View Full Version : Cat problem

02-01-10, 22:20
Since my dog died, the neighborhood cats have been become a problem. Looking for advice how to keep them off my vehicles, my house, and out of my yard. Animal control is no help, 3-4 months min for them to come out to try and trap them. Please no advice that is violent, or will get me arrested or land me in court.

The problems:
They are jumping on my vehicles and scratching the crap out of them.
They are using my yard as a toilet. If you know what cat spray/urine smells like you will understand the problem.

I have a 6ft privacy fence, but they jump over with ease. My house has brick from the ground up 3ft which gives them a ledge to walk/sit on, and makes it easier to jump the fence. I do plan on getting a new dog but just have not found one yet, but in the time being what can I do to keep them out of my yard?

02-01-10, 22:21
Cat problem?
Cat solution:

02-01-10, 22:47
You come to a gun forum with a cat problem and you don’t want something violent. :confused:

02-01-10, 22:52
I like Todd's idea. :D

Spring-style mouse traps set on your vehicle might work. You may have to lay a protective cover down first because when they get set off the cat is going to be quite alarmed.

02-01-10, 23:01

02-01-10, 23:29
Keep Off.

They make an outdoor formula that will keep cats far the hell away.
Of course this only works if you are dealing with a normal sized yard. Larger areas are to not practical.

02-02-10, 00:04
Try a repellent or learn to be more compassionate towards innocent creatures. Killing something because it makes your yard smell some or puts prints on your cars is quite selfish and evil.

02-02-10, 00:09
Small bowls of antifreeze?
Tasty d-Con treat rolls?

02-02-10, 00:16
You need this car.


02-02-10, 02:16
Try a repellent or learn to be more compassionate towards innocent creatures. Killing something because it makes your yard smell some or puts prints on your cars is quite selfish and evil.

Again... They sound like feral cats to me and they need to be extinguished as a carrier of disease and vermine. The OP also stated that they're scratching the crap out of his car. I don't know what kind of car you drive but I'll be damned if I wouldn't shoot the little ****ers. Maybe just use a BB gun :)

02-02-10, 02:36
You need this car.


I never get tired of watching "The Ka" in action:p

The owners of the cats are the selfish/evil ones. If the cat's have a collar then I would avoid kill'n them and try other avenues. No collars then they are legally feral and they would get nailed.

If collars then either get an airsoft gun and have some fun or set them up for a Pepper Spray treatment or go to Home Depot and get the gear and run a hot wire along the fence top.

I had some buddies in Zim that were hired for 6 months to kill cats on an island in the South Pacific that had endangered birds on it and a feral cat problem. The stories were fantastic:p

02-02-10, 03:45
Try a repellent or learn to be more compassionate towards innocent creatures. Killing something because it makes your yard smell some or puts prints on your cars is quite selfish and evil.

Honestly I am tired of your shit, YOU NEVER READ POSTS(or are to ****ing stupid to understand what you read), and reply with bullshit posts condemning people for stuff that they already posted for/or against. Seriously go **** yourself.

02-02-10, 03:59

We've used a vermin walk-in trap cage for great effect. It's a kind of cage that closes once the vermin is inside. Put some catnip or delicious leftovers in there for the oversized rodent, and it'll be in there. Once it's in its time for some 'population displacement'. ;)

I don't have any links, can't imagine a link for a site in Europe would be much use to you, but should be possible to find something like that.

02-02-10, 04:20
Thanks, Im sure those are the traps animal control uses, Ill look to see what they cost.

02-02-10, 09:16
Animal control programs have capture-sterilize-release programs. They are big fans of them, especially if they're "no-kill" programs. Pass on them.

If your ACOs are 3-4 months out, buy yourself some cat traps ($35-75), or call your local vets to see about renting some. Trap them, euthanize them humanely, and discard the remains.

Feral cats produce feral cats produce...you get the idea.

Recommend you keep your course of action discreet, else you generate unwated interest.

02-02-10, 09:42
Trap them and take them to the pound. They'll put them down almost immediately if they are feral; at least around here. May sterilize and release.

Gutshot John
02-02-10, 10:13
Get another dog.

02-02-10, 10:25
Get another dog.

Or a good air rifle and a NVS. ;)

02-02-10, 11:46
What's so wrong about fulfilling sick homcidal urges???:confused:

02-02-10, 12:21
Lol. It's just not a nice thing to do. Like killing the neighborhood kids for leaving bike treads on your lawn or ringing your doorbell at 3am. Not to sound like a 60s era hippy, but you just have to let some things slide. Put food out for the cats and get them fixed if you want to do something. They're good at clearing pests in gardens.

a sandy spot in a garden will also keep them urinating and pooing in one spot and help ypur plants

02-02-10, 12:25
Most pathetic and illogical reason to destroy creatures I've seen.

By saying that you're are saying ALL cats that LOOK/SOUND like feral cats carry disease. Completely untrue. Unless you want to ensure every cat is feral and have them tested prior to taking action, you have no reason to shoot them other than fulfilling sick homicidal urges.

I drive a pretty nice car and I let cats walk all over it because they don't scratch it. Plus cats are nice pets and I hate anyone who tries harming them because they're having a hissy fit over "smells" in their fancy gated neighborhood in the city.

Hey wingnut, it has nothing to do with sick homicidal urges. The thoughts, suggestions & opinions that you voice here are typical of someone who I wouldn't bother to socialize with in my normal life. Unless your sole contention is to agitate people on this forum and create discontent I suggest you take a different approach.

My guess would be that you will not be able to coerce people into joining your ideology on this site and you come across as someone who's simply trying to start a pissing match on any given topic where feelings and sensitivity could possibly be connected.

I've thought about your conclusions and would like to turn the same rationale over to you but using homeless people. Since all of them don't carry disease and filth why don't you invite them in to live with you? In fact why would you care since you're so accustomed to "smells" that you don't mind them shitting & pissing everywhere in your fancy house like they do as squatters. And no I'm not saying to kill homeless people before you throw that out on the table.

02-02-10, 12:28
Not to sound like a 60s era hippy, but you just have to let some things slide.

You constantly sound like a 60's era hippy, which I don't have a problem with. I have several great family members who are into peace, love and hippy shit who go to Grateful Dead concerts and wear tye die, more power to them. However, that usually doesn't mix that well with this kind of crowd and being the Devil's advocate on every topic does get a little old. Have a good day.

02-02-10, 12:31
Can someone (moderator) please PM this guy and let him know that if he doesn't shape up his ****ing ass is gone! I'm getting pretty sick of reading some recent posts in the GD section when folks are out of their lane. Thank you.

02-02-10, 12:37



work very well i am told

02-02-10, 12:39
I've thought about your conclusions and would like to turn the same rationale over to you but using homeless people. Since all of them don't carry disease and filth why don't you invite them in to live with you? In fact why would you care since you're so accustomed to "smells" that you don't mind them shitting & pissing everywhere in your fancy house like they do as squatters. And no I'm not saying to kill homeless people before you throw that out on the table.[/QUOTE]


02-02-10, 12:49
Number one. The killing of cats that have been suggested in this thread are for the most part tongue and check. Going out in your back yard and shooting cats is a crime and no one is suggesting the OP commit a crime.

Number two. Your not comparing the life of a kid to that of a cat? Please tell me your joking. You have obviously never seen how mean a stray cat can get.

02-02-10, 12:50

02-02-10, 12:57

These traps work very well and can be obtained in many sizes. I have used them on raccoon, possum, groundhog and the occasional idoit squirrel who wanders in (talk about a show).

22 use during disposal phase is optional.

02-02-10, 12:58
Make use of the ignore function. I wish it worked for quotes too. This is like Zippygaloo all over again.

02-02-10, 13:04
Not to sound like a 60s era hippy,


02-02-10, 13:09
Yet I get the feeling that if I joked about shooting a stray Golden Retriever or posted a picture of a dead German Shepard that said "Free Dog" the feedback among those who criticized Volucris for his comments would be along the line of what Volucris posted about cats.

Sometimes I fall into the habit of playing devil's advocate, not to be an asshole, but because I am aware of the dangers that come from a group of people that think alike and who have no opposition to their ways of thinking.

I choose to include people in my life that do not share the same ideals or beliefs as myself. Most of the time it just reinforces what I believe, but every once in a while, having another viewpoint gives me a better appreciation and greater contextual understanding.

To completely write people off because they feel differently about a couple of issues is unfortunate. To surround yourself with only like minded people is a mob mentality waiting to happen or as I call it "Intellectual Inbreeding".

02-02-10, 13:10

funny you should post that, it has been my desktop pic for some time. Not a cat hater, it just makes me laugh a lot. We've got some feral cats and neighbors cats that run rampant on my property. I'm interested in a humane resolution to this problem. I actually kinda like cats, but I don't need them shitting under my new decks.

02-02-10, 13:14
Make use of the ignore function. I wish it worked for quotes too. This is like Zippygaloo all over again.

No shit, this is exactly what and whom I was thinking.

02-02-10, 13:18
Sub-sonic .22, bow and arrow, or an air rifle. With the sub-sonic rounds, all you hear is the hammer fall (and the cat fall, if you want to get technical).

There aren't a lot of successful methods of keeping away pesky cats that don't involve poison, guns, dogs, or traps.

I'm sorry that all my solutions are violent, but they have stood the test of time.

Seriously, if you don't want to shoot the animal or poison it, then humane traps might be the way to go. The only problem with that is: what do you do with the cat after you catch it???

02-02-10, 13:31
My pit bull just had a litter of puppies a few days ago. When they're ready, you (or anyone else here, for that matter) are more than welcome to one of them. Until that time, AIRSOFT would be my answer. Not harmful, good practice, and you get to buy a new toy.

02-02-10, 13:42
So let's "Go Green" with the thought process on whether to kill/sterilize/relocate, etc. Had a professor in an Ecology class that was a serious tree hugger. He was also a good guy. He kept an open mind. While we were discussing ecosystems and invasive species, he brought up feral cats. He gave example after example where cats had been introduced as a non-native species and had reeked havoc on the local ecosystem. He then discussed the damage cats(feral and non) do do the environment. It was quite eye-opening.

If one wants to pontificate about how wrong it is to dispatch cats, look at the other side and thing of all the wildlife they destroy. I'm for killing the cats so the wildlife can reach a natural equilibrium without non-natural environmental factors. I'm also for killing them b/c they have no right to treat my land or possessions as their own.

02-02-10, 13:43
funny you should post that, it has been my desktop pic for some time. Not a cat hater, it just makes me laugh a lot. We've got some feral cats and neighbors cats that run rampant on my property. I'm interested in a humane resolution to this problem. I actually kinda like cats, but I don't need them shitting under my new decks.

You gotta post that when a save the kitty guy starts to whine.

Wife has a couple of cats but I prefer the company of a faithful dog anyday...i have no sympathy for strays as they play murder on the songbirds not to mention that wonderful spraying stench and mating calls. I just think it's entertaining when the peace-nics come to any shooting / hunting forums and preach love and harmony.

subsonic .22's and a can are the easiest fix with a good air rifle being second. I would stay away from poison only as it is not selective and wouldn't want to hurt the actual pets. Know your target!!

02-02-10, 14:12
Yet I get the feeling that if I joked about shooting a stray Golden Retriever or posted a picture of a dead German Shepard that said "Free Dog" the feedback among those who criticized Volucris for his comments would be along the line of what Volucris posted about cats.

Sometimes I fall into the habit of playing devil's advocate, not to be an asshole, but because I am aware of the dangers that come from a group of people that think alike and who have no opposition to their ways of thinking.

I choose to include people in my life that do not share the same ideals or beliefs as myself. Most of the time it just reinforces what I believe, but every once in a while, having another viewpoint gives me a better appreciation and greater contextual understanding.

To completely write people off because they feel differently about a couple of issues is unfortunate. To surround yourself with only like minded people is a mob mentality waiting to happen or as I call it "Intellectual Inbreeding".
Exactly what I feel about this.

02-02-10, 14:23
With the sub-sonic rounds, all you hear is the hammer fall ...


What the hell are you talking about?

Thomas M-4
02-02-10, 14:33
I am confused I see way more dogs that need to be put down than cats? I see dogs all the time with all the hair fallen off with mange ,heart worms, inbreeding so bad the dog is full tard :mad: irresponsible owners that let there dogs roam the neighborhoods and form into packs :mad::mad::rolleyes:. I have had to put down way more dogs than cats hell I even had to put down whole packs at a time.
I have only seen cats form a pack 1 time in my life and yes they were truly wild I would have never ever get near one like that but they did kill every pigeon and field mouse in a 3 block radius they never got into the garbage and stayed far away from people.

As far as scratching car paint I have painted a few my self and I have paid big$$ for custom paint jobs before unless the cat is digging up your rubber/ plastic trim pieces give me a break:rolleyes: you are scratching you paint job more by driving down the road than that cats claws or muddy paw prints can.

02-02-10, 14:34
To completely write people off because they feel differently about a couple of issues is unfortunate. To surround yourself with only like minded people is a mob mentality waiting to happen or as I call it "Intellectual Inbreeding".

Engaging in debate is something completely different than some jackhole taking every opportunity to show everybody just how straight one's halo sits above one's head, especially since it involves either not reading, or ignoring as irrelevant, any modifying statements made by those he takes issue with. Francis needs to lighten up, because the Jiminy Cricket shit got old, quick.

If he doesn't have any non-judgemental, viable suggestions that don't involve the OP coughing up dough to spay and neuter every flea-bitten parasite that crosses the property line, he needs to run his suck in technical threads, where he might have a chance of pontificating from a factual stand point, instead of trying to play Forum Moral Compass.

Forum's already got one of those, in the form of the owner.

02-02-10, 14:55
I am confused I see way more dogs that need to be put down than cats? I see dogs all the time with all the hair fallen off with mange ,heart worms, inbreeding so bad the dog is full tard :mad: irresponsible owners that let there dogs roam the neighborhoods and form into packs :mad::mad::rolleyes:. I have had to put down way more dogs than cats hell I even had to put down whole packs at a time.

Glad I don't have that problem where I live...have only had to dispatch one dog at a friends house that bit his kid. It was a free ranging mean mutt of some kind and luckily it did not get me at the time too. I do see animal control in my area on a regular basis and suspect catching problematic dogs are easier than the crafty cat. You must be a bit more out in the sticks. Packs of dogs in town...:eek:

I did get a report of pack dogs running deer at the ranch I hunt from a guest last week but yet to have seen this myself.

02-02-10, 14:59
Exactly what I feel about this.

So you both are doing us a service?

How noble, but we already have Gutshot John to tell us how stupid or uninformed we are.

One is enough.

02-02-10, 15:02