View Full Version : Texans, does this anger you at all?

02-12-10, 22:43
Farouk Shamwowi is a racist, he hates white people.


I for one will make a few phone calls, just because I can. Don't let him get away with this, not that he has a snowballs chance in hell of winning anyway.

02-13-10, 00:01
Okay that is a new to me. I spent four years in the Mid-West (Moline area) and most of the folks were of German or Dutch decent. I didn't see the Alcoa and John Deere factories full of Hispanics. What I saw were factories full of hard working, honorable Americans who were happy to have employment and were afraid of Corporate America shipping their jobs south of the border. See Galesburg, IL which lost 1600 jobs when Maytag bailed on the town. Note the demographics (http://www.epodunk.com/cgi-bin/genealogyInfo.php?locIndex=6166)

Texas isn't much different and people here are glad to have work and are proud of the products they produce. I believe that people regardless of race are proud to be able to show some tangible evidence of their hard work. Manufacturing is a prime industry to demonstrate your passion for your job by making a quality product. Mr. Shami must be one of those corporate types who is more concerned about cost instead of quality. We all know how misaligned a product can be when the leaders of a company don't seem to care about quality.

02-13-10, 07:09
Never miss a good opportunity to keep your mouth shut. Gov sham-wow?? yeah, any slight chance of that just went out the window.

You don't call blue collar dems lazy regardless of skin type when trying to get votes farouk.:rolleyes:

02-13-10, 10:36
Any surprise that he's running on the Democrat ticket? :rolleyes:

02-13-10, 10:53
Another lefty with his head so far up his ass he's gotten too used to the smell of his own shit.

Lots of white people work in factories making stuff.

But no it doesn't piss me off. Just means democrats will be further alienated especially in this state. When people see them for who they truly are. Democrats are no longer the JFK types. They are the social justice types that throw race around instead of dropping it as an issue in society anymore.

02-13-10, 11:13
Texans work in factories. (The few factories that are left on-shore, that is.)

Some Texans happen to be Hispanic/Latino, some happen to be African-American, some happen to be white, some had parents from Asia. But crap, they are Texans now. That's the point, Mr. "I'll never be elected" Shamwowi.

Sweet baby Jebus, wait till I tell all my buddies that are union members that they suck, and don't work for a living...... :rolleyes:

02-13-10, 11:44
I'd like someone to look into his hiring practices. I smell something fishy here.

02-13-10, 15:24
I'd like someone to look into his hiring practices. I smell something fishy here.

He's a Muslim and a Democrat. It'll never happen under the current administration.

02-13-10, 15:49
is the DNC actually supporting this guy for gov? how's he financing his campaign?

if this is seriously a DNC supported "Democrat," its a little bit on an indicator. hopefully we'll see more lunatic democrats on the ballet, across the country. they're throw-aways, people the DNC knows cant win.. people they run so they can save their winnable candidates for later elections.

like john kerry.

02-13-10, 16:02

you know the Germans make good stuff

02-13-10, 16:47
what a retard.

02-13-10, 18:25
just another Democrat playing the race card, move along