View Full Version : Waco, Ruby Ridge, but not this.

02-04-10, 03:16
Video shows jet shooting down missionaries

Troofer (truthers)media corp (ABC) are out there trying to ride the wave of conspiracy theories by bringing this up. IMO it was a lot of miscommunication, meaning the CIA surveillance team should have been bilingual. Crap sammich.


DRAMATIC video has emerged showing a bungled CIA drug operation that led to Peruvian fighter jets shooting down a light plane carrying American missionaries.

The disturbing 2001 surveillance plane footage, aired on America's ABC News, shows the Peruvian fighters opening fire on a seaplane being shadowed by a CIA aircraft.

The fighters opened up on the missionary flight despite CIA officers having serious concerns about whether or not the plane they were following was carrying drugs.

The plane actually was ferrying an American missionary family, the Bowers, consisting of parents Jim and Veronica with their eight-year-old son Cory and adopted infant daughter Charity.

The ABC report on a CIA cover-up of the tragedy said that the pilot of the seaplane had been on a different radio frequency to that being used by the Peruvian fighters and did not hear their warning.

The footage shows that when the pilot realised military jets were targeting him, he issued a desperate plea to air traffic control - but the jets opened fire anyway, despite voice recordings from the CIA plane showing those on board had serious doubts that they were following a drug flight.

The light plane crash landed in a river and two of those on board, Veronica and Charity, were dead from bullet wounds.

Kevin Donaldson, he pilot was wounded in both legs.

02-04-10, 06:53
So the CIA - after 8 years of KLIN - TON I / algore leadership - abets the downing of a friendly due to their inability to find "up" in a box with no lid, after someone has drawn them arrows pointing the right way? :rolleyes: Why is this not surprising?

02-04-10, 07:23
The libs will aay it's Bush's fault..... You know the drill.

So the CIA - after 8 years of KLIN - TON I / algore leadership - abets the downing of a friendly due to their inability to find "up" in a box with no lid, after someone has drawn them arrows pointing the right way? :rolleyes: Why is this not surprising?

02-04-10, 12:53
Did you guys watch the video?

The CIA did everything they could to stop what was transpiring. Its the Peruvian AF that shot down the plane, as the CIA pilots repeatedly yelled over the radio that it didnt look like a bogey, and that the pilot was talking to ATC...

02-04-10, 14:15
That would require dispassionate thinking brother. Much better to just say the agency f'd up and launch the cover-up theories. Makes you wonder why anyone would want to work for that organization, doesn't it?? Sure can't be for the appreciation of a grateful nation...

Did you guys watch the video?

The CIA did everything they could to stop what was transpiring. Its the Peruvian AF that shot down the plane, as the CIA pilots repeatedly yelled over the radio that it didnt look like a bogey, and that the pilot was talking to ATC...

02-04-10, 21:40
That would require dispassionate thinking brother. Much better to just say the agency f'd up and launch the cover-up theories. Makes you wonder why anyone would want to work for that organization, doesn't it?? Sure can't be for the appreciation of a grateful nation...

Damned if you do, and damned if you do not. You can only rarely share your success stories, due to their very nature.

And the New York Slimes and other fine news organizations are more than happy to run banner headlines of an operation that goes south, despite everyone's best efforts. Or a success, if it will sell papers.

I wonder if they ever remember that the bad guys, and fate itself, often gets a vote in how things turn out?

I do not need, nor do I want, to know all that our military and other government organizations do to protect us.

I just want them to know they are appreciated, and loved, and kept in our prayers.

Good God, people, they are your sons and daughters, and fathers and husbands...... throw them a tiny little bone.

I'll get off my soap box now. That was not directed at any poster, just the sad state of society in general. :(

02-04-10, 21:44
It is too bad and moral cant get much worse after the BHO reigned all in then we had threated legal action. Who will want to risk that, just to be made an example of.

Not good - not good at all.

02-04-10, 23:36
Boy, ABC must be feeling so proud of themselves lately for blowing the lid off of these stories and enlightening the citizens of America. :rolleyes:

That was very unfortunate but its obvious the CIA was not arrogantly shooting down planes at will.

On another note, just something I noticed, its funny how one week its the evil "SECRET JESUS BIBLE CODES" then the next its the poor "INNOCENT CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY FAMILY Murdered".

02-05-10, 08:55
Boy, ABC must be feeling so proud of themselves lately for blowing the lid off of these stories and enlightening the citizens of America. :rolleyes:

That was very unfortunate but its obvious the CIA was not arrogantly shooting down planes at will.

On another note, just something I noticed, its funny how one week its the evil "SECRET JESUS BIBLE CODES" then the next its the poor "INNOCENT CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY FAMILY Murdered".

The problem arises with the media in that the average person won't watch the video. They'll just read the blurb, then start searching their favorite left wing sounding board and bing, bang, boom... it's a travesty!

02-05-10, 09:30
The CIA plane should've had an agent who was bilingual or at least someone on board who was fluent in Spanish, they're not tough to find. Obviously the Peruvian ATC guys aren't very efficient at communicating with their military pilots either. Poor communication and judgement is what brought about a horrible accident. RIP.

Joe Mamma
02-05-10, 12:26
Did you guys watch the video?

The CIA did everything they could to stop what was transpiring. Its the Peruvian AF that shot down the plane, as the CIA pilots repeatedly yelled over the radio that it didnt look like a bogey, and that the pilot was talking to ATC...

I'm not faulting the CIA. But, to say they did everything they could to stop that is not correct.

It's a sad, horrible event.

Joe Mamma

02-05-10, 15:16
what threat was the plane posing that it needed to be shot down? and if you think ruby ridge was an effective use of law enforcement well?

02-05-10, 15:21
what threat was the plane posing that it needed to be shot down? and if you think ruby ridge was an effective use of law enforcement well?

Down there they handle narco terrorists a bit different than here. Their country their rules. I'm sure we would have a different attitude about things here if the drug runners were trying to take over the country, and overthrow the government. Down there their governments are literally at war with these people. Its not just simply running drugs. In this case it was obviously a case of mistaken identity, and poor control over the situation.

Ruby Ridge was a waste of human life by a DOJ that had a deep anti-militia/anti-gun attitude at the time, and has returned with Eric Holder at the reigns.

02-05-10, 17:16
Down there they handle narco terrorists a bit different than here. Their country their rules.

Good, then let their country use their own money instead of billions of OUR tax dollars on their bullshit war of prohibition.