View Full Version : Tonight's Massachusetts Election Is Pivotal

01-19-10, 18:24
As they are poised for a critical defeat, watching Matthews and his ilk on MSNBC try to explain this administration's failings is just epic. The horse they so blindly backed has come up lame. Embarrassingly lame, in fact.

This could also put an end to the healthcare scam we are all about to be forced to swallow in some form soon. If so, the hopelessly inept Obama is essentially done.

Of course, it's not over yet. But the current exit polls are pretty lopsided and looking quite good.

01-19-10, 18:29
When should we start hearing results?

01-19-10, 18:41
voted for Brown after work. Got my fingers crossed. Hopefully if Brown wins, it will start a domino effect across the country.

01-19-10, 18:49
voted for Brown after work. Got my fingers crossed. Hopefully if Brown wins, it will start a domino effect across the country.

thank you from Texas. I wish I could vote there, I should ask ACORN perhaps :D

01-19-10, 18:59
When should we start hearing results?

The polls close in 6 minutes, so I'd say around 9. By ten or so the verdict should be in unless it's too close to call right away.

01-19-10, 19:11
I think its unbelievable that this race has become as close as it is. Perhaps the world is starting to right itself.

01-19-10, 19:20
As much as I despise MSNBC, tonight it is spectacular entertainment. And now that Olberman is on it is even better. Reality has finally dawned on these idiots.

For once NBC has actually generated "must see TV".

01-19-10, 19:25
For the first time in a long time, my vote in Massachusetts counts for something. My polling place was the most crowded I've ever seen.

Fivethirtyeight.com predicted Brown's odds as 3:1 based on the last polling numbers, and Intrade.com has Brown's chances at about 75-80%. We should know soon as numbers start coming in.

A Brown victory could be the second time in US history that a revolution started in Massachusetts.

01-19-10, 19:25
As much as I despise MSNBC, tonight it is spectacular entertainment. And now that Olberman is on it is even better. Reality has finally dawned on these idiots.

For once NBC has actually generated "must see TV".

Thanks for the heads up. I flipped the TV over there and I cannot believe what Olberman is saying.

01-19-10, 19:26
Coakely's own pollster Salinda Lake, just did a web interview within the last hour, conceding defeat. Damn I hope thats true. This single senatorial election has inter-generational ramifications. If Brown gets the win, he could effectively stop "Obamacare" in its tracks. The dems also promised that if Brown wins, they are going to try to pull some scam to delay Brown's entrance into the Senate. They should grow up and do whats best for their country instead of doing whats best for themselves. Keep your fingers crossed for Brown fellas!!

Also, am I the only one who finds it odd that there are no exit polls??? You know what else is funny???? Everytime Obama campaigns, his candidate loses!!!!! Roflmao!!!!!

01-19-10, 19:31
Keep an eye on Rasmussen Reports data here:


01-19-10, 19:36
I just worry about a repeat of MN...recount and find ballots in the trunk's of people's cars until a recount shows the dem won, and then call the election for the dem.

Unless she concedes defeat or there is a 10% win on Brown's side this will probably end up in a legal tangle until Coakley is announced the winner. Do not think for a second that the dems are just going to give up if its close.

01-19-10, 19:47
53 TO 46 WITH 21% IN....

01-19-10, 19:48

01-19-10, 19:55
"Brown is overperforming his targets in "red" (relative to MA) areas that he was supposed to win. But Coakley holding own in blueish areas."


01-19-10, 19:56
I hope this is the first domino of backlash against the Dems...:D

01-19-10, 19:58
I hope this is the first domino of backlash against the Dems...:D

I hope so too. I actually think this may be the third domino after Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial victories!!:)

01-19-10, 19:59
"Coakley not doing so hot in early reporting Boston precincts. Must be those near Fenway Park."


01-19-10, 20:05
52% reporting

Brown - 587389 - 53%
Coakley - 520311 - 46%

01-19-10, 20:05
Fox news dot com is reporting 52% to 47% for Brown with 39% of precincts reporting. I don’t have cable news so I can’t watch all the fun.

01-19-10, 20:05
My understanding of MA law is that the state could take 15 days to certify the results.

The Senate can perform a lot of shenanigans in 15 days.....

Having said that, I have prayed for a Brown victory.

01-19-10, 20:07
Coakley's HQ looks abandoned! She looks done!!!!! We got it guys!!!!!!!

01-19-10, 20:11
63% in and still 53 to 46

01-19-10, 20:14
Coakley's HQ looks abandoned! She looks done!!!!! We got it guys!!!!!!!

Wow your not kidding, that place is dead.

01-19-10, 20:15
...this win will be friggin great.

01-19-10, 20:15
I don't think most people understand how important this impromptu election result is. A great deal has changed in our favor, my friends.

01-19-10, 20:18
I don't think most people understand how important this impromptu election result is. A great deal has changed in our favor, my friends.

The people who voted for Scott Brown understand :).

01-19-10, 20:19
Coakley's HQ looks abandoned! She looks done!!!!! We got it guys!!!!!!!

Brown’s HQ on the other hand looks like one hell a party is going on.

01-19-10, 20:21
I am so glad I mailed that check.

From another member of the vast right-wing conspiracy. :D

01-19-10, 20:21
Brown’s HQ on the other hand looks like one hell a party is going on.

Oh Yeah!!!!

01-19-10, 20:22

01-19-10, 20:23
I will keep refreshing Fox News until I see that Coakley has conceded.

01-19-10, 20:25
Boston.com reporting that Coakley has called Brown to concede!


9:13pm entry.

01-19-10, 20:26
She's conceding !!!!!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!

01-19-10, 20:26
Precincts Reporting: 1,405 of 2,168 (65%)

Scott Brown (R) – 745,361 (52.7%)
Martha Coakley (D) – 654,070 (46.3%)
Joe Kennedy (I) – 14,171 (1.0%)

01-19-10, 20:27
AP just reports with 75% in that he is the WINNER!!!

01-19-10, 20:29
Awesome news...The AP is saying that Brown is the projected winner and the Coakley has conceded!!! :D

01-19-10, 20:30
I wonder what the President is feeling at this exact moment??? LOL!!!!:p

01-19-10, 20:34
For those who want to know these were the last two Republicans senators to serve Massachusetts.



It's been a long time.

01-19-10, 20:38
I wonder what the President is feeling at this exact moment??? LOL!!!!:p

More than likely...nothing.

Sacrifices must be made if we are to progress in society. Everybody has to have skin in the game, you know.

Business as usual.

01-19-10, 20:40
It's done! AP announced Coakley threw in the towel. CBS News radio

01-19-10, 20:42
feels good so far... lets see the aftermath.

01-19-10, 20:46
Guys, Palin and Rove on Greta tonight!!!!! What a great night for all Americans!!!!

01-19-10, 20:48
The irony of this victory, is many Dems voted Brown.:eek:

01-19-10, 20:50
Thank you from Texas for all those who voted for Brown. We are all in this together

01-19-10, 20:50
I admit I don't really have a clue as to why this is so big.

Anyone care to fill me in?

01-19-10, 20:51

Tonight we have real change in Massachusetts! :D

01-19-10, 20:52
More than likely...nothing.

Sacrifices must be made if we are to progress in society. Everybody has to have skin in the game, you know.

Business as usual.

While he may not be crying like a baby he is surely feeling this on a deep, personal level I can assure you. That on top of his additional loss of political clout.

You can't possibly dismiss the positive relevance of this election result. We just need to accept that something great has just fallen into our laps seemingly unannounced and unanticipated.

01-19-10, 20:54
I admit I don't really have a clue as to why this is so big.

Anyone care to fill me in?

41st vote to shoot down healthcare, and the fact that a Republican just replaced the super liberal Ted Kennedy's seat. No R has held that seat in something like 36 years. Kennedy is rolling in his grave now. In November, Coakley (D) was ahead by 35 points, now in January Brown was up by 9% in polls suddenly. This is a very bad omen to Democrats in 2010 elections. If a R can win a Senate seat in MA, it can practically win one anywhere. Something like 25% of Dems voted FOR BROWN. There was a huge voter turn out something like 50% of eligible voters there, thats insane.

Cliff Notes: I got yer Change right here

01-19-10, 20:55
I admit I don't really have a clue as to why this is so big.

Anyone care to fill me in?

1) Democrats outnumber republicans by 3:1 in Mass.

2) Ted Kennedy has held his seat for over 50 years.

3) The Healthcare Bill is no longer filibuster proof in the senate.

5) This is a further wake up call to the dems that people will, in fact, kick them out of office if they continue to pretend they can do whatever the hell they want without repercussions from the people of the country.

01-19-10, 20:58
My only worry is that this will end up being a long-term advantage for the democrats.

Dem's spin it as him winning because ______. A quick search of Google, and a blog said he won because he's handsom and something else, and a forum that says the systems are easily hacked. All in, what, ten minutes? If the dem's spin it as anything other than what it is, and get people all up in arms about how it's not fair, they might get more people to vote dem in other states, that might not have otherwise.

But, of course, this would happen to any blue state that turns red. So, whatever.

01-19-10, 20:59
I admit I don't really have a clue as to why this is so big.

Anyone care to fill me in?

First time a Republican has won in Mass in decades.

Major shift in the political winds of the country. A sign of buyers remorse against the Dems and the Obama Administration. We can't vote POTUS out, but he can be hamstrung in the House and Senate by voting Dems out.

The Dems lose there filibuster proof majority.

The Health care bill is in serious jeopardy of NOT passing.

Every weak Dem is now rethinking their BS agenda, and now planning their political survival BY......Actually listening to their constituents.

01-19-10, 21:00
My only worry is that this will end up being a long-term advantage for the democrats.

Dem's spin it as him winning because ______. A quick search of Google, and a blog said he won because he's handsom and something else, and a forum that says the systems are easily hacked. If the dem's spin it as anything other than what it is, and get people all up in arms about how it's not fair, they might get more people to vote dem in other states, that might not have otherwise.

Say what now? :rolleyes:

Please don't derail this pleasant, positive discussion with such baseless nonsense. The last thing we need to do is fear our just selves.

01-19-10, 21:01
My only worry is that this will end up being a long-term advantage for the democrats.

Dem's spin it as him winning because ______. A quick search of Google, and a blog said he won because he's handsom and something else, and a forum that says the systems are easily hacked. All in, what, ten minutes? If the dem's spin it as anything other than what it is, and get people all up in arms about how it's not fair, they might get more people to vote dem in other states, that might not have otherwise.

But, of course, this would happen to any blue state that turns red. So, whatever.

I think the American citizentry is waking up to the dems slander tactics ( among their bag of dirty tricks ). This election proves it.

the Bamster
01-19-10, 21:05
You will all pay for this.... another stimulus package for your kids and grandchildren.............. lets say 1.2 trillion this time. Gotta go......Olberman's on the pipe again and i've got to talk Maddow of the ledge.

The Bamster

01-19-10, 21:06
While he may not be crying like a baby he is surely feeling this on a deep, personal level I can assure you. That on top of his additional loss of political clout.

You're assuming his conceit has limits. I think that's a poor assumption. His functionaries are, even now, burning the airwaves up with condemnation for the losing candidate.

When human beings are presented with a hard truth or a comfortable lie...they often choose the comfortable lie.

You can't possibly dismiss the positive relevance of this election result. We just need to accept that something great has just fallen into our laps seemingly unannounced and unanticipated.

The election is indeed an important signal for those who are paying attention.

It is not, however, a complete game changer. It's a step in the right direction.

01-19-10, 21:07
You will all pay for this.... another stimulus package for your kids and grandchildren.............. lets say 1.2 trillion this time. Gotta go......Olberman's on the pipe again and i've got to talk Maddow of the ledge.

The Bamster

Too funny!!!!!! Thats hilarious!!!!! The avatar is pure comedy!!!!

01-19-10, 21:14
I'll take this change with a side order of new hope.

Texas salutes you, all who aided in Brown's victory.

01-19-10, 21:15
Please don't derail this pleasant, positive discussion with such baseless nonsense.

Yeah, my speculation that the democrats would play dirty politics is completely unjust. I should feel bad for spreading such rumors.

Sorry I even said anything, I thought this was a discussion forum. ;)

I think the American citizentry is waking up to the dems slander tactics ( among their bag of dirty tricks ). This election proves it.

I agree. :) But I don't think sweet young impressionable college students will get the memo. :(

01-19-10, 21:22
Oh you have to check out MSNBC. Oberman, Maddow, and Matthews are talking in circles and trying to figure out the 'meaning' of this election.

Alpha Sierra
01-19-10, 21:24
I wonder what the President is feeling at this exact moment??? LOL!!!!:p

A bowel movement? :D

01-19-10, 21:25
I agree. :) But I don't think sweet young impressionable college students will get the memo. :(

Yeah, they are still trying to save the polar bears from global warming.

the Bamster
01-19-10, 21:26
Oh you have to check out MSNBC. Oberman, Maddow, and Matthews are talking in circles and trying to figure out the 'meaning' of this election.

They are actually saying she lost because the dems. were not far enough to the left and pass commie care. These people are insane!

Alpha Sierra
01-19-10, 21:27
Oh you have to check out MSNBC. Oberman, Maddow, and Matthews are talking in circles and trying to figure out the 'meaning' of this election.

I think it means their side got their ass handed to them on a platter.

01-19-10, 21:28
1) Democrats outnumber republicans by 3:1 in Mass.

2) Ted Kennedy has held his seat for over 50 years.

3) The Healthcare Bill is no longer filibuster proof in the senate.

5) This is a further wake up call to the dems that people will, in fact, kick them out of office if they continue to pretend they can do whatever the hell they want without repercussions from the people of the country.

Technically, since Kennedy was elected in '62, he held the seat for 47 years. Still, close to half a century of lunatic Dem.

Now the Democrats are on notice, just as the Republicans were put on notice a year and a half ago. Maybe both parties will get their heads out of their respective asses and leave people alone for once, but I doubt it.

01-19-10, 21:35
The meaning is the same as the elections in Virginia and NJ...the coalition of voters that put Obama into office has largely evaporated. Further, the Dems have lost ground among their own usual voters. I haven't looked at the details of this particular election yet, but if it shows independents breaking for Brown by a significant margin and a significant chunk of Democrats...and all of this with some pretty impressive turnout in a state that hasn't put an R in an open election in 44 years...it signals a real problem for Democrats in a number of states.

The Bush anger voters aren't motivated to show up or worse...they aren't pulling the lever for Dems. The glassy-eyed Obama voters don't seem to be motivated by the "Dontcha wanna be a pepper too?" appeals of the candidate they voted for.

01-19-10, 21:35
One thing's for sure Brown's daughters are HOtttttttt!!!!!

01-19-10, 21:35
Glad Mr. Brown has won but this fight is not over!

The US House leadership (Dem) is considering passing the Senate version of the health care bill as is with promises from the Senate Leadership that they can modify it later. They figure that this is the only way they can get anything passed now that they have lost their Super Majority of 60 votes.


01-19-10, 21:46
Agree - As great as this is, look for the Dems to not take these votes as a referendum but as a call to push harder and harder. That is to get through what they can, since they will loose anyway...

01-19-10, 21:50
anything new from mass other than that ?

01-19-10, 21:56
Agree - As great as this is, look for the Dems to not take these votes as a referendum but as a call to push harder and harder.

Not worried about it in the least.

01-19-10, 21:58
anything new from mass other than that ?

Brilliantly spoken. So much so in fact that your point was somehow lost.

01-19-10, 21:58
Let's be realistic, we won a big victory. But this is no time to take our eye off the Republicans. We have to hold them accountable for whatever compromise abortions they agree to in the next few months. You have to realize Lindsey Graham was willing to join hands with Democrats on a climate bill, right?

Let's hope the Stupid Party has learned as much tonight as the Evil Party.


the Bamster
01-19-10, 21:59
There goes Olberman calling me a tea bagger again. He has an open invitation to come on down to my neck of the woods here in Kentucky and explain in to us. C##k sucker.

the Bamster
01-19-10, 22:01
Guess I had better turn him off before he claims his ratings doubled tonight

01-19-10, 22:01
I voted for Brown today. Next one down is Deval in 2010.

Hopefully we can get rid of Kerry and Barney too but I am not holding my breath on that one.

01-19-10, 22:06
I'm going to join in this thread and say....


Enough celebration. Fall is around the corner.

01-19-10, 22:07
Take that!! :D

I hope that the left-leaning commies take this, along with the elections in VA and NJ as a clue that most of America is not happy about having their elected officials try to shove this so-called "Health Care Reform" down their throats just because bha says so.

Good luck to Senator Brown and I hope he votes the "right" way.

Does anyone know where he stands on Gun Control?

01-19-10, 22:11
There goes Olberman calling me a tea bagger again. He has an open invitation to come on down to my neck of the woods here in Kentucky and explain in to us. C##k sucker.

I used to live in Kentucky. I'd pay money to see him being chased through Hardin or Bullit county. ;)

01-19-10, 22:13

Does anyone know where he stands on Gun Control?

He's a light bird in the Guard, which I hope would make him pro-2A.

I'm digging through his website now.


01-19-10, 22:16
yeah vote for Scot brown at least he is in the National Guard.:D which i am going to join.

01-19-10, 22:21
Brown on the firearms:

"Gun issues

I support the Second Amendment and believe that citizens have the right to keep and bear arms as a basic constitutional liberty. I support safe and responsible gun ownership."

- from his website

So he's a definite improvement over the previous office-holder. But I will still keep my eyes open. Lots of people say that.

the Bamster
01-19-10, 22:26
I have heard hes not a solid conservative, but certainly better than what Mass. had before. "Safe and responsible gun ownership" is code for "I'm voting with the Dems on that one"

01-19-10, 22:37
I sure hope not, but I am scared you are right.

Keep a close guard on that bourbon up there for us, okay? It's a national resource. ;)

01-19-10, 22:42
He is also Pro Choice.

That being said he is a lot better than the alternative, and there is a better chance of him voting the way we want than the other person.

01-19-10, 22:48
I find it to be a sad state of affairs that we have a Fed Gov so powerful that the election of a Republican senator from Mass can be considered pivotal. And the fact that so many on here find this a cause for celebration is even more troubling.

the Bamster
01-19-10, 22:52
I sure hope not, but I am scared you are right.

Keep a close guard on that bourbon up there for us, okay? It's a national resource. ;)

thanks, and you texans need to get going on that pulling out of the union stuff.

01-19-10, 22:58
Best 35 bucks I ever spent!!!!!!!!

the Bamster
01-19-10, 23:14
I find it to be a sad state of affairs that we have a Fed Gov so powerful that the election of a Republican senator from Mass can be considered pivotal. And the fact that so many on here find this a cause for celebration is even more troubling.

At this point I'll take what I can get.

Gutshot John
01-19-10, 23:19
I find it to be a sad state of affairs that we have a Fed Gov so powerful that the election of a Republican senator from Mass can be considered pivotal.

WHOA...snap! Damned concise and true.

And the fact that so many on here find this a cause for celebration is even more troubling.

The standard is not perfection, the standard is the alternative.

Where I agree is that it probably only delayed the inevitable.

lethal dose
01-19-10, 23:22
thank you to the MASS members on m4c who voted. as for EVERYONE on this board, even though you do no live in mass, do not hesitate to email senator elect brown your views on the 2nd amendment. he needs to hear them. our friends in mass have suffered oppressive firearm laws for far too long. it's time they feel the freedom of pro-2nd amendment states.

01-19-10, 23:22
Regarding Scott Brown's position on gun control -

Right now in MA it is up to every town's police chief as whether or not you get a license and what type of license you get. Every chief has their own criteria and stance on who should get what.

From what I have heard, Scott Brown wants to change this so there is a uniform set of rules as to licensing with all applications/renewals being handled by the state police. This would be a good step for MA.

01-19-10, 23:31
Congrats to Massachusetts and Scott Brown!

Before the 2008 election, I heard someone say on the radio that it would be better for Obama to win the election so that everyone could see that the liberals are trying ruin the US. A wake up call more or less. I thought he was foolish for saying this at the time but now I am beginning to think that he was making a good point.

I also agree with modern_pirate, we need to keep the Republicans on there toes to make sure that they are working for us.

01-19-10, 23:33
I find it to be a sad state of affairs that we have a Fed Gov so powerful that the election of a Republican senator from Mass can be considered pivotal. And the fact that so many on here find this a cause for celebration is even more troubling.

at least someone around here has some sense.

01-19-10, 23:43
at least someone around here has some sense.

Don't you include yourself in that particular little census?:D

01-19-10, 23:58
It ain't how, it's how many. Any non-liberal replacing an ultra-liberal is a plus.

the Bamster
01-20-10, 00:12
Check these guys out they will put ya in the mood. http://www.mcvfifesanddrums.org/media.html
The best of the best

Jay Cunningham
01-20-10, 00:16
I find it to be a sad state of affairs that we have a Fed Gov so powerful that the election of a Republican senator from Mass can be considered pivotal. And the fact that so many on here find this a cause for celebration is even more troubling.

Agree 100%.

Bubba FAL
01-20-10, 00:22
While this is a good start, we cannot afford to let a couple of victories distract us from pursuit of the end game.

If, as it is claimed, the "commie-social-lib progressives" are truly following Alinsky's plan, they will only fight harder (and dirtier) from here on out.

We need to sh!t-can as many of these arrogant bastards as possible come November - and do it again in 2012, 2014, etc.

Oh, if Texas decides to go it alone again, this boy's following the Crockett plan: "to hell with you all, I'm going to Texas!"

the Bamster
01-20-10, 00:35
While this is a good start, we cannot afford to let a couple of victories distract us from pursuit of the end game.

If, as it is claimed, the "commie-social-lib progressives" are truly following Alinsky's plan, they will only fight harder (and dirtier) from here on out.

We need to sh!t-can as many of these arrogant bastards as possible come November - and do it again in 2012, 2014, etc.

Oh, if Texas decides to go it alone again, this boy's following the Crockett plan: "to hell with you all, I'm going to Texas!"

You bet, Im just hoping that this is the first step. I am afraid the Dem plan is to force us so far into dept that it doesnt matter who is in office. It sucks that we have to consider such things in regards to our own public officials.

01-20-10, 06:14
I find it to be a sad state of affairs that we have a Fed Gov so powerful that the election of a Republican senator from Mass can be considered pivotal. And the fact that so many on here find this a cause for celebration is even more troubling.

What your saying is so painfully obvious ( for people who has some feeling from the neck up ) , that we're back to "baby-steps" mode. We'll take whatever victory, no matter the size at this point. Besides, if all of us, our children and grandchildren aren't burdened with a 500k debt to pay for " Obamacare " , thats not a reason to celebrate???

01-20-10, 07:32
I find it easy to celebrate knowing there is now a very good chance govt medicine is not in my kids or their kids future & also to see a history of left voting lemmings go out on a wicked nasty day to throw-up their O-koolaid.

I'll deal with the kill-joy later, just let me have this for the short term. Honestly, I would have been quite saddened to see voters continue down the socialist road. I'll take any move closer to conservatism for this country I can get....and I mean every inch.:cool:

Alex V
01-20-10, 08:03
I also think its a good reason to celebrate.

But as Winston Wolfe told Jules and Vincent during "The Bonnie Situation"... Let's not start sucking each others' dicks just yet

Meaning, though there is hope for celebration, the Dems are going to do anything and everything in their power to stall Brown's inauguration so that they can take the vote on Obamacare w/o him and push it through.

Once he is in the Senate and casts his vote as the 41st "NO" then Ill celbrate.

01-20-10, 08:16
Yeah, my speculation that the democrats would play dirty politics is completely unjust. I should feel bad for spreading such rumors.

Sorry I even said anything, I thought this was a discussion forum. ;)

I agree. :) But I don't think sweet young impressionable college students will get the memo. :(

I think the college kids will be awake here soon. "I spent how much on an education and I can't even get a job managing a McD's?!?" The current crop of folks in Washington may have just severed their seemingly permanent hold on that age voter.
*yeah I am being a bit optimistic, but don't be too much of a buzzkill*

01-20-10, 09:05
I think the college kids will be awake here soon. "I spent how much on an education and I can't even get a job managing a McD's?!?" The current crop of folks in Washington may have just severed their seemingly permanent hold on that age voter.
*yeah I am being a bit optimistic, but don't be too much of a buzzkill*

You are assuming that A) college kids know what party is in power and B) can remember that when they enter a voting booth


Alex V
01-20-10, 09:18
You are assuming that A) college kids know what party is in power and B) can remember that when they enter a voting booth


I remembered when I was in college... (2.5 years ago lol) Why shouldn't they remember now?

01-20-10, 09:22
You are assuming that A) college kids know what party is in power and B) can remember that when they enter a voting booth


college kids are becoming more weary of the media, without help from their professors... Ron Paul was a revolution on campus, but he didnt make it anywhere. All of the students who were strong supporters were anti-bush, so the middle ground is closer to our side.

I think we are a few issues away from a great party of common sense, but some just wont budge.

01-20-10, 09:37
I find it to be a sad state of affairs that we have a Fed Gov so powerful that the election of a Republican senator from Mass can be considered pivotal. And the fact that so many on here find this a cause for celebration is even more troubling.

Am I heralding the system, or the specific victory within the system? :rolleyes:

Trying to make the best out of what we are stuck with, chief. It was a good thing for 90% of us here, realize it or not.

01-20-10, 09:46
Way to go Brown! Way to go Mass. voters!

01-20-10, 09:49
I remembered when I was in college... (2.5 years ago lol) Why shouldn't they remember now?

Because you're probably the exception and not the rule. A lot of the college-aged voters who put the current POTUS in power did so for anything but the good of the country. The ones I talked to who were not Conservatives had absolutely no idea that the stuff he promising would cost so much and/or are impossible to implement.

01-20-10, 09:55
I find it to be a sad state of affairs that we have a Fed Gov so powerful that the election of a Republican senator from Mass can be considered pivotal.

I couldn't agree with you more. When people vote along lines that are not for the country's well-being; this is usually what you get.

And the fact that so many on here find this a cause for celebration is even more troubling.

I'd agree with you if it was an isolated incident. But when combined with the election outcomes in Virginia and New Jersey; it's starting to show a trend that gives me more than enough reason to make it a cause for celebration.

I just hope that this trend continues and that everyone from both sides of the spectrum learns that giving a particular state and the Labor Unions special consideration at a huge cost for the rest of us will not be tolerated.


01-20-10, 09:57
Hitler Finds Out Scott Brown Won Massachusetts Senate Seat

Thomas M-4
01-20-10, 10:05
I think the college kids will be awake here soon. "I spent how much on an education and I can't even get a job managing a McD's?!?" The current crop of folks in Washington may have just severed their seemingly permanent hold on that age voter.
*yeah I am being a bit optimistic, but don't be too much of a buzzkill*

The Obama administration will pay off there student loans to make up for the economy.

01-20-10, 10:12
I was raised in MA and left after college due to the political climate and their policies on the ownership of firearms. I haven't been proud of MA for a long time but I am today.

01-20-10, 10:35
While in the short term, this is good news, in the long run Scott Brown will probably turn out to be just another John McCain -- a progressive in Republican clothing. The real danger here is everyone is making it too much about party and Republicans -- even RINO's -- are probably feeling pretty invincible right now. But, as recent history as shown us, the only real difference between the R's and the D's is one of degree. Most Republicans currently in Washington are like Windows 7 -- the best you can say about them is that they suck less than the current alternative. Given the current alternative, that's not saying much.

In the long run, we really need to shake up both parties. Once we've culled the ranks of the Democrats, let's start kicking RINO's to the curb as well. Being in Ohio, I kinda wish Voinovich was running for re-election this year just so we could give him the boot.

But for that to work, we have to start affecting the primary process. As long as the party machines continue to pick candidates we will continue to get people who are good for the party, but not necessarily good for the country. That's why I, and many others like me in the Cincinnati area, are going to seek positions on the local precinct committees so we can start making our voices heard within the party. It won't happen overnight, but if individuals continue to be engaged and active in the political process, maybe we can undue some of the damage done over the last hundred years by our "leaders" in Washington.

01-20-10, 10:41
While in the short term, this is good news, in the long run Scott Brown will probably turn out to be just another John McCain -- a progressive in Republican clothing. The real danger here is everyone is making it too much about party and Republicans -- even RINO's -- are probably feeling pretty invincible right now. But, as recent history as shown us, the only real difference between the R's and the D's is one of degree. Most Republicans currently in Washington are like Windows 7 -- the best you can say about them is that they suck less than the current alternative. Given the current alternative, that's not saying much.

In the long run, we really need to shake up both parties. Once we've culled the ranks of the Democrats, let's start kicking RINO's to the curb as well. Being in Ohio, I kinda wish Voinovich was running for re-election this year just so we could give him the boot.

But for that to work, we have to start affecting the primary process. As long as the party machines continue to pick candidates we will continue to get people who are good for the party, but not necessarily good for the country. That's why I, and many others like me in the Cincinnati area, are going to seek positions on the local precinct committees so we can start making our voices heard within the party. It won't happen overnight, but if individuals continue to be engaged and active in the political process, maybe we can undue some of the damage done over the last hundred years by our "leaders" in Washington.

We're talking about MA which is as lefty as it gets in the US. A RINO is about the best we can hope for to come out of that place, and he is voting against the health care bill.

We need to push as far right as we can go in each state while still putting people that can win. In lefty states like MA a RINO is maybe as good as we can do, and that is better than the previous occupant of that seat. A win is a win no matter how small, and a republican (even a RINO one) getting Ted's ole job is a major victory and message to the country.

01-20-10, 23:48
I don't think there is ever a bad time to interject with some wisdom from H.L. Mencken, an exemplar of the old right. Someone who men like, Hannity, Rush, Beck or O'Reilly couldn't hold an intellectual candle to.

"Politicians," he notes with his characteristic wit, "seldom if ever get [into public office] by merit alone, at least in democratic states. Sometimes, to be sure, it happens, but only by a kind of miracle. They are chosen normally for quite different reasons, the chief of which is simply their power to impress and enchant the intellectually underprivileged….Will any of them venture to tell the plain truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the situation of the country, foreign or domestic? Will any of them refrain from promises that he knows he can’t fulfill – that no human being could fulfill? Will any of them utter a word, however obvious, that will alarm or alienate any of the huge pack of morons who cluster at the public trough, wallowing in the pap that grows thinner and thinner, hoping against hope? Answer: may be for a few weeks at the start…. But not after the issue is fairly joined, and the struggle is on in earnest…. They will all promise every man, woman and child in the country whatever he, she or it wants. They’ll all be roving the land looking for chances to make the rich poor, to remedy the irremediable, to succor the unsuccorable, to unscramble the unscrambleable, to dephlogisticate the undephlogisticable. They will all be curing warts by saying words over them, and paying off the national debt with money no one will have to earn. When one of them demonstrates that twice two is five, another will prove that it is six, six and a half, ten, twenty, n. In brief, they will divest themselves from their character as sensible, candid and truthful men, and simply become candidates for office, bent only on collaring votes. They will all know by then, even supposing that some of them don’t know it now, that votes are collared under democracy, not by talking sense but by talking nonsense, and they will apply themselves to the job with a hearty yo-heave-ho. Most of them, before the uproar is over, will actually convince themselves. The winner will be whoever promises the most with the least probability of delivering anything."

01-21-10, 07:31
Because you're probably the exception and not the rule. A lot of the college-aged voters who put the current POTUS in power did so for anything but the good of the country. The ones I talked to who were not Conservatives had absolutely no idea that the stuff he promising would cost so much and/or are impossible to implement.

The college students I was around weren't that well informed. Example: One individual had an Obama background on his laptop and commented, and I swear to god I am not making this up:

"That's just outrageously sexy. Look at that."

Alex V
01-21-10, 08:11
Most Republicans currently in Washington are like Windows 7 -- the best you can say about them is that they suck less than the current alternative. Given the current alternative, that's not saying much.

What would Mac OS be in this situation? LOL

Remindes me of the South Park episode where the kids had to vote between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwitch...

01-21-10, 08:24
We're talking about MA which is as lefty as it gets in the US. A RINO is about the best we can hope for to come out of that place, and he is voting against the health care bill.

We need to push as far right as we can go in each state while still putting people that can win. In lefty states like MA a RINO is maybe as good as we can do, and that is better than the previous occupant of that seat. A win is a win no matter how small, and a republican (even a RINO one) getting Ted's ole job is a major victory and message to the country.

I wish we would reject this notion that conservative values can't win elections in so-called blue states. That is just Democratic party spin to keep us out of the fight and we believe it. Reagan won votes from every corner of the body politic and so can authentic conservatives. The problem conservatives face in those places is that they aren't conservatives - they are watered down quasi liberals wearing flag lapel pins and claiming the mantle of conservatism.

Well, in my opinion. :D


01-21-10, 08:56
Watching the Democrats cannibalize themselves as they are doing now is the best political TV I can ever recall. Much more entertaining and damaging than Monica Lewinsky. They are such angry, evil little things those people are.

In the end it won't be about how far right Brown is. It will be about how his election brought the malicious Democratic juggernaut to a sudden and very embarrassing halt.