View Full Version : No More!!!!!!!!!

01-18-10, 12:28

time to take back this country

01-18-10, 12:38
Nicely done. I hope everyone watches that video.

01-18-10, 12:43
Maybe people should have done their research before voting for him in the first place.

01-18-10, 12:57
pretty sure your preaching to the choir here, I would guess the majority of members here voted the other way JMHO

01-18-10, 13:08
What is the title of the YouTube video? I need it so I can enter it in my phone app and see it, our work computers block all streaming content.

01-18-10, 13:09
Good video.. I think some folks are waking up.. a little late, but better late than never. Should be interesting next fall. Hopefully we can stall the irreversible changes they are attempting until we deep 6 these guys.

01-18-10, 13:12
What is the title of the YouTube video? I need it so I can enter it in my phone app and see it, our work computers block all streaming content.

America Rising

Great video!

01-18-10, 13:18
Good video. Hopefully it will actually happen.

01-18-10, 13:29
If you search for America Rising Part 2 (came up in my YouTube search of America Rising as one of the potential matches) you will find the Dems turning the video 180° and firing back at the Rebulicans.

01-18-10, 14:56
If you search for America Rising Part 2 (came up in my YouTube search of America Rising as one of the potential matches) you will find the Dems turning the video 180° and firing back at the Rebulicans.

And that was a REALLY stupid video.

01-18-10, 15:17
Nice little propaganda piece there. Flashing three word slogans, and intense music really get me fired up!

01-18-10, 19:34
Good video.. I think some folks are waking up.. a little late, but better late than never. Should be interesting next fall. Hopefully we can stall the irreversible changes they are attempting until we deep 6 these guys.

Like they woke up and overturned the Assault Weapons Ban after the Dems had the house and lost it the last time?

01-18-10, 22:30
Guy's. if you haven't seen this yet you're going to flip your lid. I cannot believe this is happening in our country....I don't know how many more times I'm going to have to say that statement. It seem like i'm saying it more and more over the last few years.




01-19-10, 01:26
<HK51Fan> very interesting to say the least. Kinda pisses one off, again to say the least. thanks!

01-19-10, 09:17

If this is true than all our Intelligence and investigative agencies are null and void in effectiveness - this is hard to believe.

If these are training camps, as the video shows, then they have been very well hidden from all other media outlets. The whole thing seems ripe with outrageousness.

I do not trust ANY mass media outlets anymore, specifically FOX (FOX has been caught plenty of times doctoring news video to match their specific agenda, whatever that may be, and yes when confronted with this they claimed an error in editing - Bull! Go ahead google it, I'm not making this shit up.).
I don't trust CNN, MSNBC, etc. either. Most of our media has devolved into opinion spreading instead of objective journalism.

I do not like to be lead by the nose by media that pulls viewership by creating high emotions and feeding paranoia by carefully crafted information. Propaganda is a very dangerous thing, and I as and American, will doubt everything shoved in my face until I have found concrete evidence to convince me other wise.

Independence baby!

01-19-10, 11:28
How true...Today's the day!

Godspeed, Mr. Brown!

01-19-10, 13:15
That needs to be a commercial !!

01-19-10, 20:30
That needs to be a commercial !!

No shit!

01-19-10, 21:32
If this is true than all our Intelligence and investigative agencies are null and void in effectiveness - this is hard to believe.

If these are training camps, as the video shows, then they have been very well hidden from all other media outlets. The whole thing seems ripe with outrageousness.

I do not trust ANY mass media outlets anymore, specifically FOX (FOX has been caught plenty of times doctoring news video to match their specific agenda, whatever that may be, and yes when confronted with this they claimed an error in editing - Bull! Go ahead google it, I'm not making this shit up.).
I don't trust CNN, MSNBC, etc. either. Most of our media has devolved into opinion spreading instead of objective journalism.

I do not like to be lead by the nose by media that pulls viewership by creating high emotions and feeding paranoia by carefully crafted information. Propaganda is a very dangerous thing, and I as and American, will doubt everything shoved in my face until I have found concrete evidence to convince me other wise.

Independence baby!

I thought this was common knowledge. I've personally known about the ones in upsate New York for years. The government with it's PC blinders on hasn't made many moves on this for fear of the foreign funds that are hugely invested in this country and lawsuits out the ass. They can't just allow some inbread rednecks to do the same thing and pick out those that have beards and turbins on solely.

01-19-10, 23:13
Guy's. if you haven't seen this yet you're going to flip your lid. I cannot believe this is happening in our country....I don't know how many more times I'm going to have to say that statement. It seem like i'm saying it more and more over the last few years.




I am in utter disbelief that our country would allow terrorist training camps to operate on our soil. In a time of war no less. Looks like CAG needs to go on some missions!!!

01-20-10, 15:39
from watching the video it appears that there is one within a couple hours of Dallas....actually it looks to be strategically placed off the I-10 corridor that means it would take about the same amount of time to reach San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Austin, and Corpus Christi......you could reach all of those cities with 2hrs of one another by the map placement.....that's scary. You have 2 major ports, the capitol, a city with 5 military bases and a major telecom hub in all of these cities. Shit San Antonio is where Randolph is located and that the main base for the airforce not to mention lackland is the only airforce bootcamp base. then you also have BAMC which is the primary burn center and trauma unit...

In Dallas. Richardson to Allen is the Telecom corridor that housed A LOT of telecom companies. Plano has a number of Corporate headqrtrs like JCPenny, EDS, Frito Lay, Ericcson, the list goes on an on McAffee....you name it Plano is the new corp headquarters capital.

Not good people.

01-20-10, 16:50
If this is true than all our Intelligence and investigative agencies are null and void in effectiveness - this is hard to believe.

If these are training camps, as the video shows, then they have been very well hidden from all other media outlets. The whole thing seems ripe with outrageousness.

I do not trust ANY mass media outlets anymore, specifically FOX (FOX has been caught plenty of times doctoring news video to match their specific agenda, whatever that may be, and yes when confronted with this they claimed an error in editing - Bull! Go ahead google it, I'm not making this shit up.).
I don't trust CNN, MSNBC, etc. either. Most of our media has devolved into opinion spreading instead of objective journalism.

I do not like to be lead by the nose by media that pulls viewership by creating high emotions and feeding paranoia by carefully crafted information. Propaganda is a very dangerous thing, and I as and American, will doubt everything shoved in my face until I have found concrete evidence to convince me other wise.

Independence baby!

I hate being misled, could you please point to or give verifiable specific accounts of FOX doctoring anything(Hair and make up don't count)? I did google it and only found goofballs and wingnuts talking shit.

01-20-10, 17:24
I hate being misled, could you please point to or give verifiable specific accounts of FOX doctoring anything(Hair and make up don't count)? I did google it and only found goofballs and wingnuts talking shit.

just off the top of my head, there was this...









oh, and this one is great too...


01-20-10, 17:42
just off the top of my head, there was this...









oh, and this one is great too...


Golly, that's just awful. :eek:

Too bad your brilliant referencing does nothing to disprove the fact the these compounds do indeed exist as stated.

01-20-10, 17:49
just off the top of my head, there was this...









oh, and this one is great too...


Yeah pretty much the goofballs and wing nuts I referring to.

BTW so there is no confusion, I know that at least some of these training camps do indeed exist. Many times under the guise of a school or religious facility.

01-20-10, 19:58
Ignorance is a disease with a cure: schooling and debate.

01-20-10, 20:09
these homo should die. I would beat them up with a baseball base. they not worth than a 50 cent .223 round. So baseball bat is good to kill them terrorists. **** jihad. American Infidel Strong !!!

Gutshot John
01-20-10, 20:11
Ignorance is a disease with a cure: schooling and debate.


Having taught at the university level that's the best joke I've heard all day.

Thanks you put a smile on my face. ;)

02-05-10, 10:45
Excellent video thanks for sharing...

These idiots are outright ENEMIES of America plain and simple. They're communists and therefore TRAITORS - nothing less.

November is gonna be a bloodbath at the ballot box. They're gonna be cast into irrelevance once again. Their radical, foaming at the mouth Socialist policies are utterly incompatible with what America stands for and is built upon. In just one year they've shown their true colors and just who they are. They despise this nation and if they could they'd transorm it into a Third World dictatorship just like the idiots they worship as mentors - Castro, Chavez, etc. They worship communism and think they can "make it work" if they just get the chance. Screw them is all I can say.

Live free or Die...

02-05-10, 12:28
POTUS, Reed and Pelosi are the most dangerous people ever elected into office.

02-05-10, 13:02
someone sent me this video a week or so ago, i started to post on this site and ask if this could possibly be so. it appears to be,, unbelievable!!! i see they have a camp in alabama,, might be a good place for it,, it certainly would have been 20-30- years ago. i honest-to-god don't think one would do so well in the backwoods of mississippi, probably why none here.it fully appears to me that if the govt. won't protect the people from these jerks, the people are gonna have to do it theirselves. all the news has been this week is "another attack certain"--and they gonna allow this shit?????