View Full Version : 200,000 Illegal Haitians to Get Protected Status

01-21-10, 14:18

Just when you thought they were running out of bad ideas, they prove you wrong.

I understand there are problems with their country and the earthquake, but I don't agree with allowing mass lawbreaking to be rewarded.

Of course, if the Democrats can get them to the DMV, get them motor-voted and on the rolls, well they won't have to worry about those redneck Floridians electing any more Republicans, will they?


Linky no worky, try the cache: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/americas/haiti/story/1436831.html

01-21-10, 17:29
A Few questions I am left with after reading the article:

1. How do they know the amount of illegal aliens from Haiti? They say 200,000 like it is some kind of documented fact.
2. How do you tell whether or not somebody was here before the incident? The article said the person must be able to provide "proof" of this, but I wonder what kind of proof is sufficient and what kind of standard is going to be applied.
3. When they say "Temporary Protected Status" how long are we talking? If it is absolutely fixed at the 18 months mentioned in the article I guess I don't see it as being that bad.

01-21-10, 18:44
Not a good idea.

01-21-10, 19:09
Just when you thought that drugs,and crime could not get any worse..:D but on the flip side, this is a program for people that were ALREADY HERE>>>