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View Full Version : Embrace the suck--CROSSFIT

02-09-10, 13:24
I've been doing Crossfit for a little while now and with making some minor diet changes (i.e. ZERO regular soda, cutting down diet soda-drinking to almost zero, etc...) I've dropped 13 pounds in the last 5 weeks. It's not quite enough to notice in how my clothes fit, but for sure when I look at myself in the mirror I can see some weight coming off my midsection and that's a good thing for vanity, if nothing else.

02-14-10, 05:19
I did CrossFit for most of last winter with a training buddy who was getting ready for a federal 1811 gig. The owner of our local box generously extended the LEO discount to me as well.

Once my friend left for his new job, I was faced with regular CrossFit rates and dropped it. I really miss it. One of my CrossFit instructors just started teaching "CrossFit" classes at my regular (municipal) gym but lacking the rings and weights, it is definitely CrossFit Lite. Still, I enjoy the workout.

Good for you for dropping some lbs! Keep at it.

User Name
02-14-10, 09:04
Good work! Keep it up.

07-26-10, 19:15
I just completed my first crossfit workout today.

I played baseball throughout high school and conditioned with strength coaches but really haven't done too much now that I'm in college, just participate in all the intramural sports. I knew I was "out of shape" but I felt like it wouldn't be too hard to get back to the swing of things. I'm 6'0" 182lbs and am not fat or muscular. I'm by no means unhealthy. I was even training for a triathlon the whole month of june but I got off track. I eat well and bike regularly so I went today knowing for sure I would be slacking compared to the others but was sure I could at least hang.

Holy shit balls.

I damn near passed out on the warm up! After doing some of the exercises someone was going over with me the proper way to do a dead lift and all of a sudden I got dizzy, light headed, nauseated and everything went white. That feeling you sometimes get when you are giving blood. I stumbled to the ground and just lied there until I could see again. I was skeptical about continuing because I felt like hell but I continued with the WOD which was "tabata" I think or something similar sounding. We finished with a 400m sprint and I was about a minute and a half behind everyone by that point. A girl even beat me. Thats not happening again.

It was intense for sure and sucked complete ass during the actual workout but it's strangely fun. I feel like once I get past the two week mark and start to see improvements, my motivation level with surely go up but I'm planning on misery until then.

On to tomorrow...

07-26-10, 20:48
CrossFit is - by far - the best workout I've found short of submission wrestling.

Again. Faster!


07-26-10, 21:00
i like throwing it in for cardio between my gym days. I just cant seem to get away from the typical weightlifting.

I am glad I invested in the Level 1 Cert Course. Most tiring 2 days that my short term memory can remember.

sadly the price of your local box seems to increase slowly, getting a military discount isnt even much of a discount these days.

07-27-10, 12:13
I fail to see how this is better than running/biking days mixed with serious weightlifting days. The downsides are that most of the weightlifting besides traditional squat/deadlift that I see the crossfitters at my gym doing are either ineffective other than for cardio or dangerous to ligaments and joints. To each his/her own I suppose but I dont get it. Caveat: the gym I work out in has about 20-30 crossfit people I see on a regular basis, only two are muscular and in shape looking, they happen to both work at the gym and can work out on the job. Everybody else is either out of shape looking and trying to get into shape or for the ones I have seen doing this for over a year, are merely skinny without what I would consider a muscular build.

07-27-10, 13:02
I think its more of a functional fitness routine rather than glistening beach body workouts.

There are about 15 people at the gym I went to and the guys there aren't ripped but more toned and lean. You can also tailor the workouts to fit what you're looking for.

07-28-10, 02:03
I fail to see how this is better than running/biking days mixed with serious weightlifting days...

...most of the weightlifting that I see the crossfitters at my gym doing are either ineffective other than for cardio or dangerous to ligaments and joints.

Crossfit is an approach to strength & conditioning and "all-inclusive" or well-rounded fitness, not Gold's Gym, Venice Beach, Mr. Universe type bodybuilding.

Crossfit workouts often incorporate high intensity, high repetition barbell work to simultaneous train all metabolic pathways (phosphogenic, glycolytic, and oxidative).

Try "Daniel" (30x 95# squat cleans, 30x pullups, 800m Run, 3 rounds) or "Fran" (21-15-9 reps of 95# front squat to push press and pullups) against the clock and against a group of peers and see how "ineffective" it is.



07-28-10, 06:24
I love crossfit, been doing it for a couple years now. People often ask me what I'm training for. I think it is all sumed up on my favorite crossfit t-shirt : Crossfit - Training Not To Suck At Life.

07-30-10, 02:02
I fail to see how this is better than running/biking days mixed with serious weightlifting days. The downsides are that most of the weightlifting besides traditional squat/deadlift that I see the crossfitters at my gym doing are either ineffective other than for cardio or dangerous to ligaments and joints.

What's dangerous to joints or ineffective about cleans, snatches, thrusters etc?

Have you tried it?

There's a reason a lot of mil and le persons have adopted it. There fight isn't a 12 mile bike and 3x5 squats.

07-30-10, 12:34
There are IMO 2 versions of Crossfit right now. One not available at your average gym yet they run classes. The other is totally BADASS and will get you into great shape.

08-01-10, 08:06
What's dangerous to joints or ineffective about cleans, snatches, thrusters etc?

Have you tried it?

There's a reason a lot of mil and le persons have adopted it. There fight isn't a 12 mile bike and 3x5 squats.

The two seals at my gym don't do it, but they are a little older, maybe to you they don't know any better. I have good joints for the most part except my shoulders. I want to stay in shape and look good well into old age. My wife (multi certified trainer ) agrees with my philosophy. To keep lifting and working out I to old age like Draper, I'll follow an approach that keeps my mid 30s joints in the same or better shape than they are now. I won't go down the path of many others ho try this and try that only to develop deep tissue scars and muscle tares that prohibit their continued training. But hey, if you want to crossfit it's your body. I am no suggesting it won't get you on shape and ready to move loads agressively and in akward ways, because it will. But it's relatively inefficient for the time it takes and is relatively dangerous compared to other types of training. You mentioned 3x5 s. I don't dont work that routine either for the same reasons. And yes, I have tried that and crossfit. Have you tried an approach like in Mcrobberts book?

08-01-10, 09:25
But it's relatively inefficient for the time it takes and is relatively dangerous compared to other types of training.

i have to politely disagree with this. See, I find it to be quite the opposite, but maybe I'm just not familiar with the type of training you are, so keep that in mind. I used to weightlift exclusively and almost never run, sans a 10minute light treadmill jog. I benched 270, and at the time, thought I was in good shape.

Now I haven't touched a weight (except kettlebells maybe a dozen times) for over two years. I've only been working for the past 12 months doing Crossfit/Sealfit type workouts, and I feel like I am in better shape than I ever was. Just for giggles, I tried the bench the other day, and it was a huuge struggle to manage 200pounds.

Compared to my weight training days I feel more agile, stronger, more flexible, more explosive, have more stamina and endurance, run much better, I'm less prone to injuries and I recover much faster.

Of course it may be something about the way I weightlifted, but in my personal experience, Crossfit/SEALfit kicks my ass much faster and is more time efficient, and has also caused less injuries than my normal weightlifting did. YMMV.

08-01-10, 18:28
Helen Get Your Gun, by Wilson Galyean (http://vimeo.com/5639109)

08-02-10, 21:16
Helen Get Your Gun, by Wilson Galyean (http://vimeo.com/5639109)

Pretty cool!

08-02-10, 22:45
Helen Get Your Gun, by Wilson Galyean (http://vimeo.com/5639109)

Nice practical example of what physical exertion can do to accuracy.


08-05-10, 01:30
"weight lifting" or "weight training" (two words) is for bodybuilding/body modification (cosmetics) and/or strength training




"weightlifting" (one word) is a COMPETITIVE SPORT of Power = force*distance/TIME

Their respective aims are entirely different.

08-15-10, 10:22
SEALfit, GYM Jones is legit. It takes me several crossfit workouts...usually. And a 15-20 mile run

08-21-10, 18:56
Once my friend left for his new job, I was faced with regular CrossFit rates and dropped it. I really miss it. One of my CrossFit instructors just started teaching "CrossFit" classes at my regular (municipal) gym but lacking the rings and weights, it is definitely CrossFit Lite. Still, I enjoy the workout.

One of the thing if you do like crossfit workouts you can go to crossfit.com for different workouts, you can even see videos on how to perform some of the exercises correctly. One of the things I like about it is that it's different and brings a lot of variety to "gymtime".

Also with a moderate understanding you can develop your own WOD's (workout of the day), if the ones from the site get boring or if say you can't perform some of the movements due to injury.

09-16-10, 13:25
Crossfit rocks.

Has anyone had experience with Brass Ring Fitness (http://www.brassringfitness.com/)?
Apparently it incorporates the crossfit workouts into a unit exercise.

09-16-10, 16:13
I could never understand how basic lifts, running and a few other movements could generate such controversy. There are no end of CrossFit haters out there for some reason.

09-16-10, 20:14
Helen Get Your Gun, by Wilson Galyean (http://vimeo.com/5639109)

So I was checking out some of the other videos on that site which I guess are cross fit related. What's up with the "kip up" pull-ups most of these people are doing? Are those considered legitimate in cross fit?

09-16-10, 20:48
Yes..kipping pull-ups are about work output not muscular development.

09-16-10, 22:21
I could never understand how basic lifts, running and a few other movements could generate such controversy. There are no end of CrossFit haters out there for some reason.

couldnt agree with you more.

you have to read muscle & fitness and all its airbrushed/photoshopped glory to be a real athlete or know anything about fitness

09-17-10, 13:33
I could never understand how basic lifts, running and a few other movements could generate such controversy. There are no end of CrossFit haters out there for some reason.

Some thoughtful and experienced S&P coaches certainly have their reasons for not liking Xfit. Among them are beliefs that:

*the high intensity all the time doesn't allow for recovery

*the seemingly random nature of the workouts isn't the most productive programming

*performing certain movements against the clock inevitably creates bad form and therefore injury

*it doesn't program enough heavy lifting for the average person (though the influence of various hybrid CF programs is changing this)

*CF's general physical preparedness (GPP) approach may be good for workout meant for the general population but a specific physical preparedness (SPP) program tailored to a specific athlete or sport will provide better results

There are more. That's just off the top of my head.

I'm not "hating" on Crossfit. Try it and if it works for you, stick with it until it no longer does. Rather, I'm pointing out that there are real reasons some consider it 'controversial'.

Regarding kipping pullups: a lot of xfit trainers are going away from them because they may be causing injuries and don't seem to correlate well with dead hang pullups. See this page about SLAP tears.


09-23-10, 20:02
oh god, i used to do crossfit with my XO in baghdad and wow!

im 5',10" and rarely exceed 130lbs, but luckily im a born endurance runner, but crossfit made even me tired, i prefer running but maybe i should slowly incorporate it into my run schedule.

10-20-10, 13:09
SEALfit, GYM Jones is legit. It takes me several crossfit workouts...usually. And a 15-20 mile run

10-27-10, 15:42
Crossfit is crazy. Our 1stSgt incorporates it in our morning workouts, then again he swims 2 miles and runs 3 before morning PT.... all with a barracks on his back and a chow hall in his pocket...

But, Crossfit is a legitimate workout. By far more useful than weightlifting or the old daily seven and a run...

10-29-10, 17:07
Just took my Beginner's Assessment/Test this morning at Geaux Crossfit in Baton Rouge, LA.

I'm not sure if the Assessment is the same all over but mine consisted of the following for time:

500 yards on the Row Machine
30 Deep Squats
30 Situps
20 Pushups
10 Pullups

I finished it in 4 minutes 51 seconds.

I'm hooked. As I new I would be.

Tom Swift
11-10-10, 12:29
I just printed out about 20 pages of crossfit exercises. I tried the Cindy today and let me say I have never gotten so tired so fast in my life. Oh and I guess I have a new love for Burpees.

This is definitely a workout style I'm going to be doing a lot more of.

11-11-10, 12:17
I just printed out about 20 pages of crossfit exercises. I tried the Cindy today and let me say I have never gotten so tired so fast in my life. Oh and I guess I have a new love for Burpees.

This is definitely a workout style I'm going to be doing a lot more of.
Sweet, brother. The first time I did burpees I saw purple dots. We also joke about "the little red man running around" - the weird flashes of light just before you pass out. Well, I have my personal relationship with both. :sarcastic: Always stopped before things go dark but I now know my physical limits and I like to toy with it on occaasion. Probably not wise but that's just me at the moment.