View Full Version : If you are an Iraqi kid, and a bomb goes off, where do you run for safety?

01-23-10, 21:04
You run to the American soldier! Hoo-Ya!!

God bless those in harms way. They are doing a great job



01-23-10, 21:12
****ing WOW!!!

If that doesn't represent The United States of America than I don't know what does.

01-23-10, 22:49
Awesome shots!

01-23-10, 23:36
God bless those in harms way....

01-24-10, 08:41
What a shithole of a place. Islam must reign in it's own fanatics or it will never end.

01-24-10, 17:19
****ing WOW!!!

If that doesn't represent The United States of America than I don't know what does.

It most definitely represents the United States of America that I'm sure everyone on this site knows and loves, and would lay down their lives to defend.

01-24-10, 19:05
It most definitely represents the United States of America that I'm sure everyone on this site knows and loves, and would lay down their lives to defend.

+1 Jack Murtha should take a look at these pics.

Thug Hunter
01-24-10, 19:10
Another old soldier, forever young, was PFC Vaught of the 325 Glider Infantry Regiment, 82 Airborne Division, who was busy digging a foxhole (23 Dec 1944). An entire US armored division was retreating from the Germans in the Ardennes forest when a sergeant in a tank destroyer spotted the PFC. Vaught looked up and asked the sergeant, "Are you looking for a safe place?" "Yeah," answered the tanker.
"Well buddy," he drawled, "just pull your vehicle behind me... I'm the 82nd Airborne, and this is as far as the bastards are going!"

Some things never change

01-24-10, 23:19
God bless those in harms way. They are doing a great job

Amen. Great pics. Thanks for posting em.

01-25-10, 00:54
Good pics. Prayers for those in harm's way.

06-20-10, 21:25
Resurrected, but here is another pic I thought speaks volumes about our Soldiers and Marines


06-20-10, 21:33
another great one VB. Saw that a few months ago with the caption "HONOR" the difference between the good guys and the bad guys is whether they use human shields or make themselves human shields.

06-20-10, 21:46
Outstanding post. America is a force for good in the world, always has been, hopefully always will be...

06-20-10, 21:57
+1 Jack Murtha should take a look at these pics.

Too bad that asshole is dead.

Kentucky Cop
06-20-10, 22:20
These pictures made my night. Who takes these photo's when all hell is breaking loose? Outstanding work to all involved! I love the first one where all the kids are scared shitless and running for cover when the soldier simply saying to himself "here we go again" as he quietly walks towards the danger.

I envy you guys.

Kentucky Cop

06-20-10, 22:36
It is photos of the everyday work we as soldiers current/former really bring home our true mission and why we serve. Sometimes we get caught up in the moment and focused on the mission, that we forget who we fight for or why. Then you see this and think to yourself, "Wow that makes me feel good". Beings back memories VB thank you sir. I might have to pull out my photos from the footlocker.

06-21-10, 08:19
another great one VB. Saw that a few months ago with the caption "HONOR" the difference between the good guys and the bad guys is whether they use human shields or make themselves human shields.

What is that gif with IDF and PLO and where the baby carriages are.

06-21-10, 09:27
Too bad that asshole is dead.

Maybe they have HD in hell. :mad:

06-21-10, 17:39
Smartest kid in the whole damned square. :D

I might be biased being from the eighty deuce. ;p

06-21-10, 21:48
Another old soldier, forever young, was PFC Vaught of the 325 Glider Infantry Regiment, 82 Airborne Division, who was busy digging a foxhole (23 Dec 1944). An entire US armored division was retreating from the Germans in the Ardennes forest when a sergeant in a tank destroyer spotted the PFC. Vaught looked up and asked the sergeant, "Are you looking for a safe place?" "Yeah," answered the tanker.
"Well buddy," he drawled, "just pull your vehicle behind me... I'm the 82nd Airborne, and this is as far as the bastards are going!"

Some things never change

Man, that's PRICELESS!!! :D

06-22-10, 07:05
I envy you guys.

I never joined the service.

But I would gladly give my life to defend country, countrymen, and sheep alike.

I feel as though having a CCP is a decent way to compensate though.

There can never be too many armed people in one place.

Kentucky Cop
06-22-10, 12:36
I need more pics of this stuff. It makes you feel great!!!


06-22-10, 12:42
I need more pics of this stuff. It makes you feel great!!!


I agree.

Salad, how old are you? You may still be able to join.

Kentucky Cop
06-27-10, 22:26
Not necessarily a picture but a video that gives me the same feeling as the other ones in this thread. I thought this would be fitting here. To all the military folks on here, thank you. Again, a marine/soldier going above and beyond...


Kentucky Cop

Oscar 319
06-28-10, 00:10

06-28-10, 00:37

that photo has brought me to near tears on more than one occasion. It is in my opinion one of the best war photos I have seen. It speaks so many words.

06-28-10, 19:58
+1 Jack Murtha should take a look at these pics.

I bet he'd like to look at it.

That photo is priceless, wonder why it did not get any national attention. I'm proud of our folks in uniform! Semper Fi!

06-28-10, 20:01
Resurrected, but here is another pic I thought speaks volumes about our Soldiers and Marines


That photo is on my face book, with a quote something along the lines of how you can tell the good guys from the bad guys. The good guys are the ones shielding civilians behind them not shielding themselves behind the innocents.

06-29-10, 01:28
Those photos make me even prouder of our military.

06-29-10, 02:59
I agree.

Salad, how old are you? You may still be able to join.

On June 26th, I turned 24.

06-29-10, 07:05
On June 26th, I turned 24.

Go talk to a recruiter, and then send me your info.

GRAP is awesome :D

06-29-10, 08:28
On June 26th, I turned 24.

hell man, you're good to go age wise!:D Have a buddy of mine who's classing up to BUD/S class 285, and he's 29!

Like VB said, talk to a recruiter. You have plenty of time:cool:

06-29-10, 18:51
The Greatest Generation 2.0

Thanks so much.