View Full Version : This is getting absurd

02-06-10, 19:08
There is no end to their stupidity.


SYDNEY (Feb. 6) - The anti-whaling ship the Bob Barker and a Japanese harpoon boat collided Saturday in the icy waters off Antarctica - the second major clash this year in the increasingly aggressive confrontations between conservationists and the whaling fleet.

No one was injured in the latest smash-up, for which each side blamed the other.
Sea Shepherd's ship the Bob Barker, left, and Japanese harpoon boat the Yushin Maru 3 collide in the waters off Antarctica Saturday

The U.S.-based activist group Sea Shepherd, which sends vessels to confront the Japanese fleet each year, said the Japanese ship deliberately rammed the Bob Barker - named after the U.S. game show host who donated millions to buy it for the anti-whaling group.

However, Japan's Fisheries Agency said the activist boat caused the collision by suddenly approaching the harpoon vessel No. 3 Yushin Maru to throw bottles containing butyric acid in an attempted attack on the Japanese ship.

The Japanese agency accused Sea Shepherd of "committing an act of sabotage" on the Japanese expedition, noting that it is allowed under world whaling restrictions as a scientific expedition. Conservationists call the annual hunt a cover for commercial whaling.

"We will not tolerate the dangerous activity that threatens Japanese whaling ships and endangers the lives of their crew members," it said in a statement late Saturday.

Neither side's account could be verified. Video shot from the Bob Barker and released by Sea Shepherd shows the two ships side by side moving quickly through the water. The ships come closer together and the Japanese ship then appears to turn away, but its stern swings sharply toward the Bob Barker. The collision is obscured by spray, but a loud clanging noise can be heard before the vessels separate.

Saturday's collision was the second this year between a Sea Shepherd boat and the Japanese fleet.

On Jan. 6, a Japanese whaler struck Sea Shepherd's high-tech speed boat Ady Gil and sheared off its nose. The Bob Barker then came to rescue the crew of the Ady Gil, which sank a day later.

Sea Shepherd and the whalers have faced off in Antarctic waters for the past few years over Japan's annual whale hunt, with each side accusing the other of acting in increasingly dangerous ways.

Sea Shepherd activists try to block the whalers from firing harpoons, and they dangle ropes in the water to try to snarl the Japanese ships' propellers. They also hurl packets of stinking rancid butter at their rivals. The whalers have responded by firing water cannons and sonar devices meant to disorient the activists. Collisions have occurred occasionally.

Japan aims to take hundreds of whales each year - mainly minke whales, which are not endangered - under a program that is allowed despite the international moratorium on killing whales because it is done in the name of science. Critics say the scientific program is a front for commercial whaling, and much of the meat is eaten.

On Saturday, the Bob Barker found the whaling fleet for the first time since the time of the Ady Gil clash, Watson said.

Sea Shepherd founder Captain Paul Watson said by satellite telephone on Saturday that the Bob Barker took up a position behind the Nisshin Maru - the Japanese factory ship where dead whales are hauled aboard and butchered - so the four harpoon vessels could not reach it, he said.

"The harpoon ships started circling like sharks," Watson told The Associated Press from his ship, the Steve Irwin. "They were making near passes to the stern and the bow of the Bob Barker, then the Yushin Maru 3 intentionally rammed the Bob Barker."

The Bob Barker sustained a 3-ft. long, 4-inch wide (1-meter long, 10-centimeter) gash in its hull. Welders aboard the ship were already working on patching the hole, and the Bob Barker would resume its pursuit of the whalers, Watson said.

Watson said the Yushin Maru 3 appeared to stop moving after the collision and had not been seen by the Bob Barker's crew to have moved since, suggesting it also may have been damaged.

The Japanese fisheries statement said the Bob Barker caused the collision by coming in too close to throw butyric acid - smelly, rancid butter that spoils whale meat - onto the Japanese vessel. "The No. 3 Yushin Maru immediately moved away to avert a collision, but it was grazed in its tail area," the Fisheries Agency statement said.

The clash caused No. 3 Yushin Maru minor damage - its railing was slightly bent - but involved no injuries among crewmembers, the agency said.

The governments of Australia and New Zealand, which have responsibility for maritime rescue in the area where the hunt is usually conducted, say the fight between the two sides is becoming increasingly dangerous and have repeatedly urged them to tone it down.

02-06-10, 20:33

02-06-10, 20:50
This isn't going to stop till there is a major accident, and one of the ships is severly damaged, or sinks. Hopefully the Sea Shepard of Bob Barker go down, and no one is injured. Hopefully they learn a lesson, but I doubt it. :rolleyes:

02-06-10, 23:16
Maybe they can convert some old Icebreakers to whaling use. Next time one of these idiots tries a stunt like that they would be in for a very unpleasant shock.

02-06-10, 23:45
Not a single person aboard the ship(perhaps aside from the doctor) had any clue what they were doing last season. While I agree with them(the whales should be protected and the regulations already in place should be enforced by officials) they are unbelievably clueless and I'm very surprised that nobody has been killed yet.

While I can't respect such a group of morons I think that labeling them terrorists is a little harsh. It's my understanding that the waters the Japs are whaling in are off limits -- only no country is stepping up to enforce regulations. While their methods are questionable in nature, they are in the right IMO. The British thought of us as terrorists once too.

02-06-10, 23:52
This isn't going to stop till there is a major accident, and one of the ships is severly damaged, or sinks. Hopefully the Sea Shepard of Bob Barker go down, and no one is injured. Hopefully they learn a lesson, but I doubt it. :rolleyes:And the Japanese have no lesson to learn here? Why anyone would feel the least bit sorry for them is beyond me. They are violation of international law and are working non-stop toward extincting a species.

02-06-10, 23:58
And the Japanese have no lesson to learn here? Why anyone would feel the least bit sorry for them is beyond me. They are violation of international law and are working non-stop toward extincting a species.

No they are not.

But this is not the topic for it. Last time it got locked.

02-06-10, 23:58
And the Japanese have no lesson to learn here? Why anyone would feel the least bit sorry for them is beyond me. They are violation of international law and are working non-stop toward extincting a species.

No. An objecting nation is exempt from "International Law" and the minke whale they harvested is abundant and easily supported by the environment.

ETA: Yeah, what eguns said. Read through this:https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=44456&page=3

02-07-10, 00:02


02-07-10, 00:19
No. An objecting nation is exempt from "International Law" and the minke whale they harvested is abundant and easily supported by the environment.

ETA: Yeah, what eguns said. Read through this:https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=44456&page=3I'll read through it

02-07-10, 00:59
stopped reading here.
What is wrong with hunting a non threatened very multitudinous ;-) whale species in small numbers? Who are YOU to get your panties all in a twist about it? Get off your high horse.

We westerners (western culture, not western US) hunt deer and elk every year and no one serious gives a flying cr*p. Why can't they hunt small numbers of a whale species which is in much abundance?

This has nothing to do with me being peeved by a bunch of hippie eco-terrorists...

ps: And BTW, loopholes are meant to be exploited and by definition legal.174,000 Minke whales(estimate of Minke population in Antarctic waters as of 2001) versus 25 million to 30 million deer throughout the United States makes your argument pretty ignorant. Do you know why hunting seasons exist? It's population control. We have an overabundance of deer. Also, I don't consider 1,000+ whales harvested every year by one organization "small numbers". It blows my mind that you condone Japan's obfuscation of the international anti-whaling regulations in place by deeming their practices "scientific research". That's laughable. As with deer and other species whose populations need controlling, I'd have no problem with the Japs whaling if the populations numbers weren't so low.

02-07-10, 01:15
stopped reading here.174,000 Minke whales(estimate of Minke population in Antarctic waters as of 2001) versus 25 million to 30 million deer throughout the United States makes your argument pretty ignorant. Do you know why hunting seasons exist? It's population control. We have an overabundance of deer. Also, I don't consider 1,000+ whales harvested every year by one organization "small numbers". It blows my mind that you condone Japan's obfuscation of the international anti-whaling regulations in place by deeming their practices "scientific research". That's laughable. As with deer and other species whose populations need controlling, I'd have no problem with the Japs whaling if the populations numbers weren't so low.

Sorry, but you are laughable. That is a lot of whales and the number of whales taken is small for that population size. The number of deer is irrelevant -- the point being made was something else.

While deer hunting is used for population control, that is not the only reason for deer season. It is to provide order and manageability to the whole thing.

Where does anyone get the authority to make "international anti-whaling regulations "?

If a country does not submit itself to any international organization than it is not bound by whatever regulations that organization makes. Which I believe is what Iceland and Norway have done.

Japan has hunted whales a long time and it is not up to us or anyone else, especially westerners, to tell them what to do. They are not hunting in irresponsible numbers. The population of that sort of whale can easily sustain that level of hunting. So it is none of our freakin' business to tell them what to do, the same way we don't want them to tell us what to do with our firearms.

And they do provide scientific data from their catch -- data that has been recognized as sound and valuable by the international whaling organization scientists in fact.

02-07-10, 02:20
Sorry, but you are laughable. That is a lot of whales and the number of whales taken is small for that population size. The number of deer is irrelevant -- the point being made was something else.

While deer hunting is used for population control, that is not the only reason for deer season. It is to provide order and manageability to the whole thing.

Where does anyone get the authority to make "international anti-whaling regulations "?

If a country does not submit itself to any international organization than it is not bound by whatever regulations that organization makes. Which I believe is what Iceland and Norway have done.

Japan has hunted whales a long time and it is not up to us or anyone else, especially westerners, to tell them what to do. They are not hunting in irresponsible numbers. The population of that sort of whale can easily sustain that level of hunting. So it is none of our freakin' business to tell them what to do, the same way we don't want them to tell us what to do with our firearms.

And they do provide scientific data from their catch -- data that has been recognized as sound and valuable by the international whaling organization scientists in fact.

Beat me too it.

They are hunting in international waters which means no country or international body has any authority over it.

What Japan signed is a treaty they did not have to sign, and they can opt out of it if they want to.

They are not putting any species at risk.

The anti-whalers are trying to block them from hunting whales because they do not want to see any whales killed not because any species is at risk of going extinct.

Many nations hunt whales, and some of our own natives are allowed to hunt them, too.

They are borderline terrorists because they use terror type tactics against the Japanese, and have even boarded a ship of theirs. 100-200 years ago they would have been blown out of the water, and no one would ever hear from them again. Piracy/terrorism on the high seas used to be taken very seriously.

Alpha Sierra
02-07-10, 07:28
They are violation of international law
Your understanding of international law is inherently flawed.

02-07-10, 10:01
I hope the sea crapper sinks to the bottom of the sea Hippies and all

02-07-10, 10:11
Any vessel that attacks another should be viewed as a self defense situation. In the old days, most vessels on the high seas were armed. Personally, I think the Japs have every right to defend their ship and equipment by what ever means necessary against an attacking vessel, or even a vessel that deliberately impedes their direction of travel. Don't **** with somebody's ship and you won't get blown out of the water was the norm in the old days.

02-07-10, 10:12
I wonder why the Greens don't mess with French vessels anymore?:cool:

02-07-10, 10:16
I hope the sea crapper sinks to the bottom of the sea Hippies and all

This would be a better option. Looks like self defense to me.

02-07-10, 10:18
The larger ship has the right of way, period.

02-07-10, 11:20
This would be a better option. Looks like self defense to me.

BAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA you made my day, That is my new desktop picture Love it:D

02-07-10, 15:31
Your understanding of international law is inherently flawed.Care to explain why they feel the need to harvest the whales under the guise of "scientific research"?

02-07-10, 19:05
Need? What does need have to do with anything? How many things do you have or do that you might not need?

As eguns-com said, they do conduct scientific research, and that research is valuable in the scientific community. They also harvest the whales for commercial use. They are not hunting an endangered animal, certainly not over-hunting.


02-07-10, 19:06
Care to explain why they feel the need to harvest the whales under the guise of "scientific research"?

They are actually doing research along with harvesting meat. Data from their research is used throughout the world, in fact.

02-07-10, 19:14
The S.S. Bob Barker?!?! :confused:

Whatever happened to good ol' Irish beat cops clubbing hippies, and them waking up in boot camp? :D

02-08-10, 05:50
Need? What does need have to do with anything? How many things do you have or do that you might not need?

As eguns-com said, they do conduct scientific research, and that research is valuable in the scientific community. They also harvest the whales for commercial use. They are not hunting an endangered animal, certainly not over-hunting.

-Bboth Minke and Humpback whales are considered endangered(threatened) species. You guys are letting your hatred for the hippies cloud your judgment. The fact of the matter is that both parties are in the wrong and I have no respect for either.

02-08-10, 06:29
both Minke and Humpback whales are considered endangered(threatened) species. You guys are letting your hatred for the hippies cloud your judgment. The fact of the matter is that both parties are in the wrong and I have no respect for either.

Oh really?

Minke whales, though not at historic levels, remain plentiful. A population of 761,000 exists in the Southern Ocean, according to Japan, though some claim the number is closer to 268,000. Regardless, they exist in enough numbers that a return to commercial whaling of this species can likely be supported, assuming strict management of stocks and reasonable annual catch limits.


Research activity combined a randomised lethal catch (400±10% minke whales each year) with concurrent line-transect sighting surveys. Operations alternated each year between Area IV + Area IIIE (35°E-130°E) and Area V + Area VIW (130°E-145°W). The most recently agreed population estimates from independent surveys were for Area IV in 1988/89 (74,700; 95% confidence interval 45,000 – 123,000) and Area V in 1985/86 (294,600; 95% CI 225,000 – 386,000). However, until a major reassessment is carried out in the next 1-2 years, the Committee agrees that it does not have current best estimates for Southern Hemisphere minke whales, noting that in some areas they may be appreciably lower.


Minke whales are the most abundant rorqual in the world, and their population status is considered stable throughout almost all of its range (especially when compared to other species of large whales). There are an estimated 185,000 minke whales in the Atlantic, and 510,000-1,400,000 in the Southern Hemisphere.


02-08-10, 08:26
More red, big font text to seem like you know what you are talking about, big surprise. Im surprised you have not added screaming audio to you posts so there will be no doubt that you are correct.

02-08-10, 09:14
More red, big font text to seem like you know what you are talking about, big surprise. Im surprised you have not added screaming audio to you posts so there will be no doubt that you are correct.

Dude you have nothing better to do than troll my posts?

02-08-10, 09:32
these eco terrorists are lucky they arent attacking American ships who would be armed.

02-08-10, 10:30
both Minke and Humpback whales are considered endangered(threatened) species. You guys are letting your hatred for the hippies cloud your judgment. The fact of the matter is that both parties are in the wrong and I have no respect for either.

Which is why the japanese are carrying out scientific catches -- to show that at least the Minke is not really endangered. The anti-whaling crowd seems to base this more on emotion than real facts.

Next time I go to Japan I am going to find a place to eat some whale. Just to try it. The wife says that whale bacon is really really good.

02-08-10, 10:32
More red, big font text to seem like you know what you are talking about, big surprise. Im surprised you have not added screaming audio to you posts so there will be no doubt that you are correct.

Probably because other people here DON'T know what they are talking about and DON'T know that they DON'T know.

02-08-10, 10:42
The above post quotes data that is up to 25 years old and some of it, "... according to Japan...", with population estimates varying between 45,000 and 1,400,000. Pretty much useless figures for the sake of this argument. What are the facts?

I think the Bob Barker is being criminally negligent and a bunch of people are going to end up dead. Sinking ships is not exactly eco-friendly either.

02-08-10, 12:34
Dude you have nothing better to do than troll?

Fixed it for ya! :)

02-08-10, 14:57
both Minke and Humpback whales are considered endangered(threatened) species. You guys are letting your hatred for the hippies cloud your judgment. The fact of the matter is that both parties are in the wrong and I have no respect for either.

So far as I know, they only hunt Minke whales, not humpbacks. Feel free to prove your point by providing sources.

I don't give two shits about hippies, real or imagined, either. :rolleyes:


02-08-10, 15:01
Which is why the japanese are carrying out scientific catches -- to show that at least the Minke is not really endangered. The anti-whaling crowd seems to base this more on emotion than real facts.

Next time I go to Japan I am going to find a place to eat some whale. Just to try it. The wife says that whale bacon is really really good.well, if the population numbers are up then i have no problems with them whaling. but there seem to be conflicting reports everywhere i've looked.

02-08-10, 15:18
well, if the population numbers are up then i have no problems with them whaling. but there seem to be conflicting reports everywhere i've looked.

Its impossible to count large numbers of whales in a huge body of water. There is simply no way to count them accurately. Several studies put them at close to traditional levels of several hundred thousand including the genetic study that said their numbers are close to the average for the last 100k years.

What is in consensus is the Minke whale is abundant, and one of the best if not the best in overall numbers of any whale species. What the Japanese are doing is not going to have anything but a negligible effect on their populations.

Personally as long as they are taken with conservation in mind I don't care if they hunt them or not. People have been hunting whales for hundreds of years as a source of subsistence. Its really no different than any other sea critter we eat, cows, chickens, pigs, whatever. What I don't want to see happen is the commercial whaling that brought many species close to extinction. But between 1850-1950 humans had some sort of tick that caused them to hunt animals to the point of extinction. Bison, bears, deer, geese, elk, wolves, etc were all commercially hunted extensively in the US as well as whaling off our coasts. Im glad conservation took over, and we no longer do that. I do not believe in preservation unless the species is seriously in danger of extinction.

02-08-10, 17:14

-BI don't care who you are, that's funny, right there...

WRT the original story, every time I turn on "Whale Wars" I want to be able to reach through the TV screen and grab most of those people by the throat.

I applaud their dedication and enthusiasm to a cause they believe in. I just think that this is approaching Right to Life people who kill doctors/nurses at abortion clinics.

Time for everyone involved to retire to the beach and have a couple of MaiTais, IMHO...



02-08-10, 17:59
I hate those dirty hair hippie's, they are their worst enemy. I think groups like Green Peace and PETA could do more good if they weren't so far out there in terms of conduct and expression. I think anyone that kills animals merely for pleasure are scum, plain and simple scum.

But I also think that whaling is stupid. It's obvious that whales possess an intellect that we will never fully understand. I think that Japan is committing an egregious act of barbarism against the species and in no way could I support that. I can't stand behind Japan whaling and calling it research. They love to eat fish and the like, call a spade a spade.

02-08-10, 18:51
I hate those dirty hair hippie's, they are their worst enemy. I think groups like Green Peace and PETA could do more good if they weren't so far out there in terms of conduct and expression. I think anyone that kills animals merely for pleasure are scum, plain and simple scum.

But I also think that whaling is stupid. It's obvious that whales possess an intellect that we will never fully understand. I think that Japan is committing an egregious act of barbarism against the species and in no way could I support that. I can't stand behind Japan whaling and calling it research. They love to eat fish and the like, call a spade a spade.

Regardless of their intellect they are still a food source, and have been for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Elephants are extremely smart, and I support killing them too if its going to feed someone.

They do conduct research. Quite a bit of their research is used in science including the IWC and many universities. They do also eat the animals they kill. Double win if you ask me.