View Full Version : Question about Jobs within the Army

01-23-10, 20:17
For those of you who have been there done that and those of you who want to go there....what job would you choose enlisting in the Army? Those of you who've been there, could you give a description of what it's really like doing that particular job in Afgan, or Iraq?

01-23-10, 20:40
Your MOS you choose might not matter. So good luck with that. I was a 63M10(Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems Maintainer), when I enlisted. I graduated 3rd in my class at FT. Knox. 96.8 Final AVG. Grade. AIT was the last time I ever touched a Bradley. I got sent to a Light Cav. Unit, Delta 4th Cav, 1st ID, 1st BCT. I was a Driver, a Wrench, a Gunner,..... Then I got transfered to 1/5FA, where I went on OPs, BDRFs, and still, never touched a tracked vehicle. I always felt safer "Outside the wire" and as such always volunteered for recovery missions on Wheeled Vehicles of various shapes and sizes. Convoy security details, Iraqi National Escort duties and the like. One of my ARCOMS says I'm a Light Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. So, I guess if you are not a "Teen' Series", you can't really pay too much attention to your expected job description.

01-23-10, 20:48
I was a 67V Aero Scout Crew Chief. Aviation has always been a passion of mine. I grew up around it, exposed to it my whole life. So, it was logical to combine my passion for aviation with service to my country.

01-23-10, 20:50
I was a Grunt, and as such I believe that there are only two MOS's… Infantry and support… ;)


01-23-10, 20:55
I was a Grunt, and as such I believe that there are only two MOS's… Infantry and support… ;)



there are a grand total of 4 useful jobs in the military, and three of them exist to serve the 4th- pilot, medic, machanic, and INFANTRYMAN. the Infantryman needs the other three to do his job, but without the infantryman, the other three wouldnt have a job.

01-23-10, 20:58
I was a 25Q/31R Multi-Channel Transmissions Systems Operator.

Basically we were a signal company that supported a brigade sized element.

We had six man teams that were then attached to each BN within the brigade. They provided their signal support so everyone can talk to each other. Each BN will have a CP (command post) with phones, internet, etc. They run their lines to us, and then we connect them into our network.

Also part of our company was the hub for all these lines so about half our company stayed with our company command and never attached to another unit.

Part of the job is setting up antennas so we could transmit the signal, and also running the radios and related equipment. You have to run a generator to power everything, and fix any issues. Once everything is setup its a pretty easy job. Usually we went on 8HR shifts with 2 people per shift. Lots of XBOX and movie watching once we got our stuff setup and running. Ocassionaly your unit you are supporting will task you to do stuff but that didn't happen to much as they being able to pick up their phone and have it work. They doubly like having internet. You are always attached to the BN HHC. Occasionally you will support a smaller unit if they have a setup area, and will be there a while.

The equipment I worked on is being phased out but its pretty similar in structure. The newer stuff, JNN, is more sat based, and the equipment is more civilian like. Lots of routers, fiber optics, etc. You learn a lot of valuable skill sets, and it would be easy to get a job when you get out. Jobs suck right now but I can still find work.

Negatives to the job is it really is quite pogueish if you are actually doing your job, and it depends on your unit too. The 2nd deployment our services were not needed since everything was hard wired, and only the more remote places still relied on field comms for support. So my unit got tasked to guard duty. About 20 of us got to go to a small FOB in the middle of Baghdad to do ECP and security duty. It was ok but we werent running convoys or anything. I did get to do some EOD escort missions with our brigade's scout unit. 1st deployment we did do a lot of convoys because our BN cmdr was a medal chaser and he setup a QRF function so he could go around and try to get people blown up for another bullet point on his record. We also had to do mail and support runs to our out sites, personnel replacement, etc. But if you are looking for "action" signal isn't the way to go. In two deployments we only had a few people get purple hearts. We've been hit with IED's a couple times. One of the purple heart's was a buddy of mine who had an IED go off next to our 5 ton truck, and it blew a rock through his lower back and out his stomach. That was when we road around in all soft vehicles. Now you cannot leave the gate with those.

Bad part about combat arms is you generally don't learn technical skills if you want a technical job when you get out. If you are looking at going into LE afterwards it doesnt really matter. Just get something you will enjoy doing. If you want to shoot a lot, kick in doors, and be on the road or humping up and down billy goat mountains infantry or scouts do pretty much nothing but that. If you want to drive a tank or bradley you can do that too.

Looking back I like the technical skills I learned, and I have lots to put on my resume but it would have been more fun being combat arms. Seems the people in combat arms are more serious about the job, and signal attracks lots of lazy people who don't really want to be there. I worked with our scouts and its night and day between the two. Signal is more relaxed...scouts were more orderly, did about twice the PT we did...however its easier to get promoted in combats arms due to the low points vs. the more technical jobs. Mine MOS was high 700's for over 2 years straight which is basically maxing everything out on your end...combat arms was 300's and 400's to make sgt which is pretty much being a breathing human being.

Based on what I saw if I were going combat arms Id go scout. In our brigade they had a lot more autonomy than the infantry guys. It was a mix unit between scouts and fisters, and we our BRT (brigade recon team). There is also a lot of history in scouts, and I was able to do the Spur Ride with them in Kuwait. Spur Ride is where you do a bunch of tasks, and if you do a good enough job you get to wear the cav Stetson hat, and spurs on your boots. Its ceromonial but I thought it was pretty cool. In the Spur Ride I did they had stations setup between 5 and 15 clicks between points, and at each point they had tasks to do. One was NBC stuff, another weapons, there was an EE section where you had to evade people looking you (we got caught and spent 2 hours hogtied on our backs), enemy vehicle recognition, etc. Ended up being 40-50 miles of humping in 100-120 degree heat with 70lb rucks.

Funny some of the scouts would rather be signal, and at that time Id rather have been a scout. Each person hates their job and would rather do something else at times. We got a lot of down time but its a pretty puss job most of the time. For some people scouts wasnt for them, and they'd rather have our job.

01-23-10, 21:07

there are a grand total of 4 useful jobs in the military, and three of them exist to serve the 4th- pilot, medic, machanic, and INFANTRYMAN. the Infantryman needs the other three to do his job, but without the infantryman, the other three wouldnt have a job.

Amen to that shit.

01-23-10, 21:13

I was a Grunt, and as such I believe that there are only two MOS's… Infantry and support… ;)


01-23-10, 21:13
Doing SIGINT with charlie company currently. I want to get moved over to alpha company which is HUMINT

HUMINT guys get to tag along with infantry and live outside the wire more.

However, I will be upfront and say infantry is awesome, and probably the best all around MOS for the army experience, because a good chunk of what the army does revolves around infantry.

01-23-10, 21:16
Thanks for the responses. I'm more the physcial and kinetic type of individual. I'm looking for that LE career afterward for sure. Some of the jobs I'm looking at are Combat Engineer, Calvary Scout. I'm 29. Very physcially fit. I definately don't mind humping it. The more job descriptions I get from those of you who've done it the better off I am I feel deciding. Of course it was mentioned it might not even matter what the hell I choose. But I'd like to get those skills that matter most to making the transition into a LE career field.

01-23-10, 21:22
But I'd like to get those skills that matter most to making the transition into a LE career field.

as an intended lifer, i have a degree of contempt for people who join up only as a means to an end. i say that only to lend perspective, not to be a dick to you or anyone else. i truly resent the fact that i had to MEB out so early, while other assholes are just there to do their "time" and move on.

but if this is really just a means to an end, then there shouldn't be any debate- go MP. i'm sure it varies by region, and i know it varies by agency, but most cop vets i know were MPs in service. so long as you're personable and dont have a ****ed up background, its an almost guaranteed admit-one at a PD.

01-23-10, 21:28
I'd like to get those skills that matter most to making the transition into a LE career field.

Sounds like you need to IM "mark5pt56". ;)

01-23-10, 21:31
I have no delusions of grandure or false hopes of being the decorated combat soldier who gets to tell war stories to his grandkids and flaunt his days in combat just cause I got to serve a tour or 2. This is simply something I want to do. A means to an end by no means. I have plenty of options in life where I'm at now. A chance to gain new experiences and a set of skills, while traveling over seas to see a different side of the world. Even if it's a shit hole. Sounds like a real opportunity.

01-24-10, 01:19
Being an MP in the Army or a Zero, has nothing to do with a carrier in LE.... The best street coppers I know were all Grunts in the Corps with High School diplomas...


01-24-10, 01:33
Being an MP in the Army or a Zero, has nothing to do with a carrier in LE.... The best street coppers I know were all Grunts in the Corps with High School diplomas...


there are a lot of PDs full of former MPs that don't seem to care. we've got two major PDs in the portland area that definately seem to have a preference for MP- Hillsboro PD most of all. Marine MPs with clean records are prime candidates.

i've seen other depts advertise things like "preference given to military service, especially military police" as well, more than a couple times.

01-24-10, 02:34
Tow Gunner

I've heard it doesn't exist anymore.

One of the best times I had in my life. I went in after 8 years in the submarine force. Big difference to say the least. Sitting on top of the Humvee when everyone else was humping in the wee hours of the morning. I got a pistol. That was freakin cool. Only kid on my block with a pistol. A no shit Colt too. :)

There wasn't much for us to do around the back 40. So a few of us just did OPFOR for the units on base and all of the NG units doing their weekend. I learned a lot in my time in the Tennessee Liberation Army. NG guys tend to start yelling and milling around when you shoot at them. SF guys tend to start running directly at you. Better blow by the rally point and keep on truckin if they're after you. Better yet, plan for that beforehand.

A lot of fun then. Pretty serious shit now. I'm like the other dude here. I had problems with some of the dudes doing their 2 or 3 for college money, in both services I was in. Guys who don't give a shit tend to get themselves and everyone near them hurt.

If you're there, it's serious business, especially now. It's not a stepping stone for anything in real life. Even in LE. I'm sure you could get an LE job now if thats what you want to do. No reason to spend time in the Army for that.

I think time in the service stands by itself. Nothing before, or after. It isn't going to change the core you. It's just going to show you what kind of person you really are.

The fact that you're asking now means you should probably go. You don't want to be 50 and wondering what you missed.

Just the ole 2c.

And, don't be a buddy ****er.:)

01-24-10, 03:13
I enlisted as a 12B Combat Engineer with a SF contract (now days that would be a 18Xray) and did 12 years as a 18C SF Engineer. Did alot of demolition work. Followed that by 2 yrs as a 18F SF Intell Sgt and finally 18Z SF Senior Operations NCO for 10 yrs. Spent 24 yrs jumping out of airplanes and 15 yrs on a Combat Dive team. Never regretted a minute. In SF your either doing your job, teaching others to do their job, training or going to another school learning more. Not many BS taskers these days like in the 80-90s. Physcially demanding, mentally challenging, work with foreign troops everytime you deploy, long hours and you get to shoot alot:D.


01-24-10, 10:28
Your MOS you choose might not matter. So good luck with that. I was a 63M10(Bradley Fighting Vehicle Systems Maintainer), when I enlisted. I graduated 3rd in my class at FT. Knox. 96.8 Final AVG. Grade. AIT was the last time I ever touched a Bradley. I got sent to a Light Cav. Unit, Delta 4th Cav, 1st ID, 1st BCT. I was a Driver, a Wrench, a Gunner,..... Then I got transfered to 1/5FA, where I went on OPs, BDRFs, and still, never touched a tracked vehicle. I always felt safer "Outside the wire" and as such always volunteered for recovery missions on Wheeled Vehicles of various shapes and sizes. Convoy security details, Iraqi National Escort duties and the like. One of my ARCOMS says I'm a Light Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. So, I guess if you are not a "Teen' Series", you can't really pay too much attention to your expected job description.

Sounds like you were used and abused. Thank God medics don't get the shaft like that.

01-24-10, 10:40

there are a grand total of 4 useful jobs in the military, and three of them exist to serve the 4th- pilot, medic, machanic, and INFANTRYMAN. the Infantryman needs the other three to do his job, but without the infantryman, the other three wouldnt have a job.

W H A T !?!?!?!? I guess Field Artillery, Cavalry, and Armor don't count.

I'm insulted. Everyone knows that soldier medics lead the way. Who says that medics wouldn't exist without infantry. Every soldier is a grunt whether they want to be one or not. I have yet to see a warfighter that is willing to head outside the wire without a medic. No one can train without a medic. Medics and docs take care of your family members. Most importantly, the Medical corps takes care of the old timers that have fought past wars or who have retired. We maintain the legacy of the Army. We do our damdest to keep the promises that were made in the past.

01-24-10, 10:49
W H A T !?!?!?!? I guess Field Artillery, Cavalry, and Armor don't count.

I'm insulted. Everyone knows that soldier medics lead the way. Who says that medics wouldn't exist without infantry. Every soldier is a grunt whether they want to be one or not. I have yet to see a warfighter that is willing to head outside the wire without a medic. No one can train without a medic. Medics and docs take care of your family members. Most importantly, the Medical corps takes care of the old timers that have fought past wars or who have retired. We maintain the legacy of the Army. We do our damdest to keep the promises that were made in the past.

Haha...without signal everyone would run around like chickens with their heads cut off not knowing what to do...;)

01-24-10, 10:55
But I'd like to get those skills that matter most to making the transition into a LE career field.

Here's a tip: Rather than make choices prepping you for a LE career, make preparations for the life you'll live during and after your LE career. The majority of folks entering the LE field won't retire, and will leave for one reason or another. IIRC, most will leave between year 3 and 7. I'd choose something that will give you a skill set with which you can work on the side while you're copping, and set you up in case you should get disgruntled, hurt, fired, or ready for something else.

The academy you attend, and the training program of the agency that hires you will provide minimum essential skill sets for your civilian LE career.

For the same reasons, I recommend against CJ degrees for those going the college route.

01-24-10, 15:40
If you join today I wouldn't count on deploying. I would join expecting to go, but if you don't get to I wouldn't let it be a deal breaker. You'll be training almost a year before you're deployable and even then who knows what the future holds with the economy the way it is and the current Commander in Chief.

01-24-10, 15:55
I more than appreciate all the feedback. Can always count on no BS assessments from people on here.

01-24-10, 17:21
Sounds like you were used and abused. Thank God medics don't get the shaft like that.

I would'nt look at it like that. When I signed up I wanted 11B, but they said that the training cycle was full. I wanted in NOW. It was right after 9-11 when I signed up. My GT score was 126. They tried to talk me into Patriot Missile Systems, but I would have none of it. I wanted to be on the Front with the Grunts, not in the rear with the gear. I wanted to shoot folks. They said Bradley Mech. was the best they could do inorder to get me shipped out fast. I recalled how the Bradleys were so effective in Desert Storm, and said OK. Then, to my pleasant surprise I got to do all of the stuff I wanted to do. I look back now and am glad with how everything worked out. I learned a variety of skills, and my Mechanical knowledge made me everybodys friend. Once, I even volunteered to work at the METRO for a few days, while one of their guys was on leave. Launching weather balloons and tracking them can be fun, believe it or not. I had a blast. Spent most of my time working out of Camp Junction City, Ar Ramadi, Iraq. If I could go back and change anything, I would not. Like I said, I'm glad I did'nt get stuck doing my MOS, and am glad I never actually worked on, or even touched a Bradley after AIT. All the use and abuse was what I asked for. I might have rather gone to Afghanistan, But I did'nt, so I made it count where I did go.

01-24-10, 19:21
Being an MP in the Army or a Zero, has nothing to do with a carrier in LE.... The best street coppers I know were all Grunts in the Corps with High School diplomas...


Exactly, except I do have an A.A. If you want to have a career in lawenforcement I would advise do something else while your in the Army. Go grunt, or Cav scout, something like that.

25-30 years as a civilian LEO is a long time, do something fun while your in the Army.

If I could do it over, I would have stayed in the Corps for 20, then did the LEO thing for 15.

Ash Hess
01-24-10, 19:36
I choose 19D Cav Scout because they have trucks.....
I have spent 13-14 years in Light Divisions. It was nice to think about that thee was always a warm turtleback waiting for me somewhere. Things were perfect until everybody and their brother got a truck, and somehow I ended up on a chinook flying to the boonies with 5 days worth of OP gear in the ruck while the Infant-cy guys sat on the FOB as our QRF.
Scout is great work though. If I were looking to do it all again, I would go Scout or settle for Infantry.

But apparently ALL MOS's go out the gate now. Everyone is a Warrior. And there is no "Support" just Battle space owners. As I was told by a senior NCO from the "Support" Battalion recently. Technically he is correct. He left the gate twice. Once to go on R and R and then again to leave Theater. :)

01-24-10, 19:57
Exactly, except I do have an A.A. If you want to have a career in lawenforcement I would advise do something else while your in the Army. Go grunt, or Cav scout, something like that. .

Ok..So the consensus is infantry, scout. What exactly would one do in the positions? Forgive the ignorance...but I don't trust a recruiter to spell it out for me...

Ash Hess
01-24-10, 21:40
Ols Style. the Scouts are out front looking for the bad guys with a lot of support like helicopters and such. Depending on where you get stationed you could be on Bradleys, Strykers, or Humvees.
Now days, we do a lot of missions in the boonies but just do more with less. we build lil camps everywhere and work out of there
Not much difference between us and Infantry. our platoons are smaller but better. ;)

Mostly, bad chow, horrible hours, if your really lucky a shower once a week. But you actually get to meet people outside the wire. A lot of people deploy, but not everyone "see" the country. I dont count the view from inside the base.

Combat Arms jobs dont readily translate to civilian jobs. That really says a lot about them right there.
All depends on what you really want to do. feel free to PM

01-25-10, 05:37
In your shoes, I'd pick the job that pays the most.......

Seriously, if you're thinking of joining just to get a resume' built up, who gives a shit? If you want to be a Soldier, be a gunfighter.

01-25-10, 06:17
Spent most of my time working out of Camp Junction City, Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

Sounds like you were a Big Red One soldier like myself.

I was up North in Mosul as a member of a Combat Advisor team. I definitely got to spend quite a bit of time outside of the wire. A hell of a lot more time than my peers (Sergeant First Class Medics typically don't leave the wire). We advised the IA while they interacted with the locals. Scary as hell at the time but goods times in retrospect.

01-26-10, 01:53
W H A T !?!?!?!? I guess Field Artillery, Cavalry, and Armor don't count.

I'm insulted. Everyone knows that soldier medics lead the way. Who says that medics wouldn't exist without infantry. Every soldier is a grunt whether they want to be one or not. I have yet to see a warfighter that is willing to head outside the wire without a medic. No one can train without a medic. Medics and docs take care of your family members. Most importantly, the Medical corps takes care of the old timers that have fought past wars or who have retired. We maintain the legacy of the Army. We do our damdest to keep the promises that were made in the past.

God bless Medics, but every Soldier is definately NOT a grunt. A grunt is Infantry. No other MOS can claim it.

As an aside, I dont think anyone is trying to take anything from any field medics, by any means.

01-26-10, 01:55
Ok..So the consensus is infantry, scout. What exactly would one do in the positions? Forgive the ignorance...but I don't trust a recruiter to spell it out for me...

Infantry= Kill folks and break thier shit.

Savior 6
01-26-10, 02:00
I was a Grunt, and as such I believe that there are only two MOS's… Infantry and support… ;)

211 jobs in the Army and 210 ways to support the Infantry.

01-26-10, 05:53
I never considered one MOS better or more important than another.

Each MOS was created to perform a task as part of a larger organization in support of a common goal.

Sounds like a good definition of TEAMWORK doesn’t it? ;) :)

Ash Hess
01-26-10, 12:54
US Military Dictionary: grunt

n. 1. informal a low-ranking or unskilled soldier or other worker: he went from grunt to major in less than five years.

2. a common soldier.

Etymology: alteration of ground, from ground man (with reference to unskilled railway work before progressing to lineman).

My Scouts are very Skilled and Uncommon. ;) Just do a search on Thermal Dynamics.

But someone forgot the old saying that only an Infantryman can gain and hold ground. The Man sure has had me doing it a lot. either that or that saying was Wrong. :D

the powers that be have mixed 11B's 19D's in the "cavalry" Squadrons. We all get same BS missions now. the Recon platoons just have half the people of normal Infantry platoon. The Cav squadron took over BDE scouts and the LRSD is gone. who would thunk, huh.

01-26-10, 13:01
Haha...without signal everyone would run around like chickens with their heads cut off not knowing what to do...;)

That's what Signal does anyway.

Infantry is the only way to be.

Danny Boy
01-26-10, 13:20
I'm currently doing the Health Care Specialist part of being a Combat Medic. I don't spend a great deal of time helping soldiers due to where I'm stationed, but when I do it's totally worth it. Most of the other medics don't seem too into it so I'm getting some good clinical tuition from the RN's and PA's.

If I could re-choose my MOS I probably would of done a shorter contract with a more physically involved MOS, gotten some itches scratched and re-enlisted for a more sensible job. As I'm doing what I'm doing I'm chasing every opportunity to get my teeth into something more high speed.

A bunch of my buddies are with line units doing all the same shit that the grunts do, taunting me with all this cool new gear they're being issued for Astan. I would probably cut their throats to be in their shoes. :P

01-26-10, 13:31
That's what Signal does anyway.

Infantry is the only way to be.

Only half the time...:cool:

01-26-10, 13:39
God Bless the Infantry

God commanded the rocks, “Be you Infantry!” And the rocks spake and said, “Lord we cannot for we are not hard enough!”

In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth and the Infantry. And God looked upon the Infantry, saw that it was good, and said unto them, "Thou art my chosen children". Take thou dominion over the Earth; over the fish of the Sea, the birds of the Air, and all of the Key Terrain." And as a mark of His favour the Lord placed in the hands of the Infantry the sacred relics: the Apostolic Anti-Armour Weapon, the Catholic Claymore, and the Marian Machine Gun. Likewise gaveth the Lord unto the Infantry the Rucksack of Repentance, the Radio of Redemption, the Rifle of Rectitude. Lastly, unto the Infantry, and most divine of all, the Lord gaveth the Holy Hand Grenade.

For the Infantry's sustenance the Lord declared "Four shall be thy food groups: Coffee, Tobacco, C-Rats, and Alcohol. Shun all other unclean food and drink."

And the Infantry dwelt in the land therein. And time passed, and the Infantry cried out unto their God saying, "Lord, help us, for we are weary."

And God smiled upon the Infantry, for they were blessed. Then the Lord took the fattest and laziest of the Infantry and set them upon beasts of burden. And these He called Cavalry. And as the Cavalry became fatter, lazier and heavier still they were known as Armour, or DAT's for short. And the Lord looked down upon the Armour and saw that it was mediocre.

The Lord then said "Oh, well. Thou canst not win them all. Let them lead in case of landmines." To the DAT's the Lord said "Quiche shall be thy food, and bottled water thy drink. Touch not the sacred chow of the Infantry."

And the Infantry and the Armour dwelt in the land therein.

And time passed and the Infantry cried out again unto their Lord saying, "Lord help us, for we are weary."

And God smiled again upon the Infantry, for they were his chosen.

Then God took those of the Armour with butts like base-plates and breath like sulfur and tiny, tiny pee-pees and these He made Artillery. But God saw that the Artillery, too, was mediocre and said unto Himself, "Oh well, garbage in; garbage out."

Unto the Artillery He said, "The big guns shall atone in part for thy diminutive other stature. Tryst thou not to hurt thyself."

To the Infantry the Lord said, "When the night is darkest these shall light the way...more or less. When the approach is most open these shall, occasionally - with luck, confound the enemy's sight. When thou callest for fire support these shall - eventually - provide it with high explosive, cluster munitions and, best of all, nukes." Though the Lord cautioned the Infantry to never, never, never trust Tac-fire or any other electronic computer in the hands of the Artillery. And the Infantry, the Armour, and the Artillery dwelt in the land therein. Then the Artillery created the Air Defence Artillery; but quickly asked forgiveness.

And time passed and the Infantry called out yet again unto their God, saying, "Lord help us, for we are weary."

Again the Lord looked with favour upon the Infantry. He took those of the Armour, Artillery and Air Defence Artillery who most liked to play in the mud and these he made Combat Engineers, and those who dwelt in darkness and spoke in riddles and these he made Military Intelligence, and those with thieving hearts and these He made Quartermasters, and of those who neither sowed nor reaped and were most fond of hammering square pegs into round holes He made Adjutants General. Of those who liked to tinker with good equipment until it broke He made the Ordnance Corps. Of those whose penchant was poison He made Cooks. Of those who ran around in circles He made the Transportation Corps. Of the least articulate He made Signallers. Of the mindlessly doctrinaire and arrogant He - reluctantly - created Military Police and Inspectors General (though the Lord admitted, to Himself, that He was probably only providing employment opportunities to Satan's minions). Of those who dealt in controlled substances He made the Medics and of those whose minds had been destroyed by the same He made the Chemical Corps. Yea, the Lord of All filled up the MTOE.

And the Infantry, and the others, dwelt in the land therein.

Time passed, but yet, again, the Infantry cried out unto their God, saying, "Lord, help us, for we are weary.

And the Heavens darkened, and the clouds gathered. The lightning's spake and the Infantry abased themselves before their God, for they were sore afraid.

And the Lord spoke with anger, asking, "How canst thou yet be weary? Have I not made the Armour and the Artillery to support thee? Have I not made of the detritus of the earth Quartermasters and Adjutants and Signallers and Transporters and a host of others to assist thee? Verily, have I not even made Military Intelligence, although it were a contradiction in terms?"

Humbly the Infantry abased themselves again before their God, crying, "Lord, it is of these that we are weary."

02-02-10, 17:16

Of course with the 17 jobs available 19D wasn't one of them. So here's how it went...
I took the ASVAB last thursday scored a 79. All's well and good. Get to the recruiter office today and outta 17 jobs 19D isn't on there. Ok no problem, I browsed but not interested in truck driving or really anything super technical. I'm more the running and climbing and outdoors person. I excel in that field. So the Sgt makes a call to roc* and poof a Cav Scout position pops open. Question: Was that going to pop open anyhow because he called? Or....was that truly a lucky thing?
So the Scout cav position opens up for me with absolutely $000 sign on bonuses. 3 year contract. Comes standard with the G.I. bill and the $4500 a year tuition incentive for active mil. Now I'm not going through this for a quick fix in life concerning $$. This is purely to get myself out of where I'm at presently and digest as many skills and training as I can, so that I qualify myself for further career in the Army or a L.E. field coming out. However, What are your opinions of the lack of $$ incentives.
Again so I'm clear. Training in tactics, weapons, radios, ect..... is my priority. That shit is going to be fun and a learning experience all wrapped up into one. I hope to attend airborne, and if possible sniper school

02-02-10, 18:31
God bless Medics, but every Soldier is definately NOT a grunt. A grunt is Infantry. No other MOS can claim it.

As an aside, I dont think anyone is trying to take anything from any field medics, by any means.

Unless of course you are a grunt medic. My shoulders still hurt thinking about humping 70lbs of gear plus my 30lb aidbag. Everyone gets to take a break during the halts on marches except the medic who has to check everyone's feet. We all know that the break is over as soon as Doc is done. My favorite Grunt Medic is this guy ALFRED RASCON (http://www.1stcavmedic.com/cmhmedic/alfred_rascon.htm). I met him back in 2000 when he came to speak to a group of our NCO students here at Fort Sam Houston's NCO Academy. This man identifies himself as a Grunt Medic and I'll be damned before I tell him that he only "Supported the Infantry". I also got a chance to meet Chief Novosel at the AMEDD Museum. I happened to have my oldest daughter with me and we decided t go to the museum on a Sat. He was there signing books and my daughter got a chance to meet a Medal of Honor winner. Chief Novosel was a pilot and the kind of support person that every ground pounder hopes to have when things go south. http://www.mishalov.com/Novosel.html

02-02-10, 18:42

Of course with the 17 jobs available 19D wasn't one of them. So here's how it went...
I took the ASVAB last thursday scored a 79. All's well and good. Get to the recruiter office today and outta 17 jobs 19D isn't on there. Ok no problem, I browsed but not interested in truck driving or really anything super technical. I'm more the running and climbing and outdoors person. I excel in that field. So the Sgt makes a call to roc* and poof a Cav Scout position pops open. Question: Was that going to pop open anyhow because he called? Or....was that truly a lucky thing?
So the Scout cav position opens up for me with absolutely $000 sign on bonuses. 3 year contract. Comes standard with the G.I. bill and the $4500 a year tuition incentive for active mil. Now I'm not going through this for a quick fix in life concerning $$. This is purely to get myself out of where I'm at presently and digest as many skills and training as I can, so that I qualify myself for further career in the Army or a L.E. field coming out. However, What are your opinions of the lack of $$ incentives.
Again so I'm clear. Training in tactics, weapons, radios, ect..... is my priority. That shit is going to be fun and a learning experience all wrapped up into one. I hope to attend airborne, and if possible sniper school

It sucks not getting a bonus but that is to be expected with a bad economy. I would see if you can get airborne school in your contract. Hell if you are up for it you might as well request Ranger school in your initial contract. As for the phone call to get a slot, there are times when a slot may be in limbo because another enlistee is vying for it and it is on hold. Good luck with your career. Make sure that you take full advantage of GoArmyEd while you are in. Online classes are a breeze and you will need a degree to make the senior enliste ranks or to become an officer. Later that degree will translate into future employment after you leave the service.

02-02-10, 18:56
It sucks not getting a bonus but that is to be expected with a bad economy. I would see if you can get airborne school in your contract. Hell if you are up for it you might as well request Ranger school in your initial contract. As for the phone call to get a slot, there are times when a slot may be in limbo because another enlistee is vying for it and it is on hold. Good luck with your career. Make sure that you take full advantage of GoArmyEd while you are in. Online classes are a breeze and you will need a degree to make the senior enliste ranks or to become an officer. Later that degree will translate into future employment after you leave the service.

Airborne for sure. Going the Ranger school route would take precedence over all other MOS, wouldn't it?

02-02-10, 19:00
Airborne for sure. Going the Ranger school route would take precedence over all other MOS, wouldn't it?

Ranger school guarantees airborne school first. When you finish Ranger school you will be a Ranger scout.

02-02-10, 19:03
Ranger school guarantees airborne school first. When you finish Ranger school you will be a Ranger scout.

IF he's assigned to a Ranger battalion. and not unless.

02-02-10, 19:18
So..16weeks basic and cav scout training...followed by airborne...followed by ranger school.

For those who graduate Ranger school...there is a possibility they are not assigned to Ranger battalion? If that happens would one be assigned to their original MOS?

02-02-10, 19:26
How about calling another recruiting station to see if they can get the mos your looking at and the bonus.

Just to double check theres no bait and switch going on.

02-02-10, 19:47
So..16weeks basic and cav scout training...followed by airborne...followed by ranger school.

For those who graduate Ranger school...there is a possibility they are not assigned to Ranger battalion? If that happens would one be assigned to their original MOS?

unless you're going in with a Ranger Option (11X), you will not have Ranger school in your contract (you won't even have it "in your contract" WITH a RO, but it's basically a given). Ranger school is a volunteer school with a limited number of slots avail in a given cycle, and you have to apply for it once you get to your duty station. i don't know what the procedure is for transferring to a Ranger batt once you're already in- i know it happens often, ususally guys from 101 or 82nd. If you get assigned to a Ranger batt, you're pretty much guaranteed a few tries at Ranger school.

Ranger school isn't a prerequisite of being a Ranger, and many Rangers have never been to Ranger school- some never will. BEING a Ranger means wearing a 75th Inf Reg Scroll on your shoulder and a tan beret on your head- the Tab is in addition to that. you can't have a leadership position in a Ranger batt until you complete Ranger school, so it's very important to career development. likewise, simply completing Ranger school, while a member of a non-75th unit, does NOT make you a Ranger, nor does it automatically give you a slot in a Ranger batt- it's just a qualification, at that point, much like Airborne, HALO, Air Assault, etc.

if you want to BE a Ranger, you should just go in with a Ranger Option 11X contract. you'll need to study up and re-take the ASVAB, though- i think you need at least an 85, maybe higher, for said contract (not sure about that, just sounds right).

02-02-10, 21:58
So..16weeks basic and cav scout training...followed by airborne...followed by ranger school.

For those who graduate Ranger school...there is a possibility they are not assigned to Ranger battalion? If that happens would one be assigned to their original MOS?

Yes you would still maintain your original MOS. Ranger school gets you an Skill Qualification Indentifier. Ranger school graduate is V for Ranger Parachutist. Your MOS would be 19D1V. I am a flight medic and an instructor so my MOS is 68W4F8. No matter what your base MOS will be scout.

Danny Boy
02-02-10, 23:49
if you want to BE a Ranger, you should just go in with a Ranger Option 11X contract. you'll need to study up and re-take the ASVAB, though- i think you need at least an 85, maybe higher, for said contract (not sure about that, just sounds right).

Not sure if it's exactly the same, but I know that they only look at the GT score, rather than the ASVAB, for Ranger Medic. You need a minimum of 115. That's where a lot of my buddies were dropped from the app process.

02-02-10, 23:52
Are you sure? When I was in the Army a GT of 110 qualified for everything SF, MI, etc...

QUOTE=Danny Boy;561136]Not sure if it's exactly the same, but I know that they only look at the GT score, rather than the ASVAB, for Ranger Medic. You need a minimum of 115. That's where a lot of my buddies were dropped from the app process.[/QUOTE]

Danny Boy
02-03-10, 10:53
Yes, sir. Very sure. I just checked my old packet. Under 115 required a waiver, which they were unwilling to give when I went through. Mine was 119, but my citizenship was an issue.

02-03-10, 11:07
I scored 114-115 across the board on the asvab. I inquired about raising the GI bill from 50k-$$$$. I was told that I can consult with the counselor about this at the meps station when they want me to sign the contract. Bottom line. I know what I want to do and achieve off hand. I'm sure there will be more training program I wish to attend. However college money is more important to me right now than sign on bonuses. So I will be pursuing that aggressively.

02-03-10, 16:23
Are you sure? When I was in the Army a GT of 110 qualified for everything SF, MI, etc...

QUOTE=Danny Boy;561136]Not sure if it's exactly the same, but I know that they only look at the GT score, rather than the ASVAB, for Ranger Medic. You need a minimum of 115. That's where a lot of my buddies were dropped from the app process.[/QUOTE]

The high GT score is to gaurantee that the Applicant can pass the National Registry for EMTs at the basic level then the paramedic level for Ranger medics. There are quite a few kids who bolo out of 68W school because they can't pass the NREMT test.

02-03-10, 16:27
I scored 114-115 across the board on the asvab. I inquired about raising the GI bill from 50k-$$$$. I was told that I can consult with the counselor about this at the meps station when they want me to sign the contract. Bottom line. I know what I want to do and achieve off hand. I'm sure there will be more training program I wish to attend. However college money is more important to me right now than sign on bonuses. So I will be pursuing that aggressively.

Ask about the Army College Fund. Some MOSs will offer that pool of money also. It is an addendum to the G.I. Bill and will get you additional college funds. Also keep in mind that every enlisted soldier gets 4500 a year to go to college via GoArmyEd. You would be a fool not to take advantage of online courses and get your degree before you get out. Then the G.I. Bill can be used for further education for yourself or your family (wife and kids).

02-03-10, 17:28
Ask about the Army College Fund. Some MOSs will offer that pool of money also. It is an addendum to the G.I. Bill and will get you additional college funds. Also keep in mind that every enlisted soldier gets 4500 a year to go to college via GoArmyEd. You would be a fool not to take advantage of online courses and get your degree before you get out. Then the G.I. Bill can be used for further education for yourself or your family (wife and kids).

I'm enlisting as an E3 from my 61 credits already. I fully intend to take all the online courses I can. I'll inquire about the college fund. It's seperate from the G.I. bill? After I "clicked" the button for the MOS of my choice (which wasn't offering any additional bonuses including college money) I apparantly was locked in. I'll have to ask the counselor when it comes time to sign the contract. It would be nice to get more $$ in the G.I. like you said for kid down the road. I could easily fulfill my Bachelors and an A.A.S during the time I'm in.

02-03-10, 19:18
I'm enlisting as an E3 from my 61 credits already. I fully intend to take all the online courses I can. I'll inquire about the college fund. It's seperate from the G.I. bill? After I "clicked" the button for the MOS of my choice (which wasn't offering any additional bonuses including college money) I apparantly was locked in. I'll have to ask the counselor when it comes time to sign the contract. It would be nice to get more $$ in the G.I. like you said for kid down the road. I could easily fulfill my Bachelors and an A.A.S during the time I'm in.

Yes the Army College Fund is seperate. I would ask your counselor about it. But the way the new G.I. Bill is setup it looks like you would get kicker payments that do the same thing the College Fund would do. Your counselor should have more details than I do. I am far from being a subject matter expert on this topic.

02-04-10, 09:16
unless you're going in with a Ranger Option (11X), you will not have Ranger school in your contract (you won't even have it "in your contract" WITH a RO, but it's basically a given). Ranger school is a volunteer school with a limited number of slots avail in a given cycle, and you have to apply for it once you get to your duty station. i don't know what the procedure is for transferring to a Ranger batt once you're already in- i know it happens often, ususally guys from 101 or 82nd. If you get assigned to a Ranger batt, you're pretty much guaranteed a few tries at Ranger school.

Ranger school isn't a prerequisite of being a Ranger, and many Rangers have never been to Ranger school- some never will. BEING a Ranger means wearing a 75th Inf Reg Scroll on your shoulder and a tan beret on your head- the Tab is in addition to that. you can't have a leadership position in a Ranger batt until you complete Ranger school, so it's very important to career development. likewise, simply completing Ranger school, while a member of a non-75th unit, does NOT make you a Ranger, nor does it automatically give you a slot in a Ranger batt- it's just a qualification, at that point, much like Airborne, HALO, Air Assault, etc.

if you want to BE a Ranger, you should just go in with a Ranger Option 11X contract. you'll need to study up and re-take the ASVAB, though- i think you need at least an 85, maybe higher, for said contract (not sure about that, just sounds right).

Several folks I know who were in the Regt., would beg to differ. There are "Tab Wearers", those who go through the course and then on to other assignments, and Rangers (Ranger school graduates), who are assigned to the Regiment, with support personnel who are assigned, some (few) who are not Ranger graduates. Believe me when I say, the pressure is on for them to get the Tab. Same way when a "Leg" shows up to the 82d. If you're not Airborne Qual'd, they will get you to Airborne School or you'll get eventually transferred out, unless you have an extremely critical MOS. From the commander down to peer pressure will be on you to get a slot. The Rangers (Soldiers who Tabbed and are assigned to the Regt.) don't even consider Tab Wearers as Rangers. When I went through in the early 80's, it was designated a "leadership" course by DA, and a "hooah", HS/LD school to everyone else in attendance. The course was open to officers regardless of branch. Many of my class mates in flight school, went between breaks from Aviation Officers Basic Course (OBC) to Flight school, or after graduation prior to their new assignment.

Your comment reminds me of back in the day when you can be support personnel in one of the SF Groups, everyone got a Green Beret, previously to that it was the "Candy Bar" Flash when my uncle was in SF in the 70's. It didn't mean they were Green Beret's or SF Qaul'd in the slightest. Lot of "poser's" running around back then, before SF changed it from "organizational head gear" and made it a Branch Qual requirement, meaning you had to be a SF Q course graduate to wear the headgear and SF Tab, then suddenly over night, you had all the posers wearing Maroon Berets, with tears running down their faces.

02-05-10, 01:13
Here is the deal with the signing bonuses. This goes for pretty much everything, not just .mil. They are offered for one of two reasons:

1. the job is very hard to fill due to difficult testing requirements, etc.. the bonus is to lure those few who qualify to take the job.

2. the job sucks and they try to lure people with promises of money to take it.

ETA - also, keep in mind that the Army has guaranteed job training, which may or may not be the same as what you will actually be doing. Like the Bradley mechanic above. Keep that in mind if you are the kind of person who has a "I want to be a X, and nothing else..." mentality. Just because you signed up for a Cav scout doesn't mean you will be in that unit 100% for sure....

02-05-10, 10:43
Well if I'm not in that unit then they will have to job class train me all over again for the next mos?
Meps is moved to Tuesday. Had the coming to Jesus talk with the recruiter. Not looking forward to being poked and probed and questioned. And i detest pissing in a cup. So that's my last step everything is in order up to that point. Hardest part will be telling my daughter. :( but this is for the best and she'll be taken care of.

02-05-10, 18:29
Another Army medic here

02-07-10, 21:47
DragonDoc;551225]Everyone knows that soldier medics lead the way.


born to kill, train to heal ! ! !

I had to scream that at every formation during my time at Ft.Sham.

02-07-10, 21:52
[QUOTE]Meps is moved to Tuesday. Had the coming to Jesus talk with the recruiter. Not looking forward to being poked and probed and questioned. And i detest pissing in a cup.

pissing in the cup is easy, so long as your're sure to piss moutain spring clean urine...wait till the hernia check, that was one of the worst minutes of my life...swear that doc had his hand in an ice bucket before he came in.

seriously, best of luck on your new adventure

02-24-10, 21:28
Meps sucked but I've got the official clearance. However I lost my 19D spot due to an issue with my kid and not signing in time. Needed further clarification/and got it. So..19D is closed combat engineer is closed as of tonight. Those were my two first pics. Everyone seems to be gung ho about infantry...Any other small arms related MOS's recomended? Or should I keep pressuring them to get me in as my original 19D?

02-25-10, 17:08
Meps sucked but I've got the official clearance. However I lost my 19D spot due to an issue with my kid and not signing in time. Needed further clarification/and got it. So..19D is closed combat engineer is closed as of tonight. Those were my two first pics. Everyone seems to be gung ho about infantry...Any other small arms related MOS's recomended? Or should I keep pressuring them to get me in as my original 19D?

NCO promotions are slower for 19Ds but if that is what you want the go for it. Don't settle. Get what you want now because choices might not be there later.

02-25-10, 17:17
Stick to your guns on your first choice, or you'll regret it. Don't settle.

02-25-10, 19:48
I walked away last night from the recruiting office at about 7:30pm. Walked away said I want to go home research somemore, make a priority list of MOS's. Asked my recruiter to run the MOS's again very first thing in the morning/make some more calls. And again in the afternoon and evening. Well he called me at 0900 and I was able to resecure my 19D status. So I sign Monday, tell family for certain, and ship May 19th. I think excitement and nervousness is about at even keel right now. I'll be the 3rd in the family to serve, I feel as though it's owed to this country, and also hope to serve as a role model for my daughter and my nephew. My birthday is mid April, I think I'll turn in my keys to my job on that day, treat myself to a carbine refresher class and focus 200% on training and conditioning.

02-26-10, 17:36
Way to go brother. See ya in the field.

03-01-10, 18:10
It's official. I spent the whole day once again at meps. Signed and swore in. 19D Hooah!! May 19th Fort Knox here I come. Excited and nervous wrapped up together

03-01-10, 18:18
I was a Grunt, and as such I believe that there are only two MOS's… Infantry and support… ;)


I agree what he said