View Full Version : 10 Reasons I want a refund on MW2

02-04-10, 21:25
1. The AI has wall hack. On any difficulty level over 1 star, you get shot as you're rounding a corner. There is actually lag in SINGLE player, where you get shot before you even see the AI character.

2. The game cheats for the AI. Every time you get hit, your muzzle jumps up. When using a sniper or launcher, the AI won't hit you until you pull the trigger. I once shot 4 shots in a row out of the grenade launcher. The AI hit me 4 times, each time as soon as I pulled the trigger. Happens whenever I try sniping or shooting a launcher.

3. The majority of people on multi-player hack. Some games, the only way I die is getting knifed in the back, over and over again. How is it possible to go 24-5 one game, then go 15-5 for ten games in a row after that? Hax, that's how.

4. The lag in game is unbelievable. More than half the games I'm in are almost unplayable due to lag. Guys jumping all over the screen.

5. Every update brings errors. They try a playlist update, and all it does is boot you out of lobbies and say it's downloading, but never downloads. So they try to fix it, and now I can't even play because it won't download, and won't start the game until the download is complete. This wasn't even as bad on Combat Arms, and that game was free. MW2 was $60 dam bucks.

6. I try to contact tech support, but they never get back to you. HORRIBLE customer service. Or rather, NO customer service.

7 - 10. MW2 sucks.

I have no idea how this game got such good ratings. It sucks, plain and simple. I would have never paid for it - my girlfriend bought it for me for Christmas. Next time I'll tell her to stick with ammo and Pmags :(

02-04-10, 21:45
Big games like that pay off reviewers to help sales. MW2 was a pretty mediocre game and basically said "f off" to the PC gaming community. No dedicated servers? None of my money.

02-04-10, 21:53
I like MW2 overall


I think it lost something that make it less appealing than MW1

For example, akimbo weapons. It has no place in the game.

02-04-10, 22:00
The lagging may not be the games fault, it could be the server, connection, or your computer.
However, I don't play online and haven't since Call of Duty 1, so all the rest are pretty much meaningless to me.

02-04-10, 22:18
There are no servers in MW2 apart from stat servers and content servers. On the PC and console, a peer-to-peer hosting solution is used in which an active player is determined to be the host based upon a quick analysis of their internet capabilities and location. This is the opposite of what is typically used for the PC platform. It has been a common rule in PC gaming forever that you do not play on the server machine unless you want lag. Also, unless you have a dedicated server somewhere with a paid commercial connection, you are going to be using a residential connection which is by no means rated for hosting large multiplayer games with acceptable latencies. Activision really screwed up on this. They cater to the console base where complicated games, set up time, and brain usage is highly discouraged. If your connection is "good" you get a bunch of green bars and bad if you have red bars. It's a dumbed down system that is about as indicative of connection quality and general latency to the host as seeing another player move in a multiplayer game. No real details.

Combine that big fault with the absence of leaning on the PC version, forced microtransactions, and an offensively anti-modding policy on Activision's part and you have a colossal pile of shit game regardless of how "fun" you think it is.

I did not buy it and refuse to buy it.

02-04-10, 22:26
The lagging may not be the games fault, it could be the server, connection, or your computer.
However, I don't play online and haven't since Call of Duty 1, so all the rest are pretty much meaningless to me.

I ask, and it's everyone lagging, not just me.

And I don't know what is going on right now. The servers are down, but I can't even play single player.

02-04-10, 23:18
MW2 whining is so 2 months ago.


02-04-10, 23:24
Single player was good but far to short. Multi player was lacking.
I will stick with Mass Effects 2.

02-04-10, 23:55
Dedicated servers would be epic.

I miss the massive 32vs32 games

02-05-10, 00:35
I'm borrowing it from a friend until Bad Company 2 comes out.

02-05-10, 00:36
There are no servers in MW2 apart from stat servers and content servers. On the PC and console, a peer-to-peer hosting solution is used in which an active player is determined to be the host based upon a quick analysis of their internet capabilities and location. This is the opposite of what is typically used for the PC platform. It has been a common rule in PC gaming forever that you do not play on the server machine unless you want lag. Also, unless you have a dedicated server somewhere with a paid commercial connection, you are going to be using a residential connection which is by no means rated for hosting large multiplayer games with acceptable latencies. Activision really screwed up on this. They cater to the console base where complicated games, set up time, and brain usage is highly discouraged. If your connection is "good" you get a bunch of green bars and bad if you have red bars. It's a dumbed down system that is about as indicative of connection quality and general latency to the host as seeing another player move in a multiplayer game. No real details.

Combine that big fault with the absence of leaning on the PC version, forced microtransactions, and an offensively anti-modding policy on Activision's part and you have a colossal pile of shit game regardless of how "fun" you think it is.

I did not buy it and refuse to buy it.

This x a billion. Good thing is that EA is on the ropes, so hopefully they will fall and we will start see some good games again. Not rehashed craptacular turds like this.

02-05-10, 00:37
I can't find anything to bitch about with this game:



02-05-10, 02:56
I didn't like the game all that much either.

Most of the reason I bought it was so play multiplayer, and MW2 multiplayer sucks hardcore. I hate the arcade feel to it, the maps suck, spotty connections.

I used to play MW1 multiplayer for hours at a time. I played the single player MW2 a couple times, played mulitplayer for a few hours and sold the game. Since then Ive heard of nothing but constant problems and all the hacks people are using. Not worth it...

02-05-10, 05:40
MW2 whining is so 2 months ago.


That's freaking awesome

Lee Indy
02-05-10, 06:41
I think mw1 was a better game. just like everything from ea its over hyped and under producing

Alex V
02-05-10, 07:48
no lag on PS3...

I used to game exclusively on PC. I loved Counter Strike...

GF got me a PS3... Got MW and MW2... no more Counter Strike lol

Im not that good either... On two maps I can go 25/5, best was 26/1 on Underpass when I broke out the .50 sniper rifle. But otherwise I run about 15/9 now a days.

Never really had many glitches or problems playing on PS3 network tho. I like the game.

Akimbo is ghey... but what you gonna do...

02-05-10, 07:53
MW2 felt like a freaking expansion pack, despite 2 years of development. Not to mention screwing PC owners over with lowsy console port

just get Battlefield Bad Company 2

02-05-10, 09:44
Eh, I deleted it. I'll probably sell it.

I feel bad though. For my birthday, my girlfriend got my barrel cut by ADCO. I'm selling it now. For Christmas she got me MW2. Now I want to sell that.

02-05-10, 09:45
Eh, I deleted it. I'll probably sell it.

I feel bad though. For my birthday, my girlfriend got my barrel cut by ADCO. I'm selling it now. For Christmas she got me MW2. Now I want to sell that.

It is a sign. Next sell the GF. ;)

02-05-10, 10:22
Only worth while game from 2009 ifor me is


#1 Too many gun's to count.

#2 Drop in and out of a friend's campaign if they're at the begining or ahead of you or vice versa with no penalty ( but you may get smacked around by badguys )

#3 over 48 hr's of play using one character so far and Im still not 20% done

#4 While playing with others cash found is given to all in the room and same with XP while blasting away bad guy's and creature's.

On average Ive been playing from 8pm to 1am since last thursday ( yawn ) .

Im always looking to help out my friends by giving/tradings weapons and crap but overall its a great game and I havent even thought of playing that lag ass MW2 since I got it.

Forgot to add there 2 downloads ( Zombie island and mad moxxi )

Zombie island is about 20hr's + . Headshot's are the way to collect a brain for certain mission's and the game is dark,dirty,gloomy.

Mad moxxi download is basically 3 arena's where it's kinda a horde mode fight waves and surving rounds and theres a weapons cache were you can store weapons from your campaign that you dont want to get rid of.

Oh yeah F! MW2 that damn glitchy ass lagging noob tube fest game!

02-05-10, 10:48
Some enterprising folks are beginning to do something about the 'no dedicated server' issue, and it's pissing IW/Steam off beyond belief. Apparently they aren't fond of guys slipping privately hosted servers into the "matchmaking" system they set up. :p


02-05-10, 11:00
that's why I did my homework, and am waiting on battlefield, lot of info available before the release to let you know it was going to suck.