself a modern kind of guy. You know, the sort who doesn't think that the only AR is the old school 20" fixed carry handle type. I got short and added some bells and whistles etc.

Same with my handgun. Good tricks on it, a place for a light, blah, blah, blah.....

But my knife!

Now here I'm really having a hard time. Ya see, I have been wearing my USMC K-bar (despite not being a Marine) since I got outta boot camp (Army) in 1979.

I love this knife. It's always sharp or at least easily made so, weathered in the appropriate manner, and has served me in peace and war.

But nowadays there seems to be too many very good (better?) blades to pick as part of my kit. Keep in mind I do carry and work in an environment that this tool is being used; not just collected for range day exposure.

I recently added a Gerber LMF II to my kit and its a great choice far as I can tell but I still seem to have a hankering for a good fighting knife.

I just can't seem to break ties with my K-Bar.

I mean its obviously a fashion faux pax around the other guys on my team and my students. But I like it.

Should I just take the plunge and get into something new or stick with my gut and keep my K-Bar in its rightful place?

Is my brown leather grip and scabbard and years of sweat, mud, blood and guts still the way to rock?


01-16-10, 12:27
If it works, don't fix it!

It always cracks me up, when I see folks buy $400 fixed blades, and then are afraid to use them because they are so pricey! I have a Buck Strider I picked up for about $100, and that's my all-around blade -- even though Mick made me a custom MT 15 years ago. The MT stays on my pack.

The Ka-Bar is a great knife, and my guess is you actually use the snot out of it. I had a Ka-Bar for years, and gave it to my godson, when he joined the Marines. That's a good reason to keep something -- to pass it along to someone else.

If you're looking for a modern upgrade, the only thing to consider replacing is the sheath, IMHO.

If you would like a custom kydex sheath in black or coyote -- send me a PM.

01-16-10, 12:36
Hello Ed,

Welcome, fellow fossil. ;)

What are your needs, and what do you see as your budget? I'll be happy to try and help you with your quest.

Do you have specific needs for the sheath? Will you be wearing it on a regular waist belt, or will it be attached to a MOLLE panel? Or both?

Is humidity/water going to be a concern? There are some new steels being used such as H-1, that are rust-proof for all practical purposes.

And honestly, there is such a thing as "old school cool" with your Ka-Bar. ;)

If it's going to be used around people for medical uses, a dedicated device such as a Benchmade Rescue Hook is often nice.

Is a multi-tool a good option?

I have found over the years that in a fixed blade, a 4-5" length seems to be the most practical. Also, they seem to balance better for many people.

Do you have work scenarios where ease of re-sharpening is more important that edge retention? It's usually a trade-off. Most blades that hold and edge longer, are correspondingly more difficult to sharpen in a field environment.

I am pretty fond of CPM-S30V as a steel, along with D2. The 1095 steel in your Ka-bar is a good compromise between ease of sharpening, and edge retention. It does rust somewhat easier, with the high carbon content.

And thank you for your service to our county! Let me know how I can help. :)

01-16-10, 12:42
PRGGodfather got his excellent reply in while I was typing my book. ;)

The Buck/Strider is a nice fixed blade. I think I have three or four of the different models. I'll have to go look. They are not in production anymore, so you will have to look on fleabay or BladeForums to find one.

The new sheath advice is quite valid. Spec-Ops Brand makes a excellent sheath for the money.

I have several of these:


I like them quite a bit, as I can put a multi-tool and DMT diamond sharpening rod in the front pouch.

And there are a lot of good Kydex makers these days, if you wish to trade in your moodex sheath. ;)

01-16-10, 14:55

Iraq Ninja
01-16-10, 15:49
Get one of the new issued Kbars and retire the old one.

I carry a leatherman and a seat belt cutter.

When it comes to knives, the gap really closes in relationship to effectiveness. It is not like comparing calibers in rifles. In the end, it is a sharp thing you hold in your hand to cut with.

01-16-10, 17:00
Things of quality have no fear of time.

If it works, the only recommendation I would have is to update the sheath, as recommended earlier by PRG.

Pathfinder Ops
01-18-10, 18:27
Thanks guys.... My needs are always met by this knife. I carry a Benchmade Griptillian and Leatherman Wave as every day stuff.

But my deployment kit fixed blade has been all along my K-Bar.

And yes I use the snot out of it. always have.

I have 3 daughters no sons, or nephews, so unless on of my girls latches onto a GI or Marine (God help me..... ;)) I may not have anyone to hand it down to until I become a Grandfather......OMG!

I like the idea of giving it to a young man though.

I think I'll take your advice and seek out the correct newer type sheath.

Thanks again for great input.