View Full Version : OR - Police use pepper spray instead of extinguisher on burning man.

01-30-10, 15:08
This isn't an anti-LEO thread so don't turn it into one. I thought it was a weird story that people might like to read. http://www.kptv.com/news/22369536/detail.html

PORTLAND, Ore. -- A police officer accidentally used pepper spray instead of a fire extinguisher on a man who set himself on fire Wednesday in downtown Portland, police said.

The officer happened to be nearby when she saw the man go up in flames near Southwest 12th Avenue and Yamhill Street. She scrambled out of her patrol car and grabbed what she believed to be the extinguisher, according to Police Chief Rosie Sizer.

It wasn't until after the incident that the officer realized she grabbed a large pepper spray canister used for crowd control, Sizer said.

Investigators said the pepper spray did not contribute to the intensity of the fire.

"In fact, it didn't contribute to his death. The pepper spray is water-based, not alcohol-based. It's not an accelerant and the fire bureau assured us it didn't make matters worse but, certainly, it's something that is regrettable," Sizer said.

Portland police said the man, identified as 26-year-old Daniel Shaull, of Kansas, made attempts to avoid being sprayed by an actual fire extinguisher used by a Good Samaritan at the scene.

Shaull later died at Legacy Emanuel Hospital.

The pepper spray canister and the fire extinguisher are both painted red, police said.

The police bureau is considering changes to the labeling and placement of the pepper spray and fire extinguisher canisters to avoid confusion in the future.

Sizer said there will be no disciplinary action taken against the officer.

http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/9272/100127manfire1.jpg (http://img163.imageshack.us/i/100127manfire1.jpg/)

I can't even imagine... "Oh shit, I'm being burned alive... oh shit, that pepper spray hurts!"

01-30-10, 15:16
I doubt that he even felt the pepper spray.

01-30-10, 15:17
I am curious to find out what that depatment's policy is concerning the pepper spray containers. Just curious if every squad has a canister in it.

Every department writes their own policy. At my department, only a select few people have access to the larger cannisters of pepper spray. There have been a few summer nights where I wished I was one of those people. Although, in retrospect, it may be better that I didn't.

01-30-10, 15:24
The officer happened to be nearby when she saw the man go up in flames near Southwest 12th Avenue and Yamhill Street. She scrambled out of her patrol car and grabbed what she believed to be the extinguisher, according to Police Chief Rosie Sizer.

Rosie Sizer, is that her porn name?

Investigators said the pepper spray did not contribute to the intensity of the fire.

No to the intensity of the fire, but it sure heck might have contributed to the burning sensation.

"In fact, it didn't contribute to his death. The pepper spray is water-based, not alcohol-based. It's not an accelerant and the fire bureau assured us it didn't make matters worse but, certainly, it's something that is regrettable," Sizer said.

Uhm, maybe a real fire extinguisher might have helped actually put out the flames. "Do no harm" is for doctors, "We didn't make is worse" came in second place in the competition for police slogans.

Portland police said the man, identified as 26-year-old Daniel Shaull, of Kansas, made attempts to avoid being sprayed by an actual fire extinguisher used by a Good Samaritan at the scene.

Uhm, maybe because he thought being sprayed by a fire extingusiher hurts like the dickens?

01-30-10, 15:26
Police Chief video response here: http://videos.oregonlive.com/oregonian/2010/01/officer_used_pepper_spray_to_d.html

I'm no fan of hers. She obviously doesn't view this seriously enough in my opinion.

01-30-10, 15:29
Wow that guy got hit by the "bug spray." Can't help but LOL a little, but that sucks for the deceased - good thing that specific OC wasn't flammable either. That would have really "added to the fire." :eek:

Which OC company paints their crowd control size OC red? I can't think of any company off the top of my head. Using red paint was not a great idea IMHO - obviously under a "high stress" situation, it probably contributed towards the officer selecting the incorrect "canister."

Definitely a weird incident....

01-30-10, 15:30
Rosie Sizer, is that her porn name?

No to the intensity of the fire, but it sure heck might have contributed to the burning sensation.

Uhm, maybe a real fire extinguisher might have helped actually put out the flames. "Do no harm" is for doctors, "We didn't make is worse" came in second place in the competition for police slogans.

Uhm, maybe because he thought being sprayed by a fire extingusiher hurts like the dickens?

i think you misunderstand.. this **** dumped gasoline on himself and intentionally set himself on fire and ran into a fur retailer screaming about animal rights.

01-30-10, 15:32
i think you misunderstand.. this **** dumped gasoline on himself and intentionally set himself on fire and ran into a fur retailer screaming about animal rights.

Do you have a link to that? I didn't read anywhere about gas and definitely not running into any store. Outside of a fur shop yes, running in and screaming :confused:

01-30-10, 15:35
So I'd be alone in wishing the OC was alcohol based then...


01-30-10, 15:38
Do you have a link to that? I didn't read anywhere about gas and definitely not running into any store. Outside of a fur shop yes, running in and screaming :confused:


i guess he only "attempted" to enter the store.. it's pretty hard to navigate when you're on fire, i guess.



01-30-10, 15:39

A man who set himself on fire in downtown Portland earlier today died this evening at Legacy Emanuel Hospital and Health Center, the Portland Fire Bureau reported.

Authorities are trying to figure out why the man, identified as 26-year-old Daniel Shaull, would burn himself in such a terrifying manner. The incident occurred near a fur store that has been the subject of numerous protests.

"It gets to your mind ...," said Mike Cheema, who owns the nearby India Chaat House food cart. Cheema added that people in the area were screaming and scared.

Firefighters responded to a call about 11:10 a.m., Simmons said. They found the man unconscious with serious burns, according to Lt. Damon Simmons, a fire bureau spokesman. .

Cheema said that after setting himself ablaze, the man tried to enter Nicholas Ungar Furs at 1137 S.W. Yamhill St. He said the man also had something in his hands, but could not see what it was.

Cheema said a police officer was at the stoplight at Southwest 12th Street and Yamhill Street when the incident occurred and immediately responded.

By the time firefighters arrived, two police officers and bystanders had already put out the flames, Simmons said.

A short time later, charred materials remained on the ground around the building, including a shoe, but most were unidentifiable. Yellow police tape surrounded the scene.

The fur store has been the site of frequent animal-rights protests in the past and Cheema said the man was yelling something about the world ending and animals dying.

"People always come every day protesting," Cheema said. "They've done some extreme things."

Cheema said protesters have thrown red paint and painted the windows of the store.

Matt Rossell, spokesman for In Defense of Animals, said his group has not protested at the store, but he knows others continue to do so.

He said he was unaware of the event, but that "it seems extremely strange."

Jessica Moody works on the fifth floor of Northwestern Mutual at 1221 S.W. Yamhill St. and said she hadn't seen any protesters for a couple weeks, though they used to come every day. She was walking back from lunch when she saw the aftermath.

"They've never done anything crazy," she said.

01-30-10, 15:41
The back story on the young man. A mentally ill, suicidal guy sets himself on fire. http://www.oregonlive.com/news/index.ssf/2010/01/portland_police_officer_accide.html

Shaull recently boarded a bus to Oregon, where he had never been, and arrived in Portland about five days ago, his father said. He said Shaull was suicidal when he left.

"I had a feeling something was going to tragically happen," Warren Shaull said.

Though Shaull set himself on fire near Nicholas Ungar Furs at 1137 S.W. Yamhill St. -- the site of numerous anti-fur protests -- Warren Shaull said his son's act was not political. He said Shaull came to Portland to seek help from a religious group that ended up taking him to the Portland Rescue Mission.

"He was mentally ill," Warren Shaull said. "He was tired of living."

Warren Shaull was interviewed before Sizer's news conference and could not be reached afterward for comment.

The officer, who has been on the job for fewer than 10 years, did not know she had used pepper spray until she got back to central precinct, Sizer said. Another officer found the empty can later at the scene.

"It was a mistake that she was unaware of, and a mistake that she's heartsick about," Sizer said.

Police spokeswoman Mary Wheat said the officer is on vacation that was planned before the incident. Police are not pursuing any disciplinary action, she said. She declined to identify the officer.

Sizer said the bureau is going to look at ways to better distinguish items carried in trunks.

When Shaull set himself on fire, a person driving by also responded immediately and grabbed a fire extinguisher from his truck. Sizer said Shaull was running away from those trying to help him. Several officers and residents were later involved, she said.

01-30-10, 15:44
Added to OP as well.

http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/9272/100127manfire1.jpg (http://img163.imageshack.us/i/100127manfire1.jpg/)

01-30-10, 17:55
Wear fire, not fur.

01-30-10, 18:16
So the suicidal man succeeded? No big deal. At least he didn't hurt anyone else. In fact, his last act should be a clue to the local PD that they have a training deficiency. I think the death and the training issue are totally seperate anyway. If he was already burned that bad why would you put him out? Death is not the worst ending.

01-30-10, 18:30
So the suicidal man succeeded? No big deal. At least he didn't hurt anyone else. In fact, his last act should be a clue to the local PD that they have a training deficiency. I think the death and the training issue are totally seperate anyway. If he was already burned that bad why would you put him out? Death is not the worst ending.

what's the training deficiency? distinguishing between fire extinguishers and riot spray? just because one officer ****s up doesn't mean there's a training deficiency.

01-30-10, 18:52
Now I'm going to burn this doughnut to show you how many calories it has NO!!!!! The blue flame indicates this was a particularly sweet doughnut...

The Simpson's

01-31-10, 11:12
At least she didn't grab the fire extinguisher to try to control a group of unrulies.:D

01-31-10, 12:04
A small fire extinguisher (like the kind suitable to be carried in a car) can look an awful lot like a big can of OC spray. That someone got them confused in a stressful moment isn't terribly surprising.

Doesn't seem to be any contributing factor in the ultimate demise of this individual, so basically no harm no foul...although I'm sure somewhere somebody is going to sue over it anyway.

01-31-10, 12:05
guy probably wouldve died anyways

01-31-10, 14:43
At least she didn't grab the fire extinguisher to try to control a group of unrulies.:D

Actually works fairly well in the "crowd dispersment" roll... ;)

01-31-10, 15:05
Important missing info:

Witnesses said Shaull poured gasoline on himself and then set himself on fire outside the Nicholas Ungar Furs store at 12th and Yamhill and began screaming: “There are animals dying! Animals dying!”

Daniel Shaull’s father, Warren, said his son wasn’t an animal rights activist but that he had a history of psychological problems. Warren said his son had tried to commit suicide in the past. He said Daniel was smart, sensitive, but frustrated the world wasn’t a better place.

“Because of the way he thinks, maybe he thought that was the only way out. That nothing was ever going to change and there was nothing he could do about it," Warren said. Less..

02-02-10, 10:01
Oops. Unfortunate event.

More unfortunate... Somewhere out there are CLEOs writing a policy, training officers writing a lesson plan, and a CALEA administrator writing an accreditation standard.

02-02-10, 10:35
ONLY in the land of fruits and nuts - northern province: from the second paragraph - http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2010/01/29/18636559.php

Yet the location and witness reports strongly indicate this man sacrificed himself to bring attention to the horrific treatment of animals on fur farms.


PETA-heads, let this be a LITERAL warning...


02-02-10, 14:00
Talk about adding insult to injury.

02-02-10, 16:54
what would you expect?

02-02-10, 17:22
Probably organized by the psychotics down in Eugene. Good riddance.