View Full Version : More zero tolerance public school BS - lego gun

02-04-10, 09:09
Public school officials and the Department of Education continue to prove they are incompetent assbags. How can these jokers be in charge of education?

LEGO My Gun: S.I. Boy Faced Suspension Over Tiny Toy

A fourth grade New Dorp boy faced the prospect of suspension after the principal at his South Beach school saw him playing with an action figure carrying a toy machine gun.

Patrick Timoney, a 9-year-old student at PS 52, and friends were playing with LEGOs during their lunch period when the principal took him into her office over the two-inch toy gun carried by a standard policeman figure.

Margie Feinberg, a spokeswoman for the Department of Education, told the Staten Island Advance that there is a no-tolerance policy for toy guns in schools.

Therefore the principal, Evelyn Matroianni, deemed the pinky-sized toy gun suspension-worthy. Matroianni told Laura Timoney, the boy’s mother, that she would check with a DOE security administrator.

But Ms. Timoney told the Advance that the DOE administrator said no other action was necessary after the toy gun is confiscated and returned to the parents at the end of the day.

According to Ms. Timoney, while another child had an action figure holding an ax, her son was the only one to be approached by the principal.

"It's crazy," Ms. Timoney told the Advance, "He's missing class time, all for silly toys. The boys are just trying to relax. If there's a real threat, why not call the Police Department?"

A conference about the matter was held among the principal, parents, and the child.

"The issue was resolved," Ms. Feinberg told the Advance. "The child will not be bringing the toy gun into school."

The DOE states that all imitation weapons are prohibited because they are regarded as harmful to the school community. The principal can evaluate if the weapon looks realistic before considering suspension.


The video I saw said the boy's mother might sue the school for a lack of common sense! That would be freaking awesome :D

02-04-10, 09:14
Welcome to the NWO. :mad:

02-04-10, 10:03
They should sue for discrimination as the schools curriculum is geared to help girls advance and succeed. Which really has the side effect of "dumming down" the boys. Classes are longer without breaks. Boys attention span is less then girls, boys need diversions that may deal with violence, war, cops and robbers, etc. Toys such as LEGO cops, Star Wars, nerf guns etc. are a release for them. I am not saying that girls do not play with these toys but pure and simple it is a boy that is being picked on, girl in the same situation would have drawn no attention.

02-04-10, 10:15
My 3 year old twin boys are absolutely enthralled by Lego Star Wars. I guess I should expect a call in the future when they slip one to school, and are caught playing with it.

When I was in high school I got put up for expulsion for having ammo in my truck. At the time I shot ATA competition trap every weekend, and had simply left a couple boxes of shells that slid under the seat. Before the school could really do anything my parents yanked me out, and I went to a different school district to do an in home program for a few months.

This has more to do with ingraining in kids the idea that guns are bad than keeping schools safe. They are teaching kids guns get you in trouble at an early age.

02-04-10, 10:16
The video I saw said the boy's mother might sue the school for a lack of common sense! That would be freaking awesome :D

now that right there has some merit!!

02-04-10, 10:38
This has more to do with ingraining in kids the idea that guns are bad than keeping schools safe. They are teaching kids guns get you in trouble at an early age.

Exactly. It would be one thing if it were a cap gun or something that could cause some alarm as to whether or not it is real. But a 2" LEGO gun is in no way a threat to ANYONE, except LEGO people. This is absolutely about indoctrinating children to the anti-gun world. It's about control.

Sad thing is that I've had to tell my son to watch what he talks about with his buddy. Apparently JC's father is also a gun enthusiast and he and Joe will discuss AK-47's, M-16's, Garands etc. while on recess. I've warned him not so much what to say, as much as what NOT to say when teachers are around.

BTW, they're in first grade.

02-04-10, 10:52
Anyone STILL think Ron Paul is "nuts," for wanting to ELIMINATE, the Department of Ejumakayshun? :rolleyes:

02-04-10, 13:16
Anyone STILL think Ron Paul is "nuts," for wanting to ELIMINATE, the Department of Ejumakayshun? :rolleyes:

-- he may or may not be nuts, but not for that reason. And he is not alone in calling for it.

-- I would still be on suspension 26 years after HS ended for all the toy and picture guns, knives, swords, etc I drew while in school.

-- One reason why we home school.

-- I heard a radio report several years ago that a study in England (of all places) showed that boys who played with toy guns were better adjusted and less rowdy and hyper active than those who were prevented from doing so. Study was conducted with preschool or kindergarten aged boys.

02-04-10, 13:20
Anyone STILL think Ron Paul is "nuts," for wanting to ELIMINATE, the Department of Ejumakayshun? :rolleyes:

I'd rather have Ron Paul's type of crazy in charge of this country than the current bunch "nuts" we have on capital hill.

02-04-10, 15:42
So this "No tolerance policy", does it ban fingers and thumbs too, I mean, they can resemble a firearm. I carried 2 of those through my school years.

02-04-10, 18:30
I was never allowed to bring toys to school. WTF. Times have changed for the worse if this shit is top news at school. Principle wanting to make a name or get in media. Firearms/trap/skeet/tac 3 gun/ipsc should have school leagues for kids old enough. There is money for scholarships in that. Should be all of it. Anyway this is cry wolf and where is the 0 tolerance standard for that?

02-04-10, 18:44
I'd rather have Ron Paul's type of crazy in charge of this country than the current bunch "nuts" we have on capital hill.

Right on! Regardless of what you think of the man, I think we can all agree that he's not in the pocket of any special interest groups. I'm not sure of any other politicians you can say that about.

02-05-10, 21:57
What we need Zero Tolerance for is Liberalism. These communist whack jobs teach your grade schooler about masturbation and how to put on a condom but somehow a 2" miniature plastic action figure is a problem?????

02-05-10, 22:02
Right on! Regardless of what you think of the man, I think we can all agree that he's not in the pocket of any special interest groups. I'm not sure of any other politicians you can say that about.

The real issue is more local than just the president.

Education has been at the forefront of the progressive agenda. If you teach kids to be progressives at an early age its just a matter of time before conservatives die off, and they have majority to rule as they want. Everything from elementary school to college has been infiltrated by them all with the intent of spitting out more progressive zombies.

Id definitely support a candidate who would return education to the states, and do away with any Federal funding, and the NEA.

02-05-10, 22:06
Nicely put.

What we need Zero Tolerance for is Liberalism. These communist whack jobs teach your grade schooler about masturbation and how to put on a condom but somehow a 2" miniature plastic action figure is a problem?????

02-05-10, 22:09
No more public schools, just vouchers.

Screw those commie bastards and their wussy little public schools.

02-06-10, 03:38
Totally outrageous and un-acceptable. Defies all logic and reason!!!!!

02-06-10, 03:41
I'd rather have Ron Paul's type of crazy in charge of this country than the current bunch "nuts" we have on capital hill.

Uuuummmm....I dont wanna be the "wet" blacket on the dumb-asses party in our current political environment but, Ron Paul is as close to the "Founding Fathers" as any candidate has come in quite sometime.

02-06-10, 07:39
My read of history is that we had a good measure of "crazy" in the Founding Fathers. Those guys had to be crazy to stand up to the Crown.

We need more of what they ate for breakfast in our own diet!


02-06-10, 14:21
Uuuummmm....I dont wanna be the "wet" blacket on the dumb-asses party in our current political environment but, Ron Paul is as close to the "Founding Fathers" as any candidate has come in quite sometime.

No doubt about it but you have to admit that he's a bit of a nut. Sometimes his message, while on the mark, is overlooked because of his delivery. I'd support and vote for him but he'd have to work very hard at pulling over the moderates and those on the fence. If he could do that he'd take all the Republicans, damn near all the middle-of-the-roaders and a lot of the pissed off Decomcrats.

02-06-10, 14:40
Like one libertarian told me, Ron Paul is the worst messenger for the best message.

02-06-10, 15:06
Unfortunately the No tolerance policy has been challenged in court but deemed legal on many occasions. That is why it is a bad policy. No room for common sense. Several years back there was a high school kid in Fort Worth. He was at the top of his class. On a Monday morning he just made it to school from a weekend Eagle Scout challenge campout. The school security saw his backpack and gear in his pickup truck and ordered it searched. They came across a butter knife. Yes a butter knife, automatic suspension, he was no longer eligible to graduate with the class. Cost him several scholarships. Those who govern society are afraid to make common sense judgments for fear of being sued so they just pass a stupid law.

02-06-10, 15:12
That's why state education doesn't need to be reformed, it needs to be destroyed in a manner reminiscent of Genghis Khan.

02-06-10, 18:18
That's just ridiculous. Does anyone actually have any common sense anymore, much less know what it means? How about the definition of 'Overreaction'. Any takers on that one? Time's sure have changed since I was a kid, which wasn't' all that long ago to be honest.

Elementary school recesses in rural North Idaho during the early 90's revolved around daily Star Trek Phaser fights, the highlight of the day. My friends, including colt191145lover (http://m4carbine.net/member.php?u=8902), a good buddy of mine, all brought their respective gear from home, which was divvied up during recess for said CQB Scifi epic-ness. Soldiers got Phasers, Medics got Tricorders and then everyone just started shooting everyone. Medics were the only one's who could heal the wounded, so if you managed to hit the enemy's Medic, that team was doomed to a quick and embarrassing loss. Very rarely did anyone get into an argument over hit/miss shots, and the recess Duties and the Principal never batted eyes at it, though we did sort of imply that all weapons were set on stun rather than kill. Like they could tell the difference.:D

So a bunch of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders spent almost every day shooting each other with "toy guns" so to speak, in the presence of adults, without any ill effect. No one got suspended, no teacher ever panicked at the sight of our sidearms, and a bunch of little kids managed to wage a small Final Frontier skirmish on a daily basis and still be civilized and logical as to who the victors and losers were. S.W.A.T. never had to grace us with their presence, either. We all turned out just fine. Shocking, ain't it?

02-07-10, 15:59
I am 58 yo and grad hs in 70,I personally had a squirt gun confiscated and destroyed

when in the 4'th grade so this crap has been going on a long time. We are just now

starting to see ,the blinders are coming off. Talked to younger bro today he has been

out of the Corps for 25 yrs or so, didn't like, or have any use for firearms, due to the

present political climate, bought a handgun last yr.