View Full Version : NatGeo Fight Science

02-01-10, 16:09
I've always found the Fight Science show on NatGeo as well as the Sports Science show that is on Fox Sports maybe? to be pretty fascinating. Just saw the preview for the episode tonight and thought everyone might be interested. Apparently its going to involve U.S. soldiers. The brief preview I saw showed a pilot in one of those multiple-axis spinning things (sorry don't know what they are called), a sniper buried in ice trying to fire between heartbeats and a SEAL weighted down and submerged presumable seeing how long he can hold his breath. Looked interesting. National Geographic @ 10pm (Eastern)

ETA: multi-axis spinning thing...DOH!...gyroscope...here's a link about it

02-01-10, 17:21
might watch it ? thought it might be OK or well guess I have to watch it :)

the seal thing made me think a lot of my dive/surf buddies on the islands might be better than a seal at underwater stuff

I used to be a free diver ? used to go under for 4+ minutes all the time

practice slowing your heart rate etc...
understanding and using mammalian diving reflex to your benefit is the key in the underwater game once in condition its all mental :)

training was running underwater carrying a huge rock and running with it pretty common for surfers to do this also