View Full Version : super bowl day and no predictions?????

02-07-10, 13:33
i can't beleive that no one hasn't started a SB thread, boasting how the colts will spank our beloved saints. i'm gonna make a prediction-- the team with least turn-overs will prevail.both sides will put up a lot of points.if the saints play indy as well as they did arizona,, they are unbeatable--GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!

02-07-10, 13:36
I have no horse in this race (really have not since I was a kid being a Miami fan). I am normally an AFC man, but wouldn't cry too hard if the Saints complete their dream.

02-07-10, 13:42
I predict a certain "unit" is in Miami just in case something happens.

Evil Colt 6920
02-07-10, 13:44
My team isn't playing but since I was born and rasied in Louisiana and have lots of family and friends there that are die hard Saints fans, Im hoping the Saints win. Ill guess a score of 34-31 Saints. But really, its not gonna make or break my day either way. I just hope its a good game.

02-07-10, 13:52
I don't have a dog in this fight. I will say the officiating has been awful this postseason. Either team can win IMO.

02-07-10, 13:53
geaux saints!!

Hoping for a good close game where NO saints pull out a sqeaker!! OT would be ok too.

I'll be bummed if either team runs away with it...

Just think...NO gets a SB and a new mayor!!;)

02-07-10, 14:02
Here's by prediction: The Saints and Colts will do battle in Miami with the Who as teh half-time show and one of them will eventually come out victorious (my money is on The Who). Next season will be ruined because the NFL, its players and the team owners are a bunch of greedy, money-hording Mamas Boys. :mad:

02-07-10, 14:05
If the Steelers arent playing I thought the Super Bowl was canceled.

you mean theres still a game, when? today ? :confused:

02-07-10, 14:08
Here's by prediction: The Saints and Colts will do battle in Miami with the Who as teh half-time show and one of them will eventually come out victorious (my money is on The Who). Next season will be ruined because the NFL, its players and the team owners are a bunch of greedy, money-hording Mamas Boys. :mad:

Too true.

02-07-10, 14:09
Here's by prediction: The Saints and Colts will do battle in Miami with the Who as teh half-time show and one of them will eventually come out victorious (my money is on The Who). Next season will be ruined because the NFL, its players and the team owners are a bunch of greedy, money-hording Mamas Boys. :mad:

Let's definitely not pay attention to the millions of dollars put into charities and health research by these "greedy, money-hording Mamas Boys" every year. :rolleyes:

I won my little pool for both the regular and regular + post season. For the big game, I gots to side with the Saints. I'm happy that the two teams I've hoped would face off in the Superbowl since Week 8 have made it, and have immense respect for the way the Colts play ball, but the Saints have some pretty strong voodoo going on. I'm not real picky about who wins, as long as it's close.
