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01-21-10, 19:08
Live Free...Or Die.

Beck - Fri. 1-22-10 5:00pm EST/ 4:00 Central . You know what channel

Watch - Record - DVR - TIVO - Whatever

01-21-10, 19:12
I'll be watching, looks like it's gonna' be pretty good.

01-22-10, 10:53
Glenn Beck is a fraud (http://www.infowars.com/beck-parrots-white-house-information-czar-talking-point/) and a shill.

01-22-10, 11:36

01-22-10, 15:24
I'm bumping this because regardless of what people think of Beck, the show looks like it will be interesting to say the least.;)

01-22-10, 16:24
Glenn Beck is a fraud (http://www.infowars.com/beck-parrots-white-house-information-czar-talking-point/) and a shill.

I listen to his show every day and have so for many years. I've watched his show way back when he was on CNN.

If you believe that the shit that was in this article then you sir have your head in the sand. The references that are used and then portrayed as facts here are completely bogus. You basically have someone who will take snipits of what he says and turn the words against him. He addresses this each and every morning on his radio show about "how the bloggers are going to twist this one so remember it" in pure sarcasm and then hours or days later there is a story online or in the press completely twisted about the message.

I don't agree with everything the man says or is about. I have my own ideas that I think would work better albeit not very PC for discussion with most folks these days. If you listen to him it's really hard to the occasional listener to decipher if he's joking about a topic or serious at times. His comical sense does not always get analyzed correctly or in proper text. Most listeners get it, but those with blinders on don't. Now me just have to agree to disagree, but your article is pure garbage period!

01-22-10, 17:10
Beck's batting a thousand!!!

01-22-10, 18:34
I listen to his show every day and have so for many years. I've watched his show way back when he was on CNN.

If you believe that the shit that was in this article then you sir have your head in the sand. The references that are used and then portrayed as facts here are completely bogus. You basically have someone who will take snipits of what he says and turn the words against him. He addresses this each and every morning on his radio show about "how the bloggers are going to twist this one so remember it" in pure sarcasm and then hours or days later there is a story online or in the press completely twisted about the message.

I don't agree with everything the man says or is about. I have my own ideas that I think would work better albeit not very PC for discussion with most folks these days. If you listen to him it's really hard to the occasional listener to decipher if he's joking about a topic or serious at times. His comical sense does not always get analyzed correctly or in proper text. Most listeners get it, but those with blinders on don't. Now me just have to agree to disagree, but your article is pure garbage period!

I can tell you didn't read the article or accompanying links because it addresses exactly what you just said.

01-22-10, 18:59
I can tell you didn't read the article or accompanying links because it addresses exactly what you just said.

Funny you call Beck a fraud, and then put up a link to Alex Jones website.

01-22-10, 19:03
I can tell you didn't read the article or accompanying links because it addresses exactly what you just said.

Well, chalk another one up with JackOSU. And yeah, I read the Alex Jones stuff.

01-23-10, 17:04
I was lucky to have my 9 year old son watch it with me. I tried my best to guide him through it with my commentary. I was pleasantly surprised that for the most part he took it as a history lesson. I explained to him that "Yes, these terrible things really happened, and that's why we as Americans, must remember them so that they don't happen again." I did not try to draw parralels to todays politics, I just basically said that these evil things were real. Heck, his video games are more violent than this program was. Plus, he recently has been doing poorly in school, so the XBOX 360 has gone Bye-Bye til' he straightens up his act. He gets excellent grades but he can be mouthy to his teachers. I was proud to have him atleast pretend to be interested in the subjects covered. The only parralel I drew, was that it was "Bad Guys" like these that made Dad have to go to Iraq. He understands that. The program was OK by my standards, but there was not much new information. I was interested in the "Murder by Starvation" part, about the Ukraine, and how people resorted to Cannibalism, that piqued my sons interest. ;)

01-23-10, 17:08
He even left out the African socialists and what happened to life and property rights in the post-colonial era.


Bubba FAL
01-23-10, 18:06
He even left out the African socialists and what happened to life and property rights in the post-colonial era.


He only had an hour to work with, so he focused on the heavy hitters. The crap that occurred in post colonial Africa would easily have filled another hour...

lethal dose
01-23-10, 18:07
i'm confused. i started this thread... same exact responses?

01-23-10, 18:19
He even left out the African socialists and what happened to life and property rights in the post-colonial era.


You do easily do a days worth of the "progressive revolution" that has left hundreds of millions murdered, countries destined to poverty and tyranny, etc.

One thing I would have changed about Friday's show was he only touched on this theme relating to Obama with Anita Dunn's comments about Mao. He left out that his health care czar is an advocate of eugenics, and his buddy William Ayers comment about 25 million Americans would have to be removed among other close associates of his who are no different in mindset than Mao, Stalin, and Hitler.

01-23-10, 19:01
i think that there is another hour next friday, no?

01-23-10, 22:46
I caught it and enjoyed the way it was presented. On the one hand I was happy my wife wasn't home and I got to preview it before recomending it, on the other, I am not sure if I could actually get her to sit for it. She is in the process of converting from the ultra-left & it could be taken as "see how wrong you used to be" . . . right now I have been focusing on the positives at this end of the pool rather than the negatives of the ideology she is escaping.

So is this part of a series? It looks like I caught the episode the folks that posted above were refering to. I'd be all kinds of interested to see more.

01-24-10, 14:12
I can tell you didn't read the article or accompanying links because it addresses exactly what you just said.

You can tell huh? I read the damn thing twice with links even before I even made the post. I think you're confused. This article is designed essentially to discredit what he says. It's just another section of the media that is head over heels for the left and they have their heads in the sand with you! Alex Jones is all you have to say to come to this conclusion, but I did read things in their entirety to be sure. I would encourage you to maybe even look at the authors of the piece and their past history.

I again don't take exactly all that he says as the gospel if you will, but it's a hell of a lot better of a start than what is out there today in the media. Any part of the media is going to have a bias. That's ultimately the nature of the business. I just find that what he has pointed out in the past 3-4 years is way ahead of the curve on trying to find the truth in certain matters of life and politics. Most of the MSM wasn't saying these things when he was on CNN now were they? The biggest this went was grumblings in the newsroom or those on the left there that felt he betrayed the network by exposing their hocus pocus as best as he could while still keeping his job.

To call Glenn a fraud is pretty rediculous. I think his crying and some of the tirades he goes on are a little bit over board and there are times where I've had to turn him off b/c I just get annoyed at his delivery. If you've paid attention the past few months he's taken a little bit different view on things and his delivery is completely different. The episode on his tv program showed just that. It represented to me the true history and pointed out just a few connections from the past.

This display to me is a great forward to unveiling the mindset of certain individuals in this administration. My opinion is this is the starting point of the food chain showing you that the ideas and movements that have led up to the progressive movement and where we are today with the idiots in the White House.

You're entitled to view things in any manner that pleases you, but to say that Glenn is a fraud is over the top in my eyes. If this is so then what are the rest of today's MSM? If there was a barometer or scale on what should happen then those in the MSM should all be fired and put in jail in my mind.

I won't say that Murdoch hasn't put his spin on things with FOX, but to me they are the best out there trying to deliver a "fair" story if you will. Or at least as pure as you can get in this day and age. There will never be the whole truth and nothing but the truth in any media outlet. The intelligent person however even questions FOX and makes up their own mind with the facts and information currently present. YMMV.

01-24-10, 14:44
You do easily do a days worth of the "progressive revolution" that has left hundreds of millions murdered, countries destined to poverty and tyranny, etc.

One thing I would have changed about Friday's show was he only touched on this theme relating to Obama with Anita Dunn's comments about Mao. He left out that his health care czar is an advocate of eugenics, and his buddy William Ayers comment about 25 million Americans would have to be removed among other close associates of his who are no different in mindset than Mao, Stalin, and Hitler.

I didn't see the show, in fact I rarely watch his TV show; but he has discussed the points you bring up on his radio show previously.