View Full Version : Miss Me Yet??

02-09-10, 19:13
Anyone else enjoying seeing the libtards upset over the abuse of advertising space??

GW has gotta be grinnin!!

02-09-10, 20:47
hahahaha (http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2010/02/bush_miss_me_yet_billboard_is.html)

02-09-10, 21:08
I saw that on Fox this morning and it made me chuckle. While I didn't agree with everything GWB did, I certainly miss him after what we got to replace him.

Maybe GWB could lend the new guy a spine? ;)

02-09-10, 23:12
I saw that on Fox this morning and it made me chuckle. While I didn't agree with everything GWB did, I certainly miss him after what we got to replace him.

Maybe GWB could lend the new guy a spine? ;)

Or a foot up his ass?

Alpha Sierra
02-10-10, 05:08
From NPR:
Now, the push is on to find out who paid to have it put up.

Really? How about it's none of your f-ing business? Newsflash, not everyone is in love with your Mack Daddy. :mad:

02-10-10, 07:59

Outlander Systems
02-10-10, 08:04
Nice. I was just telling the wife yesterday that miss 'ole G.W.

The world is a funny place...

02-10-10, 09:33
That billboard is freakin hilarious!!!!

02-10-10, 11:01
Lefty radio was all atwitter with it this am. Kinda funny, considering how they seem to feel about images of flag burning, Che, Mao etc. Those are a-okay, but Dubya is the Debil.

02-10-10, 12:20
i got a better one:

02-10-10, 12:24
i got a better one:

Now that's what I'm talking about. Someone that actually cares about this country and not the "parties". I was going to make a comment about how destructive Bush was, but now I feel my heart pressure calming down a bit after seeing some f*ing logic.

02-10-10, 12:27
I saw that on Fox this morning and it made me chuckle. While I didn't agree with everything GWB did, I certainly miss him after what we got to replace him.

I agree. I also believe that while GWB might not have made the right decisions he believed that what he was doing was right for the country. I don't believe Obama is doing what is right for the country, only what is right for the DNC.

I also don't like to point fingers at one man. Let's not forget that Congress has been controlled by the Democrats since January of 2007, three years now, and that they've done absolutely nothing except bitch, moan, blame and run **** up a perfectly good recession.

02-10-10, 12:36
Remember all he needed was the first 100 days to fix it all and are we past that yet????

02-10-10, 12:45
I agree. I also believe that while GWB might not have made the right decisions he believed that what he was doing was right for the country. I don't believe Obama is doing what is right for the country, only what is right for the DNC.

Exactly. George Bush was a pretty lackluster president, and his administration failed in many ways(I just finished Bing West's "The Strongest Tribe.") But at least you knew what you were getting...and I also believe that generally he had the right goals in mind.

So yes, I miss him.

02-10-10, 14:10
Bush was far from perfect but far better than amateur hour and the Chicago thug we have now.

02-10-10, 16:22
Bush was far from perfect but far better than amateur hour and the Chicago thug we have now.

So true... All we have now is an ego driven ass clown, who took advantage of a desperate America with his lies and manipulation. Now all he can do is blame GWB for all of his short falls.

02-10-10, 16:53
Can't say I miss him at all nor the one before him and the......etc.

Screwed our foreign policy to hell, dug us a huge hole in the middle east and in our own country, and seriously harmed the environmental community. Hell, so far Obama is more pro gun than Bush ever was.

ForTehNguyen presented the only quality 'miss me yet' sign I've seen.

But I digress, who cares if the sign is up. If someone wants to show off their stupidity or intelligence on a billboard it's up to them.

02-10-10, 17:52
While GWB wasn't perfect, he's vastly superior to what we have now. I loved hearing from some of the San Francisco liberals in my own family "all he needs is 100 days, it's not patriotic to criticize him". Several of them are out of work now, and I wonder how that "change" is working out for them....

02-10-10, 17:55
While GWB wasn't perfect, he's vastly superior to what we have now. I loved hearing from some of the San Francisco liberals in my own family "all he needs is 100 days, it's not patriotic to criticize him". Several of them are out of work now, and I wonder how that "change" is working out for them....

Ha ha. The anti-dissent crowd has always made me laugh.

02-10-10, 17:58
Ha ha. The anti-dissent crowd has always made me laugh.

To be fair, I was critical of GWB when he was deserving of such criticism. It's funny how it was okay for the Dems to lambast GWB for 8 years, but after 20 January 2009 it was automatically "unpatriotic" to criticize the party in power.

02-10-10, 18:04
To be fair, I was critical of GWB when he was deserving of such criticism. It's funny how it was okay for the Dems to lambast GWB for 8 years, but after 20 January 2009 it was automatically "unpatriotic" to criticize the party in power.

It worked, and is still working with the legions of mindless idiots out there who can't think past what the TV tells them.

02-10-10, 18:09
It worked, and is still working with the legions of mindless idiots out there who can't think past what the TV tells them.

Yup- the type that lives to watch Oprah and American Idle and finds MSNBC/CNN to be paragons of impartiality...