View Full Version : Proposed Budget Freeze

01-26-10, 17:56

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama intends to propose a three-year freeze in spending that accounts for one-sixth of the federal budget—a move meant to quell rising concern over the deficit but whose practical impact will be muted.

To attack the $1.4 trillion deficit, the White House will propose limits on discretionary spending unrelated to the military, veterans, homeland security and international affairs, according to senior administration officials. Also untouched are big entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

The freeze would affect $447 billion in spending, or 17% of the total federal budget, and would likely be overtaken by growth in the untouched areas of discretionary spending. It's designed to save $250 billion over the coming decade, compared with what would have been spent had this area been allowed to rise along with inflation.

The administration officials said the cap won't be imposed across the board. Some areas would see cuts while others, including education and investments related to job creation, would realize increases.

Among the areas that may be potentially subject to cuts: the departments of Housing and Urban Development, Justice, Energy, Transportation, Agriculture, and Health and Human Services.

"We're not here to tell you we've solved the deficit, but you have to take steps to put spending under control," a senior administration official said.

The spending freeze, which is expected to be included in Wednesday's State of the Union address and the president's Feb. 1 budget proposal, is one of a series of small-scale initiatives the White House is unrolling as the president adjusts to a more hostile political terrain in his second year. On Monday, the president unveiled a set of proposals aimed at making child care, college and elder care more affordable.

"Given Washington Democrats' unprecedented spending binge, this is like announcing you're going on a diet after winning a pie-eating contest," said Michael Steele, spokesman for House Minority Leader John A. Boehner (R., Ohio). "Will the budget still double the debt over five years and triple it over 10? That's the bottom line."

Responding to criticism, administration officials acknowledged the freeze is directed at only a small part of overall spending, but that fiscal discipline has to start somewhere. President Obama had requested a 7.3% increase last year in the areas he now seeks to freeze. White House officials said they had achieved 60% of the $11.5 billion in cuts outlined in the budget for the current fiscal year.

Mr. Obama will also propose the creation of a deficit commission to look for potential solutions for the medium- and long-term deficit—a move to garner bipartisan support for what may be unpopular tax increases and spending cuts. A bipartisan group of senators has been trying to get such a commission passed into law in a way that would give teeth to its recommendations. The recommendations of any presidential panel would require congressional approval.

The budget proposal will be welcomed in some quarters. On Monday, four members of the Democratic Party's Blue Dog caucus, which favors fiscal discipline, wrote to Mr. Obama suggesting he implement a freeze much like the one he plans. "More will need to be done to get our fiscal house in order, but we believe this freeze in non-defense related discretionary spending is a good place to begin," they wrote.

John Makin, an economist at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, called the effort "certainly a step in the right direction." He said the amount saved isn't large, but noted that he preferred this approach over raising taxes. "I'm not going to belittle it because it's not a big cut in spending."

A year after the White House rolled out ambitious initiatives on health care and energy, in addition to a giant economic stimulus plan, the president is in some respects taking smaller steps. That's partly because much of the 2009 agenda remains undone. Also, in an election year, members of Congress are typically reluctant to take on controversial proposals.

But the president said Monday that he remains committed to tackling health care and other big problems. "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president," he told ABC News.

He faces tough dynamics. Mr. Obama and his party are bracing for losses in this fall's election amid lower approval ratings and after a damaging loss in a Massachusetts special Senate election. The president has already shifted to a more populist tone aimed at convincing independent voters in particular that he is on their side.

"We're going to keep fighting to rebuild our economy so that hard work is once again rewarded, wages and incomes are once again rising, and the middle class is once again growing," Mr. Obama said in unveiling his new proposals Monday.

That message will likely be broadcast on Wednesday, when Mr. Obama delivers his State of the Union address to Congress. Aides say he'll use the domestic-policy section to focus on jobs, the budget deficit and ways to reform the way Washington works.

The big-ticket legislative items from last year may wind up on the back burner. The president has suggested Congress might significantly scale back its health-care legislation after the party lost its 60-vote Senate super-majority.

And on energy, following last year's proposal to fight global warming by requiring companies pay for the right to emit greenhouse gases, Democrats concede it is more likely that Congress will approve a scaled-back bill with subsidies and more modest rules.

White House officials say they will continue to push their 2009 goals. "We are not trimming the sails on the major policy initiatives, but we are at a different stage where the focus is on moving forward [on existing initiatives] not announcing a new policy," said one White House adviser.

Many Republicans argue Mr. Obama tried to do too much. "In my view, the president struggled in his first year not only because his agenda veered too far left, but because he took too many big bites out of too many apples and tried to swallow them all at once," Sen. Lamar Alexander (R., Tenn.) said on the Senate floor Monday.

On Monday, the president and Vice President Joe Biden announced a handful of modest proposals aimed at supporting middle-class families, the result, they said, of a task force led by Mr. Biden. They said the budget will include an additional $1.6 billion for low-income child-care subsidies, and that they would ask Congress to sweeten a child-care tax credit with more generous help for families earning up to $115,000.

Administration officials wouldn't say how much the extra tax breaks would cost, or how they would pay for them. The plan also includes new limits for people repaying student loans, capping repayments at 10% of discretionary income, at a cost of $7.5 billion over 10 years, and $102.5 million for help with elder care.

Not sure if this freeze will have a significant impact but I guess it would be a step in the right direction.

Your thoughts? What other steps need to be taken to get ourselves out of this hole?

Heavy Metal
01-26-10, 18:15
Unless they are willing to cut entitlements, this is just masturbation.

01-26-10, 18:33
It's a joke, not a start. Reduces a 1.8 trillion deficit by 25 billion. Tomorrows bond sale is larger than the entire 2011 savings.

01-26-10, 18:46
Yep, it's PR for the stupid people.


01-26-10, 18:49
Close to 60% of the Federal budget is welfare entitlement spending.

Start there.

Then cut Federal workforce in unnecessary agencies and departments. Cut their operating budgets in half. Reduce the remaining Federal employees salary by at least 25%. No reason why the average Federal employees salary is almost DOUBLE the national average. Number making over 100k has gone up dramatically in the last few years.

That would be a good start.

25 billion is a week or less of Federal spending. Its so worthless its not even really worth discussing in the same sentence as "budget cuts".

01-26-10, 19:02
Close to 60% of the Federal budget is welfare entitlement spending.

Start there.

Then cut Federal workforce in unnecessary agencies and departments. Cut their operating budgets in half. Reduce the remaining Federal employees salary by at least 25%. No reason why the average Federal employees salary is almost DOUBLE the national average. Number making over 100k has gone up dramatically in the last few years.

That would be a good start.

25 billion is a week or less of Federal spending. Its so worthless its not even really worth discussing in the same sentence as "budget cuts".

ETA: In regards to getting the economy going again...

With the above reduced cuts...Id make small businesses exempt from Federal taxes if they make less than 500k a year and their 1st two years of operation.

Reduce corporate tax to 10%.

Cut capital gains to 10%.

Do away with progressive tax system, and do flat 10% national sales tax.

Tax deductions on businesses who hire more employees.

Federal tax, spend, and borrow has never shown to be effective in getting us out of bad economic times, and it never will. The feds can never spend enough to keep jobs. All these "programs" they are doing to create jobs are temporary, and do not benefit anyone long term. Instead we are going to be stuck with over a trillion in additional debt that the economy is going to have to pay back in the future. Its like a credit card, and that bill will come due some day + makes our credit worthiness diminish. What creates long term economic growth and job creation is the private sector growing....not government spending.

01-26-10, 20:28
This is sorta like pissing on a napalm strike. :(

01-26-10, 21:26
Kind of hard to say you're sorry when you know you've ****ed up. This could potentially destroy the U.S.A. as we knew it.

diving dave
01-26-10, 21:54
What a joke. The only reason he is standing up and trying to sound like a fiscal conservative all the sudden is reaction to the voters shift to the right. Its all political theatre, nothing more.

01-26-10, 22:01
What a joke. The only reason he is standing up and trying to sound like a fiscal conservative all the sudden is reaction to the voters shift to the right. Its all political theatre, nothing more.

I can smell the desperation off Obama and the Dems now. Funny how they acted COMPLETELY different before Scott Brown was elected

01-27-10, 14:17
Why bother. It is like throwing a hot dog down a hallway in order to fill the space. It isn't going to do crap to lower the budget. Now if they would get out of the welfare business and teach the leaches how to fish instead of giving them fish that would solve the problem. Instead they want everyone to forget how to fish.


01-27-10, 14:22
ETA: In regards to getting the economy going again...

With the above reduced cuts...Id make small businesses exempt from Federal taxes if they make less than 500k a year and their 1st two years of operation.

Reduce corporate tax to 10%.

Cut capital gains to 10%.

Do away with progressive tax system, and do flat 10% national sales tax.

Tax deductions on businesses who hire more employees.

Federal tax, spend, and borrow has never shown to be effective in getting us out of bad economic times, and it never will. The feds can never spend enough to keep jobs. All these "programs" they are doing to create jobs are temporary, and do not benefit anyone long term. Instead we are going to be stuck with over a trillion in additional debt that the economy is going to have to pay back in the future. Its like a credit card, and that bill will come due some day + makes our credit worthiness diminish. What creates long term economic growth and job creation is the private sector growing....not government spending.

What about the Fair Tax. Get rid of the payroll taxes, capital gains, profit taxes and anything else you can think of. Tax what I spend not what I make. Have an inclusive tax and everyone pays weather your in this country legally or not. How many business would come back here since the cost of doing business drops drastically. I have no problem paying my share but I'm tired of being raped.


01-27-10, 14:36
Would cut energy and transportation, so, we'll save money, but you'll be without power or a means to travel...

01-27-10, 14:56
I caught an interview on Fox last night with Newt Gingrich he said that it was like your daughter coming home from college and annoucing that she had ran up $50,000 in credit card bills last year, but not to worry because she is going to hold to that level for the next couple of years.