View Full Version : Unemployed, need to replace old PC to surf the net. Recommendations?

02-06-10, 16:43
I need some suggestions on a very affordable desktop PC, which would simply allow me to surf/cruise the net, and send/receive emails, just as I always have done.
IOW's, I'm in need of a CHEAP desktop, which will only be used for the most basic tasks such as email and web surfing.

Now here's the caveat:
After being completely out of work, for quite some time now, and being forced to sell off EVERY personal possession of any value I owned, (including every AR and other firearm I have ever owned), I just don't know when I'll be able to afford ANY type of new computer.
Now due to the fact that I am enemployed, the only reason I'm even speaking of obtaining another PC, is due to the fact that my ANCIENT desktop I have now, has just about reached its final day. Most importantly however, is the fact that a working PC is somewhat of a necessity, and I must have internet capability, if and when a job or two finally does become available.
So, the point being that if and when I do obtain employment, I must be able to have internet access, without any issues or problems. Of course, currently, I am having all sorts of issues with IE7/spIII, and I'm just trying to find something, anything , with regards to a home/desktop PC that will be affordable and will simply get me online with email capability.
So let me just come out and say it guys. I need something CHEAP! LOL! You see guys, here's the deal.
We have no gas, (which means no heat), very little food, and no elecricity (THANKFULLY we have only been without electricity a few times, and not ALL the time). It's tough though, when the battery powered thermometer in the bedroom reads 41 degrees, and you can see your breath crystallizing when you exhale at night! LOL! Enough of the depressing circumstances however.
The GOOD news is that there are a couple neighbors who are willing to let me use their wireless internet service, if and when the need ever arises again.
Anyhow, I really can't afford anything at this time, but I am trying to sell off a last few remaining items I have, and hopefully, if they sell, I will find a way to make this happen. We have a lot of needs right now, but I must find a working PC if and when jobs become available again. I cannot afford to miss out on any potential work, solely because I don't have a working PC. That would be heart breaking.
So, can anyone here help out with some advice, info, or where to look for used PC's? I previously mentioned "desktops", but honestly, a laptop would certainly work as well, if I came across one for the right, affordable price.
I am not much of a computer/electronics guru, so I don't know much about those used computer/electronics stores. ???? However I do know that I have heard people speak of good deals they obtained at such stores. I think one such store is called "MicroTech" down here in the southern U.S.
Of course, the other option would be buying used from a private seller. What do you guys think about this? Electronics, IMO, are not the best type of item to purchase used, of course, in my financial situation, I dont' have much choice.
I'm just saying that certain types of items lend themselves nicely to being purchased used, while others not so much, if you know what I mean.
Can anyone help out with some advice/info here? I would really appreciate it VERY MUCH guys.
Any and all info or advice would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you all.

Outlander Systems
02-06-10, 16:45
Sorry about your situation.

Have you looked at Craigslist?

02-06-10, 17:15
I may have an old laptop around that I could set you up with, provided you really don't need anything other than email and surfing. Can you use Ubuntu?

02-06-10, 17:41
Just bought a used monitor from my local Goodwill. They had many desktop boxes that were better than my own computer for ~ $150 with everything including Windows. They seem to have nationwide sites that sell refurbished computers. b

02-06-10, 18:14
out of curiosity. what are the problems you're having?
I'm running an ancient desktop, that for it's age is holding up alright.
two rules for running really old hardware.

1) only run software that was current when the machine was current. this means if you're running a TRS80, don't try to put vista on it. so if your machine was current 4 years go, try not to go to IE7 or 8. do try firefox.

2) make sure you're replacing little parts that need to be replaced. I'm thinking mostly about fans here. Fans are one of the few moving parts in a computer that move all the time. If it's making any funny noises or dieing randomly, check to make sure the heatsink fan on the CPU is running all the time. if it's not, there's an easy enough fix for it. and it'll cost less than a new machine.

02-06-10, 18:29
out of curiosity. what are the problems you're having?
I'm running an ancient desktop, that for it's age is holding up alright.
two rules for running really old hardware.

1) only run software that was current when the machine was current. this means if you're running a TRS80, don't try to put vista on it. so if your machine was current 4 years go, try not to go to IE7 or 8. do try firefox.

2) make sure you're replacing little parts that need to be replaced. I'm thinking mostly about fans here. Fans are one of the few moving parts in a computer that move all the time. If it's making any funny noises or dieing randomly, check to make sure the heatsink fan on the CPU is running all the time. if it's not, there's an easy enough fix for it. and it'll cost less than a new machine.


This is what I do on a 9 year old (256 mb RAM) and 5 year old (512 mb RAM). Works perfect so long as I don't download any new software that wasn't on the computer at the time.

02-26-10, 16:36
Hi guys,
First off, THANKS to everyone who has replied to my thread here.
I had not even realized anyone had replied to this thread, because here lately, I've noticed that M4C.net has not been sending most of my email notifications to my inbox, when someone replies to a subscribed thread, or sends a PM.
Is anyone else having the same problem on this forum?

Anyhow, someone asked what's my main problems I'm experiencing.
Well, first off, the biggest issue I've noticed, is that many websites nowadays are impossible for my computer to load properly (meaning much of the pictures/graphics/etc just don't show on the screen), due to my old PC apparently not being able to handle the newer websites.
One such example is Youtube. Now let me state up front that AS OF RIGHT NOW, I can view youtube videos. HOWEVER, Youtubes homepage states "We are phasing out your browser in the near future, and you will need to upgrade your browser to view youtube in the near future."

NOW, I have noticed that there have been several websites which I have frequented for YEARS AND YEARS with no problems.
HOWEVER, recently, some of these websites have been revamped, and the websites were totally re-done and upgraded, and NOW I am UNABLE to view these websites. My computer-savvy friends tell me that the problem lies with my old computer, which will no longer support the new websites that have been re-vamped.
Being the NON computer savvy guy that I am, I don't know if this is a browser problem, or what?
All I know is that I am maxxed out on my browser capability, meaning that this old PC cannot handle any newer browser than what I'm currently running (IE 7 I think)
I do have Firefox, but it's an older version, and I can't dowload any newer version (tried many times actually)
SO, as various websites that I frequent, begin to upgrade or go through various changes, my old PC begins having problems even surfing these websites, and many times I can't even log onto said websites.
Sorry I cannot be more specific/technically detailed in my explanations guys. As I said, I'm probably the LEAST computer-savvy kind of guy on the planet.

02-26-10, 16:51
If you can figure it out, I would suggest ordering a (free) Ubuntu CD and using that. It will replace Windows, with something a little more like Mac, and be MUCH more stable on your old desktop.

It will perform awesome on your old computer. :)

02-26-10, 19:03
Get some old beat to shit laptop

Install Linux (Ubuntu)

Install open office

Install Firefox

You are up and running.

Shouldnt cost you more than $250-$300 tops. If that...

02-26-10, 19:13
Could you just go to the public library and get online there? Any library I've been to has terminals you can use for free if you have a library card and free beats even a cheap 'puter 10 times out of 10 cost-wise.

02-27-10, 01:05
Have you looked at getting a "Netbook"? It is a small laptop made mostly for going on the internet. You might be able to find a used one fairly cheap.

the Bamster
02-27-10, 11:38
can't beat this, good luck.