View Full Version : No Dog Left Behind

02-03-10, 00:47
Watched this today and had tears in my eyes practically the whole time.

It comes on the military channel. Its also on Video on Demand for free if you have digital cable that supports it.

I highly recommend this to anyone but especially to dog lovers.

Unbelievable stories are told. I bet you will well up watching the preview below.


02-03-10, 07:09
that's fine and all but people should look at what's going on in their OWN country! Wanna donate to help starving kids in Haiti or Africa? Why not help YOUR country and feed starving kids here? Bringing stray dogs in from Iraq? Why not adopt a stray dog from your local shelter? Looking to adopt that poor child in Africa? Ithink you get the picture.
I see so much of the out of country BS it's giving me headaches. Help make your own country a better place first!

02-03-10, 07:23
that's fine and all but people should look at what's going on in their OWN country! Wanna donate to help starving kids in Haiti or Africa? Why not help YOUR country and feed starving kids here? Bringing stray dogs in from Iraq? Why not adopt a stray dog from your local shelter? Looking to adopt that poor child in Africa? Ithink you get the picture.
I see so much of the out of country BS it's giving me headaches. Help make your own country a better place first!
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I saw it in the program guide, not for me.

02-03-10, 08:33
that's fine and all but people should look at what's going on in their OWN country! Wanna donate to help starving kids in Haiti or Africa? Why not help YOUR country and feed starving kids here? Bringing stray dogs in from Iraq? Why not adopt a stray dog from your local shelter? Looking to adopt that poor child in Africa? I think you get the picture.
I see so much of the out of country BS it's giving me headaches. Help make your own country a better place first!

I understand what you are saying as we do have many problems in the country but since you havent seen it, you missed the point.

Its not some tree hugging hippie with dreadlocks over there trying to round up as many stray dogs as possible, load them on a plane, and sending them to America. That would be a waste of time and effort and we have enough stray dogs here anyway.

They are helping OUR country by doing something good for the people who have risked their lives to defend it. The dogs they are rescuing are dogs that have made a significant impact on a particular soldier's life. The soldiers contact that woman and they try to arrange the rescue if possible. These dogs lifted the spirits of the soldiers in their darkest hours when their friends were dying and felt all alone in a distant land. The bond between man and dog is quite strong and they couldn't stand to see them left behind. If you saw what one of the dogs did just to be with one of the soldiers, you wouldn't believe it.

02-03-10, 08:46
Watch it and I think you will change your pre judged attitude! It was an excellent show that showed how much these animals helped our soldiers while at war. They have also been very good at helping in recovery for our returning vets. There was one dog that really helped the morale of an entire base. That same dog followed them as they moved and navigated a desert for days just to stay with the group. Those animals brought much joy and companionship to our soldiers. This was not a PETA move, it was done for our troops.

Take the time to watch it, then cast stones. It was very well done and moving in many ways. If you aren't a dog person you probably wont "get" it, though you should...

02-03-10, 16:18
These dogs lifted the spirits of the soldiers in their darkest hours when their friends were dying and felt all alone in a distant land. The bond between man and dog is quite strong and they couldn't stand to see them left behind. If you saw what one of the dogs did just to be with one of the soldiers, you wouldn't believe it.

The bond between a human and a dog is like no other. I'm sure dogs have helped many a service member cope with some really bad situations. These dogs should be rescued if they have a good home to go to. Good for the troops and good for the dogs. "Never leave a man behind." :D

Yes sir, I believe in supporting US dogs too. Check out www.petfinder.com . A cool site to surf. They provide a great service. I found my current pup on there.

02-03-10, 21:30
that's fine and all but people should look at what's going on in their OWN country! Wanna donate to help starving kids in Haiti or Africa? Why not help YOUR country and feed starving kids here? Bringing stray dogs in from Iraq? Why not adopt a stray dog from your local shelter? Looking to adopt that poor child in Africa? Ithink you get the picture.
I see so much of the out of country BS it's giving me headaches. Help make your own country a better place first!

I think you missed the point. We have precious few luxuries while deployed. Soldiers that are stuck at Combat Outpost or Joint Security stations have precious little to remind them of home. If my Joes need the love and affection of some stray Iraqi dog to get them through another day then they will have a dog. Soldiers just like little kids don't care where the dog comes from, once they bond that's it. These dogs represent a little bit of home for them. We had a team dog named Lady that we rescued from the streets of Mosul. She slept in the LTCs room and had the best cuisine available. She greeted us when we can back from missions and we were glad to see her. We also had a unit dog in Korea that we eventually made an official mascot. She was given rank and everything. Unfortunately she got a little to rowdy and bit someone from another unit. We had to put her down and the Jr. enlisted soldiers took the loss immensely. I'm just saying that you need to look past this out of country stuff and realize that you are talking about U.A. Army mascots. They are unoffical but they are ours and we can't bare to leave them behind.

02-03-10, 21:53
If you have the Military channel, keep an eye out for "War Dogs of the Pacific". It's a great documentary about Marines and the dogs they took into combat with them in WWII.


02-04-10, 17:40
If you have the Military channel, keep an eye out for "War Dogs of the Pacific". It's a great documentary about Marines and the dogs they took into combat with them in WWII.


If anyone is interested in a fascinating book about this subject, check out Always Faithful: A Memoir of the Marine Dogs of WWII by William Putney. Highly recommended.

02-04-10, 18:19
I think you missed the point.

I probably have, but that's all I got out of the youtube link.

02-04-10, 21:13
I remember a similar documentary about war dogs in Vietnam. The dogs saved many lives when they detected enemy patrols laying in ambush and in a few cases rescued wounded GIs.

The dogs had to be left "in country" because they were considered "dangerous army equipment" not suitable for return to the states. Really tore the guys up who owed their lives to the dogs to leave them behind. Many wanted to adopt them and bring them home but military regulations prevented it.

IIRC, most of the dogs were later destroyed.

02-04-10, 22:52
If you have the Military channel, keep an eye out for "War Dogs of the Pacific". It's a great documentary about Marines and the dogs they took into combat with them in WWII.


Not to sidetrack the OP's thread, but I preferred "War Dogs of the Pacific" much more. :cool: