View Full Version : "$50,000+" stolen by a man who conned the people that protect you and this country!!!

02-16-10, 10:19
...and that amount is not even close!

Jon Kruger, former owner of Anvil Arms in Lakeland, Florida has been up to this point successful in stealing money from Soliders, Law Enforcement Officers and agencies, and many of our own civilians that are working over seas and even doing there part to protect this country.

He did this by knowingly making promises, taking orders and money from at lease (50) people that I know for about 1K each, with the intent of receiving a Custom Commemertive Custom Rifle build...not "one" gun was ever built.

This has seem to be common practice. THis was the latest that I received about where just the people that I know that are involved have found out:


I am still here in the FL and met with my lawyer today as well as drove out to the Anvil Arms shop and also to Krugers house. Here is the latest and where we ALL stand.

-I reveived absolutely no assistance fromLakeland PD, ATF or Polk County Sheriffs office. All claim the same thing. This is a civil matter. If you want restitution you need to sue the shithead.

-I spoke with Milton Disser 3 times today and in length. he filled me in on the disaster that Kruger has created and I now realize how truly hopeless it looks for us receiving anything. But it is NOT impossible.

-There have been absolutely no weapons returned or ever built. Kruger has returned some parts and not even the right number. He has never engraved a single receiver and in fact there are no receivers as of yet.

-Milton Disser is NOT thinking about making any of it good to us and he is NOT running the business. He is the major (sole) share holder of Anvil Arms.

- The company did NOT go bankrupt and is in fact still an unfunctioning entity.

-Kruger has left so many vendors unpaid massive amounts of money that is the company did open it'd cost a lot to just start. Don't look for Anvil to be around in the future.

-When Milton took control of the shop the place was 3 months in arrears for rent to the tune of $3K a month. As well as $10K in construction mods to the owner.

-Kruger has not filed with the IRS for 3 years for himself or the company.

-Hes stiffed Milton for quite a bit for weapons he never built as well as for all the up front money to start the company.

-Kruger told Milton on 9 Nov, in a written letter, he would no longer be paying Milton any money. Since then he has not only stolen all of the tools, parts documents etc.... he has filed charges on Milton as well as call the cops on him several times for bogus reasons.

-Apparently he holds Milton 100% at fault for his short comings and lack of ability to run a company.

***Persec deleted. Do not post personal information of another individual on this forum, or your stay will be a short one.*** -- Site Staff

I'm sad to tell you that it seems he NEVER had any intent to build our weapons for us. He never misdrilled any barrels and in fact there are no barrels.

Milton wanted everybody to know that he had nothing to do with the order and he is also NOT the guy to be contacting for restitution. He is just as screwed as us.

He tells me there is some information that has been intercepted that shows maybe Kruger is buying some property somewhere which tells me he plans to fly the coup. He's apparently originally from Lousiana.

I ask that you all just spread the word about this guy and/or spread this email to other sites so that all are made aware.

Thank you


02-16-10, 11:26
John screwed the pooch on a group buy on Northeast Shooters two years ago. Twice. The order was too large for his shop, he couldn't keep up with the order in addition to his normal orders, items were promised and never delivered, when some were finally delivered they were not in spec, mis-matched, thrown together, had bad finishes...you name it. People complained to no avail, posted their dis-satisfaction only to have him ignore the email or delete the posts in the dealer forum.

All in all he made a good product (build) when he was able to sit down and do it, but he failed when it came to basic customer service skillsets like telling your customers whats going on with their orders, admitting that the workload was too heavy and so forth. He had a good thing going but looks like the greed caught him up in the process of delivering an actual product. Not everyone can run with the big boys.

The address in the post is a bit much...not sure why someone would post it. They've got more to lose by visiting him and having him react under his state laws. People mileage may vary with that statement.

02-16-10, 11:43


02-16-10, 11:47
Getting this same dumb ass thread locked down on Lightfighter wasn't enough so you're bringing it here? All sorts of PERSEC violations to include throwing some individual's home address, directions, and vehicle descriptions all over the fricking Internet? 6 posts to your name and you're bringing this level of retardation to M4C?

02-16-10, 12:44
what the hell is your problem? if you want to then sue the guy but leave us out of it. why post his address and directions to his house? if you're not man enough to do something about your problems don't expect others to do it for you. Fix yourself, read the rules of the board and then try again. Better luck next time.

02-16-10, 13:41
I share the opinion that Jon is a crook based on my personal dealings with the man and based on what is common knowledge. While I understand that there is a possibility of personal harm brought upon you by Jon's actions, you can communicate this with out disclosing the man's personal information. The inclusion of that information seems to me to be a thinly veiled attempt at getting people to do your dirty work for you. Internet or not, that is wrong.

02-16-10, 14:48
I don't have a horse in this race, but I can't see why some of you are getting bent out of shape. I'd post the guys underwear size if it were relevant, which in this case it seems like it is.

In case someone missed it, this guy appears to be a fraud, taking money from men or women in uniform is an all time low.

I hope mods will see this through.

ETA: The simple fact that you have 6 posts in almost two years show me that you are not committed to this community, so now I understand why some are upset with this.

SCB 57
02-16-10, 16:07
I don't say much on this board, however you're out of line posting his personal info.

02-16-10, 16:19
Dude you might want to 86 the address. If something happens to the guy you don't want the trail to end up at your front door....

Guy sounds like a tool, but he might have kids etc..

02-16-10, 17:22
That guy is obviously a steaming piece of shit, but.....the smart thing to do is to find as many folks he screwed over as possible, find a lawyer and file a class action lawsuit. Then post the lawsuit in gun rags, local papers, file complaint with local news orgs, start a personal blog about this, etc.... strength in numbers, but this is the wrong venue to air personal info. I strongly suggest you delete that info on his home address, directions, etc....

02-16-10, 18:18
IMO , posting the address , directions , and truck info is completely over the top. I hope it all disappears soon.

02-16-10, 21:38
I agree the address is a little much.

02-16-10, 22:24
Guys, there's a little icon at the top of every post with an exclamation mark on it, that will alert the mods and staff here of an inappropriate post.

We can't read every thread on the board in a timely manner, so we depend on you guys to let us know if you see something that needs fixing.

Velcro, do not post personal information of another individual on this board. I understand how messed up the situation is, I was taken by another "smith" who ran a similar scam about ten years ago, it's frustrating, but you can't go posting personal addresses and the names of girlfriends.

02-16-10, 23:02
The post was one that I forwarded to this thread because of the situation and who may or may not read this forum.

I understand more on how "The Forum" may feel about the address and info, but you all can come down a notch and and understand...I just re-posted something that was sent to me. That was not my text, although I feel the same way about the other person that talked about posting his underwear size...

...so "for the Forum" I will be more aware of the specifics and that posting something like that makes some uncomfortable...

...and I wish the FKr came up to my door...he could hand me my money back after we had a real nice talk!!!


Evil Colt 6920
02-16-10, 23:05
Thanks for the heads up about this guy being a major douche bag but posting his personal info is against m4c rules for a reason, its plain stupid, if this guy gets deep sixed you just made yourself a suspect.

02-16-10, 23:19
To the forum...IT wont happen again.

"My dedication" to this site has not been that of quality participation I can easily see, but my specific situation has had a lot to do with that, as well as there a plenty of people on here that I cant figure out how, because of the number of posts they have, makes them have a stronger say than someone new...

If I offended your forum, as I said, it wont happen again...weather we can get past this, or someone uses their power of "Moderation" to cast a bolt from the sky and strike me down!!!


02-16-10, 23:24
A simple "I'm sorry" would have sufficed.

Relax, put down the shovel, and take a deep breath. (No more digging)

(Remember: BUT, cancells out everything before it.)