View Full Version : breathtakingly stupid analysis of MA senate race results

01-20-10, 19:42
courtesy of the happy bunch at Huff-Po(op)...


"You can blame a bad candidate, bad organization, bad timing of a vacation -- choose your rationalization. But the reality is that voters in Massachusetts were reacting to the same foul mist coming off Boston Harbor that New Jersey Voters smelled coming off the Hudson and Virginia voters off the Chesapeake.

What they all understood was that the source lay on the shores of the Potomac.

It is a truly remarkable feat, in just one year's time, to turn the fear and anger voters felt in 2006 and 2008 at a Republican Party that had destroyed the economy, redistributed massive amounts of wealth from the middle class to the richest of the rich and the biggest of big businesses, and waged a trillion-dollar war in the wrong country, into populist rage at whatever Democrat voters can cast their ballot against.

All of this was completely predictable. And it was predicted. I wrote about it for the first time here on the sixth day of Obama's presidency, and many of us have written about it in the intervening year.

The President's steadfast refusal to acknowledge that we have a two-party system, his insistence on making destructive concessions to the same party voters he had sent packing twice in a row in the name of "bipartisanship," and his refusal ever to utter the words "I am a Democrat" and to articulate what that means, are not among his virtues. We have competing ideas in a democracy -- and hence competing parties -- for a reason. To paper them over and pretend they do not exist, particularly when the ideology of one of the parties has proven so devastating to the lives of everyday Americans, is not a virtue. It is an abdication of responsibility.

What happens if you refuse to lay the blame for the destruction of our economy on anyone -- particularly the party, leaders, and ideology that were in power for the last 8 years and were responsible for it? What happens if you fail to "brand" what has happened as the Bush Depression or the Republican Depression or the natural result of the ideology of unregulated greed, the way FDR branded the Great Depression as Hoover's Depression and created a Democratic majority for 50 years and a new vision of what effective government can do? What happens when you fail to offer and continually reinforce a narrative about what has happened, who caused it, and how you're going to fix it that Americans understand, that makes them angry, that makes them hopeful, and that makes them committed to you and your policies during the tough times that will inevitably lie ahead?

The answer was obvious a year ago, and it is even more obvious today: Voters will come to blame you for not having solved a problem you didn't create, and you will allow the other side to create an alternative narrative for what's happened (government spending, deficits, big government, socialism) that will stick. And it will particularly stick if you make no efforts to prevent it from starting or sticking.

Were Massachusetts voters reacting in part to the health care debate turned debacle? Sure. In a misguided effort to avoid the mistakes of 1993, the President decided that leadership on health care wasn't in his job description and encouraged the Democrats to make their sausage in public, after making his own deals with the same people who brought us pre-existing conditions and $150 prescriptions (and that's with insurance). He promised transparency, and he gave the country a huge dose of it. Unfortunately, what was transparent turned people's stomachs.

The White House allowed the health care narrative to be all about process, and the process the American people saw wasn't pretty. It scared seniors, who worried what would happen to their Medicare. It scared workers, who worried about what would happen to the plans their unions had negotiated so hard for in lieu of salaries. It scared middle class Americans with good health insurance plans, who had -- and have -- no idea whether their plans will be deemed -- if not today, in three or four years -- Cadillacs, which will first be taxed and then discontinued, leaving them with exactly what Frank Luntz told them it would leave them with: a bureaucrat between them and their doctor. And worst of all, it seemed to most Americans that the reason they were being asked to make such potentially big sacrifices was so that health insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and millionaires wouldn't have to. It seemed not only risky but unfair.

So in that sense, the story of health insurance played right into the story that lies behind the looming tsunami that swept away Ted Kennedy's Senate seat and will sweep away so many more Democratic seats if the Democrats draw the wrong conclusions from this election. The White House just couldn't seem to "get" that the American people could see that they were constantly coming down on the side of the same bankers who were foreclosing people's homes and shutting off the credit to small business owners, when they should have been helping the people whose homes were being foreclosed and the small businesses that were trying to stay afloat because of the recklessness of banks that were now starving them. Americans were tired of hearing Obama "exhort" bankers and speculators to play nice as they collected their record bonuses for a heckuva job in 2009. It took him a year to float the idea of making them pay for a fraction of the damage they had done, and at this point, few Americans have any faith that a tax on big banks will ever become law or that the costs won't just be passed on to them in new fees.

The White House has squandered the greatest opportunity to change both the country and the political landscape since Ronald Reagan. It should have started with a non-watered-down stimulus package big enough to stop the bleeding in the job market -- and a smack-down of any Republican who dared to utter the word "deficit" after 8 years of reckless, unpaid Republican spending. It should have followed with stringent regulations on Wall Street and protection of homeowners and small businesses instead of with a jobs creation program inside the administration for failed bankers and failed regulators. A stimulus -- including a jobs program -- strong enough to prevent the hemorrhaging of 700,000 jobs a month and a muscular approach to the bad actors who had crashed the economy would have gotten the public firmly behind the President and the Democrats, demonstrating to the average voter that they have a choice between one party that's on their side and another that's not. Instead, the White House just blurred the lines between the parties so the average American couldn't tell the difference.

With all its efforts to tack to the center, the White House missed the point. The issue isn't about right or left. It's about whose side you're on. In Massachusetts, the voters believe they know. It's now up to the President and his party to convince the American people otherwise."

01-20-10, 20:21
Awesome! Honestly, it makes me tickled pink to read that.

Because it means they did not get it. They likely will not get it. And they will be sitting on the curb wondering what happened.

Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large groups.

01-20-10, 21:02
Awesome! Honestly, it makes me tickled pink to read that.

Because it means they did not get it. They likely will not get it. And they will be sitting on the curb wondering what happened.

Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large groups.

Yep. Reminds me of the punchline to a Despair.com poster- "Because none of us is as stupid as all of us!";)

I found this little gem after reading the facebook lamenting of a good friend who is, sadly, a raving lefty academic at a big school here in CA. Good stuff.

01-20-10, 21:09
You know Glenn Beck talked about this yesterday.

When progressives are put into a corner they accelerate their agenda instead of slow down, and move to the middle. This is going to be what boots them out, and Im glad they are eating their own and blaming not being left enough as the reason they are going to lose. I hope Americans see this, and realize just how far out there many of these dems really are. They are not the JFK democrats of the old. These are the modern liberals who are hell bent on turning America into a model European country where even the middle class is taxed 40% +, everyone is babied, and people do not have rights.

I just posted a thread where they now want to raise the debt limit by 1.9 trillion dollars after around 1.6 trillion in deficit spending in the last 365 days.

You are now going to see the propaganda campaign move into double overtime, and the blame Bush/republican mantra speed up. They are simply not going to take ownership over anything that has happened in the last 4 years since democrats took control of Congress. Many of the policies they blame for this were passed by the democrat congress including our very own Obama. Just today I saw a democrat senator say Congress took control when Obama came into office. They are now out there denying they were the ones in charge starting in 2006.

Republicans absolutely need to hammer home that democrats have had Congress since 2006 when the economy was still good, unemployment low, and the debt trillions less than it is today. By later this year the debt will be almost double what is was in 2005. They need to hit on the lack of bipartisanship, the buying of votes in the Senate, failed Stimulus, takeover of industry after industry (and then forcing non-union/gov owned companies to pay their debts), lack of action again terrorists, et cetera. Let the democrats try to defend their votes, and what the state of the country is later in the year.

In the meantime the far left of the democrat party will still be full steam ahead into trying to make the US into their own little socialist utopia, and the American people will not go along with it.

01-21-10, 01:43
I am getting tired of the "common wisdom" that Bush and the Republicans transferred massive amounts of wealth to the rich and big corporations from the middle class.

And that the Bush tax cuts were only for the rich. The facts are exactly opposite.

The amount of the tax burden on the rich went up in relation to the middle class -- the top 5% of tax payers paid a higher percentage of the taxes after Bush tax cuts. Also, the number of people not paying ANY taxes went up after the Bush tax cuts.

01-21-10, 02:06

With people like this trying to run our country, we are well and truly ****ed. :(

Low Drag
01-21-10, 07:21
That was a remarkable piece of spin!

The only problem with gubmint health care is everything but the actual contents of the bill!

Translation: Do everything in secret, behind closed doors if you want to pass a socialist agenda.

01-21-10, 09:52
Loved watching MSNBC on election night :D

Arriana Huffington said that the reason that Brown won was that Barry didn't go after Wall Street hard enough.

Not a huge fan of Wall Street right now, but I don't know anyone that would have put that as a rational reason for the loss.

01-21-10, 11:46
Loved watching MSNBC on election night :D

Arriana Huffington said that the reason that Brown won was that Barry didn't go after Wall Street hard enough.

Not a huge fan of Wall Street right now, but I don't know anyone that would have put that as a rational reason for the loss.

She's pushing that meme today in WSJ's op-ed pages.

01-21-10, 14:00
Wall Street is the current boogeyman the socialists are wanting to take over, and keep people's attention focused on.

01-21-10, 15:49
Loved watching MSNBC on election night :D

Arriana Huffington said that the reason that Brown won was that Barry didn't go after Wall Street hard enough.

Not a huge fan of Wall Street right now, but I don't know anyone that would have put that as a rational reason for the loss.

LMAO! That dumb bitches botox has went to her head.

01-21-10, 17:23
Awesome! Honestly, it makes me tickled pink to read that.

Because it means they did not get it. They likely will not get it. And they will be sitting on the curb wondering what happened.

Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large groups.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake" is the quote I have heard attributed to Napoleon that applies to this situation very well, IMO.

I hope they go on incorrectly viewing this election until they get hammered in the 2010 elections.

01-21-10, 19:17
"You can blame a bad candidate, bad organization, bad timing of a vacation -- choose your rationalization. But the reality is that voters in Massachusetts were reacting to the same foul mist coming off Boston Harbor that New Jersey Voters smelled coming off the Hudson and Virginia voters off the Chesapeake.

What they all understood was that the source lay on the shores of the Potomac.

She got it RIGHT to this point! And that stench was... this administration, and the DEMOCRAPS in Washington. :mad:

She should have quit in this first paragraph, while she was ahead.

Low Drag
01-21-10, 19:27
Loved watching MSNBC on election night :D

Arriana Huffington said that the reason that Brown won was that Barry didn't go after Wall Street hard enough.

Not a huge fan of Wall Street right now, but I don't know anyone that would have put that as a rational reason for the loss.


It never occurred to me to switch over from Fox to watch these people's heads implode. Next election I'll have to do that!

Alpha Sierra
01-21-10, 21:11

It never occurred to me to switch over from Fox to watch these people's heads implode. Next election I'll have to do that!

On November 2nd the floors at MSNBC studios shall run red with the blood of all its talking heads committing Seppuku. :D

01-21-10, 21:49
These people just don't get it and I hope the stupidity continues.

I wonder how many more years we will have to hear that it was "Bush's fault"??? This argument is really getting old.

Anybody with common sense knows that if you ease taxes on the corporations and the "rich" people, they will expand their businesses and create more job opportunities. Instead, these idiots think that "stickin' to the rich people" will somehow help everyone. WTF!!!???

I hope that this election in MA creates a firestorm that blows through this country and blows these idiots right out of Washington. I think that people are getting sick of having these arrogant assholes tell them what they need to do and what is best for them.

Let's hope that this is the beginning of the end for the liberal idiots and their socialist agenda. Go live in Venezula with Hugo you idiots!!!!