View Full Version : I'm stuck again. Newbie needs help.

04-03-07, 12:10
I have been planning on purchasing maybe a 14.5" but probably a 16" LMT upper. I have read how highly thought of LMT is. Well, I found out today that LMT does not make an upper with a mid length gas system. I would have to go with a carbine length system. But, I have learned that mid length gas systems are the way to go (more reliable or less stress on the bcg? I can't remember at this point). My original idea was to get a stag upper, but I kept reading about how good LMT is and stags occasional bug. Am I offsetting the advantages that comes with LMT quality with problems caused by the carbine gas system? Forgive me b/c right now I am in information overload and have gotten a little confused.
Thanks for all the help again.

Erich in Az
04-03-07, 14:30
Have you considered RRA Mid-Length?


04-04-07, 14:14
A lot of us have been using the carbine length system for years without problems. While I don't dismiss the benefits of the mid length system, the carbine will serve you fine.

Army Chief
04-04-07, 15:18
Not to overstate the obvious, brother, but if the "dissapator" or mid-length system were truly superior, I'm sure the military would have at least considered fielding it in lieu of the M4/M4A1. To my knowledge, they did not. I'm equally confident that Colt Defense would be cataloguing a couple variants for military and/or LE sales. Again, I am not aware of any such offering.

Like Eric, I'm not suggesting that a mid-length isn't worthy of consideration, but I do think it's a stretch to suggest that it addresses some perceived shortfall associated with the carbine length arrangement. Unless you're just really, really into having a longer sight radius to work with, the point is probably moot, and a standard carbine configuration will likely be easier to keep running over time (spare parts, etc.).


04-04-07, 15:40
Just WHAT are the advantages of a mid length system?

04-04-07, 15:53
Speaking purely from personal experience as a LEO with state and local experience, what a part of the government(in this case the military and law enforcement agencies) does frequently has more to do with what was done or available in the past and/or what's cheaper short term, than what's available and/or better long term.

That being said, unless someone intends to fire several hundred rounds a month or fire full auto, the main benefit of a midlength is longer sight radius and more area up front to hang stuff on or to hold on to.

04-04-07, 15:59
Just WHAT are the advantages of a mid length system?

Lower, more consistant bolt velocity resulting in more consistant extraction and less bolt carrier assembly, and upper receiver wear. Basically the same as installing a H buffer.

Army Chief
04-04-07, 16:26
... what a part of the government (in this case the military and law enforcement agencies) does frequently has more to do with what was done or available in the past and/or what's cheaper short term, than what's available and/or better long term.

Definitely concur. That said, I think it is worth taking note of the fact that much of what we've seen done to -- and for -- the ongoing development of the M4/M4A1 system has come out of SOCOM, and they tend to get whatever it is that they want. :)


04-04-07, 16:52
good and thanks for the replys. I went ahead and ordered the LMT. I'm planning on probably putting a socom stock on it. I guess I need to get an H buffer with the carbine gas system?