View Full Version : State Of The Union Drinking Game 2010

01-27-10, 18:29
State Of The Union Drinking Game 2010


NOTE: The Huffington Post in no way encourages binge drinking. This is the comedy section. If you actually drank as much as we suggested you would die, so do not do that.

Event Instructions
Obama says "let me be clear" Do one shot
Obama says "change isn't easy" Do one shot
Obama says "make no mistake" Do one shot
Obama says "Let me be clear, change isn't easy, make no mistake." He's screwing with you to get you drunk, so five shots
Joe Wilson yells something Do two shots
Obama yells back Finish the bottle
Obama says "jobs" Do one shot, two if you're unemployed
Obama says "health care" Do not drink, you will not be given a replacement liver
Nancy Pelosi claps like a seal (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/25/nancy-pelosi-puts-biden-t_n_169982.html) Do one shot
Nancy Pelosi becomes a seal STOP DRINKING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD
Obama mentions Bo Put beer in your dog's water bowl
Michelle Obama wears a slinky dress Go immediately to the HuffPost Style page (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/style/) for close-ups
Joe Biden nods-off/laughs inappropriately/starts talking before the speech is over Do three shots
Obama uses the term "Congressional leadership" Do two shots carefully as all that laughing will make it difficult to swallow
Obama says he's "fighting for you" Do one shot, two if you believe him
Obama mentions Haiti Text “Haiti” to the number 90999 and donate $10 to the Red Cross


01-27-10, 19:20
That was good but I like this one a little better.

2010 State of the Union Drinking Game
January 27, 2010

Rules: Everyone pick their favorite beer/drink and begin the game. Each side of the room must be designated the Republican and Democrat side (if you’re having a bipartisan viewing), viewers should sit accordingly. Republicans and Democrats drink equally, though Republicans are allowed to yell “You Lie” whenever necessary. Independents and 3rd parties are the designated drivers because you’re pussies anyways.


* One Preemptive shot for Obama’s Teleprompter
* A shot of Rum for Haiti (while texting “Haiti” to the number 90999 and donate $10 to the Red Cross)
* Drink an appletini or do a shot that has sugar in it for Nancy Pelosi’s home district of San Fransisco

During the Speech:

* One shot If either the Vice President or the Speaker of the House gets caught napping on camera (shot must be done without your hair( For Joe Biden) or facial muscles (for Queen Nancy) moving
* Do a shot when/if you see your congressional representative
* Standing ovation: If you are a member of the party that is giving the standing ovation you must drink until the clapping stops.
* Obama says “let me be clear”
* Obama says “change isn’t easy”
* Finish your drink if a member of congress pulls “a Joe Wilson” — Finish the bottle if Obama yells back
* If Obama says “jobs” do a shot if you’re unemployed
* Obama uses the term “Congressional leadership” (But try not to laugh)
* Do a shot for Every Reference to “the prior administration” or “Inherited problems”
* Do a shot every time the camera cuts to John McCain (or any other 2008 presidential nominee)
* Do a shot Every time President Obama attacks banks, corporations, Wall Street, or greed in general
* do a shot for Any mention of Ted Kennedy, toast shot by saying “This one’s for you Mary Jo!”
* A shot for each guest of honor
* Do a shot for every time Michelle Obama smiles

—– [Republican Response Bonus Game]

Drink for:

* Any mention of State’s Rights -and shout ‘The South Shall Rise Again”
* Scott Brown – and Sing a Dead Kennedys song
* reference to people rejecting Obama’s policies at the ballot box
* Bailouts
* Health Care Reform that works
* Accusations that Republicans were “closed out of meetings”

01-27-10, 19:30
Well...considering both his, the Senate and Congress's momentum at least we don't seem to need to worry about another AWB anytime soon.

01-27-10, 20:16
About the AWB, sure we have some time till that's on the table again but in the mean time the NRA, GOA, etc should be working on lifting some of these bans.

01-27-10, 20:24
Biden just goofed, started clapping seconds before the masses.

01-27-10, 20:29
He just spit a loogie.

01-27-10, 22:03
It was as dull as dull - no substance or change - same crap, different names.

I wish I saw this thread before the speech. I could have made it tollerable.

01-27-10, 22:25
the amount of clapping and standing ovations is beyond ridiculous. it makes it unwatchable.

01-28-10, 02:09
It's like Obama has had sex with every single person in the Democratic party and hopped up the rest on some shrooms.

01-28-10, 02:46
I was expecting to read more amusing "drunk posts" . . .. for what it is worth I came within one of getting BINGO using one of those random SOTU cards.

01-28-10, 03:08
the amount of clapping and standing ovations is beyond ridiculous. it makes it unwatchable.


I had to change the channel after a few minutes. What a joke.

01-28-10, 08:07

I had to change the channel after a few minutes. What a joke.

I'm with you...;)

But I found myself coming back to it (like looking at a train wreck), only to reaffirm said jokeiness and change the channel again...until the cycle started again. :D

01-28-10, 08:09
I watched the speech. I thought I was watching a comedy routine....like an SNL skit that wouldn't end.

Obama lamenting the bitter partisanship in Washington...lamenting congressional obstructionism. I expected the audience to guffaw with laughter considering that he was part of that exact phenomenon while a senator. Suddenly it's a bad thing when he's sitting in the big chair? He lamented an "expensive" prescription drug program passed by the previous administration...an "expensive" prescription drug program that he and his party PUSHED AS AN ISSUE to make it happen in the first place, and that on its worst day is only a SMALL FRACTION OF THE COST OF HIS HEALTHCARE PROPOSAL. Promises of fiscal responsibility...but starting tomorrow....like a fat person who says that the diet starts next week while gorging on Big Macs and KFC today. Lamenting the influence of special interests...after having met with union goons to assure that THEIR "caddilac" health plans wouldn't get taxed. Actually scolding the Supreme Court over a decision he didn't like in the speech...




A good speech? No. A great speech? No. What I saw last night was one of the most utterly ****ing surreal things I have ever seen in my entire adult life. He holds the most powerful office in the world with a super-majority in both houses...and he spent huge chunks of time blaming everybody else for where he now finds himself. He mentioned jobs and mentioned feeling people's pain but showed absolutely zero intention to refrain from taxing them on healthcare plans he deems to be too "cadillac" for his tastes, or to refrain from taxing them into poverty for the sake of some bullshit environmental agenda. He blasted obstructionism and blatant partisanship....the same guy who sat in a room with Republicans and said "I won."

The only people who can regard that speech as some sort of triumph are people who have paid absolutely no attention to the man's ACTIONS or the mildly retarded. Anyone with an IQ north of 70 who has paid ANY attention to what has been going on in the last several years cannot possibly take a single word that was said last night seriously.

...and yet the talking heads will speak about it as if he actually did something. Last night Obama gave everybody that doesn't agree with him the finger. Now that's his right...but don't try and tell any of us that it was anything other than a great big "**** You" to those of us who don't believe in his divinity.

As for Chris "The Tingle" Matthews...I forgot Obama was black a long time ago...right about the time I figured out that he was pissing me off.

That Obama was not laughed off stage last night is a testament to how utterly ****ed up Washington is. The whole place is one gigantic bubble of unreality. The morons up there have spent immoderate amounts of time lamenting the greed and stupidity that led to the housing bubble, but seem to be oblivious to the fact that they are participating in and propagating the biggest "bubble" of them all by doing business as usual in DC. There is something deeply evil about that place that poisons the mind of those who spend too much time there. This is the only theory I can posit that explains why such a farce of a speech was seen as anything but the huge load of tripe that it was by anyone. If I were a Democrat last night's speech would have embarrassed the hell out of me.

...and yet people are proclaiming it a "home run".

01-28-10, 08:18
jw....THAT sir was a fantastic post!!

It truly was pathetic & this sums it up nicely:

The only people who can regard that speech as some sort of triumph are people who have paid absolutely no attention to the man's ACTIONS or the mildly retarded....i might also add those who also want to see his progressive agenda succeed at any cost lapped it.


01-28-10, 08:20
After watching the first 45 min only, I completely agree. It was a farce...as always.

But now that we have the VA, NJ and especially MA victories, it is all a little less scary to me. And let him keep digging his own hole with more of himself. It's becoming a very efficient process.

01-28-10, 08:23
But now that we have the VA, NJ and especially MA victories, it is all a little less scary to me. And let him keep digging his own hole with more of himself. It's becoming a very efficient process.

Well said. :)

01-28-10, 08:52
I watched the speech. I thought I was watching a comedy routine....like an SNL skit that wouldn't end.

Obama lamenting the bitter partisanship in Washington...lamenting congressional obstructionism. I expected the audience to guffaw with laughter considering that he was part of that exact phenomenon while a senator. Suddenly it's a bad thing when he's sitting in the big chair? He lamented an "expensive" prescription drug program passed by the previous administration...an "expensive" prescription drug program that he and his party PUSHED AS AN ISSUE to make it happen in the first place, and that on its worst day is only a SMALL FRACTION OF THE COST OF HIS HEALTHCARE PROPOSAL. Promises of fiscal responsibility...but starting tomorrow....like a fat person who says that the diet starts next week while gorging on Big Macs and KFC today. Lamenting the influence of special interests...after having met with union goons to assure that THEIR "caddilac" health plans wouldn't get taxed. Actually scolding the Supreme Court over a decision he didn't like in the speech...




A good speech? No. A great speech? No. What I saw last night was one of the most utterly ****ing surreal things I have ever seen in my entire adult life. He holds the most powerful office in the world with a super-majority in both houses...and he spent huge chunks of time blaming everybody else for where he now finds himself. He mentioned jobs and mentioned feeling people's pain but showed absolutely zero intention to refrain from taxing them on healthcare plans he deems to be too "cadillac" for his tastes, or to refrain from taxing them into poverty for the sake of some bullshit environmental agenda. He blasted obstructionism and blatant partisanship....the same guy who sat in a room with Republicans and said "I won."

The only people who can regard that speech as some sort of triumph are people who have paid absolutely no attention to the man's ACTIONS or the mildly retarded. Anyone with an IQ north of 70 who has paid ANY attention to what has been going on in the last several years cannot possibly take a single word that was said last night seriously.

...and yet the talking heads will speak about it as if he actually did something. Last night Obama gave everybody that doesn't agree with him the finger. Now that's his right...but don't try and tell any of us that it was anything other than a great big "**** You" to those of us who don't believe in his divinity.

As for Chris "The Tingle" Matthews...I forgot Obama was black a long time ago...right about the time I figured out that he was pissing me off.

That Obama was not laughed off stage last night is a testament to how utterly ****ed up Washington is. The whole place is one gigantic bubble of unreality. The morons up there have spent immoderate amounts of time lamenting the greed and stupidity that led to the housing bubble, but seem to be oblivious to the fact that they are participating in and propagating the biggest "bubble" of them all by doing business as usual in DC. There is something deeply evil about that place that poisons the mind of those who spend too much time there. This is the only theory I can posit that explains why such a farce of a speech was seen as anything but the huge load of tripe that it was by anyone. If I were a Democrat last night's speech would have embarrassed the hell out of me.

...and yet people are proclaiming it a "home run".

Easily my nomination for post of the week :)

Thanks for the recap, JW. I decided my time would be better spent staring at the back of my eyelids, so I didn't see it.

01-28-10, 11:41
I watched the speech. I thought I was watching a comedy routine....like an SNL skit that wouldn't end.

Obama lamenting the bitter partisanship in Washington...lamenting congressional obstructionism. I expected the audience to guffaw with laughter considering that he was part of that exact phenomenon while a senator. Suddenly it's a bad thing when he's sitting in the big chair? He lamented an "expensive" prescription drug program passed by the previous administration...an "expensive" prescription drug program that he and his party PUSHED AS AN ISSUE to make it happen in the first place, and that on its worst day is only a SMALL FRACTION OF THE COST OF HIS HEALTHCARE PROPOSAL. Promises of fiscal responsibility...but starting tomorrow....like a fat person who says that the diet starts next week while gorging on Big Macs and KFC today. Lamenting the influence of special interests...after having met with union goons to assure that THEIR "caddilac" health plans wouldn't get taxed. Actually scolding the Supreme Court over a decision he didn't like in the speech...




A good speech? No. A great speech? No. What I saw last night was one of the most utterly ****ing surreal things I have ever seen in my entire adult life. He holds the most powerful office in the world with a super-majority in both houses...and he spent huge chunks of time blaming everybody else for where he now finds himself. He mentioned jobs and mentioned feeling people's pain but showed absolutely zero intention to refrain from taxing them on healthcare plans he deems to be too "cadillac" for his tastes, or to refrain from taxing them into poverty for the sake of some bullshit environmental agenda. He blasted obstructionism and blatant partisanship....the same guy who sat in a room with Republicans and said "I won."

The only people who can regard that speech as some sort of triumph are people who have paid absolutely no attention to the man's ACTIONS or the mildly retarded. Anyone with an IQ north of 70 who has paid ANY attention to what has been going on in the last several years cannot possibly take a single word that was said last night seriously.

...and yet the talking heads will speak about it as if he actually did something. Last night Obama gave everybody that doesn't agree with him the finger. Now that's his right...but don't try and tell any of us that it was anything other than a great big "**** You" to those of us who don't believe in his divinity.

As for Chris "The Tingle" Matthews...I forgot Obama was black a long time ago...right about the time I figured out that he was pissing me off.

That Obama was not laughed off stage last night is a testament to how utterly ****ed up Washington is. The whole place is one gigantic bubble of unreality. The morons up there have spent immoderate amounts of time lamenting the greed and stupidity that led to the housing bubble, but seem to be oblivious to the fact that they are participating in and propagating the biggest "bubble" of them all by doing business as usual in DC. There is something deeply evil about that place that poisons the mind of those who spend too much time there. This is the only theory I can posit that explains why such a farce of a speech was seen as anything but the huge load of tripe that it was by anyone. If I were a Democrat last night's speech would have embarrassed the hell out of me.

...and yet people are proclaiming it a "home run".

I'm glad that someone could sit and watch that thing. I turned it off as Nancy was hitting her gravel. I could not stomach watching her and figured that time would be better spent with my wife.


01-28-10, 11:43
I'm glad that someone could sit and watch that thing. I turned it off as Nancy was hitting her gravel. I could not stomach watching her and figured that time would be better spent with my wife.

I was actually watching the speech while reading a tome on official corruption in the late Ming and late Quing dynasties in China. Their official government administration systems were built around corruption...and it seems to me that's an accurate description of our modern system in America.

01-28-10, 11:43

01-28-10, 12:07
Would you people keep it down my head is killing me.

I would have posted last night but after 20mins I could no longer construct a coherent sentence.

BTW I can’t wait to see SNL this weekend.

01-28-10, 13:56
Love John_Wayne777's take on it - I wrote up something similar

What Obama said vs what was in his head here's my take:

Jobs, jobs but no real plan to make them . . . lets talk about jobs people want to hear it right and helping people get jobs and spending what ever it takes to get jobs (like the Porkulus Bill) which hasn't done anything real to generate jobs for real Americans, but sure has lined the pockets of my cronnies. Porkulus worked (even though it didn't, even if it didn't it was Bush's fault) and Porkulus will continue to work . . .. but we are going to freeze spending . . . until we need to pass more pork. I can claim to want to freeze spending and Congress can over rule me, we can probably still bribe enough Republicans to over rule my symbolic veto on more spending, once people are looking the other way". Environment, Haiti, Gays, just thought I'd mention those to tug the right heart strings because I have been peeing on my powerbase for a year, and the brownshirts I used to get elected are starting to jump ship. Taxes are hard to pay when times are tough because of Bush and Republican policies that may have happened under Democrat controlled Congress (of which I was one) but were ultimately it was Bush's fault . everybody's taxes are going up but we will stuff the increases into places like your energy bill instead of your income tax so you can read my lips no new taxes but you are going to pay like a Northern European. And now we are going to get to the business of changing America into a post industrial Moslem dominated cess pool like England, with no jobs, plenty of crime and taxes.
Thank goodness he had the teleprompters to keep him only reading the words in Bold. Just think if he'd given the full speech!

01-29-10, 19:12
Washington for the last 10+ years has made me pray for the return of days of Preston Brooks.

Repignicans and Dumborats are just flip sides of the same coin. That most of them are chummy speaks more of them and their "values" than anything.

If Justice Alito had an ounce of sack in his shorts, he wouldn't have have just shook his head and muttered something when Obama uttered one of his many lies, he'd have stood up and walked the **** out.