View Full Version : WI - Mother shoots son. Attempted robbery???

02-07-10, 10:50

A 21-year-old man whose mother shot him in the groin Thursday night told police he was trying to be funny by wearing a ski mask and pretending to rob her, but investigators aren't necessarily buying his story, a Milwaukee police spokesman said Friday.

Police are trying to determine if the man was actually trying to rob his 37-year-old mother, Sgt. Mark Stanmeyer said.

The man said he pretended to rob his mother behind their house in the 3700 block of N. 13th St. as she returned from shopping about 9 p.m., according to a statement from the police department.

His mother drew a .357-caliber revolver and fired several shots, hitting her son at least twice, the statement says.

The man's injuries are serious but not expected to be life-threatening, Stanmeyer said.

The man's record with Milwaukee police includes arrests for drug- and weapons-related offenses, Stanmeyer said.

The woman surrendered to the first officers on scene.

The gun's serial number had been obliterated, according to the police statement.

The woman is in custody at the Milwaukee County Jail.

The Milwaukee County district attorney's office will review the case, Stanmeyer said.


02-07-10, 10:57
Drug money. When people are seriously addicted, they will go through great lengths to get their fix.

02-07-10, 11:01
Milwaukee gets more and more...interesting.
The obliterated serial number sounds like par for the course. If anyone here doesn't know, Milwaukee has been having problems with stolen/straw purchased guns lately.
JMan, my thoughts exactly. Someone's jones'n.

02-07-10, 11:01
10 to 1 odds says he's on meth.