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Heavy Metal
02-06-10, 22:37
Very Interesting

Brady Campaign declares war on Starbucks
Seattle Gun Rights Examiner ^ | February 4, 2010 | Dave Workman

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence has declared war on a Northwest institution, and in the process perhaps the public will discover the extremes gun prohibitionists will go in an effort to push their radical agenda.

The Brady Bunch has Starbucks squarely in its crosshairs, hoping to browbeat the coffee giant into refusing service to an evidently growing clientele of law-abiding firearms owners. In an e-mail message sent out this week, Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke laments that, “Starbucks is refusing to prohibit open carrying in its stores, despite protests from loyal customers.”

Over the past few months, more and more gun owners have been gathering at restaurants and coffee shops like Starbucks with guns strapped to their hips––Paul Helmke

This was after Helmke acknowledged that his campaign of social bigotry against legally-armed citizens was launched because, “Over the past few months, more and more gun owners have been gathering at restaurants and coffee shops like Starbucks with guns strapped to their hips, intimidating fellow patrons.”

So, let me see if I have this straight. Because Starbucks is attracting increasing numbers of gun owners – presumably becoming the kind of loyal customers about whom Helmke writes – he wants the coffee chain to ban these people, in deference to his own ilk of hoplophobes.

In reaction, even more gun owners are declaring a sudden thirst for Starbucks blend and heading to their local coffee stand.

Is this not the same kind of nonsense I wrote about here last Friday, in reporting the angst demonstrated by Washington CeaseFire’s Ralph Fascitelli over the perfectly legal appearance at a public hearing in Olympia by several open carry activists?

The Brady camp has teamed up with CREDO Action, a self-proclaimed progressive activist organization that uses mobile phones to affect social change.

Helmke’s e-mail diatribe further complains that, “The practice of packing heat in places like Starbucks is intimidating and could be potentially dangerous to our families and communities –– and it must be stopped.

“It’s everyone's right to sit in a restaurant or coffee shop with their families without intimidation or fear of guns,” he says, “either concealed or openly carried.”

Intimidating to whom? This may come as a culture shock to Helmke, but it is equally everyone’s right – if they choose to exercise it – to sit in a restaurant with family or friends and not be concerned (because they are prepared) about criminal attack, or an incident on the scale of the Luby’s Massacre in October 1991, in which 23 restaurant patrons, disarmed at the time by Texas statute, were murdered. It might just be that Americans took a lesson from another incident two months later at a Shoney’s restaurant in Anniston, Alabama, in which a legally-armed citizen prevented a massacre by shooting two robbers who were herding people into a food locker.

I wrote about this incident with Alan Gottlieb in America Fights Back: Armed Self-Defense in a Violent Age.

Thomas Terry, the hero of Anniston, was discreetly but legally carrying a .45 caliber handgun when the robbers took over the restaurant. Facing two armed thugs, Terry shot one dead and severely wounded the other. None of the other patrons was harmed, other than Terry, who sustained a grazing wound to the hip.—Timothy Wheeler, MD

Helmke also argues that “Under the law, Starbucks has the right to adopt a gun-free policy, with an exception for uniformed police officers.”

Guess what, Paul. Starbucks also has the right as a business to allow patronage by anyone it damn well pleases, including legally-armed citizens. Their money is just as good as yours, and so far, there has not been a single reported incident involving any of these gun owners, including the robbery of a Starbucks while an armed citizen happens to be standing at the counter.

Social bigotry against gun owners is just as insidious as bigotry against any other group. What would the public reaction be if someone demanded that a private business refuse service to, say African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Arabs, Native Americans, Samoans, disabled people, overweight people, gays or women? Got a tattoo? Stay out!

Helmke rants about intimidation, yet he has no reservations about trying to intimidate a business over some of the people it serves. His kind of demagoguery has one significant trait: Hypocrisy.

If Helmke and other gun prohibitionists don’t want to be around other citizens because they are legally armed, that is a problem, but it is their problem. Perhaps they should start drinking tea.

02-07-10, 00:27
“Over the past few months, more and more gun owners have been gathering at restaurants and coffee shops like Starbucks with guns strapped to their hips, intimidating fellow patrons.”

Somebody PLEASE put a bullet through Helmke's head, is this ****er serious!? His stupidity astounds me, I wonder if the Brady shitheads actually listen to themselves. I'm sure a gathering of law-abiding citizens open carrying is SO intimidating! More scary than the gangsta that sags his pants, wears a bandana over his face and tucks his stolen "fou-five" near his nuts.

I thought Starbucks was a gathering of "intellectual" liberal idiots, this is very surprising...

02-07-10, 00:57

02-07-10, 02:47
In the link submitted by seriousstudent somebody had posted the email page for Starbucks. Drop them a line thanking them for standing up to the anti-gun bigots at the Brady Campaign:


02-07-10, 07:23
I am also a cyclist. sometimes, after a ride, we meet at starbucks... we even take our bikes inside... I wonder if we scare and intimidate those fatass latte drinkers hiding in the corner :p

(no disrespect to any fatass latte drinkers here, my fatass likes latte's also )

02-07-10, 07:30
I am also a cyclist. sometimes, after a ride, we meet at starbucks... we even take our bikes inside... I wonder if we scare and intimidate those fatass latte drinkers hiding in the corner :p

(no disrespect to any fatass latte drinkers here, my fatass likes latte's also )

Me too but we don't take our bikes inside. However I imagine it can be intimidating for those soccer moms with 30+ cyclist clopping around in cleats talking about how we attacked each other the whole ride! :D

02-07-10, 07:41
I am also a cyclist. sometimes, after a ride, we meet at starbucks... we even take our bikes inside... I wonder if we scare and intimidate those fatass latte drinkers hiding in the corner :p

(no disrespect to any fatass latte drinkers here, my fatass likes latte's also )

Me too but we don't take our bikes inside. However I imagine it can be intimidating for those soccer moms with 30+ cyclist clopping around in cleats talking about how we attacked each other the whole ride! :D

Your threatening open display of your fitness makes the out of shape, non-cyclists feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. You and your ilk should be banned!

02-07-10, 07:44
Your threatening open display of your fitness makes the out of shape, non-cyclists feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. You and your ilk should be banned!

No doubt. However I think the ladies on my team are probably more indimidating than the men :D

02-07-10, 07:49
No doubt. However I think the ladies on my team are probably more indimidating than the men :D

Am I to assume that the men shave their legs and the women don't ;)?

02-07-10, 07:56
Am I to assume that the men shave their legs and the women don't ;)?

No I'm pretty sure they all do but they're extremely fit and hard core.

02-07-10, 08:00
No I'm pretty sure they all do but they're extremely fit and hard core.


We'll need some proof or have to assume it's all guys you ride with...:D:p:D This is the internet.

02-07-10, 09:11
my hill climbing training partner :p
