View Full Version : SHTF Fixed blade

02-13-10, 22:29
What fixed blade do you carry on your 1st line gear or will you use in a shtf scenario? How much is too much money? Rat for low $100s or Spartan/Strider in the $3-400s? When does "You get what you pay for", not hold as much water?

02-14-10, 00:05
I've always been pretty happy with my Strider EBS. It's fairly compact but large enough I've gotten good use out of it in a work role.

I have been thinking for a while about going to a longer bladed knife. I'll be watching this thread to see what suggestions some have in a 5" or 6" style that they've been happy with.

02-14-10, 00:19


Busse SAR4.

02-14-10, 00:40
I use a Gerber LMF II, it's not bad for $80. Very hefty knife, I use it for camping and when I have to carve up pumpkins for our Machine gun shoots :cool:

02-14-10, 09:05
It would probably be two of them--one an Ontario Rat-3, and the other a Spydie Muleteam 6 with micarta scales.

02-14-10, 11:31
My Grayman has held up pretty good.

02-14-10, 13:42
Rat Cutlery (Now ESEE Knives) RC-6



02-14-10, 14:18
I have a 20 year old carbon steel knife I bought for a high school job. It has hunted/worked with me ever since and I do not treat it like a lady. I think carbon steel is sometimes underrated.

Caveat: I am in no way an expert or even very educated about bladed weapons, I just have had good luck with carbon steel and have seen many stainless knives (not of the $400 ilk though) come and go that did not fare so well.

02-14-10, 15:17
As much as I hate to part with money, on my "as soon as I can afford it" list is the Strider DB - L.

02-14-10, 22:04
Emerson PUK (Police Utility Knife).


02-14-10, 23:33
here's what I'm thinking of:
Bravo 1 0r 2 from Bark River
Fehrman 1st Strike or Last Chance
Strider of some sort

02-15-10, 00:42
Hard to go wrong with a $40.00 Gerber



02-15-10, 06:45
Rat RC-3 :)

02-15-10, 07:15
As is usually the case, I think one's own definition of "SHTF" is going to impact the decision to a great extent. If you have a MOLLE belt set up for home defense you may have a different solution than a similar belt set up for EOTWAWKI E&E, etc.

I had a Strider DB (http://www.striderknives.com/site/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=18&category_id=4&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26) that I first mounted on a belt, then on a chest rig, and then sold. For me, personally, it was just too much knife (in terms of cost) for my purposes, and I actually bought it at a discount at SHOT one year. I had zero concerns about it's durability or quality, but a lot of concerns about dropping a $200+ knife out on the range.

For anything other than field use, I think the size was about perfect. I liked that it was short & fat for use in clearing "type ate" malfunctions, as well as a potential last-ditch defensive tool. Obviously it would not work as any kind of chopping or other camp-making tool, and was probably even too fat for use in field dressing and cooking. I'm in an urban/suburban area so these are of almost no concern to me and the fine work can be addressed with a well-sharpened Leatherman blade or similar.

I've been sort of passively looking around for a lower-cost, similar-sized, alternative now that I have two first-line belts again. Will be interested to see what others post.

Would like to make a request though, that folks posting at least link to the product you mention, and post a picture of your personal setup if you can.

My Strider mounted to belt

Same knife mounted on chest rig

ETA: come to think of it, posting that pic, the little HAK there on the support side of the chest rig is probably around here somewhere and would work pretty nicely on a first-line belt as a last-ditch...

02-15-10, 09:08
I love my HAK. It will be on my person whenever possible.

02-16-10, 10:44
I have a Kizlyar, what a hefty Russian beast! I like it alot! Spetsnaz favors them, but I just like the utility of it, price wasn't bad either.

02-16-10, 11:09
I am not a huge Strider fan, but I do have an MFS that sees a lot of action hiking, on the range, and tending to the vineyard. Unlike the ubiquitous tanto profile, it has some belly and a fairly useful profile. It is not so big as to be a boat anchor on the belt or vest, either.

Another "real world" knife that I like is the CRK Professional Soldier. I'd like to see more/better carry and mounting options, but the blade itself is pretty good- basically a fixed blade Sebenza.

02-20-10, 01:00
It depends what you want out of the knife. Over all there's much more you can accomplish with a longer blade than with a smaller blade. Small blades are great for general utilitarian purposes, and have the edge on detailed work, but a larger knife can chop, and cleave for easily (think survival situation in the woods were one might need to chop small trees down for fire wood, or baton logs to get to dry wood).

One of those Busse combat 10" knives, or the new RAT "Junglas" knife will fit the bill as a general all purpose utilitarian knife. In all reality though, one should adopt many knives to be set. I know some might want to reduce weight but I am a believer in having a small fixed blade utility knife, and a larger work horse.

Personally as far a large knives go, nothing is better than a Bowie. Reason being, is that it can do what all large knives can do, but it's a premier fighting knife. There is no better knife in a trained fighter's hands than a bowie, and this is because of the false edge (clip point) as well as it's over all design. If one is skilled with this knife, than all the other tanto bullshit, and the like don't even compare. It's a true fighting knife. Something to consider for a all purpose SHTF knife.

02-20-10, 07:24
Is that sheath the one that comes with the Emerson now? I bought one when they first came out and got an Eagle combo nylon/kydex one. I would like a smaller sheath for it.

02-20-10, 11:24
Is that sheath the one that comes with the Emerson now? I bought one when they first came out and got an Eagle combo nylon/kydex one. I would like a smaller sheath for it.

Yes, it is. They do still have the nylon sheath available (minus the kydex insert), but this is the current production sheath.

02-21-10, 01:26
Another Gerber LMF II user. It works great for camping and heavy cutting, chopping, or hammering tasks (with the butt cap). At 11oz it's a tad bit heavy although that weight helps with some kinds of tasks. For a lighter knife, I also have a SOG Seal Pup, which has an equally long blade but weighs in a 5oz.

02-21-10, 06:31
I have a Rat RC-6. It has served me well hiking and hunting.

02-21-10, 18:55
The fixed blade SHTF setup is something I have been exploring for the last 6 years :)

I have come to the conclusion that no 1 knife will be good enough in a SHTF scenerio. I choose to have several 3" and even sub 3" blades paired with a 5" or longer will cover all need that may arise.

I am making what I call a u.B.O.B. (urban bug out bag) in several thicknesses and have 3 sizes that are still 7 1/4" and shorter overall.

Here is the first u.B.O.B thats maybe 6 1/4" overall.

I am making another for myself thats the 7 1/4" overall size as I want one a little longer.

I also like a good larger knife in or on me or my pack. That may be a 3 3/4" to 4 1/4" bladed knife....



THE smaller knife concept take your pick..............






Paired with a larger knife





02-21-10, 19:06
Damn....might have went overboard on the above post but I had too many available examples to not use them. Explore what combination of sizes work and not the 1 knife scenario so many strive for.....Myself Included :p

02-21-10, 19:09
Not much, but could be any one of these depending. That's all.

02-21-10, 20:10
Bgoode, those are beautiful. Do you sell them? What steel? I was thinking that 2 or 3 knives was the answer the more I thought about it. At least 2. 1 for chopping and 1 for fine work

Ga Shooter
02-22-10, 09:21
I have been looking into this for a while myself. I have many different thoughts many of which have already been stated here. Here is my current trend of thinking: In a EOTWAWKI or SHTF case which is what most people here are talking about you have to plan out what that means to you and your survival. As Rob_S talks about so much is that could mean anything. For me it means I have left my home and I am moving to my bug out location to ride out the storm. Unknown utility service will be available unknown if riding/driving or walking. A fighting knife as I see it is mostly fantasy. If you are running a carbine or other longun with a pistol as a secondary and you are in it so deep that both have gone down b/c of malfunction or lack of ammo then a knife MIGHT prolong your agony for a couple of minutes at best and that is if you are very lucky or highly trained. So with those thoughts I look at a knif in the role of surviving off the land and as a utility knife. Skinning game, opening cans/MRE, cutting rope, small branches, fire making, etc. Here are the ones I am currently looking at feel free to chime in with your thoughts on the knives. Some of the reasons I am looking at these knives come from reviews from a sight survivaltopics.com. I am not a member of that sight but they had a lot of info on knives that I though was good.

SOG Seal Pup http://sogknives.com/store/M37.html

Becker BK7 https://www.kabar.com/product/productDetail.do?productNumber=BK7&mode=search&categoryId=1,2,3,7,8,9&categoryName=Product Search Results

Becker BK2 https://www.kabar.com/product/productDetail.do?productNumber=BK2&mode=search&categoryId=1,2,3,7,8,9&categoryName=Product Search Results

Becker BK9 https://www.kabar.com/product/productDetail.do?productNumber=BK9&mode=search&categoryId=1,2,3,7,8,9&categoryName=Product Search Results

Rat (ESEE) RC3 http://www.eseeknives.com/rc-3.htm

Rat (ESEE) RC5 http://www.eseeknives.com/rc-5.htm

Rat (ESEE) RC6 http://www.eseeknives.com/rc-6.htm

02-22-10, 13:42
I just love your knives Brian----for starters the u.B.O.B thats maybe 6 1/4" overall


02-22-10, 17:18
I'm another fan of the Gerber LMF II. Holds an edge well and is super tough. And for only $65 you can't beat the price.

02-22-10, 19:39
The Bark River Bravo 1 (A2 tool steel version) is nice, as is the (CPM-154) steel version.

02-24-10, 20:25
I just love your knives Brian----for starters the u.B.O.B thats maybe 6 1/4" overall


Thanks Bones!!! I thank you brother :)

02-25-10, 00:04
I'm looking as well. The Gerber LMF was a bit heavy for my taste, but looked like a nice knife for the money. I was leaning towards a SOG Seal Pup Elite, but am now considering:


and maybe an Izula for a small version

The Rat RC-4 Destruction Tests on YouTube were pretty impressive to me.

Ga Shooter
02-26-10, 08:37
Smokey Mountain Knifworks is have some great deals right now. WWW.SMKW.com

Specials end March 1, 2010. No shipping on orders over $75.00 (Feb 28th end)

Spend $50 get 10% off code FEB10

Spend $75 get 15% off code FEB15

Spend $100 get 20% off code FEB20

I have used them many times in my life; they have great shipping, customer service and low prices before the coupons. Happy Shopping!

02-26-10, 08:47
I'm another fan of the Gerber LMF II. Holds an edge well and is super tough. And for only $65 you can't beat the price.

What other knives did you consider? I'm torn between the LMF and the RAT-5...thoughts?

02-26-10, 09:21
i had the LMF. I don't like partially serrated knives at all.

02-27-10, 04:26
Can You Tell I'm A Knife Collector

Depends what you want really. I'm a small time collector of Randall Made Knives, the few I have except one are either fighting or combat knives. Without a doubt these are some of the best knives one can own. Proven combat design but for a real combat zone the the reflective surface can get you killed. They are expensive, however, they are a major collectable and have seemingly held thier value, check out Ebay. The wait for one from the shop (hand made) is like 5 years, however, a "dealer" can get you one in less time and Randall will sell to "active duty" soldiers in short order. As expensive as they are, at the moment Ebay prices are often (now with bad economy) around cost. Still it's close to a $500 knife. I can honestly say I never lost money on one. I've owned 8 or 9 over the years, have four now and each one I sold for between $50 and $250 more than I paid, thanks Ebay.

That said, the best real Combat knife I have every owned without a doubt is made by Ryan Wilson, who's father owns Wilson Combat. I regret the one I sold but (needed the money at the time) and I had the more practical 5 1/2 inch blade and I really wanted the bigger 7 inch. Someday I'll get another (got a Randall I'm looking to sell- camping knife). The picture in the link I don't care for as it's the "black" extra cost coating, bead blast finish is really the way to go, IMHO looks much better too. This knife is machined out of a single bar of steel. Meaning the bar includes the handguard, solid one piece. It's $400 so it may not be the knife for our concern should the SHTF but if I had a son going into combat with the military this would be the knife I would give him to carry.

That said, I give hime a Randall too, just so he could take a picture of it on his hip in Afganistan then I'd sell it on Ebay, collectors love that stuff. Actually, Randall's have proven themselves in every war since WWII and a good knife fighter can use the "flash" of the blade to his advantage, however, the glint of a blade can get you killed too.


A good fixed blade, and a Swiss Army Knife with a tweezer in your pocket. Ka-Bar nothin' fancy will work for $40

Middle of the Road (price wise)


woody d
02-27-10, 10:33
I have been looking into this for a while myself. I have many different thoughts many of which have already been stated here. Here is my current trend of thinking: In a EOTWAWKI or SHTF case which is what most people here are talking about you have to plan out what that means to you and your survival. As Rob_S talks about so much is that could mean anything. For me it means I have left my home and I am moving to my bug out location to ride out the storm. Unknown utility service will be available unknown if riding/driving or walking. A fighting knife as I see it is mostly fantasy. If you are running a carbine or other longun with a pistol as a secondary and you are in it so deep that both have gone down b/c of malfunction or lack of ammo then a knife MIGHT prolong your agony for a couple of minutes at best and that is if you are very lucky or highly trained. So with those thoughts I look at a knif in the role of surviving off the land and as a utility knife. Skinning game, opening cans/MRE, cutting rope, small branches, fire making, etc. Here are the ones I am currently looking at feel free to chime in with your thoughts on the knives. Some of the reasons I am looking at these knives come from reviews from a sight survivaltopics.com. I am not a member of that sight but they had a lot of info on knives that I though was good.

SOG Seal Pup http://sogknives.com/store/M37.html

Becker BK7 https://www.kabar.com/product/productDetail.do?productNumber=BK7&mode=search&categoryId=1,2,3,7,8,9&categoryName=Product Search Results

Becker BK2 https://www.kabar.com/product/productDetail.do?productNumber=BK2&mode=search&categoryId=1,2,3,7,8,9&categoryName=Product Search Results

Becker BK9 https://www.kabar.com/product/productDetail.do?productNumber=BK9&mode=search&categoryId=1,2,3,7,8,9&categoryName=Product Search Results

Rat (ESEE) RC3 http://www.eseeknives.com/rc-3.htm

Rat (ESEE) RC5 http://www.eseeknives.com/rc-5.htm

Rat (ESEE) RC6 http://www.eseeknives.com/rc-6.htmI have a BK2 that has been getting used and abused for years now, and i have a BK9 on the way right now. my BK2 is the best money ive spent as far as knives go, and ive tried a little bit of everything.

02-27-10, 20:08
Any specific thoughts on the pros and cons of plain or combo blade?

02-27-10, 20:16
I keep a glock field knife in each of my vehicles, for $30 they're pretty good.

02-27-10, 21:07
a plain edge knife has much better all around cutting abilities and is not interrupted by half of the blade having serrations. also simpler to sharpen.

02-27-10, 21:22
I bought a USGI M16 bayonet. Sharpened her up good. Nice chunk of steel. Happy with that for now.

woody d
03-02-10, 17:07
got my BK9 yesterday, 14 3/4" overall, and razor sharp. i thought the BK2 was a handfull until i got this thing

03-02-10, 19:29
My Machete is my SHTF "Fixed Blade".

03-02-10, 20:48
My Machete is my SHTF "Fixed Blade".

That's badass. Does that get heavy or do you not notice it?

Outlander Systems
03-02-10, 21:24
Dude, weight isn't the problem with a machete, it's the flappin' and slappin'.

I'm "issued" a machete at work, and I traded it for the Gerber Bush Hook quicker than an Oly can FTF.

03-03-10, 00:02
I too have several. I keep a cheapo hollow handled rambo copy in my car, just in case.
I also have a Cold Steel Bolo that hangs in my garage, just in case.

But if I am thinking serious needs I use the one below, it is 1/4" thick and yes it can penetrate the side of an aluminum container, just in case

03-03-10, 01:55
Kind of old fashion, it comes with being old, is I still like my Ole' K-Bar. Stood by me for two tours in Vietnam. Both for utility and fighting. Mine was given to my by my father and came with the old MKII Navy sheath. Still have it, it's rough, but keeps a great edge and just keeps working. It ain't pretty.

I agree with some folks above that you need more than one knife. For smaller than the K-bar, I have folders that will do what I need done. Emerson Commander and Bench made etc...

For heavy work I am partial to my old Cane Machete. I don't know where we got it back home in Melbourne, Florida in the 1950's. It has a mild Hook on the end. very heavy/thick, and has always cut through what ever I need it to. I think my father picked it up in an old Army Navy store. Great blade.

There are a lot of quality good knives out there. Even though I have a few, I really don't see much more they can do than my old K-Bar. Full tang, rugged, and can hold an edge. What more is there? Not the best knife for every job, but it does most every job that needs doing.

I guess I am either a tradtionalist or a Fud, or both. But the stuff has proved itself, and will still do the do.

Go figure.


03-03-10, 09:51
I will agree with the Ka-Bar it is one of the best all around field-combat knives. A good basic design it will punch through c-rat cans or a chest wall, hack twigs and small branches or skin game. I disagree with not pretty, nice design, my guess that yours is beat up by use, makes it a beauty really.

Fact is you sound like a practical guy, problem there are lots of knife "lovers" and lots sellers ready to keep us stoked. I used to have a for real WWII Ka-Bar not a hunter but used it for a ton of camping in the 70's and "back then" it was just an old surplus and never thought about it. I have a more current issue Ka-Bar and it's a fine knife can be had for around $50 and will serve one well. The IDF makes a similar and very good one for a few bucks more.

That said, the Randall #1 is very similar in design to the Ka-Bar and "if" you are a knife nut type there are a ton of things to tickle ones fancy. I like to have a smaller pocket knife and find something like a Swiss Army to be ideal. The most useful tool, tweezer. Well the wine bottle opener too, a decent (small) Camper or a better, I like the Fireman gives you a set of basic tools too that can be handy.

Depends on your budget and just what floats your boat. A pocket knife with tools and or a leatherman type multi tool makes sense, I think the most important is tweezers, that's just me. A utility/fighting knife, Ka-Bar, Randall, Rat, Becker type are all fine, if it's strong enough for a pry bar too that's a big bonus. Not to diss the Ka-Bar but it's not as stout here to some others, still it will serve you well and not break the bank, or your heart if you loose it.

A good company (although I don't think anything is made in the USA) is Cold Steel. Take a look at the "Bushman" cheap, decent and oddly versatile. Toss it in the trunk or a cheap back up. I've had the standard for years and the new Bowie blade make alot of sense. Instant spear is a nice touch, while one can stuff survival gear in the handle (according to the ad) that's pushing it as it does NOT seal.


03-09-10, 15:48
Damn....might have went overboard on the above post but I had too many available examples to not use them. Explore what combination of sizes work and not the 1 knife scenario so many strive for.....Myself Included :p

Love the knives Brian! Your absolutely right the one knife scenario is a fantasy. The knife that I want for camping/survival is different from the one I want to carry into Iraq CBQ and the what I want for urban self defense. Just as different firearms serve a different purpose, i makes sense to have a stable of applicable blades for various scenarios. Right tool for the right job!

03-09-10, 15:54
My Machete is one of those cheap Ontarios but it serves me well, and retains an egde while dealing with thick stuff, as long as I take good care of it. I use a carbide/porcelin=rough/hone that I picked up at the local hardware store to treat the cutting surface, then add Militec-1 and apply hair dryer. ;)

03-09-10, 16:14
Kind of old fashion, it comes with being old, is I still like my Ole' K-Bar. Stood by me for two tours in Vietnam. Both for utility and fighting. Mine was given to my by my father and came with the old MKII Navy sheath. Still have it, it's rough, but keeps a great edge and just keeps working. It ain't pretty.

I agree with some folks above that you need more than one knife. For smaller than the K-bar, I have folders that will do what I need done. Emerson Commander and Bench made etc...

For heavy work I am partial to my old Cane Machete. I don't know where we got it back home in Melbourne, Florida in the 1950's. It has a mild Hook on the end. very heavy/thick, and has always cut through what ever I need it to. I think my father picked it up in an old Army Navy store. Great blade.

There are a lot of quality good knives out there. Even though I have a few, I really don't see much more they can do than my old K-Bar. Full tang, rugged, and can hold an edge. What more is there? Not the best knife for every job, but it does most every job that needs doing.

I guess I am either a tradtionalist or a Fud, or both. But the stuff has proved itself, and will still do the do.

Go figure.


I have a KA-Bar that my dad handed down to me when I joined the corps. It is rough and beat up as you describe yours. It went through whatever my pops threw at it and what I've put it through, which includes 2 tours in Iraq and a car fire. It was the only thing that survived, well that and the car frame but that's another post. LOL

For a smaller purpose knife I use a Buck Folding knife that has been pretty sturdy so far.

03-09-10, 17:34
I have a SOG Seal Pup and also have a Glock knife I keep attached to a back pack.

03-09-10, 17:41
ESEE (formerly RAT Cutlery) RC-5.

Usually great prices at knivesshipfree.com


03-09-10, 22:22
Currently, it's my Bark River Bravo 1. This may change when Bark River releases the STS 3 or STS 4.

03-09-10, 22:54
Well I am having someone make a molle adaptable kydex sheath for my Bark River Fox River.

03-11-10, 17:34
While I believe in the old adage “you only pay for quality once” I have never be able to bring myself to spend $200 + on a hunk of tempered steel.

I have a good friend from Germany who makes custom knives; he's also a very successful mechanical engineer so he knows a thing or two about the riddle of steel. I once asked him what is the “best” steel to forge a knife from and he got a big s&%$ing grin on his face. After a long technical discussion I went away with the knowledge that modern steels from reputable manufactures are good to go. So I loose no sleep at night knowing that I have inexpensvie production blades at the ready.

Most folks don't know their local and state laws regarding "lethal cutting instruments”. This can get you in hot water so it’s good to educate yourself on the matter.


For instance in my home state of Texas…

Texas - Health, Safety & Morals - 46.02. Unlawful carrying
weapons. (a) A person commits an offense if intentionally,
knowingly , or recklessly carries on or about his person a
handgun, illegal knife, or club. [Exceptions: official;
actor was own premises; was traveling; engaged in lawful
hunting, fishing, or other sporting activity; security
- 46.01. Definitions. (1) "Club"... includes... (D)
(6) "Illegal knife" means a:
(A) knife with a blade over five and one-half inches;

So in the BOB I keep in the cab of my truck I carry a Gerber LMF II ASEK as it's blade length is only 4.84" and keeps me from breaking my local laws. For the price it has to be one of the greatest all around knives for TEOTWAWKI.


On my keychain I carry a SOG Crossgrip, on my person I carry a Kershaw Blur Tanto, and for the castle I have an SOG Fusion Tomahawk, full size black Ka-Bar with glass filled nylon handle and the Kydex sheath, Becker Combat utility (ditched the factory sheath), CRKT M16-14SF half serrated Tanto, and a USGI Machete with the self sharpening sheath.


RAM Engineer
03-12-10, 19:09
Frost Mora Craftsman Triflex (inexpensive) or Fallkniven S1 (moderate expense).

03-13-10, 06:54
Kind of old fashion, it comes with being old, is I still like my Ole' K-Bar.

I went on a hunting trip once with two prior-service guys (one Army, one USMC). I showed up with this (http://www.striderknives.com/site/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=18&category_id=4&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26) and spent the whole time worrying if I had dropped it in the swamp. They both showed up with this (http://www.buymilspec.com/okc-6150.html) (yes I know it's now a K-bar) and didn't give a shit. I'm glad you reminded me 'cause now that I've sold the one I had that day I should go ahead and buy 6 of the other ones.

03-13-10, 07:53
I have a 15 yr old CS Recon Tanto on my tac gear. If I break or mangle it, I'll replace it with a Strider.

03-14-10, 01:37
ESEE (formerly RAT Cutlery) RC-5.

Usually great prices at knivesshipfree.com


+1 on them....recently ordered a RC-4.....great pricing and fast shipping

03-14-10, 07:53
I'm no expert on knives but it's plain to see that bgoode is and does really fine work. May have to breakdown and get me a fine knife one day.

As of now I went the utility / economy route with a Buck Short Nighthawk, 5" heavy serated blade for 75 bucks. It's nothing fancy and combined with my multitool they'll work.


03-14-10, 13:59
It's kinda pricey (IMO) but it looks like it would get the job done. The name helps too.

03-14-10, 14:58
It's kinda pricey (IMO) but it looks like it would get the job done. The name helps too.

I like:
As the name implies, The Grab N Stab is made for proactive/aggressive knife fighting. It is the quintessential small combat knife.

Necessary Disclaimer - This knife is sold for training and conceptual purposes only and neither the maker nor the seller assumes any liability of any form for its misues by anyone, anyplace.

03-14-10, 17:35
Right now it would be the ESEE 3, but I would like to have the the ESEE 5.

03-14-10, 19:46
I just ordered a Becker BK-2 Companion. I have had my eye on one for quite some time. Sold a Ontario RAT-7 as it was to big for me..

03-14-10, 20:02
I just ordered a Becker BK-2 Companion. I have had my eye on one for quite some time. Sold a Ontario RAT-7 as it was to big for me..

Let us know what you think. I was really interested until I saw one in person and found the handle too short in between the pommel and the guard (or front & rear quillon?).


03-14-10, 20:31
I went on a hunting trip once with two prior-service guys (one Army, one USMC). I showed up with this (http://www.striderknives.com/site/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=18&category_id=4&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=26) and spent the whole time worrying if I had dropped it in the swamp. They both showed up with this (http://www.buymilspec.com/okc-6150.html) (yes I know it's now a K-bar) and didn't give a shit. I'm glad you reminded me 'cause now that I've sold the one I had that day I should go ahead and buy 6 of the other ones.

There's a reason they didn't give a shit, Rob. I think by "survival" knife they meant "to be used when no other options exist" knife. Just my personal opinion, though.

03-14-10, 20:42
There's a reason they didn't give a shit, Rob. I think by "survival" knife they meant "to be used when no other options exist" knife. Just my personal opinion, though.

Which is really what these things are for most people, including (if not especially) those attaching $300+ samples to their belts. ;)

Which is why I'm interested in these less expensive options.

03-14-10, 21:24
I know that these are samples of one, but knifetests.com gave favorable reviews to the Glock field knife, which runs anywhere from $20-30.

They also liked several Cold Steel knives, but I'm not crazy about them because they use mostly stainless for their blades.

03-14-10, 21:25
tru dat. It's my hope that there is something better out there for a comparable price.


With a little ingenuity and labor you could attach a couple slabs of wood to this and fashion a sheath for only a little more. Of course, this adds some sentimental value to the blade. Caveat emptor: I have only read reviews of this blade (and the D2 version that sells for a whole $12 more), but it has to be better than the USAF survival knife.

If this is still too much, grab yourself an Old Hickory http://www.knivesplus.com/QN-7533-Old-Hickory.HTML I would actually buy one of these to beat the shit out of if it didn't mean paying as much for shipping, but I'll look for one locally to T&E.

woody d
03-15-10, 09:11
Let us know what you think. I was really interested until I saw one in person and found the handle too short in between the pommel and the guard (or front & rear quillon?).


you must have really large mits man, as a guy who isnt to small myself(6'5" 230lbs)i have large hands(XL gloves), i consider them ideal for my hand size. the one thing i do hear from some is the grip is too large on the BK2 due to the thickness of the steel coupled with the bulky 2 piece grips. my new BK9 uses the same interchangable grips, but the steel thickness is slimmer, so the first thing i noticed was the slimmer grip. according to Mr. Becker there are models going to be resurected, so dont overlook them. i realize i sound like a representative for the company, but i believe you cannot get a better knife for twice the money, and i PUNISH knives as well as use them hunting, camping, and in the kitchen also. im no expert, but ive been a knife addict since childhood, so ive tried it all.

woody d
03-15-10, 09:15
plus you cant beat the price...my Camillus BK2 cost me $60(6years ago) and my new KaBar BK9 Combat Bowie cost $85, shipping included

03-15-10, 09:42
you must have really large mits man, as a guy who isnt to small myself(6'5" 230lbs)i have large hands(XL gloves), i consider them ideal for my hand size. the one thing i do hear from some is the grip is too large on the BK2 due to the thickness of the steel coupled with the bulky 2 piece grips. my new BK9 uses the same interchangable grips, but the steel thickness is slimmer, so the first thing i noticed was the noticeably slimmer grip. according to Ethan there are new models going to be resurected, so dont overlook them. i realize i sound like a representative for the company, but i believe you cannot get a better knife for twice the money, and i PUNISH knives as well as use them hunting, camping, and in the kitchen also. im no expert, but ive been a knife addict since childhood, so ive tried it all.

Maybe I have the wrong knife then, but I was pretty sure this was the one.

Just to be clear though, I posted the picture I did to illustrate that the issue I found wasn't with the girth but with the distance between the quillon. I think it has to do with the way they are tapered.

03-15-10, 10:40

03-15-10, 15:10
I think the people who said multiple knives hit the nail on the head. For me it would be, one smaller, say an RC-3 and then one larger, say RC-6 (or even really large like a CS Trailmaster). One knife I only have limited experience with but haven't seen mentioned in this thread is Fallkniven. They make some quality blades that can stand up to abuse.

Would like a Busse or a strider but a touch out of my price range.

And to the OP since a lot of folk's have mentioned Rat (or I guess now ESEE knives). They are great blades and the 1095 is tough as nails but it will rust on you if you're not careful. Just an FYI

RAM Engineer
03-15-10, 17:10
I think the people who said multiple knives hit the nail on the head. For me it would be, one smaller, say an RC-3 and then one larger, say RC-6 (or even really large like a CS Trailmaster). One knife I only have limited experience with but haven't seen mentioned in this thread is Fallkniven. They make some quality blades that can stand up to abuse.

Would like a Busse or a strider but a touch out of my price range.

And to the OP since a lot of folk's have mentioned Rat (or I guess now ESEE knives). They are great blades and the 1095 is tough as nails but it will rust on you if you're not careful. Just an FYI

I mentioned the Fallkniven along with the Mora.

03-15-10, 17:57
I mentioned the Fallkniven along with the Mora.

My fault missed that. Had a buddy with an A1 and it was rock solid.

RAM Engineer
03-15-10, 19:33
Busse knives would be more appealing to me if they weren't unobtainium. Want that knife pictured there? Too bad, because they probably made 20 of them, 5 years ago and that's it. Now they make the (insert ridiculous name here) and it goes for (insert ridiculous amount of money here), but get them while you can because this is a limited run!

Oh yeah, remember when we made that knife that would be a really good SHTF knife? Well, we only make knives now in machete size. We're trying to be the next Gil Hibben crossed with Mad Dog knives.


But seriously, that knife you posted does look very nice. I wish they still made something like that.

03-15-10, 20:26
Busse knives would be more appealing to me if they weren't unobtainium. Want that knife pictured there? Too bad, because they probably made 20 of them, 5 years ago and that's it. Now they make the (insert ridiculous name here) and it goes for (insert ridiculous amount of money here), but get them while you can because this is a limited run!

Oh yeah, remember when we made that knife that would be a really good SHTF knife? Well, we only make knives now in machete size. We're trying to be the next Gil Hibben crossed with Mad Dog knives.


But seriously, that knife you posted does look very nice. I wish they still made something like that.

My take as well. I'll stick with a RAT3, 4 or 5 (NOT the Ontario versions). I've been "into" knives for over 25 years and have had most of 'em. The RATs are hard to beat for the money and their intended purpose.

03-15-10, 20:58
Buddy made these two for me

I have this one mounted to my plate carrier, under the cumberbun


and I need to figure out a way to attach this to my 1st line


03-15-10, 22:39
So until Christmas I hadn't owned a fixed blade. Never really saw any reason to considering that I have two very versatile Benchmade blades, and I love the quality of these two knives.

Anyway, my father is an x-pat and is working in Asia at the moment. When he got back in country in January my mom called me with "Your dad almost got arrested in Singapore for your christmas present." He has a tendency to argue with people who he feels aren't being respectful...

Turns out he bought me a traditional used Kris Blade from Borneo, and they aren't legal in Singapore. Even though he declared it, it was a long ordeal. Anyway all ended well, and he brought home this blade that he thought was going to just be a trinket. It's not, it's a high quality, extremely sharp piece of steel. The sheath has a hole for para-cord, and all. This will absolutely by my SHTF fixed blade, not only is it beautiful, it's also deadly.

03-16-10, 07:28
plus you cant beat the price...my Camillus BK2 cost me $60(6years ago) and my new KaBar BK9 Combat Bowie cost $85, shipping included

For you guy's who have either the Camillus or Ka-Bar Becker knives there is a new set of Micarta grip panels for them to replace the factory Grivory panels. Dresses the knife up handsomely!

I own the Camillus version (Becker Combat Utility 7 or BK7) and asked Ka-Bar before I ordered them to be sure they fit the Camillus knives too.


The Micarta handles will fit the Camillus-made BK7 but it may not be an
exact match. There may be a tiny bit of overlap but it is very, very

Thank you,


03-16-10, 07:37
what's the story with Camillus vs. K-Bar on the Becker knives? Camillus is out of business so K-Bar is making them now? Are the Camillus thought to have been better? Are they actually better (we all know how things get nostalgic with these things and nostalgia isn't always the same thing as reality)?

03-16-10, 08:24
For utility tools, the RAT/ESEE RC-5 and an ESEE machete.

woody d
03-16-10, 09:06
as for the KaBar vs Camillus argument, im undecided. i havent really tested my new BK9 yet, but im betting between KaBar, and Mr. Becker the knives will be top notch.

03-16-10, 10:35
what's the story with Camillus vs. K-Bar on the Becker knives? Camillus is out of business so K-Bar is making them now? Are the Camillus thought to have been better? Are they actually better (we all know how things get nostalgic with these things and nostalgia isn't always the same thing as reality)?

I don't know the story behind it, but yes Camillus went under. I assume that Ka-Bar picked up the Becker line from them. The Ka-Bar Beckers are made from 1095 Cro Van carbon and the Camillus Beckers are made from 0170-6C carbon tool steel. Other than that I don't know of any other differances. I think though on the Camillus version the pommel is a little longer than on the Ka-Bars but I cannot verify this as I only have the Camillus.

03-16-10, 18:34
Buddy made these two for me

I have this one mounted to my plate carrier, under the cumberbun


and I need to figure out a way to attach this to my 1st line


Me like. Info?

03-16-10, 22:38
Camillus use to use the Carbon V steel that Cold Steel used for all there knives. When they went under, that's when CS started using other steels.

Ka-Bar picked it up from there and makes them. I spend some time over on Blade forum and Ethan Becker post's there in the Sub forum and answers alot of questions on his designs.

I just cannot and will not spend $300 on a knife (Unless a 3 foot green laser is shooting out of it). I want this knife to take out in the woods to do camp chores, and basic field chores and not have 10 pounds of steel strapped to me.

I am also eying up the green Micarata handles that are made as I like that material for a knife handle.
I'll post up some pics after Big Brown shows up tomorrow with my new knife...

03-16-10, 23:04
My Busse Nuclear meltdown fusion combat mistress.

03-17-10, 06:49
Camillus use to use the Carbon V steel that Cold Steel used for all there knives. When they went under, that's when CS started using other steels.

Ka-Bar picked it up from there and makes them. I spend some time over on Blade forum and Ethan Becker post's there in the Sub forum and answers alot of questions on his designs.

I just cannot and will not spend $300 on a knife (Unless a 3 foot green laser is shooting out of it). I want this knife to take out in the woods to do camp chores, and basic field chores and not have 10 pounds of steel strapped to me.

I am also eying up the green Micarata handles that are made as I like that material for a knife handle.
I'll post up some pics after Big Brown shows up tomorrow with my new knife...

Thanks for the info, nothing like straight from the tap! My Micarta panels arrived this past Monday, I ordered them on Saturday! I got them from Tomar's KA-BAR in New York. They had the best price on them that I could find and they had them in stock. The grips are not really green but more of a desert tan with some green swirled in the resin.


03-17-10, 17:45
My new BK-2



First Impressions

The heft and thickness of the blade is nice, very sharp out of the box,feels like I could cut myself out of a downed aircraft or car with this... The Grivory grips are slick, but not to bad, I am definitely getting the Micarta grips for it....

I'll have to get out and use it, overall, for $60 Shipped, I am very happy.

03-17-10, 18:52
Recently a very good friend passed on a Strider DB-L to me. I've wanted one for several years but always put off purchasing one for one reason or another. I guess everything happens for a reason. I have placed it on my first line belt and so far I really liked this knife. I just wish I could find some green grips for it.


lethal dose
03-17-10, 18:58
Check out blind horse knives. Local guys. Good stuff.

03-17-10, 19:25
Me like. Info?


woody d
03-18-10, 07:39
My new BK-2



First Impressions

The heft and thickness of the blade is nice, very sharp out of the box,feels like I could cut myself out of a downed aircraft or car with this... The Grivory grips are slick, but not to bad, I am definitely getting the Micarta grips for it....

I'll have to get out and use it, overall, for $60 Shipped, I am very happy.

i like the change in the pommel with the addition of the impact type design for hammering or striking. as for the grips, ive considered flattening them out with a belt sander and stippling them with a soldering gun. there was a fella on blade forum that did it, and it looked to be a major improvement. if i dont like them, then i can go with the micartas. nice knife tho, im sure youll be happy with it, mine is the closest thing ive ever owned to being a sharpened prybar. BTW, heres a link to the BK&T section of blade forum where Mr. Becker is always helpful...i hope it works LOL... http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=827

03-18-10, 17:03
Busse knives would be more appealing to me if they weren't unobtainium. Want that knife pictured there? Too bad, because they probably made 20 of them, 5 years ago and that's it. Now they make the (insert ridiculous name here) and it goes for (insert ridiculous amount of money here), but get them while you can because this is a limited run!

Oh yeah, remember when we made that knife that would be a really good SHTF knife? Well, we only make knives now in machete size. We're trying to be the next Gil Hibben crossed with Mad Dog knives.


But seriously, that knife you posted does look very nice. I wish they still made something like that.

This is exactly why Busse started http://www.scrapyardknives.com/ (and swamprat to a lesser degree) In my opinion they are best best bang for knives of their kind out there.

03-18-10, 18:41

Thanks! His Model 1 makes my pee-pee tingle.

03-19-10, 02:38
Originally Posted by Aggunner

Thanks! His Model 1 makes my pee-pee tingle.

I liked the "Pig Sticker" myself. It didn't actually affect my pee-pee though. :)

03-19-10, 05:33
This is exactly why Busse started http://www.scrapyardknives.com/ (and swamprat to a lesser degree) In my opinion they are best best bang for knives of their kind out there.

Are those something that is readily available? I thought they were just as hard to find. I like the look of the Yard Keeper and the Dumpster Mutt, and would order a YK if I knew where to order from and they had stock.

Dirty McCurdy
03-19-10, 07:01
I don't have any pictures of it since I am in Afghanistan right now but, I carry a Benchmade fix blade and I have a benchmade auto knife I use also. Of course I would never buy these with my own money but they were issued to me!


03-19-10, 07:16
As far as the Busse-kin companies (Scrap Yard and Swamp Rat), they follow the same basic production model of limited runs available for special order. No stocking dealers that I have ever found. So, buying a moderate to high-priced knife sight unseen. Having said that, I have owned quite a few. My take on the Dumpster Mutt is that it is a heavy blade for its length and the handle sucks. Undersized and under-length for the blade heft. I absolutely love the design of the Scrap Yard Scapper 5 and own a Combat Grade and a LE in INFI. My go-to knives for anything other than EDC. I do not EDC a fixed blade, but rather carry a Spyderco Endura 4.

03-19-10, 07:24
so... how does one go about finding one of these knives?

I think that was the original point about many of these makers is that most of us don't want to camp out and wait for things to drop, or have to get on lists and that kind of thing. It makes even LESS sense when you're talking about a $80 knife versus a $300+ knife. At least at the high price you can talk yourself into thinking you're waiting for a handmade custom knife, but at $80 I think I may just go buy a RAT or a Becker, people have those in stock everywhere.

03-19-10, 07:54
There is a robust resale market over on Bladeforums.com
If you know what you are looking for and its value, AND you can find the right-minded seller who is not looking to rape you, you can make out OK. The DM's are going for $120 and up depending on fit and finish. Haven't seen many Yard Keepers, but I am sure that they come up.

As far as new, you just have to keep checking the manufacturer sites or reading the Bladeforum.com forum sections relative to each.

Kind of a nasty, expensive hobby there, too!

03-19-10, 07:58
Kind of a nasty, expensive hobby there, too!

I recently joined USN and see that there too. I see guys post pictures of their collections of knives and all I think is "man that would add up to a really nice AR!" :eek:

03-19-10, 08:21
Are those something that is readily available? I thought they were just as hard to find. I like the look of the Yard Keeper and the Dumpster Mutt, and would order a YK if I knew where to order from and they had stock.

i emailed the sales dept about a couple, the Scrap Muk, and the Yard Keeper, I will let you know that they tell me. I hope the Muk hasnt already ended its run, it looks great, but at Steel: 154 CM...Yikes.. I better brush up on my sharpening skills.

03-19-10, 09:12
for anyone that was interested.

Hello. The Scrap Muk is a past model and is no longer available and it is hard to tell when or if it will be available again. How it works with Scrap Yard is that we put one or two knives up on the order page at a time and leave those knives up for 4-6 weeks for ordering. Once they come down from the order page they are no longer available and may never be available again. We just put the Regulator and De Regulator on the order page last week, so it will be a little while before a new knife goes up. We do not send out email confirmations when knives are available. Thank you.


03-19-10, 13:59
I HIGHLY reccomend the proprietary steel, INFI, in any make or model. The stuff is amazing and I don't think I even have fully grasped its potential and the CS of the companies that sells them are excellent. Just go look at what NOSS gives them on his unusual tests on youtube.

Rob, if you are interested in some BUSSE knives let me know. I have a few I could part with.

Kuro Ookami
03-19-10, 16:06
In a SHTF situation I would want an ESEE-6. But currently I only have an RC-4, RC-3, and Izula, haha.

Dave James
03-19-10, 16:39
Don't run first line any more , but this is my pig stickerhttp://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m13/DaveJames1/pigsticker3_big.jpg

03-20-10, 14:27
I have two Strider fixed blades, a DB and ZM. I like smaller blades that I can conceal if need be. I don't worry about loosing them....never lost a firearm so why would I lose a knife?

03-21-10, 00:11
Are those something that is readily available? I thought they were just as hard to find. I like the look of the Yard Keeper and the Dumpster Mutt, and would order a YK if I knew where to order from and they had stock.

Like others have mentioned if you have an idea of what you want its really not that difficult and In my opinion worth it for what you get. I'm happy to show a little patience if it gets me what I want at a fair price, and something that will hold its value to boot. Don't like it, sell it and you'll get most of your money out of it. Here's a couple way's to try.

1. Email Scrapyard for next available
2. See if they will be at any shows anytime soon (Ex BLADE Show)
3. Shop and post the knife forums (Bladeforums etc.) good deals can be found!
4. Check Ebay regularly, many Busse's pop up there

My thoughts on some of the other criticisms are that they are a bit thick but I want that in a "SHTF" survival blade cause I will be beating the shit out of it for a long time (years), and on a "chopper" of that nature I think the handles are perfect. I want a fully wrapped (not scales) shock & chemical resistant, KISS handle that will allow proper continued use of the knife even if removed. If I have real criticism of the blades its that SR22 rust's a bit more that what would be ideal but if you've got lube for your rifle in "SHTF" you've got it for your knife. My 2cts.

03-21-10, 14:46
I don't consider myself a 'knife guy', but I add my 2 cents FWIW.

My most recent purchase is a RAT (ESSE) RC3 which hangs on my emergency bag in the issue kydex sheath. So far, I'm very pleased with it's performance.
My old standby is my Randall Model 18 I bought 30 years ago. It served me very well during my career, is not a pretty collectors knife and should probably be treated to some new leather at some point.
Between the two I think I have covered the bases in blade length; the 3" RAT and 7" Randall..................

03-21-10, 23:00
I don't consider myself a 'knife guy', but I add my 2 cents FWIW.

My most recent purchase is a RAT (ESSE) RC3 which hangs on my emergency bag in the issue kydex sheath. So far, I'm very pleased with it's performance.
My old standby is my Randall Model 18 I bought 30 years ago. It served me very well during my career, is not a pretty collectors knife and should probably be treated to some new leather at some point.
Between the two I think I have covered the bases in blade length; the 3" RAT and 7" Randall..................

I like RAT a lot. Full flat grind, good blade geometry. However for the price I would like to see something just a bit better than 1095, though its good. At lest they give it an anti corrosive/anti glare coating which helps a bit.

Outlander Systems
07-11-10, 11:24

Brian, what are the dimensions of this knife?

That thing looks mean.

07-11-10, 11:35
That's the "TTW". To The Woods. I think it's about a 7.5" blade. It's hard to remember all the sizes. It may be 7". I can go up to 8" and still edge harden. I need another as the one in the picture was supposed to be mine but someone wanted it worse than I did :)

07-11-10, 12:09
A note on ESEE knives. The owners of the company, over on bladeforum, recommend NOT buying an RC-5 unless you need to cut up an airplane or something like that. They say that their other models do basically everything else better.

I have the IZULA and I love it. I've been using it a lot at work as a makeshift paint scraper (when I get to the top of the ladder only to realize I left my scraper on the ground), to open paint cans, pull staples out of walls, and of course, as a knife. It's held up fine with no chipped edges or broken tip.

07-11-10, 15:21
RAT USMS R-3. Great knife as is the entire RAT (ESSEE) line.

Outlander Systems
07-11-10, 19:29
That's the "TTW". To The Woods. I think it's about a 7.5" blade. It's hard to remember all the sizes. It may be 7". I can go up to 8" and still edge harden. I need another as the one in the picture was supposed to be mine but someone wanted it worse than I did :)

That thing is beautiful, brother.

I'm trying to cook up a design, and of all the knives I've been looking at, that is the closest to what I think would be the best woodland knife.

07-11-10, 21:58
That thing is beautiful, brother.

I'm trying to cook up a design, and of all the knives I've been looking at, that is the closest to what I think would be the best woodland knife.
Thanks!!! It's based off of Ricky Fowlers survival pattern. Not sure what the pattern was. I just changed it to be what I thought it needed.

07-12-10, 13:48
Another vote for the BK-2/Campanion



07-12-10, 14:36
What blade type do you guys think is the best design for a SHTF/survival knife, and what blade length?

I think a blade length of 4-5" with a straight clip point or even drop point design would probably be the best, but how about the "americanized tanto"/kamasu kissaki blade design? Do you guys think that this would be preferable from a point durability/easier to sharpen/utility chisel like front end point of view? Downsides to it?

07-12-10, 14:51
My SHTF fixed blade is shipping today, a Chris Reeve Shadow III. I searched for quite a while and finally found one. Can't wait till it gets here.

Outlander Systems
07-12-10, 18:36
What blade type do you guys think is the best design for a SHTF/survival knife, and what blade length?

I think a blade length of 4-5" with a straight clip point or even drop point design would probably be the best, but how about the "americanized tanto"/kamasu kissaki blade design? Do you guys think that this would be preferable from a point durability/easier to sharpen/utility chisel like front end point of view? Downsides to it?

I'm currently trying to build *MY* ultimate wilderness knife.

The design currently is rolling with an American Tanto blade. I'm fixin' to start a thread in the Fieldcraft sub-forum on my design, and try to get feedback from some folks. I want the Tanto, as if I ever want to slap together a spear/hog-sticker, I want the piercing tip.

Since I'm not likely to clean/gut an animal with an 8" hacking blade, I'm not looking for a drop-point on it.

I'll edit to add a link to my post. I worked up the initial rough design on my lunch break today at work.

ETA: http://m4carbine.net/showthread.php?p=704821#post704821

07-12-10, 21:47
Hello all. Figured this was good a place as any for a first post.

A knife is nothing more than a tool. As with all tools,you get what you pay for. I have a handmade custom,as well as a BK-7 with Micarta grips (if you have a Becker,I can HIGHLY recommend these-well worth the $$), a John Ek Custom from 1987,and a RAT-5.

the most carried and used knife is the RAT,simply due to size-I dont need any more than a 5" blade in current job,but when deployed to Afghanistan,I try to take one of the others,and wear it on my Pack,because it is a "blade society" there,and makes for easy conversation with locals when you have something in common (admiration of knives ect ).

I use my issued Emerson more than any other fixed blade knife I have. I could not imagine EDC or deploying without a good folder.

Thank you all for allowing me here. Great site.

07-14-10, 10:12
My SHTF fixed blade arrived via FedEx this morning. I couldn't be more happy with it and the customer service from Moore Knives. Her she is.


07-28-10, 19:59
My SHTF fixed blade arrived via FedEx this morning. I couldn't be more happy with it and the customer service from Moore Knives. Her she is.


Nice knife. It will serve you well. I love my Pacific.

07-28-10, 22:41
Nice knife. It will serve you well. I love my Pacific.

+1 one on the Pacific.

07-29-10, 06:54
I am still using the ol' Cold Steele Recon Tanto. This knife has a lot of years and miles on it. I think I've had it for close to 18 years. There are certainly some other knives I would like to try but for the money...I will just stick with this until it quits working. I also have always had CRKT folders and I really like em.

08-01-10, 19:47
I have a 15 yr old CS Recon Tanto on my tac gear. If I break or mangle it, I'll replace it with a Strider.

I too have a CS Recon Tanto, still on my tac vest, that I used for years when I was an LEO assigned to an ERT. It's been used to do everyting from cut fishing line / trebel hook 'snags' in pot fields, to prying open windows and forcing the latchs on doors and just about everything in between. I always thought if I either broke it or lost it, it be no big deal to replace.
However, I also have a Camillus Cuda / Robert Terzuola designed CQB1 that has taken it's place as the knife that I reach for / pack for the SHTF sceniaro's and is now on my first line gear belt.

08-05-10, 11:11
Ka-Bar 7" combo
Leatherman SuperTool + one on me.
Columbia River M21 + one on me.
Those are whats in my Go-Bag/SHTF bag. With a good stone. Never know if you will be able to get back to your main supply/house. Better to have and not need. The ones that are in the bag/pack are all sharp and stay that way. I never use them.

Special K
08-05-10, 14:28
Old school for me. Although I probably have 2-3 dozen knives, folding and fixed, my SHTF is KBAR upgraded to a Randall 7" model 1 sheath (perfect fit) and a Microtech in the pocket.

08-05-10, 22:43
Rat Cutlery (Now ESEE Knives) RC-6



I like the knife. how much are they going for?

08-06-10, 00:01
Here you go 120.00 HK51Fan


Personally I have an ESEE RC3 MIL and a Gerber LHR for my needs. EDC is a Gerber Fairbain- Applegate folder, or the ESEE RC3. But there are many good knives out there to be had, just find what suits you and your budget HK51Fan

08-06-10, 00:52
I generally carry EK Combat Knives on my LBE/belt. Bought my first M4 (second from top) in 86' and its on my hip here in Afghanistan. The Bowies are on some LBEs in my shop at home ready to go again if needed. Also either have a Benchmade Auto or CRKT 16-14D clipped to the pocket and a Old Timer Stockman in the other pocket.


03-05-11, 00:30
KISS = Ka-Bar

If you want a smaller knife, then the 5" Air Force Survival Knife would be a good choice.

If cost is not a factor, go custom. I have a few already and am ordering a Randall #2 fighting stilletto with a brass pommel.

* KISS = Keep It Simple Simon. ;-)

03-05-11, 19:02
I like the Kbar knives, but I think if I had my pick this is what is on my bucket list to buy.


I think the Ghurka Kukris are some of the most innovative and devastating weapons a man can carry.


03-06-11, 01:47
I will recommend the Emerson PUK with the kydex sheath. The kydex sheath will ride close to your body. It will also conceal very nice under a t shirt in the summer. I added a teklok fastener and I can put the knife on my duty belt or molle vest. The PUK will hold a super sharp edge with heavy use. This knife is usually passed up for more popular knifes but it is a great everyday knife to use. Small but mean.

03-06-11, 05:46

Made from excellent 1095 steel
5" length blade is easy carry, yet big enough to be useful in a fight.
Steel reinforced scabbard prevents blade from wounding wearer in event of a crash landing.
Sharpening stone and tie-down included with scabbard.
Sawteeth on spine.
Steel buttcap wide enough to drive tent stakes into ground.
Cost is only $30, a bargain!

NSN: 7340-00-098-4327

03-06-11, 09:39
Picked this one up a month ago for my GTFO bag. I paid $45. Its a Buck Nighthwak 650 with 6in 420HC stainless steel blade and heavy duty nylon sheath.


Iraq Ninja
03-06-11, 23:17
What blade type do you guys think is the best design for a SHTF/survival knife, and what blade length?

I think a blade length of 4-5" with a straight clip point or even drop point design would probably be the best, but how about the "americanized tanto"/kamasu kissaki blade design? Do you guys think that this would be preferable from a point durability/easier to sharpen/utility chisel like front end point of view? Downsides to it?

For a survival knife, I would not want the knives you described.

My personal opinion is that the survival or SHTF knife should not be primarily designed as a fighting knife, but rather as a tool. To me, that means no hand guard, and a carbon steel blade (if it can't throw a spark, I don't want it). I also prefer leather over kydex any day.

I prefer bushcraft style knives in a scandi pattern. My personal knife is from Wood Bear Knives and is called the Raven (shown next to a mora for comparison). It is specifically designed as a bushcraft knife first, and a fighting knife second.


03-06-11, 23:36
If any of you folks come across another sale/promo code like the one from Smoky Mt Knife from last month.......please post it. You all have whetted my appetite foe a new knife.

03-06-11, 23:50
I've used a few different medium to large fixed blades and I think they're worth the money. That said I've bought most of them used. My 4" Busse and Koster Bushcraft are my go-to's. Anyway I've settled on a smallish 3.5-4" bushcraft style blade for 90% of my tasks and I just use a hatchet for the other 10%. I would like to try a Nessmuk style blade.

03-07-11, 07:32
.....SHTF knife should not be primarily designed as a fighting knife, but rather as a tool.
....if it can't throw a spark, I don't want it)
....prefer leather over kydex any day.
....designed as a bushcraft knife first, and a fighting knife second.

Good stuff in this post. I have carried a American-ized tanto blade as my EDC for 20 years now. Great for working around the house or opening boxes at work but they are not a woods knife.
As with anything you prepare/arm yourself with a the 90-95% solution and improvse the other 5%. The tanto style of blade has its place but I would not carry it into the woods.

-IN, What handle material is that on you Woods Bear?

Iraq Ninja
03-07-11, 08:38
-IN, What handle material is that on you Woods Bear?

Lignum Vitae. One of my favorites.

I recently ordered a Helle Viking to play around with over here. It is the one modeled after some Viking knives found in museums.


I figure the Vikings may have know a thing or two about knives...

03-07-11, 22:29
... and a carbon steel blade (if it can't throw a spark, I don't want it).

Excellent point!

You also make a very good case that a work/camp type knife being more useful for many people. My thoughts usually go to military blades as I am currently deployed. But for back home, a camp type knife in good carbon steel would be more useful for going into the North Cascades.

03-08-11, 18:24
I figure the Vikings may have know a thing or two about knives...

- Knívleysur mađur er lívleysur (mađur).

The knifeless man is a lifeless man. - Nordic Proverb

A good friend of mine from Germany is an avid outdoorsman, currently a LEO in Alaska and makes custom knives on the side. We were talking blades one day and I mentioned the Swedish Mora. He explained to me that he did not like a knife with out a hilt due to the danger of slipping onto the blade when butchering large game. I had honestly never thought of that until he mentioned it.

IN, any thoughts of the Nordic blades not having a hilt? I figure the Nordic peoples would use their knives for just about everything in their day to day lives to include the butchering of game.

03-12-11, 10:05

03-12-11, 15:19
Dura coated Spyderco Aqua Salt Black and BOB. Light and handy for a number of uses. $120.00



05-16-11, 19:45
Another vote for the BK-2/Campanion

05-16-11, 20:29
I am not sure if this thread is still active. But I use knives all the time, everyday. For fun I hit the woods, and practice bushcraft, so I have had lots of knives and have used them for lots of things. An Important question to ask when considering a "SHTF" knife is what kind of environment are you going to be in. IF in an urban area, we are talking lots of prying metal and busting windows, things of that sort. Or if "In the woods" you are going to be chopping, lots of chopping. Big blades are better suited for this. However what about small chores, like skinning, cooking, carving? Smaller blades work better here. My Personal advice would be to Go RAT (ESEE) or grayman. Equal or better construction compared to the higher end pretty blades, (strider, or Busse) for less money. Take that left over coin, and buy a decent folder, or small fixed blade. As a side note, I started with a strider, after years of abuse, it is beat all to hell, and cosmetically looks like my grayman.

10-28-11, 13:22
Based on this guy's tests...it appears that Cold Steel and Ontario make the best bang for $, and Busse makes the knives you can't kill...just can't see paying more for a knife than I would for some guns. I can get 7-10 Ontario RD-6's for the price of a single Busse FFBM.


This is a pretty good site if you want to know what unrealistic damage your knife can handle.

10-30-11, 16:11
ESEE RC-6 with a kydex sheath and an SAK supporting it. I have a 3/16" thick, 14" bladed machete-esque strapped to my BOB on MOLLE-locks, I could even attach it to my plate carrier if need be :ph34r:

10-31-11, 15:43
First, let me just say I'm not really a big knife guy, but being born in Texas and the son and grandson of career Army officers (both Grandfathers are retired Colonels, and Dad is a retired BG) I have pretty much always carried a pocketknife. While I was in the Marine Corps I learned the "value" of being both prepared and having the proper tools to do the job. In my current line of work I never find need for anything more than a pocket knife, but I find a need for one at least once a day (I currently run hotels for a living). I love the whole "zombie thing", but not in a serious capacity. On the other hand, we live in interesting times (to steal a phrase), and the art of preparing, and training is both a hobby and a way to keep my mind and body focused (I'm less than 6 months from 40 and fighting it every step of the way). After acquiring my BCM 16" middy I began looking at the rest of my gear very critically (have to throw a good word in for G&R tactical, as Grant built my rifle - Thanks Grant 1st rate job). I began to purchase "tools" necessary for "any" situation. Not all knives are created equal, nor are all knives made for every task, so with further ado...my tools


right to left -

Gerber Paraframe folding - this knife has an interesting history. I was carrying a SOG folder and forgot to put it in my luggage on a business trip...confiscated by TSA. Well, I feel naked without a pocket knife so when I arrived at my destination I went into Wal-Mart (that was all that the town I was in had) and picked this knife up for $19....I've had it for over 10 years now.

Leatherman MUT - This was a present for my rifle, as I got sick of carrying a plastic ziplock full of small tools to do what this item does by itself. I presently have this molle'd to my chest rig.

CRKT Ultima - if you have never held one of these...the handle is amazing. This knife is really the odd ball in the group, as it has been made obsolete by the next knife, and I only keep it now as it is a great knife and would be good in really wet climates and/or as a dive knife.

Ontario RD-6 - this knife is a sharpened crowbar, and it is perfect for all sorts of heavy duty work. I can pry open a locked door, chop firewood, dig a hole, stick it into a tree and use it as a step to reach a higher branch, etc. Yes I know Busses and ESEEs are superior, but the ESEE is only superior in fit and finish...not so important in a prybar, and the Busse knives are ungodly expensive and impossible to find. I know I just opened the "which knife is better" discussion, but the ESEE steel and the RD 6 steel are different but comparable, and I paid half (the sheath for the rd6 is god awful, but that can be rectified and I still save $30-40 over the ESEE). IMO this was the best bang for the buck and she may not be pretty, but she will become drop dead beautiful when I need her.

you only asked for 2 cents, well I believe in value, so I gave you the full dollar.

10-31-11, 19:46
left to right -

From *your* left to right...or from right to left for the viewer of the pic. I was briefly confused, but figured it out because the blade on the left is clearly the Ontario.

Nice collection.

10-31-11, 20:32
thanks for pointing that out:suicide2:
I have corrected it

10-31-11, 20:51
I'm kind of a knife guy, but with some caveats. I would like a Randall just for the nostalgia factor, but haven't gotten around to getting one built to my spec.

I too went through the strider fever with everyone else in 05, and I've spent a stupid amount of money on knives. What I have found that always stays with me is my old Cold Steel SRK in carbon steel - that ****er takes an edge that is so sharp it'll cut you for looking at it, and it holds it for a long time. I also have an O L D (like mid-80s production, back when they were good) Cold Steel Trailmaster in carbon that is the same way. I can make those ****ers shaving sharp with only a little effort. And if I knew I had to get in a knife fight I'd probably pick up the Trailmaster, I am pretty sure I could sever an arm with it in a whack or two.

I guess I like carbon steel, though I didn't really think of it that way til just now. These are decent knives but they don't cost so much that I'd be really upset if I lost one of them - and I've beaten hell out of both of them with NO negative effects. I used to cut stove bolts with the Trailmaster as a party trick.

Just ramblin

10-31-11, 21:03
Wheres one of the better sites to purchase knives?

Ive wanted to pick up an ESEE RC-6 for a little while now, but most of the regular sites I visit only sell gun related items.

10-31-11, 21:17
Emerson PUK (Police Utility Knife).


Love this one, got mine for a song off the exchange here.

Also a fan of Grayman's knives.

11-01-11, 09:56
Wheres one of the better sites to purchase knives?

Ive wanted to pick up an ESEE RC-6 for a little while now, but most of the regular sites I visit only sell gun related items.


Seems to carry a good selection of quality knives

11-01-11, 18:43
Gerber Paraframe folding - this knife has an interesting history. I was carrying a SOG folder and forgot to put it in my luggage on a business trip...confiscated by TSA. Well, I feel naked without a pocket knife so when I arrived at my destination I went into Wal-Mart (that was all that the town I was in had) and picked this knife up for $19....I've had it for over 10 years now.

Wow- I thought I was the only one here that had one of those.
Had both sizes for about 4-5 years. Can't say I've really "used" them, and since it said the one thing I hate most on the package (made in.....) I'm not sure how far I'd trust it, but they seem to work exceedingly well for cutting boxes and packages (and fingers...:rolleyes:).
Yours seems to be more used than mine so maybe you can shed some more light on this area.

11-01-11, 19:12
Jackhawk 9000. ;)

11-01-11, 23:05
SHTF overkill scenario
Swap Rat Rodent Waki

keeping it texas legal (under 5.5" blade)

backup fixed blade (i have a LOVE this one)

11-01-11, 23:07
i dont have the waki or the interceptor yet but i do have the Tom Brown Scout which is Super comfortable!(just has a shorter blade mainly)


11-02-11, 09:14
my last ditch, go out the door knife is a Scrapyard Regulator. it's a beast. 13" overall, with a 7 3/4" blade, 1/3 of an inch thick at the spine with a saber grind and wicked sharp.




nothing in my experience fits into the "sharpened prybar" model better than this knife while still being useful for everyday tasks. it can chop and split like nothing else and has a finger choil so you can choke up on it for slicing.

this is the one I would use to cut my way out of a Buick...

11-02-11, 09:19
I have a KaBar short tanto on my chest rig and recently picked up an ESEE 3 Mil that I carry pretty much all the time. Also have an SOG Tactical Tomahawk that slides nicely through the radio pouch on my Intrepid rig.




11-02-11, 09:30
The fixed blade SHTF setup is something I have been exploring for the last 6 years :)

I have come to the conclusion that no 1 knife will be good enough in a SHTF scenerio. I choose to have several 3" and even sub 3" blades paired with a 5" or longer will cover all need that may arise.

I am making what I call a u.B.O.B. (urban bug out bag) in several thicknesses and have 3 sizes that are still 7 1/4" and shorter overall.

Here is the first u.B.O.B thats maybe 6 1/4" overall.


That knife really jumps out at me. Very nice. What's the overall dimensions? What steel do you prefer? I'd love to "test" a knife like that.

11-03-11, 03:46
Fixed blade SHTF ?? Busse, Swamprat, Scrapyard hands down. Busse's INFI steel is from another planet, Swamprats 52100 high carbon ball bearing steel is incredible for taking an edge and keeping it, it can take a beating too, especially when they differentially heat treat it. And Scrapyards S7 jack hammer bit steel is impossible to break although SY has put out blades in INFI and 52100.

I like high crabons like Ontario and Esee but for a few more bucks you can get a Scrapyard piece which is guarenteed for life, no questions asked.

For a SHTF fixed blade I don't like stainless which is why my only Striders are EDC folders.

Bark River makes solid shit and Mike Stewart really knows some things about cutlery.

At the end of the day its all about the heat treat and imo the Busse fam does it best.

11-03-11, 09:14
I like high crabons like Ontario and Esee but for a few more bucks you can get a Scrapyard piece which is guarenteed for life, no questions asked.

I don't know about Ontario, but Esee knives also carry a no questions asked lifetime warranty

But if we are really talking SHTF then I don't think a warranty is going to do anyone any good...lol

11-03-11, 09:35
Ranger knives are not made from 1095 High Carbon, but 5160 spring steel, with Vandium and Carbon added. It's my opinion that the breaking point on either the ESEE or the Ontario is extreme enough for real world applications...can they be broken? Yes, but then again even INFI can break, just takes a bit longer than the 5160 or 1095. Buy 7-10 ESEE or Ontario knives and still save money over knives like the Battle Mistress. I honestly can't think of anything, even in a SHTF scenario, that would put the kinda stress on any of these blades to break them.

On another note, I would really like to know the specs on B.Goode knives, as the fit and finish of them is spectacular. Any chance one can be donated to the folks at www.knifetest.com. With those designs and looks, if the durability runs close to an Ontario or an ESEE I might be persuaded to trade up :-)

11-03-11, 13:06
The unique thing about INFI is that its take and holds an edge like high carbon but its rust resistant like a stainless at the same time remaining tough as hell. I have to hand it to the guy for inventing his own proprietary steel. And while their marketing tactics can be silly and to some annoying you just can't argue with the final product, although one can see why one could argue with the price with other fine hard use blades on the market for much less.

And yes, I guess if shit really hit the fan a life time guarentee wouldn't help but its nice to know when companies stand by their product. With current technology todays knives are the best man kind has seen to date although that could be said for a lot of things.

11-05-11, 03:06
Wheres one of the better sites to purchase knives?

Ive wanted to pick up an ESEE RC-6 for a little while now, but most of the regular sites I visit only sell gun related items.

Grand Prairie knives is where I get my ESEE blades. They are GTG, deal with confidence.

11-05-11, 15:54
prices are good there...I'll have to bookmark that site

11-05-11, 16:25
Any here looked at Crusader Forge? I own several knives from this custom maker:



11-05-11, 20:03
every time I've tried to look at a Crusader Forge, I can't see around the big price tag...

11-06-11, 07:05
every time I've tried to look at a Crusader Forge, I can't see around the big price tag...

You could spend a lot more on a custom knife, but no, they aint cheap.

Gutshot John
11-06-11, 10:06
Those prices strike me as pretty reasonable for a custom blade. They look awesome.

11-06-11, 10:23
Those prices strike me as pretty reasonable for a custom blade. They look awesome.

By all accounts, they are. ;)

11-06-11, 10:35
SHTF overkill scenario
Swap Rat Rodent Waki

Those are not swamp rat wakis. Rather the Busse AK Family.

Here is my Custom Shop Busse Satin AK with an convex edge.

Busse ASH-1 http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k116/nizrulesall/ASH1.jpg

Im a firm believer that the busse steel INFI is the toughest stuff out there. It takes an edge well, i havent chipped it and i beat the hell out of the ASH-1. Ill have to take pics of what the knife looks like now. There is almost no finish left on the blade from chopping and batoning through wood for firewood. I use the thing as a hammer as well. I do things with INFI that I would never do with my other makers knives.

11-11-11, 19:52


crappy phone camera.

11-12-11, 09:36
I'm a bit partial but since I started making knives I really don't buy any.

This is one of my fighter models I like run one on my first line. Big enough but not too big.This one now belongs to a French Marine.http://api.photoshop.com/v1.0/accounts/431a2657e2cc4a6b8b4003e486a0f6bb/assets/ea57f0d2c134425d8110b7ef99f3a6a1/renditions/1024.jpg?md=1317411934000
This one I made for a Marine buddy.

11-12-11, 11:49
[QUOTE=johnlee;1141395]I'm a bit partial but since I started making knives I really don't buy any.

This is one of my fighter models I like run one on my first line. Big enough but not too big.http://api.photoshop.com/v1.0/accounts/431a2657e2cc4a6b8b4003e486a0f6bb/assets/ea57f0d2c134425d8110b7ef99f3a6a1/renditions/1024.jpg?md=1317411934000
Those look great. I really like the finish on those.

11-14-11, 08:23

Thank you sir!

Here's what the finish looks like after much use, this one didn't get as dark but they all get dull with time. This one was one of my experiments, I wear it on my chest rig. Small handle so it wears easy but still has an almost 5" blade, 1/8" steel to keep it very light. Cuts and slices great, very light and easy to carry.

The finish is a patina, it's from oxidation. With any carbon steel it can easily be done. I've done some skinning knives with wood handles that I made to look old by putting the blades in hot red wine vinegar. They got very dark gray and pitted in some spots. You can use mustard, any vinegar or things with citric acid. You just have to play with around with it. The good thing is that it oxidizes the steel so orange, harmful rust won't form as easily. It won't protect the steel like many finishes but it also won't chip or flake off as it's just the oxidized coloration of the steels surface.

The process I mainly use to get a nice dull finish is with plain old yellow mustard. I do two coats, the first I "paint" the mustard over the entire surface with a paint brush. I let that sit for about 4-5 hours. This turns the blade gray. I then make the patterns with the mustard right out of the bottle. Let that sit for about 8 hours for darker lines. The thing is though, the dark color isn't where the mustard is it's between the mustard where it mixes with oxygen(if that makes sense). The longer it sits, the darker it gets but if you go too long it can start to pit. Just pm me if you want to patina your blade and have any questions.

11-14-11, 09:20
In the show the "Walking Dead" one of the characters, Darrel, has what looks to me to be a Busse knife, or a knockoff. This is the same show though that used the Bear Grylls collection from Gerber to kill zombies. This show will let you know what the knife will look like, and maybe what you can use one for in SHTF, but you will never be able to tell how it holds up :-)

Not really practical information, but at least its fun.

11-14-11, 09:30
Those slow zombies are easy, that's one thing my Zombie Destroyer is good for ,

11-14-11, 09:38
That is a nice machete. I have always joked that in a Zombie Apocalypse I would be well armed with my real Japanese katana


That is an original samurai sword that the handle was cut down on during WW2 - the family converted it to an officer's sword. MY great grandfather picked it up while he was living over there.

I'm actually looking for a new home for this piece of history....you can find it in the EE for sale or trade.

11-14-11, 11:26
A Gerber Prodigy or LMF II, a pocket sized ceramic sharpener and a magnesium fire starter. I'm good to go. :D

11-14-11, 21:41
I'm a bit partial but since I started making knives I really don't buy any.

This is one of my fighter models I like run one on my first line. Big enough but not too big.This one now belongs to a French Marine.http://api.photoshop.com/v1.0/accounts/431a2657e2cc4a6b8b4003e486a0f6bb/assets/ea57f0d2c134425d8110b7ef99f3a6a1/renditions/1024.jpg?md=1317411934000
This one I made for a Marine buddy.

Nice! Love the design and blade coloring.
If I may ask a sort of dumb question- what type carbon steel are you using?

That is a nice machete. I have always joked that in a Zombie Apocalypse I would be well armed with my real Japanese katana


That is an original samurai sword that the handle was cut down on during WW2 - the family converted it to an officer's sword. MY great grandfather picked it up while he was living over there.

I'm actually looking for a new home for this piece of history....you can find it in the EE for sale or trade.

I mean...

You lucky SOB! I'm so robbing you tonight. :p
(yes, I have a thing for katanas)
A shame they had to cut them down like that- but still a pretty badass piece of history.

12-02-11, 02:37

My shtf knife would be a gossman tusker
In S7 shock steel ! Im not sure if scott
Still has the pics up on his website or not
Be he shot one of his tusker models made
Of S7 steel with a 41 magnum and all it did
Was dent the blade ! Plus scott now has a
New and better heat treatment for S7 to
Make the blade even better imo... Also
Scott is real good to deal with ! Honest
And stand behind his work 100 percent !
Check out his website !


12-02-11, 02:38

My shtf knife would be a gossman tusker
In S7 shock steel ! Im not sure if scott
Still has the pics up on his website or not
Be he shot one of his tusker models made
Of S7 steel with a 41 magnum and all it did
Was dent the blade ! Plus scott now has a
New and better heat treatment for S7 to
Make the blade even better imo... Also
Scott is real good to deal with ! Honest
And stands behind his work 100 percent !
Check out his website !


12-03-11, 16:38
I have Strider WP on my most used training belt...Strider CP on my big, fancy, unrealistic 1911 barbeque war belt...

El Cid
12-04-11, 12:45
Always been a sucker for a Smatchet.
