View Full Version : Must have items for an upcomeing deployment

01-27-10, 12:58
Hey guys and gals(if there are any) I am getting deployed again hopefully for the last time since I dont know if Im signing back up for another 6 lol. I wanted to get a list or some ideas for some new must have gear so I can be tacticool this time round instead of rocking the POS gear I have been issued. Also just to make this time round a lil more liveable then last time. Im a 3P051A and from what I have heard we are going to do alot more mounted convoy shit if that helps.

Things I have bought so far
Suunto Vector, Boker cop tool, Microtech Crosshair, newer Surefire Aviator white/red leds, ESS turbofan Profile goggles, and a pair of the Danner rough out FTX boots in that stupid sage green.

Any help or ideas would be great. Thanks in advance.

Iraq Ninja
01-27-10, 14:16
Quick question... Iraq or A Stan? How strict is the AF on what you can wear in terms of kit?

01-27-10, 14:24
A Stan and not so strick theres guys rocking acu crossdraw vests, dflcs, h gear and all. I was rocking a TAG rampage but its away for repairs hopeing I get it back before or it might give me a reason to get the RAV I have been eyeing.

01-27-10, 14:25
Let me start off saying:
Hello my name is Eljay
and I'm a recovering gear queer.

I looked up your MOS and it said you were Security Forces, Correct?

I would recommend getting a good set of electronic hearing protection such as the Peltors or Sordins. There is nothing like the deafening sound of an explosion or the sound of an M2 talking going off next to you with out hearing protection.

Invest in good eye protection as well. I'm pretty sure you guys will get issued Oakley M frames. I also had a pair of Half Jackets with ballistic lenses I wore around the FOB.

I used the Ranger R.A.C.K. instead of mounting my pouches directly to the IBA. Tactical Tailor, BHI and other companies make different types of RACKS.

I prefer using mag shingles instead of the pouches that hold 2 or 3 mags. It's a lot faster for me.

Also for shits and giggles...a tacticool hat. Buy a comfortable baseball hat and put velcro on it for an IR flag and other various moral patches. We had our own section of the FOB far enough from the SGM's and other brass. Also we wore them when were doing missions.

hope this helps.

01-27-10, 14:34
Yep Security Forces. I bought ESS turbofans for my bucket and I have Oakley Flackjackets. Was thinkng of getting Peltors so I will add that to the list of must haves. As for the hat I had a custom ABU Flyers hat made lol. Also was looking at the SoTech split front Faclon that practical tactical has or since it comes in ABU the AWS rack that looks like a copy of the Sotech one piece Falcon.

Add- I have been looking into getting a 215 gear ultimate riggers belt(for my pants) yes/no? Also a Blue Force gear SOC-C molle battle belt with there suspenders and a duty belt insert yes/no?

01-27-10, 19:18
I did convoy security last trip to Iraq. My cool gear consisted of M7 holster with M9 and 2 mags in a coyote mag pouch. My gunner used my M4 with the ACOG, and he could not wear any gear in the turret due to space and safety reasons. We were issued those head sets that also double as hearing protection, similar to the kind that are on CVC helmets. I would keep my driver's M4 on my side of the ASV so it was nearby if he wanted to dismount for anything. I bought pleanty of gear as I'm a gear whore from way back, but I just sent it home. The wife accepted me buying gear lots easier while I was deployed than she does while I'm not.;)

01-27-10, 19:37
CERBERIS- I also did convoys in Iraq, fun time.................. OP- Whats is going to be your main task? If your going to be guarding detainees or FOB security you will not need to wast your money on all this gear. It will be useless. If you going out on patrols, convoys, searches, ORF etc.... then I would recommend you doing your own research on products sold for your specific needs and how well they hold up to strenuous activity's. Look for reviews on the product. Alot on people on this forum know what there talking about and have used said gear in bad situations but some use there gear at the local range or backyard. It would suck if your gear was falling apart while your running around in some sh!t.

01-27-10, 22:31
If youre looking at spending your own coin on gear make sure its gear you will actually get some use out of. 3P051A correct? If so i suggest talking to your kennel section and getting their advice on what you can and cant use. While you may think that it will be relaxed as far as gear goes, you dont want to end up getting there and finding out that you have a Commander that doesnt want you wearing anything but the finest garbage that the USAF would pay for. I would suggest getting as much information from the handlers that are there now as to make sure your dog will be well taken care of first.

If you're going to be outside the wire clearing routes or conducting convoy security, I would suggest a good retractable lead and quality collar. A good system to mount your M9 to your vest so you can keep your legs clear. A vest as light as possible that will allow the proper protection and load carriage. An Ipod for the boring times, and as someone stated above, the Peltors are a must have. A good Petzl head lamp, lots of sunscreen. The boots are good to go, although i would have stuck with the tan rough out boots instead of the sage.

01-28-10, 05:19
Get a good belt. It doesn't have to be a rigger's belt, bc few will ever use that extra chunk of metal on there, but it MUST have a stiffener/be stiff enough to hold a pistol without folding over. It could be as simple as a 5.11 Trainer/Op belt, or some complex cobra buckled thing, but those get expensive and you may never have use for that, either (but they are cool).

Have you been issued a good pack? My unit issued the large camelback ruck some time after I got back, but it would be a good pack to use over there. If you don't have a pack yet, you'll want one to carry all your morale items and pogey bait.

02-06-10, 14:42
IPOD, compressed air for computer, bipod for setting your rifle down in the chow hall, pistol leash for when shit gets crazy inside the wire, and a highspeed pen and clipboard for writing tickets.