View Full Version : My son into Ars a bit EARLY or not!?

02-13-10, 19:18
I mean he is over a month old already!!!:D:D
Sorry not sure where to put this so you can move it if ness!



02-13-10, 20:50
maybe a little early...he sure is a cutie though

My kids get to go to the range when they turn 4

This my daughter shooting just after her 4th birthday. She is hooked.:D:D:D

02-13-10, 20:51
That is awesome!

Evil Colt 6920
02-13-10, 20:54
Hell I sure wish I had gotten into AR's when I was that young. I dont have a single toy left over from my childhood. Id bet that if my dad got me an AR at that age Id still be shooting it today. :p

02-16-10, 00:28
My daughter got her first .22 Crickett rifle when she was 7. Now that she is 10 I am going to get her a Smith and Wesson 15-22 Magpul Version rifle when they come out in May. She loves shooting my 1st gen. S&W 15-22. You can't start them too young. The younger they are the safer they will be with firearms and will also shoot more accurately.

02-16-10, 01:14
I can't wait until my daughter is ready to take shooting. I already got here some pink ear pro and am planning a girly 10/22 for her.

02-16-10, 01:44
good job,
introducing them early into guns is a great way to make sure they'll respect all safety rules in the future ;)

02-16-10, 06:04
good job,
introducing them early into guns is a great way to make sure they'll respect all safety rules in the future ;)

Very true! I learned at a very young age despite my very conservative grandmother's(My mother's mother) protest and learned not to point even my toy guns at people and always have my trigger finger out. I even learned to clear a weapon very young thus basic safety and respect for guns has been ingrained in me and essentially instinctive.
The only things I didnt learn until adolescence was how to take them apart and proper cleaning.

02-16-10, 07:39
and I thought my son was into AR's early.


02-16-10, 07:57
A bit EARLY?
I don't know...
He isn't gonna be able to take the handguards off by himself for a while, but hey.
And probably should keep the good smelling cleaning supplies away from him at least until he starts growing some hair in a couple of places.
Good looking kid; all three of them are.