View Full Version : re: Haiti- The US military is not the best military in the world

01-18-10, 21:20
simply because it is the biggest, most well-funded, most well trained, or whatever. Rather, the US military is the best in the world because the best people in the world are in the US military. IMO, natch.


01-18-10, 22:17
Blackfive is legit and good people.

William B.
01-18-10, 22:25
I met a couple of the Black Five guys at a media event at Quantico. They are strongly pro-US military, and the guys I met were both former military themselves. I believe one was a Marine and the other was Army SF.

01-18-10, 23:02
It really pisses me off when the media ask our Military, "why isnt more done quickly" and the Generals politely have to answer..... When the real answer is, its more F%$king complicated than you can imagine and I would prefer a simple Thank you for coming here to save your ass when we don't have to. Why should our military have to take shit?

America always comes to aid, and thats cool, but the judgment is just so unreal it pisses me off.:mad:

And thats just one of many reasons we have the best Military in the World.

01-19-10, 02:46
I have a lot of respect for our Soldiers.

01-19-10, 09:22
Those guys need money right now, so make sure you click on the donate button!

01-19-10, 10:27
It really pisses me off when the media ask our Military, "why isnt more done quickly" and the Generals politely have to answer..... When the real answer is, its more F%$king complicated than you can imagine and I would prefer a simple Thank you for coming here to save your ass when we don't have to. Why should our military have to take shit?

America always comes to aid, and thats cool, but the judgment is just so unreal it pisses me off.:mad:

And thats just one of many reasons we have the best Military in the World.

01-19-10, 12:20
As Rush Limbaugh said, it's "bad for the US military to be the world's policeman, but it's OK for them to be the world's EMT". Everyone hates us until they need us, and afterword, they go right back to hating us again because "we didn't do enough".:mad: