View Full Version : Chavez: US Weapon Test Caused Haiti Earthquake

the Bamster
01-22-10, 03:41
Russia Today: Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has once again accused the United States of playing God. But this time it's Haiti's disastrous earthquake that he thinks the U.S. was behind. Spanish newspaper ABC quotes Chavez as saying that the U.S. navy launched a weapon capable of inducing a powerful earthquake off the shore of Haiti. He adds that this time it was only a drill and the final target is ... destroying and taking over Iran.

Any news on when this "Earthquake gun" will be offered to the public? I'm interested.

01-22-10, 03:52
Russia Today: Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has once again accused the United States of playing God. But this time it's Haiti's disastrous earthquake that he thinks the U.S. was behind. Spanish newspaper ABC quotes Chavez as saying that the U.S. navy launched a weapon capable of inducing a powerful earthquake off the shore of Haiti. He adds that this time it was only a drill and the final target is ... destroying and taking over Iran.

Any news on when this "Earthquake gun" will be offered to the public? I'm interested.

Yea, I'd probably buy one... just to have it, you know!

01-22-10, 05:03
Nah Ill do with out. They probably licensed it to bushmaster and you just cant generate a quality earthquake with a 1/9 twist . . .

01-22-10, 06:46
Nah Ill do with out. They probably licensed it to bushmaster and you just cant generate a quality earthquake with a 1/9 twist . . .

Could be worse... Remember the "COLT" .22LR AR-15's? Lol...

All I'm sayin' is there's worse reputations than Bushmaster...lol

01-22-10, 06:47
Yea, I'd probably buy one... just to have it, you know!

Exploit the "gun show loophole" and buy it at a gun show to avoid the background checks ...

Alex V
01-22-10, 07:30
Chavez is such a tool...

Its one thing to say anti-American stuff... its another to be a total idiot while doing so. lol

01-22-10, 07:40
Yeah....if someone slipped on a banana peel, he'd blame that on us too!!

01-22-10, 07:44
Oh come on,I bet that Bush pushed the button for the earthquake weapon. After all he managed to cause Katrinan and then sent SF to blow up the dikes:eek:. Ooo, with this now he can create hurricanes and knock down dikes from home and not have to send any troops into harms way. Trying to save military lives:rolleyes:

01-22-10, 09:18
By the Bamster:Any news on when this "Earthquake gun" will be offered to the public? I'm interested.

Oooh ooh ooh group buy! :D

01-22-10, 09:31
Funny this asshat is saying all of this garbage but I don't see him contributing any of his nation's oil money reserve to help the people of Haiti out.

I wish the CIA would just erase his ass already.

01-22-10, 09:51
Why? Chavez is just a gleaming shiny image of what Obama can be when he grows up. Having Chavez in place reminds Americans what a second term will look like.

01-22-10, 10:43
Not saying this is what happened, but its really not out of the realm of possibility.

Consider Secretary of Defense Cohen's remarks (http://web.archive.org/web/20010913013933/http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Apr1997/t042897_t0428coh.html) in 1997.

Also there is HAARP, and Scalar Weapons. This stuff is not science fiction.

01-22-10, 11:39
They are always woring on weird stuff. Doesn't mean any of it will work. I think Castro was behind it all...

And sign me up for a Quake gun. I got a mole problem it might help with.

01-22-10, 19:08
This guy is nuttier than squirrel shit...

01-22-10, 19:57
Sorry Hugo. If that was the case, we would have tested it out on *your* ass first.

01-22-10, 21:56
Why don't we ask Joseph P. Kennedy II http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Patrick_Kennedy_II WHY our "friends in Venezuela" would say this?

Who knew Obama secretly hated Haiti?

Hugo is insane. Seriously.

01-23-10, 14:12
Perhaps Hugo and Pat Robertson should do a show together.

01-23-10, 14:56
Also there is HAARP, and Scalar Weapons. This stuff is not science fiction.

I really hope you aren't suggesting HAARP can generate earthquakes.

01-23-10, 15:07
I really hope you aren't suggesting HAARP can generate earthquakes.

No, that is not what I am saying. No one knows the full capability of HAARP.

01-23-10, 17:00
It was me.

I did it. I did it with my mind.

Anybody got a problem with that?

01-23-10, 18:03
No, that is not what I am saying. No one knows the full capability of HAARP.

Oh I think we have a fair idea what it can and cannot do and we can certainly rule out earthquakes.

01-23-10, 20:37
It was me.

I did it. I did it with my mind.

Anybody got a problem with that?

Says the TIP. :D

01-24-10, 00:24
It was me.

I did it. I did it with my mind.

Anybody got a problem with that?

Yeah, I have just one question for you!

Can you kill a goat by staring at it too? lol... I heard they made that movie from a Chuck Norris joke.

30 cal slut
01-24-10, 13:21
Oooh ooh ooh group buy! :D

i can't find it on grant's website. is there a special promo code for the quake gun?

01-24-10, 19:12
The country who has/had a earthquake would be the Soviets it was a 50+ megaton H-bomb back in the early 60's. Chavez is a moron....boycott ZX gas.

01-24-10, 19:25
Hugo Chavez, just another ex-Obama supporter who is now having buyer's remorse...

The worst part is not that this guy believes this conspiracy BS, or even that such a goofball is running a country. The worst part is that there are many, many people who will believe him. He is a hero to many socialists around the world, much like Fidel and Che.

01-24-10, 21:18
Does anybody really believe the Scalar weapons?? Sounds like a crock of crap to me, but today is the first I'v heard of such a thing.

01-24-10, 21:20
Silly Tin foil hat wearing people.
We all know it was Big Bertha!

01-25-10, 04:29
Project Vulcan! Daaaaaamn yoooouuuu, Dr. Eeeeeeviiiiillllll!

