View Full Version : Firearm delay question

02-05-10, 18:40
So i went to get a glock 19 and AR lower to build and no suprise, got delayed. This happened before but I was allowed to pick up the gun after 1 week with no answer still from NICS. The shop i got the glock and lower will not release anything until they get a "proceed". I'm pretty sure the delay is because of my security clearance, as i dont have any type of record. So the question is, this happen to anyone else or does anyone know how long it usually takes for the delay to be cleared?

02-05-10, 18:45
I hear people mentioning a security clearance being a reason for the delay but I have one, and never been delayed a single time with numerous purchases.

Did you put your SSN down? Do you have a common name?

If it becomes an issue with getting delayed constantly you can get a unique pin you put on the 4473, and you should not get delayed anymore. I believe its called a UPIN.

02-05-10, 18:47
yeah im probably going to do that but Im getting frustrated. its already been over a week and still nothing. and i have everything to build the ar but the lower :(

02-05-10, 19:29
i think the same thing applies to me...i had a ts while in the uscg and i also went to russia in '93 on my cutter...i have a DUI on record but that hasn't caused me any issues with anything...my first handgun was a 3 hr wait and now its like 3 days to a week...i will get a ccw soon and i have heard that will help seal the deal...we'll see...

02-05-10, 19:57

There is a delay/ denied resolution form your ffl can give you to fix this problem. You can also contact your local ATF office as well.

Basically, with this form they will do a complete background check on you and 'should' stop the 4473 problems.

I'm not sure what flags delays but I see them tied to more common names (even when the ss is given) like a Joe Johnson / Matt Smith / Tom Brown, etc..It may be as simple as your name being the same as a BG with a record.

02-05-10, 20:09
A UPIN will shorten the delay some but it will not keep you from having to wait. It will help though. As far as the dealer not releasing the weapons without an approval can you really blame them. Just because you can do some things doesn't mean it is the best choice. Could you imagine the bad press and liability that would come from releasing a firearm without an approval and something bad happening. The state would make it look like it was the evil dealer that made it possible because they did not HAVE to release the weapons. I know it sounds bad but you know that is what would happen.


Georgie Boy
02-05-10, 21:02
i will get a ccw soon and i have heard that will help seal the deal...we'll see...

It's a good thing to do anyways, but as for speeding things up, don't count on it. At least in VA, it does nothing to make it faster, and in some cases, may even slow things down for the first few months. If you're getting delayed for 3 days to a week on a regular basis, getting a UPIN is you're best bet. In VA it's given through the state police, and, as stated previously, doesn't get rid of the wait, just speeds it up.

02-05-10, 21:23
the dealer that i buy from also told me about the unique id last year when i bought my s&w m&p 15T...i thought about that as well...my brother lives in va and he purchased his first handgun last year from gander mtn and walked out of the store with it...very strange situation indeed...our grandmother was the first born american citizen in her family and we thought that would be an issue as well...my dad, my brother and i have all served in the military with honorable discharges, top secret clearances and federal gov't jobs with background checks...

i don't even have as much as a speeding ticket on my record since 2000 and our last name isn't as common as smith, jones or coleman...it's just strange and frustrating at times, but i just don't worry about it...i just wait...

02-05-10, 21:35
One cause can be someone has a similar name, social security number, or birthdate to yours. You can apply for a personal ID number from the ATF, and this will prevent that issue.

Edit: I should read all the posts instead of skimming. Sorry

02-06-10, 08:56
What's your average wait times?

02-06-10, 09:28
It's a good thing to do anyways, but as for speeding things up, don't count on it. At least in VA, it does nothing to make it faster, and in some cases, may even slow things down for the first few months. If you're getting delayed for 3 days to a week on a regular basis, getting a UPIN is you're best bet. In VA it's given through the state police, and, as stated previously, doesn't get rid of the wait, just speeds it up.

How do you get one through VSP? I may want to do it because I get delayed every time. Not sure why - maybe my common name. It's usually only 2 hours or less, but it's still annoying.

EDIT: I looked at the VFTP manual that dealers get and it looks like the Virginia "UFIN" program is for people who get wrongfully denied due to erroneous identification, and only in cases where the criminal records can't be tweaked to fix the issue. If I'm wrong, let me know.

02-06-10, 15:32
Yes, i get delayed for the same reason, but never that long. The longest i waited was a day.

I did buy a handgun once, and the guy let me go with it before the background check went though. I asked him why and he said i had a ccw which was good enough for him.

Not saying this is going to help you and this only happend once.