View Full Version : We will rue the day we helped these leeches

Alpha Sierra
02-01-10, 05:17
Haitians want us to give them everything (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35176910/ns/world_news-washington_post)

"I want the Americans to take over the country. The Haitian government can't do anything for us," said Jean-Louis Geffrard, a laborer who lives under a tarp in the crowded square. "When we tell the government we're hungry, the government says, 'We're hungry, too.' "

Added Canga Matthieu, a medical student whose school was destroyed: "The American government should take care of us."

"They're well organized. The United States is the richest country in the world, and they can help."

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

02-01-10, 05:33
Tell them to call the Chinese. We're a little busy.

02-01-10, 06:58
More democrats looking for a free ride...

Robb Jensen
02-01-10, 07:29
More democrats looking for a free ride...

Or socialists....

02-01-10, 08:01
Our government seems hell bent on heading in the direction of the Hatian government, so I don't think a US takeover of Hati is going to work out like they think it will.

02-01-10, 08:17
We'll hear more of this:


02-01-10, 08:23
Interesting video:


I find the statements by the detained looter especially :eek:.

02-01-10, 10:32
Our government seems hell bent on heading in the direction of the Hatian government, so I don't think a US takeover of Hati is going to work out like they think it will.

In a few years, that the rate we're going, the Haitian government will look like a paragon of moral/civic virtue compared to ours.... :(

02-01-10, 10:37
There are 15 million (I think) potential voters in Haiti ... Pelosi is probably drolling already.

02-01-10, 12:09
Tell them to call the Chinese. We're a little busy.

+1 on that

02-01-10, 12:14
Tell them to call the Chinese. We're a little busy.

Touche! :D

02-01-10, 12:20
Tell them to call the Chinese. We're a little busy.

They should call Saudi Arabia. They are the most rich country in the world.

02-01-10, 12:26
They should call Saudi Arabia. They are the most rich country in the world.

You're missing the point. The Chinese own our debt.

02-01-10, 12:49
You're missing the point. The Chinese own our debt.

It was in addition to his quote.

02-01-10, 12:53
Yeah... the money Obama is donating for me will be plenty. No point in wasting time or money on them.

02-01-10, 13:20
Meanwhile, various world leaders bitch about how imperialist Americans have occupied Haiti and sent troops there to impose their evil fascist capitalism on the poor earthquake victims...

Cold Zero
02-01-10, 13:40
You're missing the point. The Chinese own our debt.

The Chinese did give a Million. I am sure that will cover everything.:eek:

02-01-10, 13:46
Yeah... the money Obama is donating for me will be plenty. No point in wasting time or money on them.


I'm already paying for this fiasco.

02-01-10, 14:04
You're missing the point. The Chinese own our debt.

Caught that, didja? ;)

02-01-10, 14:41
Caught that, didja? ;)

Your subtlety and sarcasm are not lost on me :)

Although I still don't understand this being a follow on comment:

They should call Saudi Arabia. They are the most rich country in the world.

02-01-10, 15:19
It is just so hard to feel bad for those people. They're so backwards, so corrupt.

Not all of course, but far too many.

02-01-10, 16:14
We will rue the day we helped these leeches

We've been doing it for many years, to the tune of about a billion per year. If instead of free money, we sent them a billion dollars worth of training and education on how to improve their sorry lot in life themselves, they'd probably just reject it and piss & moan about what arrogant assholes the we are.

I firmly believe that some people actually prefer wallowing in their own misery over self reliance. :(

02-01-10, 16:28
I feel for the human suffering but its not our responsibility to go clean up every 3rd world shit hole that has something bad happen to it. We already have been sending them billions of dollars, and they still live like barbaric rats. You cannot help people that refuse to help themselves first, and all this BS is just people wanting to make themselves feel better. In a couple months this will all be forgotten. No one gave a shit about Haiti before. But the parade of do gooders come out so they can get their 10 minutes of feel good time.

Im also pissed the **** off they are flying thousands of them to the US. The Florida governor gets on the news talking about how they are welcoming them with open arms. So what each time some 3rd world nation has a disaster we are going to import tens of thousands of them so they can come leech off the system we have built up all on the backs of the American tax payer? So now its expanded from "welfare" to help Americans to welfare of the world?

But I also think we should pull out of the UN, and make them setup shop elsewhere. Much of the same. US foots most of the cost and burden yet we get shit on because we dont do enough. **** em. If they don't like how we do things let them do it on their own. Just a group of shithole countries trying to bring us down to their level and extort the US into footing the bill of the world.

02-01-10, 19:18
All laughs and jokes aside, you had better watch China now. They are slowly moving into Africa and have been for a while now. They may be busy with their own pursuits as well

02-01-10, 21:13
but its not our responsibility to go clean up every 3rd world shit hole that has something bad happen to it.

Thank you.

But I also think we should pull out of the UN, and make them setup shop elsewhere. Much of the same. US foots most of the cost and burden yet we get shit on because they think we dont do enough. **** em. If they don't like how we do things let them do it on their own. Just a group of shithole countries trying to bring us down to their level and extort the US into footing the bill of the world.

Fixed that for you.:D

02-01-10, 21:55
They should call Saudi Arabia. They are the most rich country in the world.

Do you really want 15kk Haitians to convert to Islam? That is the last thing we need is a Islamic regime on our door step.

02-02-10, 02:26
There are 15 million (I think) potential voters in Haiti ... Pelosi is probably drolling already.

You think those lazy ****ers would vote? They won't even feed themselves with out getting paid for it. Has everyone forgotten how big of a shit hole that place was before the quake?

02-02-10, 04:18
You think those lazy ****ers would vote? They won't even feed themselves with out getting paid for it. Has everyone forgotten how big of a shit hole that place was before the quake?

So then they will want us to pay them to vote as well?

China already operates the Panama canal, so maybe they would like to establish a colony or slave labor factories on Haiti. France would probably consider that "liberation" from US influence (since they are already one of our criticizers).

Refresh my memory, did Haitians immigrate to Detroit, or did Detroiters emigrate to Haiti? They have so much attitude in common.