View Full Version : And it begins.

01-22-10, 21:05

I can't say most urban Americans wouldn't act the same way though.

the Bamster
01-22-10, 21:43

Inflammatory statements that serve no purpose are not welcome on M4C...


01-22-10, 22:44
It's not inflammatory, it's news. I just find it ironic it only took New Orleans a day to lower to this level.

01-22-10, 22:51
That was not directed at you..

01-22-10, 22:59
If my family was homeless and starving, I would do whatever it takes to get them food. Wouldn't you?

The SH$t has hit the fan in Haiti.

01-22-10, 23:00
If my family was homeless and starving, I would do whatever it takes to get them food. Wouldn't you?

The SH$t has hit the fan in Haiti. Being without food will make you do some crazy things

01-23-10, 00:21
If my family was homeless and starving, I would do whatever it takes to get them food. Wouldn't you?


I would PREPARE for disasters and have an adequate supply.

Assuming my supplies were destroyed/exhausted and there was actually FREE AID provided to me by some humanitarian effort I would:

Stand in line and wait my ****ing turn for free assistance making sure my families needs come before mine.

At no point would I inhibit the distribution of aid that I "might" benefit from by attacking the aid station. I would however hopefully shoot the people who do because they are screwing up the works.

01-23-10, 00:24
That was not directed at you..

Thanks Buck, I'm on double secret probation, so I tread lightly.

01-23-10, 02:19
As much aid that is being pumped there, which seems like it is getting there faster than in NO after Katrina, they are just acting like animals.

the Bamster
01-23-10, 08:02
Sorry, for the remark, It was insensitive. My heart truely does go out to the people in Haiti. I should have explained myself better. My comments reflect my disgust with the media and the differences in coverage. The news media in the aftermath of Katrina had no interest in covering the the massive effort by our millitary and emergency personel. Katrina required that naval and emergency assets be kept hundreds of miles away until the crisis pasted, only to be left to fight their way in to help. Instead of being proud of the national effort that went into saving New Oleans, we are told to hang our heads in shame. Indeed no other country in the world could have saved New Orleans, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand after the tsunamis, or the " insert worldwide disaster here". No other country in the world contains people more willing to help. Again, sorry for the comment.

01-23-10, 09:01