View Full Version : Removed my Caps Lock Key From my Keyboard.

02-02-10, 18:13
And now life is ten times easier. If I need to Capitalize a Word, I will do so with the Shift Key. Accidentaly hitting the Caps Lock key, being a Hunt and Poke guy like my Dumb Redneck self, It really T's me off when I get in the "Zone" with my typing, only to realize I've been typing half capitalized Characters, and half Lower Case. So, I popped the Caps Lock Key off of the Keyboard and now I can type much faster. The Caps Lock key sucks balls. Now I am free to Hunt and Peck away with my meaningless posts and Blathering.:D

JBecker 72
02-02-10, 18:19
I dont ever use it, but Im not about to pop it off :p

02-02-10, 18:28
It simply does just that, pops off. It can be re-installed at the users behest, so integrity of the Keyboard is maintained. It's kinda like a Hack. No more ND's with the loaded chamber that exists where my Caps Lock Key is'nt.

02-02-10, 18:38
I do that with the windows key. I think there is a software fix for that now, I'm too stupid to find out.

02-02-10, 18:45
Thanks for the Tip, I don't know what the Windows Key does to my Computer because I'm afraid of that one too, It's comeing off presently.... Whew, there, it is done. Thank you! Sometimes my cats step on my Keyboard if I'm not near it and they feel like it. The Computer displays weird things and it makes a beeping sound. Now, I'll only think about what that Windows Key might have caused.;)
Any other Threats I should be aware of? Like those F keys I've never used? I can only immagine what the F stands for? F up your computer to the F'th degree?, F12 being like a $hit Storm Tsunami of Computer Meltdown?

JBecker 72
02-02-10, 19:26
function? ;)

02-02-10, 22:07
I've had my caps lock key popped for a couple of years. It's very annoying to look up and see a couple of lines of all caps.

There is a fix. If you find you've typed a bunch in all caps in MS Word, you can:

1. Higlight the area with your mouse (sentence, word or words)
2. Select “Format” on the toolbar
3. From “Format” scroll down to “change case” (usually 4th selection down)
4. You will then see a dialog box with choices to select

If you do a bunch on the internet you can copy it into a word doc and reformat it as listed above. Saves time, but it's still a pain in the ass.

02-03-10, 00:03

JBecker 72
02-03-10, 00:11

02-03-10, 02:27
I do that with the windows key. I think there is a software fix for that now, I'm too stupid to find out.

Same here. Playing a full screen fps gets annoying when you go to crouch and end up freezing the game.

02-03-10, 11:19
It's kinda like a Hack.

Bwa! Hack he says. This is a great idea and I can't believe I never thought of this. In my 15yrs or so of computer use I have NEVER used the caps lock key and almost always hold a shift key while I type and it seems that I regularly bump the caps lock key and as fast as I type it takes a couple words to come to a stop, delete what I typed, take the caps off and do it over again. So, here goes nothing....

Look ma' I'm a haxxor!!

02-06-10, 15:22
I hate that key as well, and i am going to get a face book page, I think, today......maybe?

Evil Colt 6920
02-06-10, 15:28
Congrats! Thats actually a great idea. I may do the same:cool:

02-08-10, 18:38
Glad I could help. It'd kinda like the 10/22 auto-bolt release hack. modify existing oblects to be more "User friendly".;)

02-09-10, 21:18

