View Full Version : Book of Eli

01-17-10, 16:40
I have been looking forward for this movie for a long time.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered the movie sucked. And by sucked I mean it F-ING SUCKED.

It had so much potential. There were so many points where the movie could have been good. Yet it took the wrong path every time and just got worse and worse. It was a long drawn out walk through a wasteland with one or two pretty nice fight scenes mixed in.

One of my friends felt that I just didn't like it because I am an Atheist. However I felt the religious parts, both he good and the bad views of it, were the only good parts. Although I will say it got a bit to preachy in a place or two.

I can not say I recommend the movie. It could have been one of the best movies of the year. But instead it is just a waste of 9 bucks.

01-17-10, 16:52
Saw it yesterday. Sort of an amalgam of Mad Max, The Postman, and Farenheit 451. My expectations were fairly low so we saw it at matinee prices.

He did run out of ammo for the pistol in the street shootout but I don't think he missed a shot...only in Hollywood. Not to mention impressive work with his snickersnee.

01-17-10, 16:53
so I take it that it wasn't like Man on Fire meets The Road?

01-17-10, 16:55
so I take it that it wasn't like Man on Fire meets The Road?

Nope. More like Mad Max meets Fahrenheit 451 but without the best parts of either.

01-17-10, 16:59
Sucks to hear. I always expect Denzel Washington action movies to be like Man on Fire...same with Russell Crowe I expect his movies to be like Gladiator. I guess I'm wierd like that haha I'll probably watch Book of Eli when I'm in Vegas anyways. I won't be expecting much now.

01-17-10, 17:24
Whereas I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It's not any more of an action movie than Traitor was, had a good (if slightly predictable) plot and ending, and had a pretty good handle on few-decades-post-apocalyptic America.


01-17-10, 17:38
I heard it was pretty good... I guess its all in what you expect in a movie.

You should have stayed home and watched The Day of the Jackal like I did.:D

01-18-10, 00:57
I liked it.

01-18-10, 01:15
Honestly, I liked it a lot...right up until 2 minutes before the credits. The chick put on his stuff and it sucked. They ruined a good movie in the last 2 minutes. DVD alternate ending?!

01-18-10, 02:06
It was a C at best. I love post-apocalyptic movies (and zombie movies) and this one let me down just a little bit.I wouldn't consider myself an atheist, but I definitely don't practice anything, and I don't think it was too preachy. There were a lot of cliches and the ending was predictable. For a good chunk of the movie, I was more involved in trying to figure out what the townspeople were eating, if not each other.


I don't want to spoil it, but Gary Oldman was right about the power the book had, for one reason or another. That's as vague as I can be.

01-18-10, 02:50
Saw it last night. Good movie. Bleak landscape. I think the old couple could be most anyone on here:p

I'm agnostic, and thought it was good, even with the religious overtones, it didnt really affect the presentation of the movie too much.

I cant believe they left the old couple's house and didnt grab a single darn toy out of that place on the way out, though...very unlikely to be the case in a real situation like the one they were in.

I wonder if anybody knows who the war was between. They said the war was brought on by the books, but I cant imagine any group having that many weapons available (seems like every few miles down that highway there was another scorched crater. Some the size of a house, some the size of a suburb)

01-18-10, 04:15
Saw it last night and thought it was a pretty decent flick, but I still liked the road better.

01-18-10, 06:09
The impression was that it was a religious war. Perhaps between Christianity and Muslims, perhaps someone just using Christianity to try to assume power. We don't really know. That is part of what was good in the movie, the not knowing. The survivors were all to young when it happened to have a good idea of the causes.

I don't want to spoil it, but Gary Oldman was right about the power the book had, for one reason or another. That's as vague as I can be.

That was the real catch. Both he and Eli were correct about the book.

Honestly, I liked it a lot...right up until 2 minutes before the credits. The chick put on his stuff and it sucked.

I am curious as to why this ruined it for you?
She had her own quest to go on. Although I don't think she stood a snowballs chance in hell of making it back.

01-18-10, 11:29
I liked i - but I think that is mostly because I'm Christian and I liked the ending.

The girl was a miscast.

I can see why atheists wouldn't like it. But I have no sympathy for them. There are plenty of movies that are very 'preachy' with their anti-religion.

01-18-10, 14:34
I liked i - but I think that is mostly because I'm Christian and I liked the ending.

The girl was a miscast.

I can see why atheists wouldn't like it. But I have no sympathy for them. There are plenty of movies that are very 'preachy' with their anti-religion.

Actually this had nothing to do with my dislike of the movie. I just think it is a badly done movie. The religion part was interesting in my opinion.

01-18-10, 15:48
I thought it was a very good movie. For one, I like the DW and the Hughes brothers who directed it, even though they only have one other movie to their credit. I think Denzel played the character well and the cinematography was pretty nice. I'm heading back to see it a second time.

01-18-10, 16:32
My teenage son is hot to see it but I'm on the fence. The wife and I probably won't go since it is not her kind of thing. Probably just wait for it to come out on video.

01-18-10, 16:47
If you're looking for an action-packed movie filled with gore and a lot of killing; this isn't the movie for you. I was disappointed at the movie because I was expecting just that.

But I really did not think it was that bad. It may have been slow at some parts, but I would have no problem recommending the movie to MOST (not all) people. I actually left the theater feeling good. Plus I felt that at least the movie actually had a story that made sense (especially the ending).

I may even buy the DVD just so I can see it again without any such mistaken, pre-conceived ideas. YMMV.

01-18-10, 16:59
The impression was that it was a religious war. Perhaps between Christianity and Muslims, perhaps someone just using Christianity to try to assume power. We don't really know. That is part of what was good in the movie, the not knowing. The survivors were all to young when it happened to have a good idea of the causes.

That was the real catch. Both he and Eli were correct about the book.

I am curious as to why this ruined it for you?
She had her own quest to go on. Although I don't think she stood a snowballs chance in hell of making it back.

From my perspective, the head thug mayor was trying to get the bible to use as a power base, to manipulate people and control them through it. Like what some societies in the past has done. The head thug guy said himself "It's been done before".

the Bamster
01-18-10, 17:59
I liked the Hurt Locker. Not so realistic, but by hollywood standards "not bad".
How they come up on the short end of the stick when they have a Barrett .50 and the bad guys got an ak at 350 meters. The first shot missed by three feet, must have been Barretts early smooth bore "Brown Bess" Barrett. Sorry, Im off topic but what the hell.

01-18-10, 22:30
I liked the Hurt Locker. Not so realistic, but by hollywood standards "not bad".
How they come up on the short end of the stick when they have a Barrett .50 and the bad guys got an ak at 350 meters. The first shot missed by three feet, must have been Barretts early smooth bore "Brown Bess" Barrett. Sorry, Im off topic but what the hell.

I saw about thirty minutes of that movie and turned it off right after that scene because it was pretty cheesy in my opinion (the entire movie). But I didn't think the guy missing with the Barrett was super un-realistic. Any gun can miss with a nervous, or un-sure user, and that is what I got out of that scene more then anything.

01-19-10, 01:30
One of the worst movies that I had hoped the best for. It wasn't the message, nor the acting. It was just the movie as a whole. I am really disappointed.

Now I wait for legion, The Crazies, From Paris with love, The green zone, and Alice in wonderland.

01-19-10, 01:30
different strokes for different folks I guess...

I Really, really liked the movie...story, acting, everything

i actually thought Mila Kunis did a good job as the girl...

i also got the impression that she left at the end with his stuff after a pretty significant period of time...

go grab your bible...think how long it would take you to read it cover to cover

and think how much longer it would take to write it by hand...

based on how he took her on as a protege i figure he taught her more than religion...

01-19-10, 10:48
I really liked Mila in this movie too. She did a great job.

As for my thoughts on the movie, it was a good movie. NOT great, but good. I didn't care for the religious part of it. But I kinda figured that's what he'd be carrying.

Too bad HK won't release that flush fitting 40 round magazine for the HK45 to the public though! ;)

01-19-10, 11:42
Look, there are very few atheists, if any, in this world that wouldn't love to believe. My father says he never wants to believe, but I know better about him. He even goes so far as to behave in a deliberately blasphemous manner, simply in an attempt to prove it. He has all the right arguments, and all the right logic, and still, it's not enough for him, but he is the sort to browbeat, and so things are.

He, like anyone else, would hack off his leg if it meant he could believe in heaven.

What makes you an atheist is the fact that you simply can't. Sometimes, you don't like to be reminded of it. That doesn't mean you have to hate faith. In fact, it is a subject of considerable interest to most atheists.

Movies with Biblical overtones don't have to be bad. The problem is, the effort isn't always put into them. A good example of a proper movie related to a Biblical account is The Passion of the Christ. I watched it. Now, that movie cannot really be enjoyed, as such, but it was properly good. It's the first time this event was shown as the horror that it actually was.

Some of my favorite music has Christian overtones, but most Christian music is simplistic and repetitive in theme. It doesn't have to be.

Some of the greatest tales ever recounted are written in the Bible. Many people, Christians and atheists alike, do not understand the scale and epic nature of these tales. They can't get past the language or the simplified telling. If it was told as it actually happened, you would need the library of congress to hold it all, and the movies would all be rated R.

That doesn't mean you can't fill in the blanks. I, for one, would love to see a film about the final battle. I'm sick of seeing angels depicted as entirely human or fat babies, and demons depicted as other than angels. Angels are no laughing matter, as presented in the Bible, neither good nor bad are to be trifled with. You certainly wouldn't want to see either in a dark alley.

Look to some other films and stories to see people explore the actual descriptions. The movie Constantine, as an example, depicts Gabriel. While overly human, the film does a reasonable job of creating an androgynous, or otherwise sexless character. It managed to be both beautiful and somewhat unsettling. Still, it was a bit too human.

Hellboy II also included an angel; Asrael, the angel of death. Now, this was nearly perfect. Beautiful, in a terrible way. Terrible, in a beautiful way. But for a bit of over-zealously wicked artistic expression, it could have been perfect.

Even the names of some of these angels are terrible in a way, such as Metatron.

The Cherub at the Garden of Eden; is this to be viewed as a fat baby? Or as a horrible beauty to behold, terrible in it's aspect, an overwhelming force of good and shame, pointing a sword of fire in every possible direction of approach; wicked in it's potential, pious in it's loyalty to God and tolerance of man.

No, Biblical reference is not shunned by all Atheists. I loath to include myself in their number, as I am spiritual to some degree. I choose to be, not because I believe, but I do not wish to deny the possibility of something greater than I, be it God or no. Either way, my behavior can be viewed as the same.

I just wish more people would use the great tales in the Bible for inspiration, rather than rehashing the same stories without context, without interest, and without creativity.

There are some darn cool stories in there, no matter what you believe.

This post is not meant to be a debate on religion or faith. It serves only as my attempted illustration of the concept that people who do not like this movie need not be Atheists, and if they are, this need not be the reason they dislike it.

It's sort of an exploration of how "cool" the Bible can be, if you just let it shine in whatever art you practice. Look to the words, not to cheesy paintings from the 15th century, and you see just what they mean. That meaning is overwhelming, and it is just plain cool, if you let it be.

I personally would be called an atheist by most, though this is not how I choose to identify myself. Not believing, and saying there can't exist something approximating a God are two different things.

01-19-10, 12:03
You know I swear this is a remake of an older movie. Different name,but know I saw this long ago.

01-27-10, 19:27
I saw it last night and thought it was a decent flick. Nothing great but nothing too bad either. I think there are a few places in the movie where they could've gone a different direction and made a much better movie, but all in all I'd give it a B- or a C+.

07-18-10, 03:11
I had been putting off watching "Book of Eli" for months because of all the bad reviews it received when it was at the theater. But the wife and I rented it tonight....

I really, really enjoyed the movie. Mostly due to its simplicity in that it wasnt overloaded with the typical Hollywood moral equivalency bullshit. But also because I was completely blown away that this movie was ever made. A Pro-Christian/Pro-Bible film starring multiple A-list actors/actresses??? Unbelievable!!!

However, we ended the night by watching quite possibly one of the WORST movies ever produced "Brooklyn's Finest". What a ****ing turd!It should have been named "You get shot, you projectile vomit blood" or "Cops are bad, Christians are hypocrites, and dope dealers are just mis-understood". What a ****ing waste of two and a half hours.

07-18-10, 07:28
I saw it in theaters. I liked it. It wasn't great or terrible. I watched The Crazies the other night, that was terrible. Green Zone was ok, worth watching once for entertainment.

07-18-10, 08:46
What makes you an atheist is the fact that you simply can't.

How about you not making sweeping statements about those who choose not to believe in super heroes. Thanx.

Back to the movie thread...:rolleyes:

07-18-10, 08:49
I thought Eli was an ok film. Not a huge fan of Denzil but thought he did well for that film. Another he had done that is worth a view is Fallen. OT a bit.. Saint John of Las Vegas is hilarious. If you like Steve Buscemi, I think it's one of his best.


John Rabe is another I'm anxious to see. I haven't seen a bad film yet with Ulrich Tukur. Check out the trailer.


We are big fans of Ulrich here. North Face / Nordwand is epic in IMHO.


07-18-10, 08:52
I saw it last night and thought it was a decent flick. Nothing great but nothing too bad either. I think there are a few places in the movie where they could've gone a different direction and made a much better movie, but all in all I'd give it a B- or a C+.

Yup, that's the grade I would give it. Generally well done, well acted, and the "twist" at the end gave it some substance, and for me, explained a bunch of things that happened prior, like why none of the BGs could seem to hit him, etc.

I thought the basic premise was where the movie had it's biggest flaw (Last Bible on earth? Please...) but other then that, I generally enjoyed it. Good rental, but there are very few movies these days I'm going to the theater for as (1) they are over priced (2) most movies today suck (3) I'm too old to sit next to some idiot kid texting, and (4) my home theater system sounds better then anything one can get n most theaters anyway, and I can drink a glass O wine while I watch..

07-18-10, 09:30
Not a huge fan of Denzil

What the hell is this crazy talk. Denzel has one of the best resumes around.








07-18-10, 09:43
I saw it last night and thought it was a decent flick. Nothing great but nothing too bad either. I think there are a few places in the movie where they could've gone a different direction and made a much better movie, but all in all I'd give it a B- or a C+.

This pretty much sums up my feelings on the movie. In some ways it was better than what I thought it would be

07-18-10, 09:47
Just saw this on Friday night...I enjoyed it. Not really better or worse than I expected.

07-18-10, 11:31
What the hell is this crazy talk. Denzel has one of the best resumes around.








Ok, I concede.. he's made some other good films..;) Just not a huge fan of anyone in hollywood these days.

07-18-10, 12:57
It wasn't as good as I had hoped when I first started seeing the trailers.But it was much better than I had feared after hearing alot of negative reviews.

I gotta agree that Mila Kunis(?) suiting up at the end was just silly.

07-18-10, 16:19
I saw it in theaters. I liked it. It wasn't great or terrible. I watched The Crazies the other night, that was terrible. Green Zone was ok, worth watching once for entertainment.
Book Of Eli was a decent watch because as someone said it was not full of the usual BS. I liked the bar fight scene.

The Crazies was OK, kind of like a plain bagel - ok if you are hungry but you wish it was toasted with butter and cream cheese.

Green Zone had the typical Hollywood BS in it and if you ignored it then it was a watchable movie.

How about you not making sweeping statements about those who choose not to believe in super heroes. Thanx.

Exactly, I am not interested in an imaginary friend for grown ups.

07-18-10, 16:56
If your going to rate it Gary Oldman = Bad guy = A- on that fact alone.

Bow hunting for hairless cats...... priceless.

And once you take a little of faith you understand how he did what he did better ( yeah cheesy see what I did there thing).

07-18-10, 17:49
Warning: spoilers, so read no further if you plan to watch this movie!

And once you take a little of faith you understand how he did what he did better ( yeah cheesy see what I did there thing).

Who? Oldman or Eli? Eli was a blind man who could see perfectly, and knew exactly where he was going, could fight like a ninja, shoot like Vickers on steroids, talked to God (or God talked to him), and no one could hit him with a bullet, etc. I read that as him being directed/protected/and covered by the divine straight up like Moses, not that he had "a little faith." That was the whole twist of the movie at the end. He was blind...

Is that now how others saw it?

07-18-10, 18:25
Warning: spoilers, so read no further if you plan to watch this movie!

Who? Oldman or Eli? Eli was a blind man who could see perfectly, and knew exactly where he was going, could fight like a ninja, shoot like Vickers on steroids, talked to God (or God talked to him), and no one could hit him with a bullet, etc. I read that as him being directed/protected/and covered by the divine straight up like Moses, not that he had "a little faith." That was the whole twist of the movie at the end. He was blind...

Is that now how others saw it?

I saw it as a seeing man on a divine mission who could read Braille. His was to deliver the Book to Alcatraz, which had a collective group of ambitious survivors. They had other religious books (Quaran, Tanakh, etc...) and other important literature, to help rebuild and reeducate mankind, but not the King James version of the Bible, which Eli had memorized. They wrote down his speakings, then placed the King James version, with the other religious books in their library.

07-18-10, 18:33
I saw it as a seeing man on a divine mission who could read Braille..

So how did he shoot, fight, and know exactly where he was going? You know any blind men that can do that? I assume by "divine mission" you mean God had him covered, then yes, divine mission indeed. If by "divine mission" you mean he woke up one day and just has a strong urge to take the book to a place (he magically knew where to locate...) then I don't think the movie supports that. I think the entire "twist" of the movie was once you learned he was blind, you realized God did indeed exist, directly took care of Eli, and got his word to where he wanted it to be via Eli. Like Moses, Eli was more a direct messenger of God then some guy who had a strong sense he needed to get said book to some place.

07-18-10, 18:57
Warning: spoilers, so read no further if you plan to watch this movie!

Who? Oldman or Eli? Eli was a blind man who could see perfectly, and knew exactly where he was going, could fight like a ninja, shoot like Vickers on steroids, talked to God (or God talked to him), and no one could hit him with a bullet, etc. I read that as him being directed/protected/and covered by the divine straight up like Moses, not that he had "a little faith." That was the whole twist of the movie at the end. He was blind...

Is that now how others saw it?

Thats how I saw it. The close-up of his blind eyes towards the end kinda emphasized that he indeed was blind throughout the film.

07-18-10, 21:41
I figured out he was blind at the beginning of the movie when he felt for the dead guy's shoes in the car when there was more than enough light, and when he stubbed his toe on the step then felt for the guy's shoes in the closet.

07-18-10, 23:55
So how did he shoot, fight, and know exactly where he was going? You know any blind men that can do that? I assume by "divine mission" you mean God had him covered, then yes, divine mission indeed. If by "divine mission" you mean he woke up one day and just has a strong urge to take the book to a place (he magically knew where to locate...) then I don't think the movie supports that. I think the entire "twist" of the movie was once you learned he was blind, you realized God did indeed exist, directly took care of Eli, and got his word to where he wanted it to be via Eli. Like Moses, Eli was more a direct messenger of God then some guy who had a strong sense he needed to get said book to some place.

Whats more, is that at one point you can see inside his bag a K-Mart employee name tag with his name on it. So he was clearly just an average nobody, and the skill set he employed in the film isn't exactly the one that a big box worker would normally have. The only way for him (a blind retail worker) to have done what he did was to have been divinely guided.

I also cannot believe that Hollywood managed to make a movie that did not make fun of Christians.

07-19-10, 01:29
He was blind. The movie emphasized him smelling things to know they were there. Also, early on in the movie, he reached into the car with a skeleton to FEEL in there were boots on it. Same thing happened later with the corpse.

He didn't miss when shooting because he was divinely guided by God. He didn't die even when shot because he wasn't done with his divine mission.

You and I saw the movie the same way.

So how did he shoot, fight, and know exactly where he was going? You know any blind men that can do that? I assume by "divine mission" you mean God had him covered, then yes, divine mission indeed. If by "divine mission" you mean he woke up one day and just has a strong urge to take the book to a place (he magically knew where to locate...) then I don't think the movie supports that. I think the entire "twist" of the movie was once you learned he was blind, you realized God did indeed exist, directly took care of Eli, and got his word to where he wanted it to be via Eli. Like Moses, Eli was more a direct messenger of God then some guy who had a strong sense he needed to get said book to some place.

Alex V
07-19-10, 12:12
Just reading the plot from Wikipedia... movie sounds bad lol. But I do have a think for Mila Kunis... so I might watch it anyway. lol

Why can't they make a good post-apocalyptic anymore?

The Road sucked as well.

One Second After has been optioned for a movie by WB. I hope its not a total suck-fest.

07-19-10, 13:05
The Road sucked as well.

The Road isn't about a post-apocalyptic world as much as it is about the relationship of a man and his son. Too many watch and contemplate it in the context of the former rather than the latter.

07-19-10, 13:31
Whats more, is that at one point you can see inside his bag a K-Mart employee name tag with his name on it. So he was clearly just an average nobody, and the skill set he employed in the film isn't exactly the one that a big box worker would normally have. The only way for him (a blind retail worker) to have done what he did was to have been divinely guided.

I also cannot believe that Hollywood managed to make a movie that did not make fun of Christians.

I didn't see the tag said Kmart, I thought it was a kids bag, I figured he was a child when the war went down.

Also the movie did attack Christianity as well. It brought up the point of how badly religion (especially Christianity and the bible) can, and are, misused. If you ignore that part I feel you miss half the point of the movie. I still wasn't a big fan but It wasn't as bad as I initially though.

Alex V
07-19-10, 13:45
The Road isn't about a post-apocalyptic world as much as it is about the relationship of a man and his son. Too many watch and contemplate it in the context of the former rather than the latter.

I agree, but without the setting of a post-war/apocalyps the story would obviosly fall flat, that is why I would add it to the post-apocalyptic genre more than any other.

I understand the story, but that does not change the fact that I don't think its that good of a movie.

07-19-10, 13:52
Also the movie did attack Christianity as well. It brought up the point of how badly religion (especially Christianity and the bible) can, and are, misused. If you ignore that part I feel you miss half the point of the movie. I still wasn't a big fan but It wasn't as bad as I initially though.

Sure, you can interpret it that way, but I saw it more of a story of "Good vs Evil". The "Good" being the word of God & the Bible, and "Evil" being those that wished to mis-use it to benefit themselves.

I guess it all depends on your definition of "Christianity".

07-19-10, 14:53
I didn't see the tag said Kmart, I thought it was a kids bag, I figured he was a child when the war went down.

Also the movie did attack Christianity as well. It brought up the point of how badly religion (especially Christianity and the bible) can, and are, misused. If you ignore that part I feel you miss half the point of the movie. I still wasn't a big fan but It wasn't as bad as I initially though.

I guess this all depends on one's interpretation. I saw the movie more as a reaffirmation of just how important the Christian religion's role is in maintaining a society's morality depending on who is in control of "the word".

This fact has been borne out by a couple of thousands of years of history where the Bible had been used for both good and evil. JM2CW

07-19-10, 14:58
Very true. It is easy to interpret. As an Atheist I don't see as much good in Christianity as a Christian would so it is more likely I would see the other side more. :D

07-19-10, 18:41
I liked it, but that's just me.

07-19-10, 21:01
The Road isn't about a post-apocalyptic world as much as it is about the relationship of a man and his son. Too many watch and contemplate it in the context of the former rather than the latter.

Agreed. Some of the lines in No Country about his father carrying the fire in a horn and going up ahead to make a camp for them are similar to the "carrying the fire" theme in The Road.

07-20-10, 05:30
I thought it was OK. I felt like I was watching "Fallout 3" the movie (for those that played the game.)

07-20-10, 06:37
Well. I thought he could see but read braile. Im going to need another crack at it. He did wear glasses most of the time. I remember him talking to the young woman about how the older couple had the shakes in reference to their hands shaking from eating human flesh. I thought he could see. He did say he could smell the guys who were about to ambush him.

I thought it was a decent movie. I agree pick up the guns! I did like how he scrounged and traded. I also like how he was a badass but always tried to avoid a fight; as in the bar waiting for his water.

07-20-10, 07:53
Well. I thought he could see but read braile.

He was blind the entire time. That was the "twist" at the end that let us know he was truly on a mission for the almighty the entire time. That bumped the movie up a spot for me as it explained a bunch of annoying prior stuff that made it look like your typical modern movie, where only the good guy can hit anything, and bad guys, no matter how many rnds they fire, can't hit shit, and so on.

07-20-10, 11:36
Agreed. Some of the lines in No Country about his father carrying the fire in a horn and going up ahead to make a camp for them are similar to the "carrying the fire" theme in The Road.

Another good father-son themed movie. Not as pronounced as in The Road, but still significant, nonetheless.

07-20-10, 12:49
I'm waaaaayyyyy behind on movies and just recently saw The Book of Eli. I guess I'll be the odd man out because I really liked it. I had no idea he was blind and the thought never even crossed my mind until I read it here.

I just thought that God either enabled him to read Braille or God was speaking to him as he had the book open, telling him what it said.

I guess I'll have to watch it again on the plane this weekend.

As for The Road (which should not be part of this thread) I was planning on watching it on the plane already. Anyone expecting a post-apocalyptic adventure flim obviously didn't read the book.

07-20-10, 17:32
The Road sucked as well.

The Road REALL sucked.

Also the movie did attack Christianity as well. It brought up the point of how badly religion (especially Christianity and the bible) can, and are, misused. If you ignore that part I feel you miss half the point of the movie. I still wasn't a big fan but It wasn't as bad as I initially though.
I did not feel that the movie attacked Christianity, I feel it pointed out man's hijacking of Christianity for personal gains.

I had no idea he was blind and the thought never even crossed my mind until I read it here.

Don't feel lonely because I didn't notice it either but 99% of the time I multitask with the computer while watching anything.

As for The Road (which should not be part of this thread) I was planning on watching it on the plane already.

I would think twice about taking The Road on a plane seeing how it bombed so bad.

07-20-10, 17:56
So how did he shoot, fight, and know exactly where he was going? You know any blind men that can do that? I assume by "divine mission" you mean God had him covered, then yes, divine mission indeed. If by "divine mission" you mean he woke up one day and just has a strong urge to take the book to a place (he magically knew where to locate...) then I don't think the movie supports that. I think the entire "twist" of the movie was once you learned he was blind, you realized God did indeed exist, directly took care of Eli, and got his word to where he wanted it to be via Eli. Like Moses, Eli was more a direct messenger of God then some guy who had a strong sense he needed to get said book to some place.

No.... I meant a man with sight, who could read Braille who was also divinely guided. I didn't notice that he was blind with all of the remarkable shooting and sword work. With all of the things he accomplished, I never picked up on it. I saw what folks said were the hints, but must have missed the meaning while eating my popcorn. I normally have very good observation and attention to detail to things, so if he was in fact blind, I'll have to watch it again.

07-20-10, 19:19
Out of all the SHTF movies this one was up there. I thought it was good, not as good as The Road or Panic In Year Zero but it's not like this was some chick flick or Michael Moore propaganda freak show.

07-20-10, 20:37
I had this on my Netflix list and it arrived this morning. I'm only thirty minutes or so into it but I had to say that any movie that has Tom Waits in it can't be all bad. He's just about the coolest dude walking this earth.

07-21-10, 13:55
Jut got done watching Book of Eli.

Really good stuff. I enjoyed it.

07-21-10, 16:44
Warning: spoilers, so read no further if you plan to watch this movie!

Who? Oldman or Eli? Eli was a blind man who could see perfectly, and knew exactly where he was going, could fight like a ninja, shoot like Vickers on steroids, talked to God (or God talked to him), and no one could hit him with a bullet, etc. I read that as him being directed/protected/and covered by the divine straight up like Moses, not that he had "a little faith." That was the whole twist of the movie at the end. He was blind...

Is that now how others saw it?

I avoided this thread because I wanted to avoid spoilers. Now I can comment :p

I saw the whole story as your typical biblical type tale of a prophet given a mission by the almighty.

Eli himself didn't have any powers, in the same way Moses didnt have power. However, once they start praying and calling upon God to get the job done, you probably don't want to be in the way.

07-21-10, 17:08
Eli himself didn't have any powers, in the same way Moses didnt have power. However, once they start praying and calling upon God to get the job done, you probably don't want to be in the way.

Well put.

07-21-10, 20:03
Watched it last night. It was okay at best....