View Full Version : How Low Can NYC Go?

01-17-10, 18:00
This low...:(

"Hero detective who risked life to battle Mafia told to give up his gun by NYPD

BY John Marzulli

Sunday, January 10th 2010, 4:00 AM

An NYPD detective who risked his life to infiltrate the Mafia has been stripped of the right to carry a firearm because of a line-of-duty injury, the Daily News has learned.

Rick Cowan, a retired first-grade detective, posed as a recycling company exec named Danny Benedetto in the early 1990s to expose mob influence in the carting industry.

His work secretly recording mobsters and corrupt businessmen earned him one of the NYPD's top medals - honorable mention.

But now, with the NYPD refusing to let him carry a weapon for protection, he feels betrayed by the job he loved.

"The nature of the Mafia is these people are very vengeful," said Cowan, 52, who retired in December 2008 after 25 years on the force.

After suffering serious injuries in an on-duty car accident, Cowan had a shunt put in his head - a device that carries a small risk of complications if he suffers a blow to the head.

Department officials are concerned that if Cowan lost consciousness, he would be unable to safeguard his firearm and consigned him to its "no carry" list.

Cowan's lawyer said the NYPD medical division appears more concerned with liability issues than the safety of the detective and his family.

"He's being deprived of a firearm for no logical reason," said his lawyer, Jeffrey Goldberg of Lake Success. "He did a great job for New York City, and this is no way to treat a hero."

Cowan sued in Manhattan Supreme Court to get off the "no carry" list but a judge recently rejected his appeal.

He's hoping he can persuade the NYPD to at least remove the label so he can apply to carry a firearm in other jurisdictions."


01-17-10, 18:08
And this surprises anyone how...?

Cowan's lawyer said the NYPD medical division appears more concerned with liability issues than the safety of the detective and his family.

Of course they are; just like any good bureaucrats.

"He's being deprived of a firearm for no logical reason," said his lawyer, Jeffrey Goldberg of Lake Success. "He did a great job for New York City, and this is no way to treat a hero."

Here today, gone tomorrow. Yesterday's hero, today's zero. Add whatever cliche you'd like.

01-17-10, 18:18
I am a native New Yorker, and let me tell ya, that place can sink lower than a drunk Bangkok she-male on a Saturday night when the navy is in town

01-17-10, 19:08
i didn't know what the **** a "shunt" was, so i looked it up.

in case anybody's interested - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebral_shunt

01-17-10, 21:21
I am a native New Yorker, and let me tell ya, that place can sink lower than a drunk Bangkok she-male on a Saturday night when the navy is in town

That about sums it up.

01-17-10, 21:43
Yet another reason I have never and probably never will visit that city. :rolleyes:

01-17-10, 23:27
Department officials are concerned that if Cowan lost consciousness, he would be unable to safeguard his firearm and consigned him to its "no carry" list.

:confused: :mad:

I would expect that if he lost conciousness, someone would call 911.

Isn't he protected by HR218? I'm off to Google to see what the restrictions are.

01-18-10, 02:38
What a F***-stick factory! If it's such a concern, then why would NYC let any police carry fireams? It can happen to someone even if they don't have a medical issue. It happened here in Chicago a few months ago to an on-duty officer got into an accident. The savages dragged his body out of the squad, causing him neck-down paralysis, and took his sidearm. With scenarios like these and our vantage point of the negative impact politicians have on society, it's no wonder the law enforcement community is often jaded and distrustful.

01-18-10, 03:24
Never underestimate the reach of the Mafia.

01-18-10, 03:25
I'll hold back my shock.........:rolleyes:

01-18-10, 08:10
What a crock. When I saw the headline and the first part of the article, I figured he'd lost one or both arms/hands or eyes - you know, something that might actually affect your ability to shoot.

This is absurd.

01-18-10, 08:51
What a crock. When I saw the headline and the first part of the article, I figured he'd lost one or both arms/hands or eyes - you know, something that might actually affect your ability to shoot.

This is absurd.

F-ing disgusting is what it is. I grew up in Brooklyn NY myself but I wouldn't go back there. MA is bad enough, but MA, even Boston, makes NYC look like TX. I'm not a knee jerk litigious type, but I hope the man fights it, or gets his family the hell out of their.

01-18-10, 09:09
i'm with hank williams jr. "send me to hell, or new york city, be about the same to me".------yes, i found out the hard way----

01-18-10, 11:52
He probably has a strong connection to the city at this point and doesn't want to leave, but if I were in his shoes - I'd take my retirement/disability payments, move across to PA or VT, and spend it there. On guns.