View Full Version : Is this normal for a LMT Tactical Rear Sight?

01-22-10, 12:05
I purcahsed this sight LNIB and upon receiving it noticed it looks crooked, the windage was adjusted all the left to compensate. The way it looks in the picture is pretty much sighted in at 25 yards even though it looks crooked.

The seller said these kinds of LMT sights are normal like this and the appearance of crookedness is because of the spring tensioner that holds it in place. Any owner feedback appreciated..


01-22-10, 12:22
My LMT sight did the same thing. I sold it when I was thinking of purchasing some MBUS, but then a new build took over.

01-22-10, 12:26
Well that's good to know. It's funny too because I bought this LMT sight after I 'over-torqued' my MBUS. Live and learn, right!?


01-22-10, 12:28
Its normal for an A2 type rear sight to have a cant to the left like that.

01-22-10, 12:50
Yep, its normal. The aperture is twisting on basically the same axis as the adjuster knob (centerline), so it won't significantly affect POI if shifted. That cant is normal. Back in the day, I qualified top gun in basic, with an A2 rear sight, that I was convinced would fall off, it was so loose and twisty. It didn't, and I shot very well with it.

01-22-10, 17:01

Thomas M-4
01-22-10, 17:04
It is normal it does not effect the practical accuracy of the sight.

01-22-10, 19:09
Not to dogpile on, but it's normal.

01-22-10, 19:54
Normal, Yes...

Fixable, Yes...

There is a detailed fix for this in a book that I got from a friend called "The Complete Guide to AR-15 Accuracy" by Derrick Martin & Barrett Tillman

If you want the info, I can find a way to copy it for you or type it up in a word doc and get it to you

01-22-10, 22:41
Appreciate all user input.

Zero, that'd be great, I'll send you a PM, thanks!

01-23-10, 03:44
it's been discussed before. THis is not a problem.