View Full Version : 67 yr old man beats up younger man on a bus

02-16-10, 13:19
Judging from the other videos the youtube user posted, this seemed to have happened somewhere in the Bay Area, CA near SF or Oakland, though I honestly don't know. It's not uncommon for some douche bag to pull the race card start a fight on public transportation.


02-16-10, 13:27

02-16-10, 13:38
They said that they can press charges!!!! That punk clearly hit the old man first than got the ass whoopin' he deserved. Oh man that makes my blood boil!!!! Kudos to the old timer. that is why you should always carry on public transit. Legal or not. That shit escalated fast and for no good reason. Why was this taped? Looks like a set up. Homeboy wanted to show his girl he was tough and she wanted to film it. The whole thing sucks. Now I am angry!

Bloody hell!

02-16-10, 13:40

This one I found a while back but I thought it was pretty funny too.

02-16-10, 13:42
It appears to me that the old guy tried to defuse the situation by moving to the front of the bus. Black guy follows him up there... Not looking good for the black guy.

02-16-10, 13:43
Call an amballance! He's leakin!

02-16-10, 13:47
Looks like he's short a couple teeth...

02-16-10, 13:49
That guy wanted an ambulance for a smashed pride and a bloody nose, now that's some funny chit!

02-16-10, 13:56
Outstanding !

02-16-10, 15:04
I dislike violence, but I like when someone receives just deserts. Classic.

"Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have ****ed with? That's me."

02-16-10, 15:26
the punk kid got what was coming to him, ignorant dumbass!
what's best?
let's press charges while i threaten old man's life....on camera.
forkin' classic!

props to pops!

Rock Nova
02-16-10, 15:37
Aside from the jackass getting smashed by the older guy, the best part is the "What the f#ck!" from the black guy's camera woman/fan club when he started eating knuckles! :D

Such disbelief! Pure comic gold.

02-16-10, 15:37
I dislike violence, but I like when someone receives just deserts. Classic.

"Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have ****ed with? That's me."

That was a pretty good movie:D

"we used to stack you gooks 15 high" haha

02-16-10, 15:39
That was classic, the old man appeared to be in pretty decent shape for his age. My pride wouldn't let me press charges if a 67 year old man beat my ass lol.

02-16-10, 16:05
Thank you bringing a big smile to my day :D Justice was served.

Captain Badass is lucky the old timer stopped, I'm not sure I would've.

02-16-10, 16:14
ugh.. so classically retarded. "****- him- up," she says as he walks over there... then, "hey i got that on tape, we can press charges" once he gets his ass handed to him.

and the inner cities are full of these type of people.

02-16-10, 16:16
ugh.. so classically retarded. "****- him- up," she says as he walks over there... then, "hey i got that on tape, we can press charges" once he gets his ass handed to him.

and the inner cities are full of these type of people.

Not to mention they stole his bags as well, typical trash.

02-16-10, 16:28
Not to mention they stole his bags as well, typical trash.
Yeah I thought thats what I saw. And then they say "go through that shit" What a bunch of trash. People like this need to be executed or extradited to a far far away place.

02-16-10, 17:47
One down.

Better get an ambulamps for him.

Not much I hate more than people who use the race card to compensate for their own shortcomings in life and argument.

The guy even had a shoe shine box from what I could tell. ****, what's so degrading about that? It's helping people, giving you income, and is a skill that not many people have.

02-16-10, 17:49
One down.



02-16-10, 18:19
From the looks of the vid the black guy was a good head shorter than the white guy. The older gent looked like he might have been a weightlifter as well. Not someone I would **** with in any case.

Looks like a case of SMS(short man syndrome) to me.

02-16-10, 18:46
One down.


I could watch that all day.

02-16-10, 19:40
I could watch that all day.

Old guy seemed to know what he was doing, too, leading with the lefts. Those rights are brutal.

"I told you not to **** with me!" With good reason, indeed.

02-16-10, 20:02
Old man warned him. It was over after the very first left, bravo.

02-16-10, 20:43
Old guy seemed to know what he was doing, too, leading with the lefts. Those rights are brutal.

"I told you not to **** with me!" With good reason, indeed.

About halfway through he parries the ghetto rats lead hand down with his right to eliminate it as a threat and clear more targets. This guy has some practical experience from somewhere.

Some folks you should just leave alone.

02-16-10, 20:45
As an old geezer myself, I can only say "Hooray for our side!"

I have lost count of the number of times I have had people look at me, look at the cane, start to size me up and walk over.

"Old dude with a white beard and a cane, this should be easy....."

Twice I have been lucky. A very hard stare and the phrase "I have nothing you need" has worked.

I am not looking forward at all to the day when that does not work, and the noise level goes up dramatically. :(

02-16-10, 20:52
that guy is my hero!!! that was awesome! I wish there were more people out there like that. he warned him to leave him alone, he walked away, the black guy hit him in the face, the old man stomped him down. by far the best thing I have seen on youtube in a loooooong time! I want to buy him a beer.

02-16-10, 21:21

02-16-10, 21:35

best fight video i've seen in a LONG time.

02-16-10, 21:51
One down.

Better get an ambulamps for him.

Not much I hate more than people who use the race card to compensate for their own shortcomings in life and argument.

The guy even had a shoe shine box from what I could tell. ****, what's so degrading about that? It's helping people, giving you income, and is a skill that not many people have.

Brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart

02-16-10, 21:54
good shit

02-16-10, 22:58
They said that they can press charges!!!! That punk clearly hit the old man first than got the ass whoopin' he deserved. Oh man that makes my blood boil!!!! Kudos to the old timer. that is why you should always carry on public transit. Legal or not.

I'm more of a fan of being able to physically defend myself without a gun. Plus out in NY "legal or not" means mandatory minimum of 5 years in jail if your not legal. :rolleyes:

edited to say this guy is proof of that. I love seeing people that are comfortable with conflict, and not macho about it. I've been in situations like this, on trains and subways. UUugghh. Good for him!!!

02-16-10, 23:34
where can i get one of those t-shirts?

02-17-10, 00:00

I've seen more idiot white guys do stupid shit in my life then black dudes. Just saying.

02-17-10, 00:07
wow this video is showing up everywhere. My wife found it before I saw it on any of the forums. Thats one old guy I would not piss off :D

02-17-10, 00:23
I've seen more idiot white guys do stupid shit in my life then black dudes. Just saying.

Me too...but here in WV I believe our blacks make up about 2% of the population....

Unless you live in a major city that will probably be the case almost everywhere, so yea you will see more dumbass white people.

02-17-10, 00:35
Don't turn this thread into a race/color thing.

02-17-10, 04:47
We need that old guy in the bus tunnel in Seattle.

02-17-10, 05:24
Yea!!! That's so awesome. Obnoxious trash like that really pisses me off. I cannot tell you how many times I've wanted to do that to some punk wanna-be "gangsta". I also like how he's yelling at the guy after he left about how he's gonna kill him or something. You're not gonna catch shit with your pants hanging off your ass moron. He's still running his freaking mouth after getting beat down too! Uuugghh... Bravo.

02-17-10, 06:52
Don't turn this thread into a race/color thing.

Yes, please. M4C's better than that.

02-17-10, 07:30
Judging from the other videos the youtube user posted, this seemed to have happened somewhere in the Bay Area, CA near SF or Oakland, though I honestly don't know. It's not uncommon for some douche bag to pull the race card start a fight on public transportation.


The bearded dude was punched first...

...but he was a contributor to that stupidity. I have no problem with him beating the blood out of the moron who followed him to the front of the bus and threw the first punch, but that whole thing could have been avoided if he had simply refrained from participating in the dance of stupidity with an idiot.

On the lighter side, this could be another segment of "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong."

02-17-10, 07:34
Some motivational posters I made to commemorate the smackdown:



02-17-10, 07:34
They will probably get an invite to settle their differences over a beer at the White House...

02-17-10, 08:00
IMO the old man moved away thus attempting to avoid the situation, the other guy approached him and started it. I find the punk guy to be the aggressor.

But man that Viet vet guy was huge for a 67 year old guy, wtf was he thinking

The bearded dude was punched first...

but the punk guy still approached him after the old man moved towards the front of the bus. For instance in a road rage incident the person who gets out of their car and approaches the other vehicle will appear to be the aggressor. There was no reason for the punk to approach the old man, even with the verbal exchanges.

the Bamster
02-17-10, 08:12
Maybe if he was a few years older.............. never mind.

the Bamster
02-17-10, 08:24
Well maybe and old veteran..........

02-17-10, 08:26
but the punk guy still approached him after the old man moved towards the front of the bus.

...and the old dude kept jabber-jawing while at the front of the bus. "Fighting words" are not a good thing to have going on when you want to claim self defense.

02-17-10, 08:46
...and the old dude kept jabber-jawing while at the front of the bus. "Fighting words" are not a good thing to have going on when you want to claim self defense.

i doubt fighting words are a good enough reason for a person to aggressively approach another on a city bus. If a some teeny bopper kept talking smack to me, thats enough reason for me to approach him? There is no reason for the punk to walk up on the old man, words or not. It was clear the punk was the aggressor. Old man made a clear attempt to avoid, but the punk made a clear attempt to escalate it more even after that.

Cops are going to have a fun with this one, old guy will probably get off.

02-17-10, 09:31
some after fight footage of the old man walking off his adrenaline

Semi NSFW (language)

02-17-10, 09:46
There is a Video on Digg of someone who is supposedly this guy, getting tazered at a ball game. The crowd looks like they were about to jump the police when it happened.

02-17-10, 09:51
i doubt fighting words are a good enough reason for a person to aggressively approach another on a city bus.

You're missing the point entirely. When you use force on someone...any amount of force...it's highly likely that you will have to answer for it to the authorities. If you are a participant in the stupidity the chances of facing legal and financial consequences for even a legitimate use of force go up.

It's that simple.

The old guy ran his mouth. He should not have run his mouth. The jawjacking does not justify the dumbass punching him...but it does complicate a potential self defense claim.

In this case it's highly likely that refusing to do the stupid dance with the moron in the first place would probably have avoided the need to punch his lights out later on. While that would have been less entertaining, it would have been far smarter.

02-17-10, 10:53
You're missing the point entirely. When you use force on someone...any amount of force...it's highly likely that you will have to answer for it to the authorities.

Nope citations for both parties, as far as legal/civil proceedings, that's a whole differant beast.

02-17-10, 11:09
Don't turn this thread into a race/color thing.

Thank you, I didn't intend to, I want to prevent that, but if someone implies race by using a racist term that is censored using ***** I'm going to call them out on it!

02-17-10, 11:13
The bearded dude was punched first...

...but he was a contributor to that stupidity. I have no problem with him beating the blood out of the moron who followed him to the front of the bus and threw the first punch, but that whole thing could have been avoided if he had simply refrained from participating in the dance of stupidity with an idiot.

On the lighter side, this could be another segment of "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong."

I agree that he should have kept his mouth shut and not contributed to the banter after moving up to the front of the bus.

Edited to say:

I've read through all your posts and thank you John_Wayne for talking sense AGAIN! You are so often a voice of reason on this board. I understand what your saying. One thing that really really got me confused was the old lady in the video. She had no affiliation with the young thug. At one point early in the video she tells the young thug to calm down. Obviously not a part of the group. Then, after the older man moves to the front the thug stands up and walks forward after the dude says something, and right after the older guy speaks you hear the old lady say something along the lines of "Get him, go get him boy". That point alone suggests that this guy was not completely in the right.

02-17-10, 11:16
Thank you, I didn't intend to, I want to prevent that, but if someone implies race by using a racist term that is censored using ***** I'm going to call them out on it!

It wasn't directed at you specifically so don't feel like I was singling you out. There were several comments made and I just wanted to throw that out there to anyone reading & posting in this thread. Sometimes people get angry, frustrated, etc. and say things that needn't be said. There are a few thoughts I had that I haven't shared after watching that video and sometimes we're better off keeping them to ourselves ;)

02-17-10, 11:44
I dont think that was a young thug. When the guy says he is 67 the other guy says he is 50. From purely looking at the guy you can tell he is not young. On another note the Older Man said he would smack the shit out of the guy in the back of the bus prompting him to come back up to the front of the bus. Of course he got his ass kicked after that. Not sure what the injuries were to the guy, but if he chipped, or lost a tooth in that mess you aren't going to give both guys a ticket and call it a day. That would be a felony battery and the older man would be going to jail. The other guy I'm sure would have got a ticket as well.

I love how the older guys shirt says "Im a mother****er" on the back. He was crazy, and a pretty big guy.

02-17-10, 12:21
As much as I agree the older guy would have been better served to keep quiet after walking away, the punk kept jawing at him as he walked away and sat down. Apparently the older guy was sick of the attitude and lip service he was getting and was more then ready to back it up.

Got to love it when their, "Beat his white ass" "And beat his ass up." became "What the ****?" when the fight didn't go as planned.

02-17-10, 12:31
I agree that he should have kept his mouth shut and not contributed to the banter after moving up to the front of the bus.

Edited to say:

I've read through all your posts and thank you John_Wayne for talking sense AGAIN! You are so often a voice of reason on this board. I understand what your saying. One thing that really really got me confused was the old lady in the video. She had no affiliation with the young thug. At one point early in the video she tells the young thug to calm down. Obviously not a part of the group. Then, after the older man moves to the front the thug stands up and walks forward after the dude says something, and right after the older guy speaks you hear the old lady say something along the lines of "Get him, go get him boy". That point alone suggests that this guy was not completely in the right.

I just watched it a couple more times and never heard that.

02-17-10, 12:38
I just watched it a couple more times and never heard that.

i just watched it a couple more times, too.. and i still love it.

lethal dose
02-17-10, 12:45
i just watched it a couple more times, too.. and i still love it.

02-17-10, 14:51
...you hear the old lady say something along the lines of "Get him, go get him boy".
As the black guy is walking up to the front the old lady says "Leave that man alone, brother."

02-17-10, 15:02
As the black guy is walking up to the front the old lady says "Leave that man alone, brother."

Totally possible I mis-heard too. I had the volume down as not to wake up my fiance.

edited to say: I miss heard, I got two voices confused the first time I watched it.

02-17-10, 15:04
...and the old dude kept jabber-jawing while at the front of the bus. "Fighting words" are not a good thing to have going on when you want to claim self defense.

There is a limit to what men should be asked to endure quietly.

In Beverly Hills, you would be correct. But I suspect you'd stop taking shit off everybody after a month in the Oakland Bay area. It is unreasonable for me to expect to start mouthing shit off to a gang banger and have them quietly accept it, the reverse is also true.

02-17-10, 15:08
There is a limit to what men should be asked to endure quietly.

In Beverly Hills, you would be correct. But I suspect you'd stop taking shit off everybody after a month in the Oakland Bay area. It is unreasonable for me to expect to start mouthing shit off to a gang banger and have them quietly accept it, the reverse is also true.

How things should be and how they get written up in a police report and presented to a judge/jury are very different things.

02-17-10, 15:15
Mortal Kombat edition:

02-17-10, 15:32
And the videographers response:


02-17-10, 15:45
And the videographers response:


While I'm waiting for it to load I don't see any way she can defend her racial slurs against the 67 year old man nor her theft of his property. She's the cancer of America and is just another reason why Oakland is such a shit place to be.

02-17-10, 15:46
How things should be and how they get written up in a police report and presented to a judge/jury are very different things.

Noted. And as a result we have many inequities of justice including innocent men who go to jail, guilty men who go free and things like that.

But some people try and live by right and wrong and that is what I was talking about.

02-17-10, 16:40
This apology video is absurd.


02-17-10, 16:54
Gotta love all the youtube comments on the "apology" video....wow jst wow

02-17-10, 17:03
Video can offer some great opportunities to look good in court. Or better yet , to avoid ever appearing in court as a defendant. An old guy in that situation could ( maybe ) have his cake and eat it , too. Use significant force against the attacker and testify against him in court. With witnesses to back him up.

02-17-10, 17:16
And the videographers response:


Sincerity is not her strong suit.

02-17-10, 17:51
That is hilareous!

Mortal Kombat edition:

02-17-10, 17:57
While I'm waiting for it to load I don't see any way she can defend her racial slurs against the 67 year old man nor her theft of his property. She's the cancer of America and is just another reason why Oakland is such a shit place to be.
Oh she tried, and failed on that part IMO. In fact she failed all over the place in the CYOA effort.

02-17-10, 18:07
Oh she tried, and failed on that part IMO. In fact she failed all over the place in the CYOA effort.

i dont understand why she bothered... she was just an anonymous voice on the internet before, but now she's an internet idiot celebrity.

02-17-10, 18:46
Old man should have just walked away, human garbage like that is just looking for a excuse to escalate.

That being said, I am glad Epic Beard Man beat the shit out of that moron.

02-17-10, 19:51
Some additional info. Apparently the name of the 67 year old is Thomas Bruno and has been arrested by the police in connection with the video.

Here is another video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcklIVkphxA&feature=player_embedded) that apparently shows the same guy at an Oakland A's game on 4 August 2009 getting tazed by the police.

and some additional info on the incident

On February 16th, 2010 Iyanna Washington, a college student from Oakland, CA (Youtube user iyannaw08) uploaded the video “AC TRANSIT BUS FIGHT I AM A MOTHER****ER” to Youtube; a video she recorded of a black man and an older white man already having a heated argument fueled by racial ignorance resulting in a physically violent confrontation.

Overnight, the video has amassed over 400,000 views and spawned countless threads on 4chan’s /b/ where hundreds of various image macros have been created.

The old white man has been given multiple pet names, including Epic Beard Man, and Old Zangief, in reference to the character from the Street Fighter video game franchise. It is also important to note that the old man is wearing a T-shirt displaying the words “I AM A MOTHER****ER” signifying that this man may make a habit of seeking out confrontations on a regular basis.

After the black man’s nose is broken, he says “bring an ambulance” which has been misheard as both “bring M&M’s” and “bring Amber Lamps” due to a combination of his dialect and facial injury.
The Appeal

Other videos of conflicts and confrontations on city transit have become viral hits in the past, such as Bus Uncle, and Soulja Girl. But because this one involves racism, it motivated a great amount of conversation in a short amount of time.

When the video begins, it appears that some sort of verbal confrontation has already taken place.

Black man: …AC Transit
White man: Let’s get back to business. How much you charge me for a spit-shine?
Black man: what?
White man: How much you charge me for my Stacy Adams? I’m going to a funeral on Friday…You said you… [note: Stacy Adams are a brand of shoe.]
Black man: Did you get what I said just now?
White man: Yes
Black man: Why’d a brother gotta spit-shine your shoes?
White man: You offered!
Black man: I didn’t offer you shit.
White man: What’d you just say when you walked by me?
Black man: I said why, why a ****in’ brother gotta spit-shine your shoes?
White man: You don’t have to!
Black man: Why a white man can’t spit-shine –
White man: [interrupting] – It could be a Chinaman! It don’t matter!
Black man: Look dude…
White man: I ain’t prejudice! What? You think I’m prejudice!
Black man: [pointing toward front of bus] Take your ass back up there and get the **** out my face right now.
White man: Why you being so hostile, man?
Black man: ‘Cause. I’m pissed off.
White man: Well its better to be pissed off than pissed on.
Black man: Take your ass up there right now
White man: [standing to go to the front] You ain’t scarin’ this white boy. I’m 67 years old. You ain’t scarin’ me. You ain’t scarin’ me.
Black man: [now, also standing] I’m 50.
White man: You ain’t scared of me. You ain’t scarin’ me.
Black man: I’ll put my foot up your ass.
Older white man: No you won’t! No you won’t!

Another passenger makes remarks. The white man moves to the front of the bus as the two exchange threats to whoop each other’s asses.

White man: You won’t do nothin’ to me! [then something unintelligible]
Black man: Say it again! [then something unintelligible as woman who was filming talks over him]
Iyanna Washington: Say it again! Say it again, Pinky!

The black man begins walking to the front of the bus.

Someone off camera whom many allege is Iyanna Washington: Beat his white ass! Whoop his ass!
Another passenger: Leave him alone!

The two men seem to be speaking to one another at the front of the bus, but cannot be heard over the noise from the rest of the passengers.

Iyanna Washington: It ain’t worth it, blood, it ain’t worth it.

The black man begins walking back to his seat as other passengers continue to comment.

Black man: I’d put my foot up your ass.
White man: I see tough guys like you and I slap the shit out of them.
Black man: What?!
Another passenger: Stop it!

The black man walks to the front again to continue the confrontation.

At 1:40, the black guy lunges at the white guy, appearing to either shove or strike him in the chest, but the blow is mostly deflected by the white guy’s arm.

The white man stands up and punches him in the face repeatedly. At least 9 punches can be seen, then the camera moves too much to get a clear view.
At 1:51 the black man can be seen shielding his face.

White man: Don’t **** with me! He hit me! He ****in’ hit me!

As can be seen earlier in the video, the black man attempted to shove him, but did not hit him.
The old white man exits the bus.

White man: He ****in’ hit me first! He hit me in the face! [unintelligible] – self defense!

At 2:07, blood spatter is visible on the seats of the bus.
At 2:22 Iyanna picks up a bag left by the old man.

Iyanna: Open that shit! laughs

Various passengers comment on what they’ve witnessed.

Iyanna: We can press charges, blood. I got in on videotape. He’s leakin’.
Black man: That mother****er hit me. No no no no no.
Another passenger: Did he break your teeth?
Black man: No. Bring an ambulance.

Because of the man’s bleeding, injured face, his pronunciation of the word “Ambulance” has been misheard by many as either “bring M&M’s” or “bring amber lamps.” Both variants were turned into image macros.

Then there are some more remarks from various passengers, and the scene ends with a shot of a bench reading “Keep our city clean & safe. Do your part.”

02-17-10, 20:07
Some additional info. Apparently the name of the 67 year old is Thomas Bruno and has been arrested by the police in connection with the video.

Here is another video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcklIVkphxA&feature=player_embedded) that apparently shows the same guy at an Oakland A's game on 4 August 2009 getting tazed by the police.

and some additional info on the incident

Might be the guy, might not be. I didn't see a reason to taze the guy in the first place.

Oscar 319
02-17-10, 20:18
Dumb beat Dumber. Bring amber lamps!

02-17-10, 20:29

02-17-10, 20:31
should the white guy have been talking trash, no.

did he feel threatened when the black guy took a swing at him, yes. he used force to eliminate the threat.

video clearly shows the white guy stop hitting him when the black guy was on the ground covering himself.

I see no reason why he was arrested...

02-17-10, 20:40

02-17-10, 20:45
Background info including transcript from the mutual combat video is on the previous page:

Some additional info. Apparently the name of the 67 year old is Thomas Bruno and has been arrested by the police in connection with the video.

Here is another video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcklIVkphxA&feature=player_embedded) that apparently shows the same guy at an Oakland A's game on 4 August 2009 getting tazed by the police.

and some additional info on the incident
It's there if you care. About the facts and the law. Many states have provisions for mutual combat.

02-17-10, 20:52

02-17-10, 21:31
Regardless if it was the same guy, and assuming the officers were correct in removing the guy from the game; that taser deployment was completely justified. You don't get to say no to the police when they are acting inside the law. Period. It would be unfair to expect these officers to put themselves at unnecessary risk, balancing on stadium steps and seating when they have tools at their disposal that would reduce the chances of injury to themelves and the bad guy. The people who pay cops paychecks should desire to have them injury free and effective as opposed to riding the pine over an injury because they were stupid or afraid of public opinion.

With 3 officers present I think the use of a little more verbal Judo VS the taser would have been more appropriate, especially at the suspect's age. I don't think a taser should be used as a pain compliance tool within the first minute unless the suspect is being combative and assaulting officers, he was not. Due to inebriation, confusion, senility or simply not understanding why they were asking him to leave could be reasons for him to pull his hands back, hell he could've been just plain scared. And that is assuming that they were in the right for removing him from his seat.

Not a pissing match, just a difference of opinion based on a small video snippet of a much larger interaction I'm sure. Sometimes our glasses are tinted a different shade but that's just due to life's experiences, we're still on the same side.

Irish - A Las Vegas Scorpio :p

02-17-10, 21:43

02-17-10, 22:10
The guy was thumbing his nose at them, and was resisting as they tried to physically remove him. I don't see a problem.

On the bus deal, to me it looks like mutual combat. Yeah the guy goes up to the front of the bus fine, all the while taunting and jaw jacking back to the guy in the back. The guy comes up and pushes or punches the guy in the front in the chest, at which point the other guy lays it on him.

If the guy shut up and didn't say anything after he walked up front, then I would say no mutual combat, but that didn't happen

02-17-10, 22:15

02-17-10, 22:35
Some additional info. Apparently the name of the 67 year old is Thomas Bruno and has been arrested by the police in connection with the video.

Here is another video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcklIVkphxA&feature=player_embedded) that apparently shows the same guy at an Oakland A's game on 4 August 2009 getting tazed by the police.

and some additional info on the incident

Words do not justify a violent act. I can call your mom all sorts of stuff and if you touch me its assault. It stopped being in the younger mans favor when he got up and approached the older man who had physically removed himself from the situation...end of story. It doesn't matter if the old guy kept talking or not...how one responds to words is ones choice and has its own consequences. I was impressed that the white man made no bold racial remarks...and am sorry he was arrested.

02-17-10, 23:06

02-17-10, 23:18
All of these reasons are exactly why a taser is a good play. People have it in their heads tasers are torture devices. The truth is they greatly reduce injury to everyone including the bg. They are much safer than going hands on in a situation that would require physical contact. The situation in the video was such. Cops aren't expected to stand around and hold trial in the middle of the road (or stadium).

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around being tazed and falling down some cement stairs at a stadium, with Lord knows how much bacteria and a chance at an open head wound or broken bones, is Safer, that taking a little more time and trying to communicate first. From that vid, I could not see any harm coming to those officers, before tazing him. Not enough facts for that one either.

02-17-10, 23:21
Mutual combat, as it is applied in my state, would not apply here thus, it's difficult for me to wrap my head around the concept of arresting someone who was sitting down when struck. You would be hard pressed to convince me it was mutual combat when one party retreated, sat down, was followed, then struck while his hands were by his side. Sorry, doesn't jive for me.

ZDL- a florida Leo.


A person shouldn't have to stand there and get beat up in order to not be arrested.

02-17-10, 23:26
The guy was thumbing his nose at them, and was resisting as they tried to physically remove him. I don't see a problem.

I saw the same thing in grade school, "Nanny nanny boo boo!", not justification for being tased. The resisting part is open to interpretation, obviously the officer's thought it was enough for them.

02-17-10, 23:40

02-17-10, 23:48
I'm probably the harshest critic of law enforcement that is law enforcement on this board. You do not get to say no or resist when an officer gives you a lawful command. What comes along with your actions is your fault. Take some responsibility.

I would agree and highly respect your opinion on this and other matters as well, due to your well thought out and fair minded responses. With that being said, what constitutes a lawful command? How is one supposed to know? Where is the line drawn between lawful and unlawful? I'm not asking to be sarcastic or anything of that nature, I'm genuinely interested and think other people might benefit from your explanation as well.

02-17-10, 23:52
Words do not justify a violent act. I can call your mom all sorts of stuff and if you touch me its assault. It stopped being in the younger mans favor when he got up and approached the older man who had physically removed himself from the situation...end of story. It doesn't matter if the old guy kept talking or not...how one responds to words is ones choice and has its own consequences. I was impressed that the white man made no bold racial remarks...and am sorry he was arrested.
Not disputing that at all. All I was doing was to provide additional information. As I said before, the black guy got a deserved beat down once he threw the first swing.

02-18-10, 00:00
Years of experience and thousands of interactions give us the ability to tell when a situation could become dangerous for us. We do not have a duty to sit around and wait for it to happen. If it becomes an epidemic then case law will reflect a tightening of our sop.

Bottom line: the guy in the stadium dictated the direction of that interaction. Not the officers. They didn't just walk up and tase him. They told him many times and attempted to use their hands first. Really surprised this is such an issue for some of you. Some of you need to spend some time on the other side of the windshield. I'm probably the harshest critic of law enforcement that is law enforcement on this board. You do not get to say no or resist when an officer gives you a lawful command. What comes along with your actions is your fault. Take some responsibility.

Thanks, that helps.

My sons dept allows me to ride along with him, and yes I do see some real "Different" things. Some people love to show how "Whatever" they can be. I'm banking on there being more to that vid than just what I saw.
(Don't want any more warnings offending any one here.)

02-18-10, 00:07
Not sure that a mutual combat statute exists. You either charge battery or dc etc... So you have two idiots talking shit to each other, both threatening each other. One leaves and they both continue to trash talk. Idiot 1 after being told he will get the shit slapped out of him then approaches idiot 2, who is seated. Idiot 1 pushes Idiot 2, and Idiot 2 pummels Idiot 1. In your opinion Idiot 2 walks away scotch free? I just don't see it. It also appears that Idiot 2 was out looking to start shit, asking idiot 1 to shine his shoes?

02-18-10, 00:16

02-18-10, 00:19

02-18-10, 00:27
You can't just punch someone, this is true but an over simplification of this incident. You must look at the totality of the circumstances and I had to watch the video again, but I can't see that guy walking away from this without some liability. It will be interesting to see what comes of this whole thing. Where did this happen? I heard a brief mention of this on the news today.

Edit: I think I saw mention that this was in Oakland, CA.

02-18-10, 00:33
I guess I learned here, not to join in in the "Stupid" argument.
Instead of replying more and escalating it, just get up and walk away. (To save face, keep lower part shut) If they fallow you and assault you like that, then you are not so guilty of egging something on, and you will look better.

02-18-10, 00:34
Too funny. So it looks like the Sherrifs Office took Idiot 1 to hospital for treatment of his injuries, and took Idiot 2 to the hospital for an ed eval...............



02-18-10, 00:39
Too funny. So it looks like the Sherrifs Office took Idiot 1 to hospital for treatment of his injuries, and took Idiot 2 to the hospital for an ed eval...............


When you post things like this you should put the link to the article as well. ;)

02-18-10, 00:42

02-18-10, 01:19
You can't just punch someone, this is true but an over simplification of this incident. You must look at the totality of the circumstances and I had to watch the video again, but I can't see that guy walking away from this without some liability. It will be interesting to see what comes of this whole thing. Where did this happen? I heard a brief mention of this on the news today.

Edit: I think I saw mention that this was in Oakland, CA.

So if I follow you to the front of the bus and punch you, you aren't allowed to punch me back without getting into legal trouble yourself?

And by extension, if I shoot at you, can you shoot back without getting into legal trouble?

02-18-10, 02:15
WTF, when did verbal confrontation give some one the right to assault another person? When did hell did that become law? Can I shoot some one if they call me pecker wood repeatedly, even if they don't stfu when I tell them to, and when the hell does some one have a right to suppress my speech?

Had the bus driver had a problem with it he should have stopped the bus and asked the man to leave, had he refused than you can start talking about the laws, but until than he was simply being an asshole and it's perfectly legal? Just like I can wear a tshirt with a giant cock on it if I so choose.

Ran his mouth or not, the man made it clear he wasn't looking for confrontation when he went to the front of the bus, it was the other party that decided to make it physical and broke the law.

Idiot or not, he still had a right to defend himself.

02-18-10, 04:41

02-18-10, 04:58
Brings up some serious issues:

Is verbal an element to your mutual combat statute? The guy was sitting down with his hands by his side not balled up or in a fighting stance AFTER he's already walked away when he is struck....... Still having a hard time with that, personally.
Don't know. Reportly the incident happened in Oakland , Ca. I have no idea if current state or local laws in the actual location of the incident directly address the issues of mutual combat or mutual exchange of fighting words.
Given the very convoluted questions of fact in the incident , I can certainly understand that the responding officers might choose to arrest both parties .
Then the judicial and mental health systems sort out the details. That can be a long and very costly process.

Rock Nova
02-18-10, 07:22
On a lighter note...the internet responds! :D




02-18-10, 07:26
The dumb ass woman who video taped it trys to justify her actions (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbsX5j-8T3Y)

02-18-10, 07:28
So if I follow you to the front of the bus and punch you, you aren't allowed to punch me back without getting into legal trouble yourself?

And by extension, if I shoot at you, can you shoot back without getting into legal trouble?

In a lot of states being a "mutual combatant" negates any claim of self defense. So if hypothetical dude Bob gets into a hypothetical verbal argument with Dave which turns into hypothetical jaw-jacking in each other's face, which turns into hypothetical shoving, which turns into hypothetical punching, which turns into a hypothetical severe beat-down, which then turns into hypothetical Bob putting a bullet into hypothetical Dave because Dave damn near hypothetically cracked Bob's skull with a hypothetical blunt object...

Well....hypothetical Bob is probably looking at some jail time.

Ed L.
02-18-10, 07:54
They may have both been embroiled in an argument, but the old guy did get up and move to the front of the bus, only to be followed by the young guy, who was also the one who threw the first blow.

Most laws are clear that if you try to leave and are followed it is not mutual combat.

Also, for it to have been mutual combat generally both people have to want to fight or agree to fight.

One thing that I wasn't clear about and received different info on: did the Black guy have a shoeshine box? Somewhere or other I had heard that he did. If that was the case, it would not have been out of line for the white guy to ask hin about shoeshines.

However if he did not have a shoeshine box, which given his reaction would indicate, for the white guy to ask him how much he would charge him to shine his shoes would have clearly been a racial remark and antagonism.

02-18-10, 08:45
the fact that the old man moved up to the front of the bus will work heavily in his favor because he showed an attempt to remove himself from the situation.

Rock Nova
02-18-10, 09:01
...for the white guy to ask him how much he would charge him to shine his shoes would have clearly been a racial remark and antagonism.

Not clearly a racial remark. The old guy apparently thought the guy offered or said something about shining shoes. It sounds to me it started more out of a misunderstanding, then the black guy played the race card and escalated the situation.

From transcript posted by HES in post #77:

White man: Let’s get back to business. How much you charge me for a spit-shine?
Black man: what?
White man: How much you charge me for my Stacy Adams? I’m going to a funeral on Friday…You said you… [note: Stacy Adams are a brand of shoe.]
Black man: Did you get what I said just now?
White man: Yes
Black man: Why’d a brother gotta spit-shine your shoes?
White man: You offered!
Black man: I didn’t offer you shit.
White man: What’d you just say when you walked by me?

Ed L.
02-18-10, 09:31
See, from reading the dialog it seems to me like the white guy was just talking and being obnoxious and that the black guy had never actually offered to shine his shoes.

I certainly may be wrong.

It also seems that whoever was filming started filming once the dispute started, so we really don't know what preceeded it.

Unless the black guy actually offered to shine the white guy's shoes, or unless the black guy had a shoeshine box near him, which would indicate that the black guy was in the business of shining shoes, the whole shoe shine thing would seem to be the white guy being obnoxious and racist.

In spite of all of this, racial provocation does not justify physical violence and the white guy did get up and move away, only to have the black guy follow him and throw the first blow.

02-18-10, 12:46
One down.

Better get an ambulamps for him.

Not much I hate more than people who use the race card to compensate for their own shortcomings in life and argument.

The guy even had a shoe shine box from what I could tell. ****, what's so degrading about that? It's helping people, giving you income, and is a skill that not many people have.

Even though the Viking guy ( a compliment ) had some mental/psych issues I read online, I like the fact that he beat the sleeves off of Pookie who, I understand, will now become an upstanding citizen, cut his corn rows, buy pants that don't hang off his ass and speak eloquently...

02-18-10, 13:13
looks like that first punch landed right square on Cornhead's open mouth.. surely what caused all the broken skin at the mouth, and probably why he was then incapable of putting up and kind of resistance to the barrage that followed.

i dont know what it is about getting hit with your jaw open, but it really exaggerates the blow. a simple jab to an open jaw can be like getting hit with a baseball bat.

02-18-10, 13:28

already classic!

02-18-10, 13:33

A person shouldn't have to stand there and get beat up in order to not be arrested.

Some times I think we're going that route though as a society. Soon it will be expected that rather then respond yourself, you calmly take out your cell phone, and call police while being beaten so as not to be charged with a crime.

I know that in NY state the Road Rage law says just that. An assailant could be beating your windows with his fists, and taking a baseball bat to your head lights talking about killing your child who is in the back seat, and you are expected to do what I said above. The second you open the door you commit an act of road rage, and are subject to arrest.

02-18-10, 13:52
When a cop speaks. Generally. Going with that will save your ass 99.99% of the time. Yea but that doesn't make every command that comes out of their mouths legal!

The point to take from this is: the likelihood of you receiving and unlawful command is very very very low.

I'm sorry but I know this to be false. I work alongside officers all the time, and while in my later years I have come to realize that one or two bad apples really do ruin a bunch when it comes to police forces, you seem to be implying that there are never bad apples. In my experience it is usually the bad apples that are quick to use the taser, or pull the trigger on the bean bag shot gun.

Unfortunately the ignorance of the public (and LEO sometimes) pertaining to the law gets them in trouble. Couple that with the fact the law is sometimes very unfair and you've got people who know what fair is and thus act on it but have no idea what the law is and LE is bound to act it's language. Bad situation.

Except when you have individuals that are very educated about the law, and witness acts of abuses against them as a result of their knowledge.

There is not an epidemic of bad cops running around the USA. It would blow the mind of many here to ride 12hrs with 1 cop in 1 city in 1 zone. The amount of interactions that go on is amazing. Multiply that out........ The lions share are upstanding and doing THE RIGHT THING.

I realize that. A lot of them come into my establishment to relax and chill at the end of the night. As I said I work alongside them, and we share a mutual bond, and mutual respect for one another in our positions, but it doesn't change what I am talking about at all. Like I said, one bad apple.

People need to dissociate their dislike for the law and the human officer. If you dislike the law that is being applied to you that is NOT the officers fault. Do something about it. Vote differently next time. etc. etc.

I'm see your point, but again I can't agree with it. I have spoken with officers that literally didn't understand the letter of the laws they were enforcing. They had become so use to getting a yes sir response that they had adapted their understanding of the law (which was incorrect) in order to justify the use of non lethal force. In the three major cases I am thinking about two resulted in the charges getting dropped, and in the department being sued. In the other case, the Lt. on duty came to the scene prior to force being used and told the officer he was actually in the wrong.

I realize that is only three instances, but I am only one person, and those instances are spread out over two departments, in two cities. They also don't include the number of times charges and arrests weren't made, just extreme use of force.

I've said it many times here but I'll say it again. If you have a complaint about an officer that is justified, COMPLAIN!!! I don't want shit heads on the road with me anymore than you want shit heads handling your case. Don't bitch to everyone else but the right people. One complaint might not do shit but enough for the same thing, will. I promise. I've seen it personally.

Agreed 100% about the complaints.

But you seem to take the approach that we need to wait and deal with possible rights violations after they occur, and ultimately assume that the officer is always in the right until it is determined later that they are not. I personally can not allow myself to do that.

02-18-10, 14:29

02-18-10, 14:38
But you seem to take the approach that we need to wait and deal with possible rights violations after they occur, and ultimately assume that the officer is always in the right until it is determined later that they are not. I personally can not allow myself to do that.

in most, if not all states, statutes exist against resisting arrest, whether the arrest is legal or not. through the course of my studies, i've seen examples of people who resisted arrest because the police were wrong, and ended up being charged anyway- with Resisting Arrest.

we've chosen to give police the level of authority they have.. and we've given them a lot. when given a command, you WILL comply- voluntarily or not- and possibly face additional shit if you resist, to include passive resistance. no matter how you shake it, compliance is always the smart decision.

02-18-10, 14:53
in most, if not all states, statutes exist against resisting arrest, whether the arrest is legal or not. through the course of my studies, i've seen examples of people who resisted arrest because the police were wrong, and ended up being charged anyway- with Resisting Arrest.

we've chosen to give police the level of authority they have.. and we've given them a lot. when given a command, you WILL comply- voluntarily or not- and possibly face additional shit if you resist, to include passive resistance. no matter how you shake it, compliance is always the smart decision.

I'm aware of that, but I will continue a verbal dialogue demanding the respect of my rights until the time when an officer says "You are under arrest" at which point I am "under arrest". You have a right to ask at any point if you are being detained. If the answer is No, you don't have to comply.

02-18-10, 15:28
Younger days and dumber ways, I've been in a few fights. Glad it was in small town Texas where things go away if no one presses charges.

I think 67 is the number of push-ups this guy does twice a day. That was a great left hand strait jab. Then a pair or rights that connected was the damage makers. 9 punches in less than 15 sec and it was over.

Whenever you fight win or loose, self defense, or what ever your probably going to jail to sort things out. It is real hard to comply or even to be still right then. Rational thought isn't up to par either. Just take a deep breath put your hands back and relax. If you just won a fight don't get into one your going to loose.

02-18-10, 17:01

lmao! Thats freakin hilarious:D

02-18-10, 17:21
I could be wrong but I got the impression that the gentleman that ended up "leaking" was indeed a shoe shine guy. At one point you can see the handle of his bag which may be his shoe shinning equipment. It kind of looks like a rolling travel case are maybe one of those portable dollies.

For what it is worth...

02-18-10, 18:00
You're missing the point entirely. When you use force on someone...any amount of force...it's highly likely that you will have to answer for it to the authorities.

I am going to disagree....

I grew up 'around the way' and in my experience this sort of thing is common enough and rarely prosecuted. On the rare occasion where the police do get involved, they seem completely disinterested.

Usually it takes some GBH and an ambulance to force a police investigation.

As you know, when you collar a perp with 3 or 4 priors you can bet your badge that he has actually committed 10 or 20. So, for every time a guy gets caught he has usually gotten away with far more.

In this particular case, we have New Jack Punk vs. Old School Bad Ass. I am willing to bet both "know what's up." This is just the first time someone caught it on video.

As far as walking away... I had one arrest (dismissed) in a 25+ year fight career in an arena with no judges, no ref and no rules. Your mileage may vary...

02-18-10, 18:01


02-18-10, 20:08

02-19-10, 02:04


02-19-10, 05:16
This was real fun. :)

02-19-10, 09:59
About halfway through he parries the ghetto rats lead hand down with his right to eliminate it as a threat and clear more targets. This guy has some practical experience from somewhere.

Some folks you should just leave alone.

My guess is he boxed back in his day.

02-19-10, 10:56
Late to the thread, but thought it was an awesome video. The old guy did an excellent job on the badass wannabe. Kinda wish the old guy would have put more hurt on the urban yout, but he defended himself well.

Like others have said, most encounters like this, especially in inner cities, get dismissed by either the individuals or by LEOs, especially when the aggressor ends up getting his ass beat by the would be victim.

Erik 1
02-19-10, 11:17

02-19-10, 11:30

Amber Lamps, I must have her.

02-19-10, 11:53
seems to be a rather lengthy look into "Epic Beard Man"


02-19-10, 13:02
the guy is becoming internet legend...



Oh, and a bit more information on the chick who stole the guy's stuff, or didn't...

It appears that the woman who shot the video, encouraged the fight and then took the old mans bag is not only getting her 15 seconds of fame, but changing her story by the minute.

Yesterday she said:
"Why would I steal the guy's bag?" she said. "I picked the bag up, I placed it on the seat and that was the end of that. When I got off the bus the bag was still on the bus."

Today she said:

Washington, it seems, has also fallen victim to numerous Facebook and MySpace attacks over her swiping the old man's bag during the brouhaha. She claims to have since returned the man's property.

Seems impossible to do both.

02-19-10, 14:48
MUST SEE VIDEO!!! Watch and listen to the whole thing!!!

Too funny not to share!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQJFv9SMSMQ)

you have to log in to watch it. but well worth it.

This is for all the punk tough kids out there... I wish he called the cops!!! DOUCHEBAG ALERT!!!

02-19-10, 14:51
Check this thread for more detail about Epic Beard Man and Amber Lamps: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=47418

Looks like this reply got merged from a dupe thread.

02-19-10, 15:50
Lmfao. I love it!

Although I always like to see punks get theres, me thinks this old boy is a few cards short of a deck:


02-19-10, 17:52
"how did it all start?"
"i was talking to Bob, my white friend"

haha, yea i think he may have a screw lose. I guess the guy he beat up was a violent felon tho?

02-19-10, 18:07

02-19-10, 19:28


Apparently the punk that got destroyed was out on parole, the cops came and found a knife on him which is a 10 year minimum violation. They charged him with stealing the fanny pack too and the sheriff returned EBMs fanny pack. He was charged with murder 18 years ago :eek:

WOW Happy Ending, I love this guy

02-19-10, 20:18
Watch the EBM interview.

Like I said, EBM is from 'around the way.' This was not his first rodeo.

02-19-10, 20:28

JBecker 72
02-19-10, 20:53
not sure if its already in here, but the Mortal Kombat version :D


ETA: yep already in here. oh well still awesome!

02-19-10, 22:07
Personal protection at it's finest. :D

02-19-10, 22:18
I've seen more idiot white guys do stupid shit in my life then black dudes. Just saying.

Where do you live, Montana?

Ed L.
02-19-10, 22:27
Did you guys watch his interview on youtube?

Beardguy definitely is not all there, not that it any way invalidates his right to defend myself.

He described the guy he beat up as being knocked out for 20 minutes. :confused:

He also said that they tried to rob him three times in Oakland and that he shot one of them on night with his pistol and he ran like a sissy, but he never got caught for that. :rolleyes:

02-19-10, 22:34
Did you guys watch his interview on youtube?

Beardguy definitely is not all there, not that it any way invalidates his right to defend myself.

He described the guy he beat up as being knocked out for 20 minutes. :confused:

He also said that they tried to rob him three times in Oakland and that he shot one of them on night with his pistol and he ran like a sissy, but he never got caught for that. :rolleyes:

Yeah, he's been through it and ain't quite 100%...but if I got to pick a team or decide who I'm buying a beer for...well that is easy.

02-19-10, 22:50


Ed L.
02-19-10, 22:54
Yeah, he's been through it and ain't quite 100%...but if I got to pick a team or decide who I'm buying a beer for...well that is easy.

Agreed. But assuming that you have shot someone with a pistol and never got caught, it's *generally* not a good idea to mention it on youtube.

02-19-10, 23:18
It was only a matter of time before the "Amber Lamps" product started hitting the shelves.


02-20-10, 00:46
"The rest of the story."....


Apologies if someone has already posted this. But after all, this is Epic.

02-20-10, 06:51
Where do you live, Montana?

Grew up in WY, but now I live in NY and that's still the truth.

02-20-10, 07:15

02-20-10, 08:52
He's a Vietnam vet according to him. Might have a little to do with the detached behavior..... That and drugs...

None of that has anything to do with him defending himself though.

"according to him" being the key phrase there. He rambles around about a lot of things I sense are inventions of his own mind. Might be a vet with psych issues, might just be a nut, just saying that some of those comments seems he's unclear where reality and fiction overlap. He said something about having runs in with the guy before, shooting one of his buddies, etc, etc Might all be true too...:cool:

02-20-10, 09:02
He said something about having runs in with the guy before, shooting one of his buddies, etc, etc Might all be true too..

He did not say that. He did say stuff about being attacked before and he didnt include the taszer incident.

02-20-10, 09:11
He did not say that. He did say stuff about being attacked before and he didnt include the taszer incident.

Then Ed L and I are both hearing the exact same thing he didn't say:


02-20-10, 09:19
Did you guys watch his interview on youtube?

Beardguy definitely is not all there, not that it any way invalidates his right to defend myself.

He described the guy he beat up as being knocked out for 20 minutes.

He also said that they tried to rob him three times in Oakland and that he shot one of them on night with his pistol and he ran like a sissy, but he never got caught for that.

If you are talking about "THEY" ok but that doesnt mean the guy he beat down was the "THEY".

quote more or whatever.

02-20-10, 10:20
I dont pick fights

If I did it would not be against a person that is much taller, and out weighs me by a good 40-70lbs.

Look at the size of that older guys hands and arms (Service tattoo on arm? Can anyone tell?)

Then there is "old man strength". Not a myth.

Kid let his mouth write checks his body couldn't cash.

Also there is a certain generation and class of American that just wont take any bullshit from a punk ass kid. People in their 30's and late 20's know this. The younger generation didnt get the memo


02-20-10, 10:50

Ed L.
02-20-10, 11:35
If you are talking about "THEY" ok but that doesnt mean the guy he beat down was the "THEY".

quote more or whatever.

In the interview it is clear that he is speaking of a different "they" with regards to those who tried to rob him three different times in Oakland. He meant that other people had tried to rob him on three separate occasions. The "they" was a generic for other people, not the people on the bus.

Listen to the interview below:


At the 1:50ish mark the beard man describes the black guy showing him a knife before he struck him. This may have happened , but it was not apparant on the video.

if you listen to it from the 2 minute mark to about the 2:20 mark, the bearded white guy describes "footballing" the black guy and stomping him in the head and "knocking him out for 22 and a half minutes," none of which were apparant from the video. Some of this could be because of having different impressions under stress and some could be due to the bearded guy's less than firm grip on reality or him just talking.

02-20-10, 11:50
Also there is a certain generation and class of American that just wont take any bullshit from a punk ass kid. People in their 30's and late 20's know this. The younger generation didnt get the memo



Clint Eastwood in "Grand Torrino" was my dad. Dad was Korean war vet and 'union organizer.' He didn't put up with anybody's shit.

EBM looks a lot like my dad. There is just simply a sort of tough old man that you should not **** with.

02-20-10, 12:58
Difficult to find your point. You quoted me twice now and I have no idea why. are you saying him being nuts removes his right to defend himself????

The point is simple: I suspect most/much of what he's saying in the vid is fabrication. Has no bearing on his right to self defense. ;)

02-20-10, 13:01
Agreed. But assuming that you have shot someone with a pistol and never got caught, it's *generally* not a good idea to mention it on youtube.

Given this guys apparent problem with mixing past, present and future events in a disjointed manner, remembering things not quite the way they happened and other issues, I'm willing to bet he also remembers things that never happened and is prone to simply make events up.

02-20-10, 16:15

02-20-10, 18:42
YouTube - THIS IS EPIC BEARD MAN (SPARTA) - (I AM A MOTHERF*CKER) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz-l-9U9BxE)

YouTube - Hitler on AC Transit Bus Fight Epic Beard Man (By Placebo) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTxcNzz4PMI)

02-20-10, 22:02
I'm not a licensed clinical psychologist, but the "interview" video shows some signs of mental illness that even I can spot.

Ed L.
02-20-10, 22:28
Given this guys apparent problem with mixing past, present and future events in a disjointed manner, remembering things not quite the way they happened and other issues, I'm willing to bet he also remembers things that never happened and is prone to simply make events up.

My point exactly.

I also get the feeling from what we saw of the video that beard guy's description of the verbal interaction between him and the black guy was not exactly accurate.

But I think it is clear from the video that beard guy moved away to try to avoid a conflict and the black guy followed after him and threw the first blow.

I think beard guy was completely justified in the situation on the video in doing what he did.

baffle Stack
02-20-10, 22:35
Black Betty
now with more Amber Lamps

02-20-10, 23:16

02-20-10, 23:22


02-21-10, 02:36
I guess they know not to sleep on "pinky" in the future

I like the kid's fan club cheering him on: "beat his white ass"

Gotta give it to Epic Bearded Man though. Once the threat was done, so was he. He really could have hurt that kid if he wanted to.

Edit: I watched EBM's interview vid, and I don't think he is all that crazy. He seemed lucid enough, and his story mostly made sense about the way events played out, with some exaggerations added.

02-21-10, 03:05
See, from reading the dialog it seems to me like the white guy was just talking and being obnoxious and that the black guy had never actually offered to shine his shoes.

I certainly may be wrong.

It also seems that whoever was filming started filming once the dispute started, so we really don't know what preceeded it.

Unless the black guy actually offered to shine the white guy's shoes, or unless the black guy had a shoeshine box near him, which would indicate that the black guy was in the business of shining shoes, the whole shoe shine thing would seem to be the white guy being obnoxious and racist.

In spite of all of this, racial provocation does not justify physical violence and the white guy did get up and move away, only to have the black guy follow him and throw the first blow.

Apparently, EBM had to borrow bus fare from his pal, Shoe-Shine Guy on the corner.

This provided the conversation starter for EBM and opponent.

02-21-10, 09:12
Gotta give it to Epic Bearded Man though. Once the threat was done, so was he. He really could have hurt that kid if he wanted to.

Yep. Homeboy completely bitched up in the fetal position. EBM could have stomped his neck or kicked him repeatedly in the kidneys. Amber Lamps owes EBM his life.

02-21-10, 12:01
Apparently, EBM had to borrow bus fare from his pal, Shoe-Shine Guy on the corner.

This provided the conversation starter for EBM and opponent.

according to the interview, that was his white friend Bob, hahaha.

These videos paridys are absolutely killing me!!! the Black Betty made me cry for about 10 minutes and the Hitler one is a classic addition to that theme of funnies.

02-21-10, 23:59
I was really surprised when EBM let him up/go. I thought for sure his knees were gonna start kickin carpet:eek:....... that Hitler video was hilarious!:D I just want to add one thing to this discussion:
"Now go home and get your ****ing shinebox" Good Fellas

Robb Jensen
02-22-10, 06:36
Judging from the other videos the youtube user posted, this seemed to have happened somewhere in the Bay Area, CA near SF or Oakland, though I honestly don't know. It's not uncommon for some douche bag to pull the race card start a fight on public transportation.


As my grandpa (RIP) used to say that what happens when you let your alligator mouth out talk your canary ass. ;)

02-24-10, 00:12
Interview with the guy who got owned.


02-24-10, 08:19
The reverse racism in these videos is overwhelming.

Joe Mamma
02-24-10, 08:44
This is hilarious. I love the old guy's shirt. Judging from the other video of him in the street, he just might be crazy enough that *I* wouldn't **** with him (unless I had a really good reason). That's saying a lot.

We only saw part of what led up to the punching. So I don't know or care who was right or wrong.

But the way I see it, once the young guy walked up to the front of the bus to talk to the old guy, it went up to the next level. The young guy started something he couldn't finish. The young guy got what was coming to him. I'm not talking about just getting his ass beat. I mean getting it filmed and put on the internet too. If I was the old guy, the young guy would have had to leave the bus on a stretcher.

I love how the agressor tries to become the innocent victim after he gets beat. It says a lot about the society most of us live in. It reminds me of the Bernard Goetz NY subway incident.

"Amber lamps" that cracks me up.

Joe Mamma

02-24-10, 09:04

02-24-10, 09:54
The concept of reverse racism comes from the notion that racism is usually, or by definition, directed from the political majority to a political minority.

Racism against the racial majority (either a member or group of that majority or the majority in general).

02-24-10, 10:27
What, exactly, is "reverse" racism?

When someone other than whitey is being racist :D

02-24-10, 11:11

02-24-10, 11:29

02-24-10, 12:39

This one is funny!

02-24-10, 13:21
Come on... I know what it means. My point was how stupid it is buy into such an idiotic delusion.

I find it stupid not to buy into it.

02-24-10, 14:06

02-24-10, 14:25

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Reverse racism is non-existent. Saying reverse racism is making it ok for black people to discriminate. It is flat out racism.

Is it racist to vote for a president based on skin color? Yes.

Is it racist to fight someone who is of another race? No.

Could the white guy in the video have said something openly racist? Possibly.

Did the black guy and his cohorts openly show their racism? Absolutely.

Video shows a few crackheads fighting. The fuss it has caused is amazing.

If I want to be famous, I guess become a drug addict, loose all of my money, and bum around the bus until I get into a fight, and proclaimed a hero.

That being said, http://memegenerator.net/Instances/467/Epic-Beard-Man-YOU-SAW-ME-TRUCKIN-TRUCKIN-MEANS-WALKIN.jpg

Oscar 319
02-24-10, 14:45

02-24-10, 14:47

That one is great

02-24-10, 18:14
Using any term as an enhancer or detractor from racism is plain idiotic. It's racism. Period.

And if you are gonna use a qualifier, black racism.

02-24-10, 18:40
I love how in the radio interview the black dude is acting like he struck some kind of blow for civil rights in pushing the issue with a severely and obviously mentally ill person and then getting beat up. Yeah what a martyr.


02-24-10, 21:46

took a while to load, refreshed and video played.

02-24-10, 23:11
LOL nice.

baffle Stack
02-25-10, 00:58
Interview with the guy who got owned.


Sans ebonics:confused:
How did he go from token to whitey? I call shenanigans. The old guy may have a screw or two loose but at least he's being himself.
EBM is my "American Idol". I have made a mental note not to mess with old guys looking to score some weed lol. I now see why Jerry Srpringer was so popular. Train wrecks are surprisingly entertaining.

02-25-10, 01:33
Interview with the guy who got owned.


that could be the biggest load of bullsh*t i've ever seen.

Joe Mamma
02-25-10, 10:06
Here is one guy's commentary. I think this is what most normal people think:


(I apologize if this has already been posted. I can't keep up with all of the posts.)

Joe Mamma

Alpha Sierra
02-25-10, 17:01



02-25-10, 17:22

They just keep coming.


02-26-10, 19:10

They just keep coming.


Those two are bringing so much joy into the world :D

02-27-10, 06:38
I've seen more idiot white guys do stupid shit in my life then black dudes. Just saying.

oh yeah really buddy than let me film a day in the hood for you, call me a racist if you want, and it's always black people dropping the race card, to compensate for there shortcomings, it's always someone else's fault. Why don't you comment on the video and the idiot in it and how pathetic you think it is he is using the race card after starting a fight and getting ass kicked.

http://www.wftv.com/news/22653138/detail.html another real winner listen to the video's and what others said they would do to the Police.

02-27-10, 06:42
The bearded dude was punched first...

...but he was a contributor to that stupidity. I have no problem with him beating the blood out of the moron who followed him to the front of the bus and threw the first punch, but that whole thing could have been avoided if he had simply refrained from participating in the dance of stupidity with an idiot.

On the lighter side, this could be another segment of "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong."

the old man was initially sitting down with his back to the guy he barely left his seat, the whole thing could have been avoided if the black guy never started a thing.

02-27-10, 19:48
oh yeah really buddy than let me film a day in the hood for you, call me a racist if you want, and it's always black people dropping the race card, to compensate for there shortcomings, it's always someone else's fault. Why don't you comment on the video and the idiot in it and how pathetic you think it is he is using the race card after starting a fight and getting ass kicked.

http://www.wftv.com/news/22653138/detail.html another real winner listen to the video's and what others said they would do to the Police.
My parents live in an all black neighborhood (I grew up in it, too) and it's changing (for the worst) and there is plenty of stupid, heinous and corrupt shit going around (in the general area but not in the neighborhood). There are plenty of poor white areas where it's whites doing the same or similar dumb shit, too.

One thing I've noticed is that both Poor White Trash and Poor Black Trash are "opposames". The do the same TYPE of stupidity: One does crack the other does meth; both are into Pit Bulls and "rolling" dogs for money; both are full of machismo; one is a denizen of trailer parks and the other gov't housing or "ghettoes"; one is into powerful RWD vehicles (usually pickup trucks or Dodge Chargers and the other into large SUVs with giant, goofy wheels. Both lack self-esteem (both relish calling each other "nigger"; those who are interested take a DEEP dive into the term - you'll be surprised at the etymology); both are into terribly self-destructive behavior like drugs, alcohol and fighting.

So lets not make this a Black versus White thing. It isn't. It's about a goddamned fool screwing with someone who really isn't nailed down properly. We all empathize with the White guy - every Black person I e-mailed this to sided with the White guy. It's an "us" versus "them" with "them" being the disgruntled, angry, ignorant subculture that is found in all races. It was a "win" for the "good" guys - even though the "winner" had more than his share of serious issues.

02-27-10, 22:40
ROFLMAO!! I guess the 67-year old wasn't as easy a victim as the younger idiot thought he was. Someone call that man an "ambullance.." :p

02-27-10, 22:48
My parents live in an all black neighborhood (I grew up in it, too) and it's changing (for the worst) and there is plenty of stupid, heinous and corrupt shit going around (in the general area but not in the neighborhood). There are plenty of poor white areas where it's whites doing the same or similar dumb shit, too.

One thing I've noticed is that both Poor White Trash and Poor Black Trash are "opposames". The do the same TYPE of stupidity: One does crack the other does meth; both are into Pit Bulls and "rolling" dogs for money; both are full of machismo; one is a denizen of trailer parks and the other gov't housing or "ghettoes"; one is into powerful RWD vehicles (usually pickup trucks or Dodge Chargers and the other into large SUVs with giant, goofy wheels. Both lack self-esteem (both relish calling each other "nigger"; those who are interested take a DEEP dive into the term - you'll be surprised at the etymology); both are into terribly self-destructive behavior like drugs, alcohol and fighting.

So lets not make this a Black versus White thing. It isn't. It's about a goddamned fool screwing with someone who really isn't nailed down properly. We all empathize with the White guy - every Black person I e-mailed this to sided with the White guy. It's an "us" versus "them" with "them" being the disgruntled, angry, ignorant subculture that is found in all races. It was a "win" for the "good" guys - even though the "winner" had more than his share of serious issues.

My sentiments exactly.

02-28-10, 08:17
My parents live in an all black neighborhood (I grew up in it, too) and it's changing (for the worst) and there is plenty of stupid, heinous and corrupt shit going around (in the general area but not in the neighborhood). There are plenty of poor white areas where it's whites doing the same or similar dumb shit, too.

One thing I've noticed is that both Poor White Trash and Poor Black Trash are "opposames". The do the same TYPE of stupidity: One does crack the other does meth; both are into Pit Bulls and "rolling" dogs for money; both are full of machismo; one is a denizen of trailer parks and the other gov't housing or "ghettoes"; one is into powerful RWD vehicles (usually pickup trucks or Dodge Chargers and the other into large SUVs with giant, goofy wheels. Both lack self-esteem (both relish calling each other "nigger"; those who are interested take a DEEP dive into the term - you'll be surprised at the etymology); both are into terribly self-destructive behavior like drugs, alcohol and fighting.

So lets not make this a Black versus White thing. It isn't. It's about a goddamned fool screwing with someone who really isn't nailed down properly. We all empathize with the White guy - every Black person I e-mailed this to sided with the White guy. It's an "us" versus "them" with "them" being the disgruntled, angry, ignorant subculture that is found in all races. It was a "win" for the "good" guys - even though the "winner" had more than his share of serious issues.

I agree with everything you said but this guy comes into every thread like this and says stuff as such

"Originally Posted by dmcmanus
I've seen more idiot white guys do stupid shit in my life then black dudes. Just saying."

02-28-10, 17:24
It is what it is.

And people will interpret it the way they want.

I don't think you can change many minds on some issues like this as well as others. Every one has their own opinion, and we all know what opinions are like.

It might not be a bad idea to end this one.

02-28-10, 18:32
I don't really see this as white on black racism. Take color away from this and it started as a simple misunderstanding, and two people that got upset and took it too far.

"amboolance" is probably my favorite part though.

Alpha Sierra
02-28-10, 21:52
I don't really see this as white on black racism. Take color away from this and it started as a simple misunderstanding, and two people that got upset and took it too far.

"amboolance" is probably my favorite part though.

Only one guy took it too far, and that was who threw the first punch.

From then on the ass beating was 100% earned and justified.

02-28-10, 22:16
Only one guy took it too far, and that was who threw the first punch.

From then on the ass beating was 100% earned and justified.

You're absolutely correct and I'm glad it was caught on tape and placed on the internet as it tickled the Hell out of me. I guess having corn rows and "pants on the ground" aint the ticket to intimidating everyone! In New Orleans there is a saying: "don't start no shit; won't be no shit". Great words to live by... Now the vermin down here are just as ignorant as the dumbfvk in the video but they are also the most violent persons I've ever been around. And they are deadly serious about that statement; you learn to live and let live. Smile at everyone and have a plan to kill them if it comes to it. I'm glad he got his ass handed to him by what he thought was a goofy white guy. It would not have been the same if a Black guy (old or young) whipped his ignorant ass.

Game, Set, Match!

03-15-10, 09:37
Sorry for the thread rez but.
NSFW link

03-15-10, 10:07