View Full Version : BREAKING NEWS ;"Haiti is saved!"

the Bamster
01-25-10, 00:46
"BREAKING NEWS" Sean Penn has landed in Haiti!!!!Sean Penn has landed in Haiti!!!!.......... Tears of joy at this very moment are shorting out my keyboard. I will stay online as long as possible to bring you further updates..........................
"I REPEAT" Sean Penn has landed in Haiti!!!!

01-25-10, 00:53
Maybe he will decide to stay........................

01-25-10, 00:56
What?!!! You surely can't mean Sean "Katrina" Penn could you? Oh thank God, the misery and suffering of these poor people ends now. Btw I thought Penn only did waterborne ops? Lol!

01-25-10, 01:33
"Hey, wait a minute, there's no birthday party for me here!" :D

the Bamster
01-25-10, 03:31
"BREAKING NEWS!" I have just recieved the first photo of Sean Penn taken early yesterday!


the Bamster
01-25-10, 03:52
Photo of Penn and Chavez discussing the unprovoked U.S. earthquake attack on the poor defenseless country of Haiti.


01-25-10, 06:51
What?!!! You surely can't mean Sean "Katrina" Penn could you? Oh thank God, the misery and suffering of these poor people ends now. Btw I thought Penn only did waterborne ops? Lol!


"Good people of Haiti, your suffering is nearing its end!"

01-25-10, 09:33
Some of these guys *may* mean well. It's difficult to tell what their TRUE motivations are. They are certainly being manipulated by the Powers That Be but I must admit I admire seeing them put their reputations (some times) money, time and sometimes safety on the line like the rest of us little people who have less resources and have much less "voice" to reach the rest of us little people.

01-25-10, 11:12

01-25-10, 11:17
Did he bring his camera crew with him like he did during Katrina?

01-25-10, 11:35
"Hey, wait a minute, there's no birthday party for me here!" :D

Wonder if he will order a pizza. Certainly there is nothing wrong with a little feast on "their time."

01-25-10, 12:07
Another self-loathing idiot.